• Member Since 10th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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Comments ( 14 )
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Thank you for adding An Equestrian Witcher to your Favorites!

Im at chapter 48 so I have long way to go.
Im reading it at work (night shift) and enjoying the story.
As a astronomy enthusiast it took me a while to get past first few chapters but now when the "power fantasy" is fully steaming a head, I'm rather enjoying it.
I like that you are supporting your work with external sources (pictures and music). It makes it easier to imagine certain things. For example I'm not familiar with "Devil Maycry" franchise (more then fact it exsist and certain images), but your explanation of it basic, plus images you provided, allowed me to enjoy your story none the less. I may even look into it in the future, it sounds like fun.
Then only thing I have an issue with is power creep... Like in all power fantasy you have give your enemis more ridiculous powers to keep up with the main character while other previously powerful characters are left behind.
I know I'm only at chapter 48 but power creep is starting to show up.

Over all i like it very much. Your story accompany me thorough long night shifts and is a nice and entertaining way to spend time.
For that you have my thanks and well wishes.

Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth and Of Flame and Shadow, and for the comment. As a fellow night staff, I know how boring it can be working nights, so I'm glad to hear that my stories have helped clear away some of that.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for favoriting Sombra Omega :twilightsmile:

Yo, so I just saw your comment on that Witcher displaced fic. I have a Witcher crossover in the works, and it seems to meet your criteria.

The universes of MLP and The Witcher are merged together for one.
And it's set before Nightmare Moon's banishment.

I think you'll like it.

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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