• Member Since 26th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2021

Vessel Lazarus

A sloth at the edge of the universe, sipping his hot chocolate in contemplation. A single thought reverberates in his otherwise empty skull; "Do Thing?"


No Rest · 5:43am Jul 7th, 2021

I'm revoking the submission for No Rest.

I know I made a schedule, and I have been writing almost daily, but something felt different since I started. No Rest isn't the story I wanted to make. Sure, I did everything I thought I wanted to at the moment, but nothing I did ever felt coherent.

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No Rest Schedule and More · 7:40am Jun 21st, 2021

Howdy, folks. If you're still checking in after all this time, I have good news!

No Rest, my first story and the top of my priorities, is planned to have two chapters uploaded every week starting today, Monday, June 21st!

I have three other planned on the back burner that are strictly "when it's done", so keep an eye out for those when they go up!

Other than that, I hope you have a fantastic week, and I'll talk to you again soon!



Taking a break · 6:04pm Jun 13th, 2019

Yes, I'm not dead. Though I'll be honest, I got pretty close to it. I'm taking a break on writing for No Rest and focusing on another story I've been neglecting.

Sorry for the mediocre news, but I hope you all stay till I get back to No Rest.

Hey, who knows, this new thing I'm writing could be way more popular. That'd be nice.

In conclusion, No Rest is on Hiatus while I work things out. Thank you all so much for being there in the first place.

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A good watch · 4:10am Jan 23rd, 2019

Recently, to give myself motivation and inspiration, I have been listening/watching a channel by the name of Overly Sarcastic Productions, run by two people, Red and Blue, who cover mythology, famous literature, writing tropes, and a whole lot of other in-depth videos, most of them having hilarious and impressively drawn illustrations, while also conveying what's going on in the story.

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The Return (aka: Out of a slump) · 1:20am Jan 4th, 2019

After a very, very annoying writers block, I have busted out of the shell of stagnation and have come back with vigor unbeknownst to mankind. That is, if nothing gets screwed in my day to day life. Which, since I am very inactive in society, is unlikely to happen, so yeah.

Back to writing about a mercenary who doesn't understand the word "Polite".


Christmas Hiatus (but not really) · 6:41pm Dec 22nd, 2018

You know how it goes, parties, celebrations and reunions are going to take up most of my time for a few days, but I'll do my best to get some writing in during any free time.

I'll be back soon, with a big, long chapter for you.

Your bud,

P.S. The length of No Rest is going to be pretty long, so I'm in this for the long run.


No Rest: Doing the Thing and Happy Holidays · 3:23am Dec 21st, 2018

So, the idea of No Rest ( a fairly new name for it) has been knocking around my noggin for a couple years now, but I've never really had the courage or starting point to actually do anything with it. But why am I just now doing this, writing a story with very little experience?

I have no fucking idea.

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Spook Proof · 4:34am Jul 28th, 2016

Home alone, hear footsteps or see something out of the corner of your eye?

Here's the solution:

This is Dog Fort.

P.S: If you don't have a dog, iron works too.