• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 1st, 2015



well... · 11:54am Mar 13th, 2014

So my schedule has been pretty crazy since the new year started, as well as even before it, and ive basically spent this entire year out to sea with minimal time in port, so im going to have to put my story on hiatus for the time being.. Dont worry though, I am still working on it! I just dont know how much free time i will have available, but i am going to finish it.

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so.. · 9:48am Oct 19th, 2013

Hey, to anyone actually reading this, i just want to apologize for my lack of anything. I guess I just lost my motivation to really do much of anything outside of work. I know that none of you (I assume) know what life on board of a US Submarine is like, but at the end of the day I am usually just either to pissed to do anything or care about anything, or just to exhausted. BUT on the bright side, I have recently been inspired on my current story, as well as for a completely new story. I have

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Explanations · 8:35am Sep 4th, 2013

Well hello everypony. First things first, i want to apologize for my sudden disappearance from the site, leaving my story incomplete. As some of you know, I am an active duty submarine sailor in the US Navy. Long story short, we can be deployed at any time, with little to no notice. This is actually what happened. Shortly after checking into my boat, we got deployed for a while, and on a US sub, i wasn't allowed to bring my laptop, or really much of aThnything. BUT being underwater for so long

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Apologizing · 6:05pm Jun 21st, 2013

Hey everypony, just writing a quick little blog to let you all know that I am still living. Wishes will have a new chapter this weekend! Things have been crazy here, what with getting orders, final comps and practicals, and just preparations. Ill be heading out on transfer leave soon as well, down to Florida I go! Then I will be reporting to the USS Olympia in HI. Ill be writing as much as i can in the upcoming weeks, and I will have a good 18 hour flight to do plenty of writing on. Be ready

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Its coming... · 7:00am May 11th, 2013

Sunday is the day. The next chapter of Wishes will hopefully be released (if my amazing pre-reader and editor has the time >.<) Things get pretty hectic with the Navy, but its well overdue for this update. I hope everypony enjoys it when it drops :3

Report Flutterwh0 · 334 views ·

yea :3 · 5:10am May 2nd, 2013

So as I have stated before, Navy life isn't the easiest thing to fit writing time into, but I should have a new update to Wishes soon, as well as another short one shot that I recently started as well. Thank you to everypony whos been following my work at all! I appreciate it!

Report Flutterwh0 · 228 views ·

another update! · 7:48pm Apr 19th, 2013

Hey everyone! I just wanted to apologize for the delay in the next chapter of Wishes. Things have been a little crazy around here, and it is sometimes hard to find time to write. The next update to the story is going to be a two part/two chapter deal, which should get the story rolling more or less. I should be sending the first part to my pre-reader/editor tonight, and then the second part tomorrow night if things go as planned!

Report Flutterwh0 · 232 views ·

update real quick · 5:53am Apr 9th, 2013

Hey there everypony! I know that there are a couple of you out there waiting for my next story, and I just wanted to put out a quick update about it. I am hoping to have the first chapter up in a day or two, but sometimes with military life, time isnt the easiest thing to find. I apologize for that, but I am hoping that you all enjoy my next story!

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