• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2020

Wintergreen Diaries

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13


Travel, Thy Name is... FUBAR · 11:13pm Nov 2nd, 2012

So... has anypony ever had, like, the best plans for travel ever... and then nothing goes right? It always seemed like everyone I know has some kind of horrific travel story, but that is all in the past! That's right, everypony! My travel plans got skewed, hence the two week long silence. I left last friday to go visit my brother for a couple of days, but sunday evening I recieved a call to let me know that hurricane Sandy had canceled my flight. They then proceeded to reschedule my

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Do You Know... · 5:30pm Sep 12th, 2012

So... I spend most all of my spare time writing, and as such, I don't really get out much. I work at a grocery store as the shift manager, and I, like many males, wouldn't mind sparing at least a little time for a fairly attractive member of the opposite sex. Also like males, this tends to shift one's behavior, and such was the case last night. A new bagger girl recently was hired at the store where I work, and the first day I worked with her, I literally think my heart skipped a beat when I

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Everfree: Too Short · 1:05am Aug 21st, 2012

I literally just got back home from Everfree Northwest, and all I can think was that it didn't last long enough. I had a blast, even ran into Pen Stroke by chance, and all around had the best three days ever. However, I didn't get any writing done on my main stories during this time either, but I will surely be getting back into the daily grind soon and working on "Catastrophes" while finishing a short story I started on the plane ride over. Also? I brohoofed Applebloom. I can now die

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Delays and Foals · 6:53pm Jul 31st, 2012

Remember the days when I used to update every day? I do. I miss those days. Anyways, the fact is I haven't gotten much done this past week on account of taking ill, and subsequently having my sleep schedule thrown into chaos (haven't gone to bed before 3am, normally 4 or 5 the last four days). As such, it may be a bit longer before I get to update Catastrophes, but in the mean time, have a few pics of the foals that've been mentioned! Plus one guest whose involvement in my stories will

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Yay, Whispers! · 7:29pm Jul 24th, 2012

Another fic complete, and let me just say, it was an absolute beast to write, as evidenced by copious delays. I have never had so much back and forth in my mind when trying to decide how a story should progress as I did with this story, and I won't whine or bore anypony with the details, because in the end, it's a piece I can be proud of. Readers seemed to enjoy the overwhelming cuteness of clueless innocence, and you know what? I'm ok with this. More than ok, actually, because I loved it

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Withheld Whispers · 5:02am Jul 17th, 2012

This post is mostly about "Songs," though since "Catastrophes" is happening at the same time and the two are affected by each other, I included it. For those interested solely in the CMC fic, here's a summary: Chapter 3 of CMC bucking drove me nuts, and took me nearly a week to figure out why the hay it was bothering me. It's tentatively "finished" and I may release it soon.

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Angry Whispers · 9:17am Jul 5th, 2012

Trust me when I say that I knew a fair number of readers would be somewhat disturbed by Rarity's progression. However, does everypony really think that after setting out to ship all the mane six with OC's, I'd really just back out and throw her with Carrot Top? Really? Let me lay this out right now; Rarity is going to get her own OC. Now, that being said, people are somewhat peeved out by the "sudden" shift, so allow me to explain my reasoning behind Rarity's fall.

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Scattered Whispers · 10:15pm Jun 25th, 2012

A few things to note. First, an apology for sparse updates. I haven't been sitting on my bum doing nothing, but a nagging doubt had been gnawing on my mind and I finally figured out what it was. With a story this long, there are a lot of characters, and trying to cover them all at once, I feel like I was spreading myself too thin and detracting from the main couple. However, being this far in, there's only so much I can do without re-vamping the whole thing, which I'm not going to do. So,

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Hushed Whispers · 7:32pm May 31st, 2012

For those who have traced my stories since I started writing, they know that one of the things I strive for is prompt updates. This, however, is only made possible by writing far in advance, and I thought I had accomplished this admirably until I paused and actually looked at what I had written. Somewhere between Whisper having his extended nap and waking up, I lost my direction and left a lot of back story out. I realized this the day I posted the last chapter before all the changes needed

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Star of the Skies · 4:24am May 15th, 2012

I had always thought that Tears would always be my pride and joy, if for no other reason than it was the fic that started them all. But after finishing “Under the Starry Skies,” it changed. I don’t wish to sound arrogant, but I feel like this story is a triumph in every regard, but that is as far as I will gloat. I don’t even know what to else to say though, so if I ramble, forgive me.

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