• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 831 Views, 10 Comments

Days of Change - Bellex

One day Ditzy flies into Rarity's Boutique and changes theirs and Applejack's lives.

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Chapter 4: The Dress

Chapter 3 - The Dress

Sunday. A day to prepare for the coming business week, where ponies go out and gather their supplies or get the last day of play before going back to school and running shops. This day, unlike any other day, we find Carousel Boutique the center of a unicorns hussel very early in the morning, going from one corner of the shop to another making sure everything is in its place and every place has its thing, even going so far as to add some items to make the room more inviting by adding some vases of tulips and putting up drapes that when the sun shines through in the afternoon gives off a warm inviting color. Rarity is usually not a pony to bother cleaning up her organized chaos, but today she was expecting her guest to appear in the early afternoon.

Over in the corner was the focal point of today's events, hidden underneath a sheet and out of the way til the time was right. Rarity herself was looking rather haggard. Small bags under her eyes and her hair, once coiffed was now what she would deem a mess and will need to be fixed soon. Shes been up since well before daybreak and in her rush wasn't always the quietest.

Upstairs in a room directly above was a very tired Sweetie Belle, having been listening to her big sister making noise half the night. She tried blocking it out with her pillow, thinking of ways to get a cutie mark, she even went so far as to go downstairs and scream at her sister to be quiet. Of course Rarity apologized and was quiet for some time. But soon enough the noise came back, just when Sweetie was about to fall into dreamland. And so Sweetie stayed up, half awake, doing what little homework she had left. Eventually she noticed the noise below has stopped, deciding to final attempt some sleep.

It is now in the early afternoon and Rarity is sitting on her couch, reading the latest fashion magazine (again) waiting for Derpy to come over. She would read a little, look at the clock and see only a few seconds have gone by. Realizing this was useless she tossed the magazine onto her end table and got up. She started to pace.

"Why does it feel like today is going so sloooooooow!" whined Rarity, trying to vent her annoyance the only way she knew how, before looking over to where she put the dress in the center of her shop after cleaning. I hope Derpy gets here soon or I will go insane from this waiting. But before she could do anything more there was a knock on the door. At last!

"Be there is a moment," Rarity calls out with a bit of nervousness in her voice. Once reaching the door she opens it to see Derpy, though not exactly what she was expecting. Derpy looked worst then she did this morning, her mane frazzled as if it hadn't been brushed yet today, same can be said for her coat and tail. She had some twigs sticking out from under her hooves which Rarity could only guess as being attached from the all sticky tree sap. Looking into her face she saw an embarrassed smile adorning the grey muzzle.

"I'm sorry I'm late Miss Rarity, you see ther-,"Ditzy starts to talk but is interrupted when Rarity puts her hoof on her mouth.

"It's perfectly alright darling, and you aren't late, but I would suggest you have a bath. I have a shampoo that will get those twigs and sap right out." Turning around she motions Derpy to follow, which she does up to the bathroom. Rarity shows Derpy which shampoo to you and the proper way to scrub.

Derpy gets into the shower and turns on the water. A moment passes before she realizes that there is an extra pony in the bathroom sitting down, biting her lower lip, watching her. Derpy blushes heavily.

"Rarity." Derpy says embarrassed, drawing the shower curtain between them while her head and eyes remain focused on Rarity.

Rarity looks back up to the embarrassed pony in the shower before realizing what she did and stammers out an apology, hurrying out to leave Derpy to her shower, feeling a bit warm herself.

Downstairs Rarity is on her couch with her hooves over her eyes (and conveniently covering her blush). She continually saw the image in her head. I was staring at Derpy. In the shower! How improper of me, but I couldn't help myself. The way her mane fell against her neck, the water washing down her body, her peaceful expression... The bubbles on her flank. She looked so beautiful in there. On and on her mind went on, never lessening the blush she was covering. It wasn't until she heard the sound of her staircase creaking that she gandered a look up.

There was Derpy, coming down the stairs, cleaned and groomed. Once down she made her way over to the couch, looking anywhere but at the white pony.

A moment passes. A minute. Two. Rarity feels ashamed. She was about to speak but then Derpy looked up into her eyes. Rarity was surprised. She saw embarrassment, but instead of hurt or shame she saw... excitement. No that wasn't it, it was a want. She has seem stallions and mares give that look to one another, even she has received a few, but never from a mare. And it was directed at her. This was strange to her, somehow she didn't feel disgusted. She felt acceptance, that she wanted this mare to look at her like this.

Rarity stared into Derpy's golden eyes. Before her mind could catch up to what she was doing, she brought her head over to Derpy's and locked lips with her. Derpy didn't back off or even flinch. She only closed her eyes and pressed into the kiss.

By now Rarity caught up with her body and suddenly pulled back. Looking at Derpy open her eyes in confusion, she went to make an apology.

"I'm sorry Derpy, I don't know what came over me. I swea-." Rarity was cut off when Derpy pressed her own lips back onto Rarity's, only this time it was Rarity that closed her eyes and pressed back. She brought her hoof up to Derpy's cheek, opening her mouth and pressing deeper into the kiss. Her hoof slowly made its way down Derpy's neck and unto her back. She was bringing her second forehoof up when something interrupted.


The sound of the young filly brought both ponies back to their senses and both pushes away with equal amounts of force. Rarity tumbling back and over her couch to land behind it legs up, not believing she didn't hear her (loud) sister come down the stairs. Derpy was several feet away from the couch on her side looking embarrassed to be caught by Rarity's little sister.

"You two are so cute together. How long have you been dating? When were you going to tell me? Will there be a wedding? Maybe I can be a flower girl again? That was fun."

Rarity found her way from behind her couch, bringing herself to stand in front of Sweetie Belle.

