• Published 24th Apr 2013
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The 5th Great Ninja/Pony War - Akasuna no Sasori

The Akatsuki arrive in Equestria to stir up trouble....

  • ...

Chapter 11:Judgement of a God

Chapter 11:Judgement of a God

“Who art thou ponies? Why art thou attacking us?” Inquired Luna.

“We are merely a group of people caught in a bad situation. We have done nothing to you or your people that wasn’t in self defense.” Said Pain.

“How can thou sayest that? You have killed many of our subjects and soldiers! You can not expect me to believe they attacked you first?”

“In reality, I don't’ really care. We have our own goals that we need to accomplish. If your people get in our way, they will be crushed. It’s just that simple.”

Luna was shocked. “If that is the way you feel about it, then I have no choice but to end thine pitiful life. Prepare yourself.”

Pain turned to Konan. “Stay out of this, one. I can defeat her myself.”

Konan nodded. “Be careful, Nagato. I’ll be waiting for your orders.”

Konan spread her wings and flew back from the soon-to-be battleground.

“Tell me, Princess. Do you think you can fight a god?”

“You are no god! Thou art simply a unicorn with more power than most others. Instead of using it for good, you kill ponies. That is what thou art. Do not mask it with your false self-confidence.”

“So be it, Princess.” Pain removed a scroll from his robes. He placed it on the ground, and summoned its’ contents. Five ponies known as the 5 Paths of Pain: himself, representing the Deva Path, then the others; each being a different path. Animal, Asura, Human, Preta, and Naraka. Each one had several piercings from which Nagato controlled them, just like the Deva Path.

“What is this dark magic?” Said Luna.

“These are my Paths of Pain. It is through these 6 ways of suffering, comes peace. That’s enough questions now, Princess. Let’s begin.”

He focused his attention towards his paths. “Scatter!”

The paths flew off in different directions, except the Animal Path, who instead placed her hooves on the ground; creating a seal.

“Summoning Jutsu!”

A large crab appeared from the seal. It had several piercings throughout it’s body from which Nagato controlled it.

Pain put his hooves together. “Water Style: Wild Bubble Wave!”

The crab’s mouth opened and released a jetwave of water.

Luna saw the water and jumped out of the way, just as it struck the castle’s front doors; sending wood chips and debris flying everywhere.

Luna charged her horn; then rammed the crab. As she did, the energy released and enclosed the crab in a black bubble. It ruptured; destroying the summoned crab.

While Luna was fighting the crab, the Asura Path approached. He opened his head; revealing a chakra cannon. Pain put his hooves together. The path opened fire on the Princess.

She looked over as she heard the weapon fire, and dodged as the chakra struck the ground. When it did, the surrounding area, including the stairs leading up to the castle, were gone. Only a crater remained in the weapons’ wake.

‘Hmm,’ thought Pain, ‘this one is particularly talented. Especially if she can avoid the Asura Chakra Cannon. I thought I would be able to finish this fight a little more quickly; but perhaps a distraction would be better.’

Luana smiled. “Now, it is mine turn to deal a blow!”

Luna flew up, then straight at Pain; all the while charging her horn.

“Foolish.” The Animal Path again appeared in front of Pain; hooves on the ground.

“Summoning Jutsu!”

This time, instead of the crustacean, a green bird appeared. It’s beak was large, and jagged; almost half the size of the bird itself! But what was more noticeable was its three legs and three wings!

Pain turned away from Luna. “Deal with this one, now. It’s speed will make a difficult fight for you, I’m sure.”

“Where are thou running to? We are still fighting!”

The bird flew up, pointed it’s beak at Luna, and dived.
Luna saw the bird coming, and jumped out of the way just as the beak struck the crater.

Pain continued walking. “It seems your fight is no longer with me. Come Konan, we have work to do.”

- - - - -

“Oh, dear! Stop everyone. Stop! STOP!”

Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash froze as Rarity screamed at them.

Applejack faced Rarity and sighed. “Really now! This is the 3rd time ya’ll stopped us! We have to catch up to Twi! If we don’t, she could do some horrible things to them ponies down at Applewood!”

“I know, darling but my hooves are worn out from all this running!”

“Your hooves aren’t important right now, Rarity!” Yelled Rainbow Dash.

Even Fluttershy jumped in to say something. “I don’t mean to be rude, Rarity. But, umm, they’re right. We really should catch up to Twilight.”

Rarity moaned. “Oh, alright! You right, girls! We need to stop Twilight from doing something just awful to more ponies!”

The group continued running towards Applewood. As they approached a cluster of trees near the highway, Itachi and Hidan burst out; running straight into Applejack.

“Ow!”, Said Applejack as she fell to the ground. “What gives, pal? You got a prob-!”

She stopped talking when she saw who it was she ran into.


Itachi and Hidan flinched. “Hey! No need to yell like that! You’re gonna give me a headache!” Said Hidan.

The ponies cowered in fear at the sight of the Akatsuki members.

“Where’s Twilight?!” Screamed Rainbow Dash.

Itachi and Hidan looked at each other then back at the rainbow colored mare.
“I’m afraid I have no idea who you are referring to.” Said Itachi.

“Like hell you don’t!” Rainbow tried to fly into Itachi, but Applejack pulled her back.

“Woah, hold your horses, sugarcube! You ain’t got any idea what those two is capable of!”

“Damn right, you don’t! Itachi, you go on ahead. I’ll take of ‘em!”

“No. We have to stay together; remember Nagato’s orders. Besides, we’re almost to Canterlot. Ignore them, we need to continue on.”

Hidan scowled. “Jashin hasn’t had any sacrifices for a long time, now. I need to kill soon!”

“When we arrive at our destination, there will be a feast of murder and sacrifices for you and your god.”

