• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2017

Nopony of Consequence

The less you know, the better. Also, I'm to tired to type.


More Season 5 Reactions · 3:20am Jul 15th, 2015

I've jsut recently watched Tanks for the Memories after some considerable trouble finding a video that wasn't a reaction. I think it was good, 7 or 8. I think it had the absolute BEST Scene and Line of the series so far. The Scene being when Rainbow Dash is crying, and the Line being Pinkie's of 'Applejack cries on the inside, Twilight!' followed by Applejack's simple 'It's true.' Between Pinkie screaming ludirous things at Twilight and Applejack agreeing with it, without questing or pause, no

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Report Nopony of Consequence · 180 views ·


So, I just finished the Premiere, and I thought it was pretty good; 7.5/10 at LEAST. Now, here's how It should have ended: After Twilight-Wannabe #2 was exposed as a fraud when she was surrounded by the village somepony in the crowd shouts "Kill her!". She is then mauled to death by a crowd of furious village ponies whilst a horrified Mane 6 look on. The Village ponies draw and quarter what's left of the body and the Mane 6 go home with a healthy dose of PTSD. THE END.

Report Nopony of Consequence · 211 views ·

Been a while, huh? · 3:42am Apr 10th, 2015

Yes it has. and let me tell you; A LOT HAS HAPPENED IN THE (I think) THREE YEARS OF MY ABSENCE. Let me see... I'm now a Junior in High School, I've started playing Warhammer 40,000 (Space Wolves, and I've been eyeing Imperial Fists and Death Korps of Krieg from across the room as well) and thus I have no money. This I have counter-acted by getting a job for my lazy self, but I'm in the process of saving my pay (Read: Not spending as much as possible) for a trip to Branson next week with the

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Bad news, then more bad news · 12:51am Aug 19th, 2013

Do you guys remember that episode of Futurama where the Turtles are migrating to Holland, and the News-anchor-woman says "Those windmills will keep them cool." and Morbo jumps up and shouts "WINDMILLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!"? Well, After I saw World War Z, I was Morbo, and all the people who liked it were the News-anchor-woman. I see 100+ zombies sprinting through that alley in Jerusalem, then smack into the wall because of their combined momentum, I just want to scream "ZOMBIES DO NOT WORK THAT

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Report Nopony of Consequence · 268 views ·

This'll take a while. · 1:22am Apr 15th, 2013

I doubt any of you are still listening, but if you are, here goes. I've got a lot of shit I need to sort out before I'll be able to write again, both in school and for myself. I'm really sorry, but it's going to to a... very, very long time.

Until Next Time, Allons-Y.

Report Nopony of Consequence · 231 views ·

Hello again. · 4:58am Mar 6th, 2013

Well, I'm back. There was a...thing...with tAz. But it's over now, I'm back, the portal's sealed, and tAz seems to be back to abnormal. But having returned, I've regrettably discover new enemies have arisen in my Absence, Namely School and College. As if the two were unrelated... anyway. There will be more Adventures, No, not Soon, But SOME FUCKING DAY I WILL WRITE IN PEACE!

Until Next time, Allons-y!

Report Nopony of Consequence · 214 views ·

Hey, there. · 1:17am Jan 16th, 2013

It's been awhile, Huh? Since the whole 'End of the World' thing. Well, that Didn't happen. So yeah, Happy new year. This is a bit Shit, isn't it? a second ago I uploaded a story update, only to realise it was about 900 words and thought to myself 'Fuck that, I can do better.' and I promise better things will come. Someday. Soon, Probably. Really sorry about this long-ass leave of absence, but I've had a lot of shit to deal with in my fucking terrible 'real life'. You guys ever hear of that

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Armageddon · 2:59am Dec 21st, 2012

Well, This is it. The eve of the end of the world. maybe I'm not saying I think the world is going to end, I don't, I'm just not sure. But I'm not going to start praying, or freak out, I'm simply going to let the people I love know that I do, If you are in anyway similar to me, I would suggest doing the same. I really hope we don't all die, That'd Really Fuck up my day.

Until next time, Allons-y!

Report Nopony of Consequence · 171 views ·

Apologies, of my most sincere variety. · 3:59am Nov 28th, 2012

Apologies, but there will probably be no update for quite some time, as if it already wasn't taking forever. But My mind(among other things) is blocked. so I'll keep writing, little by little, and eventually there. Shall. Be. An. UPDATE!

Till next time, Allons-y!

Report Nopony of Consequence · 176 views ·

The Plan (Even though my plans seem to always end in a massacre no matter what the initial plan was) · 1:16am Oct 31st, 2012

I've found the Product code for my microsoft thingy (IT was in the attic, I think Taz stole it.). Anyway, The plan is to just go on from where I was before, so yeah, That's the plan. We'll see how horribly, bloodily wrong this goes after the massacre, Oh! Guard just saw me Here we go!

Until next time, Allons-y! *Gunfire, Screams, The sound of a guard being de-spined and other guards being beaten with the spine*

Report Nopony of Consequence · 218 views ·