• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,691 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 12: The Shadow Approaches

Author's Note:

Proofreading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff
Artwork by Faith-Wolff

Mothra and related roster property of Toho studios
Gyaos property of Daiei
MLP:FiM property of Hasbro Studios

Here we go~

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

Twilight Sparkle
Little Strongheart
Chief Thunderhooves


The train cart hobbled and shook, creaks shooting through the metal and floor boards as anxious claws tapped against the latter with each step. The train had been en route to Appleloosa since last night, and Rodan was increasingly festered each passing hour. If there was one constant he'd discovered in this new world, it was that he most certainly was not an indoor soul. He felt no breeze, the scents were clustered, the sky above was blocked out; it all felt so ungodly unnatural to him that it was beginning to make his scales crawl. Not even looking out the window into the passing landscape gave him a respite, and him sticking his head out a window nearly resulted in a face-first impact with a railroad sign. Best he could do was pace, only thankful he'd managed to get walking in this new body down. He hoped pacing would speed the hours along. So far success was scarce.

Applejack had spent the last few hours with her hat over her face to try and wink away a bit of the night. She managed to rest for a grand total of forty minutes before the creaking of floorboards roused her awake and refused to yield her to sleep. For the first hour she ignored it, but now she was about half ready to shove candle wax in her ears. When she lifted her hat up, having half a mind to smack the first thing she saw, she got a look at Rodan's frantic face. Seeing him in such a state caused the mare's face to soften. A hoof wrapped around Rodan's wing, and before he could react, Applejack had yanked the Gryphon back and plopped him down on the seat next to her. The calm face but raised eyebrow on AJ's face kept him from protesting the seating. Rodan shrugged.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be, you're the one who's been neck high in the willies for hours on end. You seem right more skittish than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs."

Rodan didn't understand the analogy, but opted not to question it and just keep talking. Perhaps a conversation could help him take the edge off.

"Guess I just don't like being indoors…."

AppleJack noted the gryphon's broad wings, ignoring their alien appearance. She recalled how trapped some pegasi could feel when indoors, giving her a true assumption.

"Judging from the back gear I take it you're a 'free bird'?"

"You could say that.... Today’s been my first time ever being inside actually."

Rodan looked around at his surroundings, cringing for a split second.

"Feels kinda suffocating actually...Trapped. Too used to seeing the sky over my head I guess."

Applejack put a hoof on the gryphon's shoulder, easing him a bit.

"Don't get too bound up, we should almost be there and if there's somethin' Appleloosa is, it's being waaay outta ways. If it’s got anything it’s plenty of elbow room."

Rodan sighed, a bit relieved. The conversation was helping out already.

"So… about this attack of the giant birds. Is that normal around here?"

Applejack took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to try and keep calm as she shook her head.

"I've been a'ways around Equestria. I've seen giant dragons, crocodiles made outta rocks, gorilla-dogs, whatever the hay Discord counts as; and canyons full of eels that swim in rock. But nothin' on some large scaled feather dusters, definitely no big fliers out and about around Appleloosa. It's nothing but plains and desert of couple days walk as the crow flies."

The mare leaned back in her seat, looking out at the passing mid-day desert.

"Just hope this doesn't mean anything about relations with ol' Chief Thunderhooves and the Buffalo herds… hopin’ they didn’t go array."

With a flick of her ears, Applejack decided it was her turn for some inquiry. The train came around a broad bend, Dodge Junction passing by in the distance.

"Speaking of unknown critters, that drawling Mothra made of that Anguirus partner of your's wasn't any beast or critter I recognized. And from what I understand all six of you didn't look like you do now, so what are you supposed to be really?"

Rodan fanned his wings a bit, stretching the half taught limbs out.

"Well I definitely didn't have this many limbs before, nor did I walk around like I had wet squids stuck to the bottom of my feet-"

Applejack got two thoughts in her mind. One the awkward, wobbling gate Rodan had on the way to the train being so bad she offered carrying him. And another about the hilarious mental images she was getting involving cephalopods. Rodan ignored the chuckling and continued.

"Your friends got a good look at me at the campground before I...downshifted... My head and wings look close enough, but bods' completely different. Guess you could best call me a giant bird with scales instead of feathers."

