• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,878 Views, 386 Comments

Tears of Snow - FlashKenshin77

Snowdrop, a young blind filly meets Icy Mist, a young disabled pegasus that moved to Cloudsdale. As they become closer, she unravels a certain secret that he begs her not to tell others. Can she save Icy from his father?

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(NonCanon) Winter Wonderland

Tears of Snow
By - FlashKenshin77
Winter Wonderland
Edited by - WeLCxAlphaPuppy

Pre-Author's Note - Just thought I'd say this real fast before you start reading. I've wanted to do a Christmas/Hearth Warming chapter since that episode debuted but wanted to make sure it was Christmas time... and I missed it twice. So I thought to just make this chapter and post it. It won't have any part of the story, since this story will end before Hearth Warming and I didn't want to make it a one-shot. So... yeah.


“I still don’t understand what the big deal is…” I muttered as I watched Primrose set the final piece on the table. “It’s just a stupid holiday…”

“I love Hearth Warming Day!” Snowdrop said, carrying another strand of lights to Storm.

“Icy, do you know the story?” Primrose said, making sure the center piece was center on the table..

“Of course I do, everypony does. The pegasi, unicorn, and earth ponies were at war with each other till the leaders got some sense in their head and started working together.”

She smiled. “While that may be, do you know what that ‘sense’ was?”

“Uh… no?”

“It was friendship.”


She nodded. “When the leaders went into a cave to talk about a pact to work together, they kept bickering. Everypony wanted the same land and each was willing to wage war to get it. It wasn’t until their seconds in command made them realize that if they helped each other, the land would flourish. They didn’t want war, war would only lead all of them to ruin.”

I scratched my head. “How did friendship save them then?”

“When you care for somepony, you start to make compromises. They wouldn’t think of it otherwise. With the compromises came promises, which built friendships. The more they worked together, the better everypony became. The lands flourished and Equestria was founded to symbolise their ties together.”

“Then I got a question.”


“Why are we decorating trees and stuff?”

“Did you never do this with your father?”

I shook my head. “No, he always thought it was a stupid tradition.”

“I see… Well, as we decorate the tree, we spend time together and help one another. The tree is built, like bonds, with each other’s help and improving on each other. It’s a family thing, to have everypony here to decorate. When we gather, we reminisce about those we lost this year or all the good times we’ve had, the memories we’ve created.”

“It’s also the time where we gotta suffer a visit from the in-laws.” Storm chuckled as he finished putting up the garland around the staircase railing.

Primrose rolled her eyes. “Yes, we have to have Mom and Dad over.”

“I’m just kidding.” Storm smiled. “It’s one of the few times where we can ignore any problems we have and be a ‘family’.”

“Oh…” I said, nursing my right hoof.

Primrose frowned. “It’s been hurting again, hasn’t it?”

“Just a little sore, I’m fine.”

She sighed. “Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been helping all morning.”

I picked up a plate. “I’m fine, its just-ouch!” I yelped, dropping the plate as I moved my hoof. It shattered on the ground and Snowdrop rushed over.

“Are you okay?” Snowdrop asked.

“Yeah… just can’t go that far yet. Sorry about the plate… I’ll clean it up…”

“It’s alright, I’ll do it.” Primrose said, heading over to the cupboard.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Storm cleared his throat. “So… when are Spring and Sketchy coming over?”

“Not till later, they have to pick up a few things.” She said. sweeping up the debris and I sighed.

Storm patted my good shoulder. “It’s alright kid, things happen.”

“Yeah, just a lot happens to me.” I muttered.

Primrose threw away the broken plate, putting the broom away before rummaging around the cupboards for a new plate. She looked at the clock. “Well, I guess all that’s left is to wait for them.” She sighed.

“Come on Icy, let’s go play upstairs.” Snowdrop said, dragging me upstairs.

Our room was a bit messy, Snowdrop’s stuff strewn everywhere. “So what do you wanna do?” I asked, sitting down on my bed.

“Well…” She tiphoofed to the door, silently shutting it before running back over, going through her stuff. “I wanted to see what you thought of this.” She said, pulling out a small snowflake flower. She hoofed it over and I stared at it. It was a snowdrop flower, made out of snowflakes.

