• Member Since 27th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


"either born in hell or heaven-sent." occasional writer, trusty editor.


the show must go on · 6:39am 3 hours ago

my life has been up in the air since late last july, to be honest. it got really bad over the winter, and i'm still trying navigate as best i can. some of my work has resumed for penalt, some i've had to beg relief from and he tries to keep his works churning for his reader base. i've had zero desire to write, despite two different stories being set up (remember the song story i talked about? that's one of them). it's hard to be creative when you're just trying to survive.


derailment · 10:53am Nov 2nd, 2023

the road to hell is paved with good intentions. my good intentions were earnest, however life hasn't stopped throwing curve balls my way since i ended up with covid in august. unfortunately this has led to heavy delays for penalt, and despite his saintly levels of patience while i try to navigate a very rocky life patch it has caused my work to grind to a complete stop. i am unsure when i will be able to say otherwise, i can't make any promises or predictions at this point in time. but for

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covid! ugh! · 12:42pm Aug 24th, 2023

luck can't last forever, and after three years of doing my best to remain diligent the plague decided to fight me for keeps. i'm on the road to recovery now, but it's been a rather sucky week to say the least. by the grace of the chaotic gods i was at least speedy on working on brightly lit for pen, at least once it was shoved under the doorjamb to my office :rainbowlaugh:


stories! excitement? · 2:08pm Jun 9th, 2023

so, figured i'd get this out of the way - finem solis is not the song story i've been fussing with on occasion for the past few months. that was a surprise moment of inspiration which caused the words to flow from my fingertips like water and finished up within about an hour or so of me starting if not less.

i got a comment recently on crystal storm which caused me to realize i'd forgotten all about working on it. probably a good thing it was on hiatus.😓

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whoops i'm alive · 2:48am May 27th, 2023

has it really been six months since i last wrote a blog entry? well uh.... oops.

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check-in · 9:54am Nov 17th, 2022

been a few months since i've written one of these, so i figure it's time to do another entry. after my stint in the desert it took me a few weeks to fully recover, and then aside from one hiccup i've been back to editing pen's works and twiddling my thumbs. i did in fact finish a story and then wrote a whole other one (shattered roses, my star wars fic), but other than that i've mostly been resting my mind. i unfortunately lack the ability to sit down at a computer and crack out words every

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non pony update · 2:37am Aug 25th, 2022

if you guys happen to follow my work on archive of our own, i have just updated my skyrim story children of the dragon. and yes this is the same salty dragonborn from penalt's story Mail Troubles!


non pony story · 7:53pm Aug 18th, 2022

if you're a fan of star wars, and you happen to like my writing style, i actually wrote shattered roses before my stint in the desert. this is a one shot inspired by the show kenobi so please be aware there are spoilers.


delays · 4:27am Aug 9th, 2022

it's been a week now since my somewhat dramatic rescue from a city bogged down in a major heatwave. some of you might have read the tale on penalt's profile, and as dramatic as it sounds i assure you none of it was exaggerated. that was really what happened, i really did nearly get heat stroke on the side of the highway in unholy hot temperatures. and yes he really did drive all the way down from canada to bring me back home.

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surprise · 1:14am Jul 20th, 2022

i got bit in the butt by a small writing bug, and have officially finished in the land of dreams. now that that's done, i can return to my usual fare of nothing editing pen's stories while contemplating some of my own.

eventually, yes, crystal storm will be continued/finished when i get around to it. as that story isn't a priority i can't say when that will occur.

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