• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"For fun" is the best reason to do anything. "The best" is the best way to do everything.


The Heart's Promise - Released into the Wild · 4:27am Feb 4th, 2022

I normally announce new stories with a good old fashioned blog post, and I neglected to this time. No longer. We must maintain the traditions of old.

For all of those who missed the debut... Behold!

The Heart's Promise

The age of ponies is over.

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Coming Soon: The Heart's Promise - Info and Preview! · 3:19am Dec 27th, 2021

Yo guys, just wanted to update you on the situation on the new story. I'm still working on that opening. I'm not sure that it'll be out this year, but for sure you'll be able to read it sometime January.

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Edit: In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle Chapter · 1:24am Feb 8th, 2021

Just wanted to let you know I made a mistake on the most recent chapter of ItAoTS. I erroneously described Dr. Twilight's lab as being on the ground floor of the Magic School, while its actual location is the second floor. This is kinda a big detail to just switch around. It's fixed now, and it's barely worth mentioning, but that's why the text will be slightly different on a

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I Made an A.I. Re-Write Scenes from my Fanfics · 1:18am Dec 3rd, 2020

This is partially to make up for National Not Writing Month, which I participated in by not even writing a single thing last month. November is always waaaaay too busy for me to make much progress (I'm busy doing my part for wildlife conservation), and it turns out the current state of the world did not change a dippy-trippy thing.

But anyway! :pinkiecrazy: A.I. writing fanfic!

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A War Among the Stars: Top Five Favorite Star Wars Novels · 3:42am May 24th, 2020

Yo, remember that Star Wars Podcast I'm part of? We've got 11 episodes now!

I wanted to bring special attention to episode 11 itself, where my friend and I discuss our top five favorite Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. Our main focus is on Star Wars before Disney bought it, that bygone time now known only as Legends.

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DayBreak Reading Part 2 · 2:23am May 17th, 2020

Just thought I'd drop a link to StraightToThePointStudio's reading of the first scene of chapter 2 of DayBreak, where Luna and Twilight speak with Care about the attack on Celestia.

A little voice acting, a little ambient music, a little taste of DayBreak from a different perspective. Or medium. :twilightsheepish:

Check it out here!

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Rhythm and Rhyme Postmortem; The Origin and the Point · 2:01am May 7th, 2020

“MyHobby!” you say. “Where did the story come from, and why were you teasing it for literally four years before you actually started writing it?”

Rhythm and Rhyme was originally a much different story. It always centered around Button Mash and Sweetie Belle, maybe more so than the final product, but it has its roots going back many a year. I recall it being the first near-future Ponyville story I ever devised, and yet, it came out as one of the last.

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The First Chapter of DayBreak Gets a Reading! · 5:25pm Apr 23rd, 2020


I'm in a Star Wars Podcast! · 9:47pm Apr 4th, 2020

Honored guests and applicable aliases, it's time for a slight paradigm shift from what we usually see around these parts. For the past few months, my buddy and I have been working on a fun project. Y'see, he's got to create a podcast for his college project, and he wanted to base it on something that was fun to talk about. The two of us routinely get into the nitty gritty about what we like and dislike about Star Wars, so it seemed a good fit for me to "guest" star.

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The Hiatus is Over! · 2:03am Mar 29th, 2020

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of an appropriate age! Now that Rhythm and Rhyme is complete, I am able to turn my writing time over to In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle! A such, today, I present you the next chapter in the ongoing saga of The Heart's Promise Series.

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