“How did you…”

“Princess Luna helped me.” Snowdrop smiled. “She also made it so it wouldn’t break if I drop it.” She scooted up to me. “So what do you think?”

“It’s beautiful… Primrose will love it.”

“Yes!” She said. “Do you want to make it from both of us?”

“No, its your gift. I already got her something else.” I said, hoofing her back the flower and walked over to my desk. I rummaged through it, pulling out a small wrapped box. “I went to the store with Storm and found a small hoof bracelet of a butterfly perched on a rose. He said it was her favorite flower so I thought she’d like it.”

“I think she’s gonna love it…” Snowdrop said before blushing. “Um… Icy?”


“Think you can help me wrap my gift?” She asked.

I chuckled. “Of course. Let me go get the wrapping paper.” I said, heading back downstairs to get the wrapping paper. It took a good hour to wrap that flower, neither one of us good wrappers. Eventually we got the paper to stay on the flower long enough to tape it shut. We smiled at each other, covered in tape as she held the wrapped gift.

“Now that I think about it, probably would’ve been easier to put it in a bag.”

I shook my head. “Oh now you tell me.”

We laughed as she leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Th-thank you for helping me.”

“N-no… problem Snowy.” I grinned. “So now what do you want to do.”

“Hmm…” She thought, placing the present on the desk before poking my side. “Your it.” She said before disappearing.

I blinked and looked around, just catching the door shutting behind her. “Oh real fair!” I said, chasing after her.


Me and Snowdrop relaxed on the couch as Primrose paced back and forth, making sure the kitchen and living room were spotless. Storm tried to calm her down, to no avail. Snowdrop rested her head on my shoulder, dozing lightly when somepony knocked on the door. “They’re here!” She yelled, me and Snowdrop jumping. She walked over to the door and opened it, revealing two pegasi.

The mare had a light pink coat, silver starting to streak through. She had a pure silver mane and tail, her mane put up in a ponytail. She wore a pair of red ringed glasses, her ruby eyes sparkling. Her cutie mark was a canvas with a rose wrapped around it.

Standing next to her was a dark yellow coated stallion, his fur dotted with grey spots. His brown mane was slicked back, his temples streaked with grey. His brown eyes looked around the room, a smile quickly forming as he saw Primrose. A pair of saddlebags were around his waist as they walked in.

“Mom, Dad, its good to see you.” Primrose said, giving each of them a hug.

“Good to see you too sweetheart.” The mare said.

Storm walked up to the stallion and shook his hoof. “It’s good to see you Spring, how’s the stove working?”

Spring chuckled. “Seems to be holding together, mind helping out of these saddlebags? Bloody things are heavy.”

Storm shook his head, helping the old stallion. They placed the saddlebags on the ground as the mare came over and hugged Storm. Storm smiled. “It’s good to see you too Sketchy. How’s the art class?”

She beamed. “It’s going fantastically, I love teaching the little fillies and colts how to paint. There’s one colt in the class, such a natural. Always going on about painting happy little mountains and trees.” She giggled and turned around to Snowdrop. “Sweetheart, you're looking pretty as ever.” She said, picking up and hugging Snowdrop.

Snowdrop blushed, hugging her back. “Thanks Grandma.”

Sketchy put her down before turning to me and gave me a hug. “Well Icy, don’t you look as dashing as ever? I bet you have to keep the fillies off you with a stick.”

Everypony chuckled as my face burned red and tried to hide it. “T-thanks Sketchy…” I stuttered, not sure how to respond.

Spring came over and rustled my mane before picking up Snowdrop and giving her a hug. Finally, with the pleasantries out of the way, we made our way to the kitchen, Spring and Sketchy in awe of Primrose’s work.

“Sweetheart, this is amazing.” Sketchy said, staring at the table.

Dinner looked delicious; a big bowl of salad, right next to that was fruits, rolls piled several layers high. In the middle sat a plate of pissaladiere, cut into rather comfortable pieces. Next to it sat a crockpot full of soup, the steam still coming out the top. The smell was intoxicating, everypony’s stomach growling.

