• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2013



It's been so many years, sweetie. You've grown so very much, learned so very much, excelled at so very much. You've met a lot of extremely wonderful ponies, all outgoing and pure at the heart, where it truly counts. The camaraderie between you and your friends has made you strong, has made you a better pony, has made you so very remarkable. I'm very proud of you. I've always been proud of you. I will never stop.

So where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday I was feeding you... but time moves so swiftly, so restlessly. Time is a burden that we all share. I'm sure that you don't remember me, but I certainly remember you. And I love you. I do, dear. I love you.

Your mother loves you, Rainbow Dash...

So if I may, I'd like to make one last shot in the dark here. I want to prove my love to you, because you probably don't believe it exists. Here it is. My proof.

And in order for it to work... I have to start at day one...

(picture courtesy of the faaaaaaan-tastic bookplayer. Also, now edited by the awesome-o Future!)

Chapters (17)

It isn't easy. Anypony who says it is would be a liar. But Rainbow Dash hadn't seen him in so long... so why is it so hard to just... to just say goodbye?

Why can't she just move on?

Chapters (2)

I only have one friend now. My Mum doesn't think that I do, but I do. We moved into a new house recently, and it is a nice one and all, but she didn't know that somepony else already lived there. She is my only friend now, and Mum doesn't believe that it is true. But sometimes friends can be found in the most unlikely of places

Chapters (13)

What happens when you are the only one? What happens when you leave your world, and you are left to wilt like an elegant rose who has had its fun in the sun? I suppose that only I know. I suppose that only I have felt what it is like. I suppose that only I can resurrect myself, and only I will ever come to terms with my being here... so I'll just get on with it.



My name is Lily Blossom.

I do not exist.

Chapters (3)

I've always wanted a cloud... and now the day is finally here.

Third story ever? Posted to RBDash47's vaunted Vault? Wow!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's world is about to be flipped upside down.

Not in a literal sense, of course, but metaphorically speaking. You see, a curious letter from the Princess has been presented to her at an ordinary, run of the mill picnic, leading the poor mare on a wild goose chase across Equestria. Who is the one responsible for it? What does the Princess want with her?

Just what kind of burden rests on her hooves?

It's time for you to understand, Rainbow. Friends, enemies, strangers, they're all the same once you get to know them. Keep an eye on your shadow, Rainbow Dash. It's imperative that it stands by your side.

Chapters (5)

For the most timid pony in all Equestria, rest is hard to come by. Her dreams haunt her imagination, the very essence of them a tad sketchy. For years she has waken in the middle of the night, sobbing and gasping for breath, and not a clue as to why. What do these dreams mean? What will it take to earn some sleep?

On a totally unrelated note- the title is named as such because I religiously listened to the Eels while it was being written...
yeeeeaaaahh... story is a bit rough but I feel like I couldn't add more to it. So, I'll just throw it out there!

Chapters (1)