• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2013

Barack Obama


It seems I am being watched · 9:33pm Jan 26th, 2013

I am being followed. I thought using my real name would prevent this, but it seems I was wrong. Anyway, since I am a fimfictioner, I will be posting, reading, faving...the whole works. Right now, nothing is on my palate. When a good story comes across my head, I will start typing it. My stories will be all ratings, different genres, all will be written by me. Since he found me first, I will check his refrences, his watchers and the ones he follows. I will use all editors and proofreaders at my

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Report Barack Obama · 515 views ·

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Comments ( 47 )
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Off for over 103 weeks? Playing golf and being buddy-buddy with ISIS and the Ayatollah I take it?

592273 No. America just can't handle a Black man in office. How do the rednecks say it? "We don't want no Nigger in the White House."

No, it's because you're a commie.

589117 Hey, don't worry about it. I can understand where you're coming from. I would love to prove to everyone that I really am who I say I am, but the minute I post that video, this account and everything associated with it will be wiped.

There's a reason I made this account. I want people to know that the President can have fun and doesn't akways obey the rules. To be honest, I started my debate on making this account when I came across a story on google. It was taken down, but it had me and Mitt Romney in it. It was written a year ago and, while poorly written and nowhere near canon, it was funny and made me want more.

Okay Touche

I'm sorry if what I said offended you, and just so you know I don't care what you do go ahead and post stories. The only reason why even posted that message was because I found this to be interesting and wanted to satiate my own morbid curiosity

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