We sat down as I pulled the seat out for Snowdrop, Storm and Spring doing it as well. Primrose served us each a good portion, everypony waiting till we all had food.

“Well, dig in everypony. I hope you all like it.” Primrose said, everypony quickly following her instruction.

Dinner seemed to fly by, everypony talking and laughing. The food was just as good as it smelled, Primrose blushing as we complimented her. Sketchy told us a few stories from her art class. Apparently one pony split all his paint on the canvas, his friend came over and somehow managed to salvage it, saying, “there’s no mistakes, just happy little accidents.”

Afterwards, Primrose brought out an apple pie along with some freshly baked muffins. We dug into the desserts, our stomach about to burst. We relaxed in our chairs, Snowdrop resting her head on my shoulder again as everypony continued to tell stories.

“So do you still think its a stupid tradition?” Snowdrop whispered.

“No… I see why you love it…”

She smiled. “Yeah, I wish we could get together like this every day…”

“Me too.” Sketchy said, smiling at us before turning to Spring. “We should visit more.”

He chuckled. “Sounds good to me, been meaning to get out more, retirement’s driving me crazy.”

Storm laughed. “Oh, I was rather looking forward to mine.”

“You think that, just wait till you’ve been doing it for a few years and run out of side projects.”

Storm nodded. “Why don’t we move into the living room? Probably more comfortable in there.”

Everypony agreed, getting up and moving to the living room. Primrose stayed in the kitchen, trying to pick up. I kissed Snowdrop’s cheek. “I’ll be right there, just gonna help out.”

“Okay.” She said, following Storm.

I grabbed a few plates, balancing them on my back. “You don’t have to help Icy, you should go visit.” Primrose insisted.

I shook my head. “I want to help, besides its the least I can do. You're always helping me out, I think I can help you with cleaning.” I said, the plates and silverware piling up in the sink. Music drifted into the kitchen as we finally finished, heading into the living room. Storm had turned on the gramophone, gentle music filling the room. I sat down next to Snowdrop, relaxing on the couch.

It was quiet, everypony relaxing and trying to not fall asleep after eating all that warm food. “Everypony looks half asleep honey, are you trying to drug us?” Storm joked.

“Maybe, you’ll just have to trust me.” Primrose said, kissing his cheek.

“Oh no, whatever are we gonna do?” He grinned.

“Well before it gets much later and we all fall asleep, I think its time for presents.” Sketchy said, reaching over and grabbing her saddlebags.

“Mom, every year I tell you you don’t have to get us anything.”

“I know but I want to. Its a tradition.” She said, hoofing Storm and Primrose each a wrapped box.

Storm and Primrose looked at each other before tearing through the paper and opening it. Sitting in the middle on top of tissue paper, was a small ticket. “What’s this?” He asked, reading it.

“Well… I thought it’d be nice for you two to have a vacation, so we got you a trip to Horseshoe Bay.”

“You shouldn’t have…” Primrose said, opening her box to reveal a piece of paper similar to Storm’s.

“Thought it’d be nice, but that’s not all.” Spring said.

They placed the tickets aside, reaching in. Storm pulled out a very familiar black fedora. He grinned and placed it on his head. “Wow… its a replica from that movie! How’d you get this?”

Spring chuckled. “Had a few friends owe me a favor, almost lost the darn thing a few times now.”

“Thanks so much!” Storm grinned.

Primrose smiled, rolling her eyes as she moved the tissue paper, her eyes going wide. She pulled out a small golden necklace. Her eyes began to misty as her hooves shook. “Is this… Grandma Sapphire’s necklace?”

Sketchy nodded, tears slowly trickling out her eyes. “Yes, it was Sapphire’s favorite. I think its time I pass it down to its rightful wearer. I know she would’ve wanted you to have it.”

Primrose hoofed it over to Storm, who undid the clasp and slipped it around her neck. It seemed to fit in well, the small sapphire gem going with her coat. She got up and hugged her and dad, the trio having a moment. She wiped her eyes, heading over to the tree. She grabbed two presents and hoofed them. Spring and Sketchy looked at her before sighing, taking them.

