• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 889 Views, 48 Comments

The Time Pony - ShadyCanopy

4 Doctors cross, now they and their companions must defeat what has caused this rift.

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I groan as I wake up. Strange, it feels like I'm lying on grass. Am I on Zenchon? I open my eyes and sit up. To my surprise, 6 other ponies lay on the grass, unconscious. "Hey," I call, "are you guys okay?" A blue Unicorn mare, wakes up, gets to her hooves, and walks over to me.

"Hello, I am Colgate, and you are..." she says.

"Darkfire," I say, ruffling my feathers for dramatic effect. "You know any of these other ponies?"

She nods. "Just the two lying next to each other. Their names are Beat Stable and Derpy. I believe I may know... wait! Daring?" she says, surprised.

The yellow Pegasus stirs. "Colgate, is that you?" She looks up, then jumps up to her hooves and walks up to us. "Colgate, you died!"

Colgate nods. "That will be in my future. Remember? Time Travel?"

"Oh, right."

I clear my throat. "This doesn't look like the planet the Doctor and I were heading to. Where are we?"

Daring turns to me. "You know the Doctor?" she asks me, surprised and a little suspicious.

I nod. "Yep. Just started travelling with him. Speaking of that, where is the Doctor?"

"Doctors," Colgate replied.

I turn to her. "What do you mean, 'Doctors'?" I ask Colgate.

"According to my Vortex Manipulator, there are several Doctors here. Four, to be exact. What do each of your Doctors look like?"

I grin. "My Doctor has a rusty red coat, and silver hair styled like a picture I saw of his second form."

Daring shakes her head. "My Doctor is chestnut with a spiky hairdo."

Suddenly, it dawns on me. "You mean several Doctors in different forms are here?" Colgate nods, confirming my suspicions. Suddenly, we hear a cough, and see the others getting up. I turn to the two mares beside me. "We need to explain to them what happened." The girls nod, and we walk over to the four other ponies.

Nine got to his hooves. Well, that was a bumpy ride. Must've been thrown out of the TARDIS. He analyzed his surroundings and saw three ponies with hourglasses on their flanks. "Who are they?" he said, waking Ten.

Ten opened his eyes, hearing a voice speaking. When he did, he saw a familiar black stallion whose cutie mark is an hourglass standing and looking around the cell they are in. Two other stallions were on the ground, unconscious.

Immiediately, Ten realized who the standing Pegasus was. "Oh,amazing! Very, very bad, but amazing nonetheless!" he said, startling the Pegasus.

Ten got up, and walked over to the Pegasus. "So, that is what I looked like to others back then! Eh, I prefer this body much better. I really was bald, huh? Hmm... I could even pull that off."

Nine sat there as Ten walked around him, rambling on about something or other, annoying the heck out of him. Finally, Nine had had enough. "Shut up, you idiot! Who are you, and where am I?" he angrily asked Ten.

"Well, I'm you!" Ten replied. Nine stared at him with a bemused look. Ten groaned and facehoofed. "You don't believe me, do you?" Nine shook his head in reply. Ten thought for a minute, then grinned. "Scan my chest," Ten said.

Nine stared at him curiously. "Why?"

Ten chuckled. "Well, you- I mean, we, are the last living Time Lord, so nopony else would have two hearts, correct?"

"Ohhh... alright, then." Nine whipped out his Sonic Screwdriver, and scanned Ten's chest. "Yeah, two hearts... how, though? I mean, how are there two of us at the exact same moment in the exact same place without a paradox?"

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind them. "Not two, four."

Author's Note:

To get this straight:
The Doctor has always lived in the pony-verse in this story.

Colgate is River, Roseluck is Rose, Daring is Donna, Derpy is Amy, Dr. Stable is Rory, and Lucky is Jack.