“Alright, Itachi. I’ll believe you, but you better not be bullshitting me!”

The two Akatsuki jumped over the ponies and continued running towards Canterlot.

“Come on, everypony! We need to catch up to them!” Said Rainbow Dash.

The group turned in pursuit of the robed ponies; hoping to catch up to them before they could get to Canterlot.

- - - - -

“Tell me what you know! You’re hiding something, aren’t you? What do you know?!”

Twilight was interrogating a couple from Applewood about the Akatsuki's presence in the area.

“I swear we don’t know anything, your highness! These robed ponies you speak of never showed up here!” Said one of them.

“Gah! Useless! No pony ever has anything useful to tell me!”

Suddenly, a pegasus wearing the royal armor of Celestia flew down from the sky next to Twilight.

“Princess! I bring you a message from her highness, Princess Celestia!”

Twilight turned away. “I don’t want to hear it, messenger. Please leave before I get angry.”

“You don’t understand! Princess Cadence is dead!”

Twilight’s expression changed. “WHAt?! HOW?”

“The information you seek is inside this letter. I must go now, your highness.”

With that, the messenger flew back into the sky.

Twilight opened the message from Celestia.

‘Dear Twilight,’

‘I know you are dealing with inner demons I couldn’t possibly begin to comprehend. However, you should know that Princess Cadence has been found dead in a field south of Canterlot. Along with her was her entire army; slaughtered. As well as some strange beings wearing yellow robes.

You must return to Canterlot, immediately. Four of the robed ponies arrived and began destroying the city. By the time this letter reaches you, much of the city could be gone.

So I ask you, release your feelings and give up on revenge. We need you and your army here to defend against this attack. Please, I beg of you, come to Canterlot and help defend your people!’

Princess Celestia

Twilight sighed after reading the note. “She has a point. I should go to Canterlot; it’s possible one of those robed ponies killed my brother! I can get revenge and listen to the Princess at the same time!”

She turned to face her troops behind her. “Soldiers! We are leaving for Canterlot, immediately!”

The soldiers saluted. “Right away, your highness!” They said in unison.

The army began marching away from Applewood; towards Canterlot.

Twilight smiled devilishly. “From one city to another; from nothing to revenge!”

- - - - -

Pain, Konan, and all of his paths had left the battle with Luna behind, and walked to the town square. Many bodies of the guards Sasori and Deidara had killed were strewn about. Fires were lit here and there; a sign of an artist’s explosions.

Pain began focusing chakra to his horn.

“Nagato! You aren’t going to do it already, are you?”

Pain nodded. “I must. If I don’t-”

Pain was cut off as Celestia flew in. “Hold it!” She yelled at Pain.

“Why do you interrupt me, Princess?”

“I interrupt you because you need to be stopped! Your destruction of this city ends now!”

“I am not destroying anything. In truth, my comrades would be the ones ‘destroying’ your city. But even then, it’s not really destruction. Peace is being created through their acts.”

Celestia’s mouth dropped open. “PEACE?! How do death and ruin ever resemble peace?!”

“They do not resemble peace, nor are they peace. They are the results of the means to get peace. They are the catalyst in the formula for peace.”

Celestia opened her mouth, but no words came out. Pain continued.

“If one, great war is fought that leads to the end of all current things, the world can be rebuilt as one sees fit. In my case, it would be rebuilt in the form of tranquility and love. I would control all of the world’s races and factions. They would never fight, because I wouldn’t allow it. But to attain such a goal requires sacrifice. This so called ‘destruction’ is one of those sacrifices.”

“But how,” asked Celestia, “can you kill ponies to achieve a peace like that? We already possessed such a peace!”

“Did you really? What about the other races surrounding you? Are they at peace with you? Can they walk into your nation’s boundaries and not be considered an enemy?”

“Of course not! But that has nothing to do-”

“It has everything to do with it. Just because you are at peace with those races from afar, doesn’t mean you are fully at peace with them. It is a mask, hiding the truth. In reality, you would like to see them gone so you can distribute more land to your people. Thus allowing yourself to gain renown among your followers.”

“That is not true! My subjects love me because I take care of them and protect them from danger!”

“Do you now? Tell me, why have my associates been able to kill one of your fellow Princesses, slaughter an entire town, and kill numerous civilian and military targets? You aren't fully protecting them at all.”

Celestia grimaced. “You’re right.”

Pain recoiled in shock. “You don’t really believe that. You still have your own beliefs. I am the enemy that must be crushed so you may ‘protect’ your people.”

“No, I mean it. You are correct. I haven't been able to protect my subjects from you and your gang. You have ravaged this land, killed a Princess and her army, and even destroyed Appleoosa. You truly have bested my defense of my subjects.”

“Hmm. Your attitude is not of a leader. Even in such dire circumstances, what you say is cowardly.”

“That may be. But it is the truth. I am not one to lie to myself, or my subjects. So believe me when I say....” Celestia’s expression became vividly determined. “I will destroy you to right the wrongs I have made to these ponies!”

“A noble speech. But it will do you no good now.”

Pain began flying up into the sky. Soon he was about 100 feet above the ground.

“Now Princess, I will demonstrate my words to you. Your world will know pain, so that it may know peace.”

He put his hooves together. “ALMIGHTY PUSH!”

A large shock wave spread outwards from Pain, flying in all directions. Buildings crumbled to the ground in mere moments. Dead bodies, carts, bricks, and all other small objects flew off the city, down to the ground below. The castle was struck by the wave, and the many turrets and towers fell away from the castle immediately. Soon, all that was left was the first floor of the castle and the square in which Pain, Konan, and Celestia stood. The entire city had been leveled.

Pain looked down at the Princess. “Now do you see? This is peace. Peace that can only be obtained through the power of a god.”