They opened them as Sketchy pulled out a painting of Canterlot, the night sky full of stars. Ponyville sat nestled underneath the castle city. “Oh I love Vincolt Van Goh!” She giggled. “I know exactly where I’m going to hang this!” She said, beckoning Primrose back over, hugging her.

Spring grinned, opening his present. “This must’ve cost a fortune.” He said, pulling out a new weather suit.

“Don’t worry about it, thought you could use it if you ever get bored in your retirement.” Storm said.

“Will do, might get you to actually do something.”

“Hey, I still work ya know. And here I thought I could help you out…”

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry… Mostly.”

“Okay you two, that’s enough.” Sketchy said. She reached over and hoofed me and Snowdrop each something.

“Icy, do you think you can help me?” Snowdrop whispered.

“Yeah.” I said, helping her unwrap the gift. I let her open the small box and my eyes widened, it was a small mane clip, a snowdrop surrounded by gold. “Wow…”

“What is it?”

“A mane clip of the flower you were named after.” Spring said.

I gave it to Snowdrop as she felt it, her face a tinge pink. “T-thank you…” She said, smiling at them.

I took it from her, pushing her mane back as I gently clipped it on, the gold glinting in the light. “There…” I whispered.

She blushed harder as she kissed my cheek. “Thank you.”

“You look beautiful sweetheart.” Sketchy smiled. “Isn’t that right Icy?”

I nodded, my face burning. “Ye-yeah… you look beautiful.”

Her face went redder as she smiled. “T-thanks…”

“Now come on Icy, its your turn.” Sketchy said.

I looked at my gift. “You didn’t have to-”

“Nonsense, you're part of the family now.” She insisted.

I sighed and ripped through the wrapping paper. Inside nestled a golden pocket watch. I clicked it open, a gentle creak as the lid slowly opened. On the inside of the cover, somepony wrote “Family isn’t determined by blood, its who you trust and love. Welcome to the family Icy.” I stared at it, my nose running.

“What is it?” Snowdrop asked.

“My father’s pocket watch. Wouldn’t leave without it.” Spring said with a smile.

I read the inside to Snowdrop as she smiled. “It’s true you know.”

“I… I know, thank you…” I said, sadly smiling at them.

They nodded. “Happy Hearth Warming Day Icy.”

“You too…” I said.

They stayed for awhile longer, reminiscing about Hearth Warming Days and the memories they have. Everypony laughed and cried, wishing the ones they lost were with them here. I wrapped my hoof around Snowdrop, my eyes closed.

“You okay?” She whispered.


“Icy, we both know your lying.”

I sighed. “It’s just… times like this, I wonder why he never wanted to celebrate or even mention Mom. I know its hard, but something… to remember her by would be nice.”

“Everypony deals with grief their own way, maybe it was better if he buried it away.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“But if its any consolation, I’m glad I could spend my Hearth Warming with you Icy.”

I hugged her, nuzzling her cheek. “Me too Snowy, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

“It means a lot to us too kid.” Storm chuckled.

I blushed. “I’m glad you’d let me be apart of it.”

“You know your family Icy, stop acting like you just live here.” Primrose said.

I smiled as Spring and Sketchy got up. “Well, I think we better leave, its getting late.” Spring said.

Everypony hugged them, wishing them a final Happy Hearth Warming Day. They left as Primrose sighed and looked around the house. She went by, picking up again, before standing in front of the dishes.

“Another happy Hearth Warming Day.” Storm said, kissing Primrose. “Dinner was wonderful.”

“Thank you for dinner!” Me and Snowdrop said.

She smiled, looking really tired. “Your welcome, now why don’t you two play before bed?”

We nodded, rushing off. “Icy, one moment.” She said.

I stopped and walked back. “Yes?”

“Do you still think its a stupid tradition?”

I was silent before shaking my head. “No… I’m glad Dad was wrong… I can’t describe it, just feels right.”

She nodded. “Good, now go have fun.” She said, turning back to the mountain of dishes.

I rushed back upstairs, Snowdrop fidgeting with her present. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure she’s gonna like it…”

“Of course she is, why wouldn’t she?”

