• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

PunIntended Consequences

Where there is perfection, there is nowhere to go but down. So aim not for the mountain's pinnacle, but simply for its next handhold.


Behind Closed Doors? · 5:39pm Mar 5th, 2014

What?! You're reading the attached blog? Um, uh... hello! Oh man, I really wasn't prepared for this. Well, I guess I'll just say what little footnotes I had written down for this short.

This is a little bit of an experimental chapter for me. You may have noticed that I swapped between three styles of writing (I say that as if it weren’t utterly obvious—I even separated them using page breaks!).
-The beginning and end were almost purely dialogue, which was very fun to write!

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ECKSBAWKS WAUN · 9:22pm May 21st, 2013

MUCH-TIME-HAS-PASSED-AND-NOW-I'M-LOOKING-BACK-AT-MISTAKES-I-MADE EDIT: I'm an honest kind of person... sometimes a bit brutally so. Ergo, this blog... yeah. I'm not going to delete it, but let this note serve as both a reminder to myself and as a sort of penance for my past stupidity.

"Sorry." --Not-as-stupid Midnight Meerkat, 2014




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'I Can't Think of a Title' is the Title of This Blog · 8:39am May 5th, 2013

So, off to a decent start then! I'm glad people are enjoying my story so far, but I have to admit that I absolutely despise writing the first chapter of a story. It's always been the most difficult part of the process for me, which is why I've only ever written two stories (actual number is four, but I don't usually talk about those other two because they're both only two chapters long and they both suck more than a black hole).

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:A What A Fucke?! · 8:07am Apr 16th, 2013

...That's not considered copyright infringement, is it? I hope not.


...That's all. Go away now. Not really.

My humor is about on par with Tobuscus, so don't expect much in these blogs (BURN BICHES!).

In case you were wondering: