• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Sunday

Witching Hour

This is my circus and these are my monkeys aren't they? Carp.


Further Adventures from Quarantine · 6:27am May 29th, 2021

So... Shenanigans ensue... I'm still in Quarantine, still on the Fever Yo-Yo of Plague Rat-ness...

Y'know... the only Plague Rat I wanted to be was a fan of Emilie Autumn, dammit...

Anyways... Sorry for random digressions... It's gotten to the point where my doc's recommended that I get the Fauci Ouchies in the hopes that it will, as it has for some other "long haulers" like myself, kick the last of this out of my system.

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Witchy's Continuing Covid-19 Saga · 9:19am May 6th, 2021

So... I've officially been down for a whole month with this nastiness... It wouldn't be so bad, except the fever keeps doing this fragging Yo-Yo thing where it'll go away for several hours (usually between going to bed and just after waking), but then it'll spike back up to low-grade fever territory...
My doctor will not allow me to go back to work until I've been 24hrs fever free, and yes, that includes the low-grade, 99.5 I occasionally spike up to.

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A Vague-ish Update · 10:57pm Apr 16th, 2021

Vague because I'm in a vague-ish frame of mind... like Vaguely Wanting to Write, Vaguely Feeling Like Shit... Etc.

So two weeks ago, I had a horrific day at work... After I got home from work 3 hours later than I normally would have, I took a long shower.... and as I was drying off, my husband (darling, amazing man that he is) pokes his head in and offers me a glass of wine... Bonus points, he'd almost finished fixing the frozen pizza!

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FINALLY... · 2:52am Mar 22nd, 2021

So... After much struggling, to say nothing of copious amounts of dragging Syl, Jim and several other collaborators into the document for assistance... I FINALLY... got Chapter 4 of MoaMC finished.

So... Enjoy Chapter 3!


WAIT!!! COME BACK!!! · 4:17pm Nov 22nd, 2020

I call desperately to my muses as they go back to their poker game... or Bora Bora... One or the other.......

So... Yes... I've sorta stalled on Chapter 4 for Monkey's story... I'm TRYING... but it's a tricky chapter in the way that A Very Witchy Holiday was...

I wish I could report better progress on the short story that's moderately still in the timeline where I left off as a result, but that too is stalled until I can get Sylvian to find HIS muses as well... :facehoof:

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ANOTHER (?!?!?!) Update?! · 3:48am Nov 6th, 2020

YES!!! Another chapter is up for the semi-prequel shenanigans!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Now to try starting on Chapter 4!

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IT'S LIVE!!! · 10:36pm Oct 26th, 2020

SO! Memoirs of a Minutor Crystallum has JUST gone up! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!

I have NO idea of how regular I'll be about updating this... but I can promise that I'll at LEAST have one more chapter to be posted. I didn't publish the first chapter until I'd gotten a good start on chapter three!!!

Anyhow! Enjoy!


A week from Hell (It Ain't even OVER Yet...) · 3:22pm Sep 27th, 2020

So... My week's not been pleasant and it's only getting longer... Last Saturday (the 19th) I came home from work and took my usual post-work nap (It's my Friday and I can do what I want!)... Only when I woke up, I was feeling miserable. Sniffles, Sneezing... Just Yuck...

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Writing ETAs · 4:57pm Jul 13th, 2020

So... I've got a small short story in the works centered around Witching Hour's birthday (which is New Year's Eve according to my personal version of the Equestrian calendar) and that'll go up as soon as I have the last (short) chapter finished... Assuming I can ever pry Sylvian away from... something... to get his assistance. It's titled "A New Year's Toast of Tea". Look for it soon... I hope... :twilightsheepish:

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Important Notes · 10:45pm May 31st, 2020

SO! Yes... I'm still alive... And I've even been writing!!! :pinkiegasp: I know! Shocking isn't it?

Anyways... While I could give you a long list of how the last year's been (lots of ups and downs), or rail about the semi-isolation I've been living in since Covid-19 hit... Or even blast about police brutality... That's not the place for this...
Instead! Since I'm writing, I figured I'd give you all some important notes about the calendar I've created for the world of Equestria.

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