"Now Sweetie, we are not dating, she's just here to get a fitting for her dress." Rarity hopes she could keep her sister from getting any wild ideas, even though she knows it is too late to hide this.

"But you two were kissing. And I don't mean a little filly kiss, but an adult kiss. That's something only dating ponies will do."

Sweetie Belle I love you, but you can be to smart for your own good. "Yes, well...fine. But can you keep this between the two of us. I don't want this getting around til I'm ready."


"Please Sweetie?"

"Fine." Sweetie says, giving a huff afterwards.

"Thank you dear. Now why don't you go play outside with your friends, I really do need to give Derpy here a fitting for her dress."

"Okay Sis." Sweetie says, looking back and forth between Rarity and Derpy before a mischievous smirk appears on her face. "Have fun." Then she rushes out the door towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Rarity and Derpy shoot nervous glances at each other. "Well dear, we better get you into your dress." Derpy nods and gets directed over to the covered ponyquin. Once there the cover is taken off and there in front of Derpy is the most beautiful golden dress she has ever laid eyes on. Both eyes came into focus on it, that's how gorgeous it was. It had a square cut top with a blue sapphire chain necklace, sleeves coming down to her elbow with a skirt that hung down over half her tail with a thin golden train that covered the rest of it.

"It's beautiful Rarity. I-I mean Miss Rarity."

"Its alright darling, you don't have to address me as Miss. Well, lets get you in it and see how you look." With this Rarity takes the dress and puts it on Derpy. She goes to check it over bu putting her right hoof on various parts starting at the neck and rubbing it slightly to make sure its not too tight on the mare. She made sure the wings fit into the holes on the back with adequate space for flying with. Then she moved over to the flank and gave it a little rub. It doesn't have as much freedom as the rest of the dress it appears.

"Mmmmm." This brought Rarity out of her focus onto to see Derpy with a small blush and biting her lip to be quiet. Rarity gave a small smile. She brought her hoof to the top of Derpy's flank and gave it a long caress down. This caused Derpy to give another quiet moan.

"Well dear, it seems everything fits, but why don't you walk around, see if anything isn't to your liking." Nodding, Derpy starts to move around the shop, twice wiggling her hips.

Coming back to Rarity, Derpy gives one more wiggle. "Well it seems to be a little tight on the flanks, but other than that it feels great."

Nodding, Rarity tells Derpy she needs to get the dress off and she'll widen the flanks. It'll only take but a moment.

At her sewing machine, Rarity gets to work, singing a little tune to herself. In the middle of it she glances back to see Derpy watching her, or more accurately her flanks. Giggling to herself Rarity continues on as if she didn't notice. When she was finished she gave herself a little forward stretch. She turned around with the dress in her magic to see Derpy with a pair of half raised wings. Tsking to herself, she puts the dress back on Derpy.

With the dress on, Rarity gives the flanks another innocent pat, bringing Derpy's wings up a little more. "Well it seems like it will fit better now. That will do for today." Rarity takes off Derpy's dress, folds and puts it into a box nearby for Derpy to take home with her. Looking to the clock she sees that she will almost be late for a get together with her friends.

"I'm sorry dear, but I'm about to be late for a prior engagement, so you'll have to leave." Rarity gives the box with the dress inside and nudges Derpy towards the door. Before Derpy can leave she turns around to look at Rarity.

"Rarity, do you think we could go on a d-date sometime?" Derpy says nervously, scoffing a hoof across the floor.


"I don't know dear, I'm awfully busy the next few weeks." Rarity looks up as if to ponder. "But I can make time this Saturday, if that's alright with you."

Derpy gives an ecstatic smile. "Saturday is good. My shift ends at 1."

"Then how about we meet here at say 6?"

"6 is good, it'll give me time to prepare." Her smile falters a little. "But Rarity, nothing to extravagant, I can't really afford the high class places."

"I can cover for you if-"

"No, I don't want you to pay for my half of the meal. I would like to split the bill."

Rarity looks at Derpy a few seconds. "Ok, but no fast food or family restaurants, I want the day to be about us with little interruption."

Derpy smiles again. "You got yourself a date." She looks around her then gives Rarity a small kiss before flying off waving back to Rarity, with Rarity waving back.

With a sigh Rarity heads back into her shop to get her saddlebags before leaving to meet with her friends.

Sweetie Belle is in a happy mood, even if she still feels tired from staying up so late. She's currently walking through the gate to Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack is currently sitting on the porch watering some new saplings that will be transplanted come spring.

Sweetie makes it to the porch. "Hey Applejack, do you know where Applebloom is?"

Applejack looks around to see her sisters friend. "Well hello thar Sweetie. Applebloom should be in her bedroom doing some homework. What'cha doin' here? Don't ya usually have your own homework to do?"

"Ugg. I couldn't get to sleep with Rarity up all night cleaning. So I did my homework then."

"I'm sorry sugar, I won't keep ya from your friend." Applejack turns back around to finish watering the last sapling.

"Thanks Applejack." Sweetie headed up to Applebloom's room and entered. There laying on the bed with her back turned is Applebloom, in front of her is a math book. Her nose scrunched up trying to figure out her current problem. She doesn't notice when Sweetie enters until she feels her jump up onto the bed with her.

"Geez Sweetie, you almost gave me a heart attack." Giggling, Sweetie lays down next to Applebloom.

"You won't believe what my morning was like Bloom." Sweetie says with a small yawn.

"Oh? What happened?" The math book joyfully forgotten as Sweetie retells the events of the morning, including the kiss she say her sister and the mail pony have.

What both fail to realize is that the door wasn't closed and at the bottom of the stairs was Applejack with tears in her eyes with the watering can laid forgotten at her hooves.

Author's Note:

I've been thinking of a HiE story. May write it. What do ya'll think?