• Member Since 16th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


What a beautiful Sunset.


Applejack's entire life is on Sweet Apple Acres. All her time and energy is devoted into making sure her farm is in the best shape it can be in. Every hour she can spend making her farm and her work better isn't time wasted to her.

Life isn't all about working, though, and Applejack knows this. She can make time for friends, family, fun, and life later though. She's got plenty of time and it'll all happen eventually, right?

Chapters (1)

All of Sunset's hard work in college is finally nearing its end. As she's sitting in her dorm room on yet another lonely Friday night, she has to wonder what she might have lost along the way.

Chapters (1)

It's been years since Gilda lost her best friend. She's sat at the edge of the Abysmal Abyss almost every day since then, just trying to finally let go.

Chapters (1)

Sunset has reached the final page in her journal to Twilight. With no idea what to write on it, she has to think about living life without the guidance that she's relied on for so long, and possibly without one of her best friends.

Chapters (1)

Against your better judgement, you ended up having three little girls that you have to take care of all by yourself now.

As much trouble as they can be sometimes, you still wouldn't trade them for the world.

Chapters (13)

Daring Do has had many dangerous adventures in her career, but never once in all those years has she had to resort to taking another life.

In her line of work, that couldn't last forever. Faced with no other option, she finally has to kill.

Chapters (1)

After what Sunset had done she never expected anyone to forgive her, but there was always someone willing to give her a second chance and accept her for what she was. Even before Twilight's friends bothered with her, there was one girl who Sunset could always rely on to be there.

Chapters (1)

Sunset has had the same jacket ever since she came to Canterlot High. Rarity and the girls want to treat her to some new clothes, but some things are too important to be replaced.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash takes an interest in playing guitar. When it turns out that it's going to take a quite a while to get good, she decides to search for a quicker option, and selling her soul to Satan seems to be the perfect answer for her.

Her friends don't think giving her soul to the Prince of Darkness was such a good idea though.

Chapters (1)