“I don’t know…”

“Exactly, come on. Let’s go give them their presents.” I said, grabbing her hoof after stacking all the presents on my back. We went into the kitchen, Storm and Primrose working on the dishes. “Mom, Dad?” Snowdrop said.

They turned around and smiled. “We told you guys not to get us anything…” Primrose said, drying her hooves.

“Well… we wanted to thank you, for putting up with us. All the problems we caused… we just wanted to say thank you.” I said, smiling.

Primrose sighed and hugged me. “You really shouldn’t have.”

“Its what family does right?”

She nodded and accepted the gifts, sitting down at the table. Snowdrop hoofed Storm his gift. Primrose gasped as she opened my gift. “Icy, its beautiful…”

I blushed. “Storm helped me pick it out.”

She leaned over and kissed the top of my head. “Its wonderful, now I’m gonna have to put both these on.” She said, taking off her other necklace, slipping mine off its chain and putting it on the other. She clasped it back on, the two dangling in the center.

Storm opened his and smiled, pulling out a small badge, ‘Equestria’s Best Father’, and a record, the cover covered in signatures. “How in the world did you two get this?” He asked, holding the record.

Me and Snowdrop looked at each other and winked. “It’s our little secret.” She said.

He chuckled, kissing her and hugging me. “I’ll take it. Thank you two.”

Snowdrop passed Primrose her gift and Primrose looked at it. “Hmm…” She said, opening it up, the flower resting on the table. She stood it up, the snowflakes sparkling in the light. She turned to Snowdrop. “How did you…”

“Princess Luna helped me. Said it’d help to have something that reminded you of me while I was away…” Snowdrop said sadly.

Primrose and Storm quickly hugged her, the three starting to cry. “Come on Icy...” Primrose said after a moment.

I joined the hug, closing my eyes as we sat around each other for a moment. Finally, we broke the hug. “Alright… I think that’s enough for tonight. It’s pretty late and we have to get up early tomorrow.” Primrose said.

We nodded, giving them one final hug before we went upstairs. As we laid down, we heard them come upstairs, the door to their room shutting quietly. I sighed and turned towards the wall, staring at it in the dark.


I turned towards her. “Yeah…” I trailed off, Snowdrop having a gift in her hooves. “What’s that?”

“Its a gift for you silly.”

“But I don’t-”

She shoved it into my hooves. “Too bad, I wanted to get you something.”

“Snowy…” I muttered opening the gift. It was a picture of Dad and some mare. The more I looked at it, the more she reminded me of Mom. “What’s this?”

“Its a picture of your mom and dad. Princess Celestia found it while rummaging through the guard files. Thought you’d want to have it. But there’s something else.”

I picked up the picture and saw another one in a frame. It was a picture of us on our first ‘date’. She’d bopped me on the snout with a bit of ice cream, both of us smiling. I looked at her. “I thought you’d like to have some thing that’d remind you of happy memories. I know I haven’t been the best mare-”

“Snowy, you’re the best friend I’ve ever asked for…” I hugged. “Thank you… thank you for the gift, I’ll treasure it forever.” I said, kissing her cheek. “Now I got something for you, I was going to wait till you left but…” I said, getting up and rummaging around in the dark. I finally found the simple hoof ring. I gulped, turning around… “I wasn’t the best wrapper so I hope you don’t mind.” I said, hoofing it to her.

She held it and unwrapped the small box, flipping the lid. She felt inside and grabbed the ring. “Is... is it a ring?”

“Yeah, its a special ring. Storm said you give it to somepony you want to stay with for the rest of your life…”

She slipped it on and smiled. “Then I’m glad I made that choice a long time ago.” She nuzzled me. “Happy Hearth Warming Day Icy.”

“You too Snowy.” I hugged her before lying down in bed. I felt the covers lift up and she snuggled in, resting her head in the crook of my neck.

“Goodnight.” She whispered.

“Goodnight Snowdrop.” I said, wrapping my hooves around her as the clock downstairs chimed the time.

Author's Note:

Like I said earlier, nothing in this chapter actually happened *yet*. Probably when I get to that part in the sequel I'll write an actual Christmas chapter and delete this one, who knows. Well, I hope you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it. Might be an early Christmas gift as well, just depends if I remember.... Till next time!