A class project by Little Timmy, age 46, for his first grade Spanish class.

This probably isn't very funny. I needed it finished before I could continue Daybreakup.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has a friendly chat with her other half.

"Breaking, comedic stories found to generate more attention than sadfics, local Internet User too stupid to notice"

Art is the cover to DAYBREAKER by Vylet Pony, drawn by Alumx.

EDIT: Trending on 9/15/2022. I guess this really is getting a second chapter.

Chapters (2)

But your dogs!
Your dogs!
What's fun about those?
The tat on your neck and the ring through your nose
The weed, the junk food, the violent pornography
Don't think you want to be just a little more like me?

Dash has a very serious question that only Lyra can answer. Fortunately, she doesn't get her first.

Chapters (1)

And you may ask yourself, 'Well, how did I get here?'

Greatly inspired by SCP-8900-EX

Chapters (1)

Nobody understands the internet. Not you, not I, not the horses living on another planet billions of years in the future, not your dog.

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette. The runner up with a participation trophy is back in the game!

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Deep South is a wondrous place, filled with teeming natural wildlife (CHUPACABRA GOT MY SISTER LAST WEEK THE BASTARD), beautiful sunsets (CLOUDS CLOUDS AND MORE CLOUDS), and the kindest, most caring (WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN CANTEEN) folk you'll ever meet. Visit our lush lakes (DRIED OUT) and arid plateaus (ACTUALLY THAT'S ACCURATE) with your family for the visit of the lifetime!

The South is Paradise. (BURNING COUNTRY) And it's the greatest place you'll ever live.

-Official Ministry of Morale Tourism Billboard. Vandalisms included.

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy ends the Season 5 premiere a lot, lot faster than she did in canon. And no, it's not because she didn't naively trust them. I can get more creative.

Chapters (1)

Come one come all, to Trixie's magnum opus. Cannons will fire. Noise will blare. Monsters will be slain. And Twilight Sparkle, our beloved, will earn her name. Pray you don't blink, dear audience.

Warning: Beloved character does bad things to good people. With depth.

Consider it a classic post S3 Trixie sadfic/character study. Obviously inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt, but takes more than a few cues from Vylet Pony's Queen of Misifts and countless more explorations of our favorite magician.

With thanks to Casketbase77, for planting the idea and proofreading.

Chapters (4)

High above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, a space station races towards the ground.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest. Told you I'd make it, Bicyclette! Thanks for reading Those!

Special thanks to Atomic Rockets for giving me all the info I needed for this story.

Chapters (1)

The multiverse is a big place, champ! Identities blur, faces duplicate, sometimes the entire world seems like its spinning in the wrong direction! But through all of that, you gotta keep your head up and remember your name! Once you do that, you really start to stand out from the millions of other ponies who also have that name!

Coco. That is your name.

Daybreaker. That is her name.

Chapters (1)