• Member Since 30th Jul, 2019
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I'm just here to have a good time and write


Sorry for being dead still · 5:52am Mar 18th, 2021

I'm still stuck in that point where I get like no enjoyment out of anything, I've really worked on nothing other than commissions and adopts lately, because I've had basically no drive to work on almost anything. Well, there's been a few things, but not much I can post right now. Hopefully soon, the lack of writing is actually getting on my nerves.

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Update to last blog · 4:46am Feb 24th, 2021

Okay so, good news is that the cats seem to be recovering from their colds. Perhaps I overreacted a bit, but with experiences like mine it can't be considered too much of a surprise, and with how frail Reeses seems a times I especially couldn't help it. Thankfully I've managed to convince a vet trip for her sometime within the next few months, which is more than I've convinced before, so that's good. Going to have to pay for it myself though, so I might be pushing my commissions a bit more.

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Slow Going 2 + 2021 Commission Update · 7:06am Feb 20th, 2021

So I know it's been pretty evident that I'm not a particularly quick at updates. It's not because I'm busy or anything, I don't have a job. Art is my only source of income, and though commissions do keep me frequently busy they're not entirely the reason why I haven't been particularly active. It's just been hard. Everything has been.

In other things, this is not going to be a particularly positive blog, but it was a long time coming.

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I was going to write a Valentine's story... · 5:36am Feb 15th, 2021

But then I only remembered the idea like 10 days ago and never actually got more than half a page done, oops. So no idea when or if that idea will get written, but it did contain potential spoilers for Shadow of a Doubt so probably for the best it's left for later.

Writing is hard. Maybe that's why I draw so much more. Speaking of which, Happy late Valentine's Day. Or Hearts & Hooves, if you want to be pony about it.

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Slow Going · 5:38am Jan 25th, 2021

Stories are being worked on, been busy with commissions and general lack of energy which has made things even slower. I haven't even really doodled anything for myself all month, it's been a surprisingly busy one for commissions. I've kinda just... Been sitting around doing nothing in my free time. If I'm lucky I'll get a few words typed.

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Jinglemas · 4:10pm Dec 25th, 2020

I wrote a story for that, but I gotta promote the story gifted to me first because it's so good and I want you all to read it. I'd love to ramble about it but I'm kinda busy and I'd rather not spoil anything. Please it's so good.

EHooves Crossed
Hearthswarming Eve is a foreign concept to Sombra. And he isn't sure he entirely likes it. That's what Starlight's there for though!
Unity Bringer · 6.2k words  ·  22  0 · 1.2k views

And my own story, something I have never written before! Admittedly, I probably could have done better, but it's the thought that counts.

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In which I ramble · 1:46am Dec 15th, 2020

Per usual I stole this writing meme from Ice Star because I don't follow nearly enough people here.

1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?

Current active project is a Jinglemas entry I can say nothing about. But of course I'm sure we mean the likes of my chaptered stories.

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Steal of the Day · 5:22am Dec 8th, 2020

Yesterday, that is.

I think I used up the last of my luck for the year.

Can you believe I bought this not knowing that she's so ridiculously overpriced? Heck, I was worried I paid too much! She was going to be a potential Christmas present for my sister, but after learning how much people are selling this thing for?

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Today's chapter is brought to you by · 10:05pm Nov 7th, 2020

A warm drink with the ones you care about

Ironically I'm home alone this weekend and that pic was taken in mid-October. I had a bit of a delay with writing due to a surplus of commissions, but that's mostly calmed down now, so hopefully the next chapter comes out quicker. I also need to update No Second Chances, I know.

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50 questions · 2:56am Oct 20th, 2020

I stole this from Ice Star so now you can all know how boring I am in real life. Also I needed a break from my constant drawings of horse guts.

1. What is your first name?
Would prefer not to say, I'm not fond of it anyway. Just call me some variation of MayhemMoth or Enigmadoodles and we're good.

2. How old are you?
Please don't remind me that I turn 24 next month.

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