The earth pony couldn’t help but cock a suspicious eyebrow at the last sentence. Her thoughts were shifting back to the Princesses’ letter, visions of voracious death from above trying to claim her cousin. The thoughts and visions weren’t sitting well.

“Giant ‘bird’?...”

Rodan could read the narrow eyed expression and tensed body like a book, reeling back a bit and putting his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

“Ey ey ey! I had nothing to do with any attacks, okay? Only things I did before getting in with your posse was buzz some pegasus and use some drake as a landing pad before the change happened! Judging from the moon and sun I came from north of here, not south."

Applejack kept her face firm as she held onto her hat with her free hoof, fanning it a bit. Slowly, she half shrugged and half sighed. Relieved at the truth she could detect, she grew disgruntled at not being any closer to the cause of the nightmare her cousin was put through.

"Sorry, still tense."

"Happens. This is your folks on the line here. I know I'm prooobably not your typical sort of company anyways. Unless you want to tell me your kind is some sort of ground dwelling dolphin or sentient hot rocks, you have nothing to fear from me eating anyone. 'Sides I'd rather not get on that Celestia's bad side with the shape I'm in now."

Applejack read the honest and was content with her answer. They still had a ways to go until they reached town, and she still needed to be a bit surer of her cohort's intentions. She knew he meant well and wasn’t a threat, but she was the kind of pony who wanted to know more about who she was trekking with. Time to really put her element to work.

"Why were you so quick to volunteer to lend a hoof back at the palace?"

Rodan looked out at the wide countryside beyond the window, yearning to fully stretch his wings out. After taking a moment to eye a few rock pillars that would make excellent perches, he looked back to the inquisitive mare.

"Well, aside from the previously established clause of me hating being indoors and wanting to find some space; I try not to be a nasty chum believe it or not. I mean, I'm a..gryphon did you call it back then?- And I take it they are welcome amongst your lot?"

Applejack nodded.

"Ye. There aren't too many of them around in these parts, but they can settle in like the rest of us just fine."

"Well then, if I am welcome into your country by your leaders and into your town by you; by logic I should be welcoming to you ponies. Being welcome makes you part of the flock. And if a flockmate is hurt, I will go to help them."


"You know, group you trust. Like how me, Goji, Mothra, and Anguirus are in the same lot. They're my flock. And if I got no reason to distrust you or any other pony, you're part of the flock too."

Applejack thought over his words for a moment, analyzing his face. Full trust was something hard earned and no one could trust a total stranger overnight. Still, his sincerity was near beaming. The earth pony smirked, playfully punching Rodan in the shoulder.

"Rodan, welcome to Equestria. I think we're gonna be glad to have ye’ and we’ll get a'long just fine."

Everfree Forest Road

Twilight trotted along the old dirt and stone path, her saddlebags jingling a bit from their bloated loads as Mothra kept up behind her. They had opted to walk on three counts. For one, the younger of the two hadn’t quite nailed flying yet. Secondly, it be harder to spot the castle through all the tall trees and difficult to land properly. And lastly, the third member of their party couldn’t fly. Spike quickly paced alongside his adoptive sibling, keeping her between him and the changeling. It was nothing personal against the Guardian of Mortals, but the poor little dragon couldn’t help but look at her crooked horn and hole filled hooves and not get flashbacks to a hair raising encounter. Spike wanted to come on this trip, but he had a phobia to deal with, one that caused him to spring out from bed so high he nearly hit the ceiling when he first saw Mothra. It would take time to get over it.

Still, points to the changeling for trying. Catching an idle glance from the little drake in her multi-colored eyes, the royal changeling attempted to shoot him a friendly smile and a subtle wave. Unfortunately this just sent Spike diving for cover underneath Twilight’s legs; hiding under her like a startled foal. Mothra’s face drooped a bit, looking back ahead before sighing in defeat.

Twilight did her best to ignore it all, not objecting to Spike hiding underneath her. She learned the hard way about trying to force friendship issues, thanks to a certain incident with Smarty Pants. The ball was in Spike’s court for now. The young alicorn shifted her attention to other matters, thoughts churning in recollection to back at the castle.

“You said back at Canterlot you’d tell me a bit about a certain two and you gave me the basic run down last night, but we ran out of time. Mind giving me the details now since we got a ways to go? I don’t mean to rush a conversation but… you were all so quick to fight… and Godzilla and that blue one especially looked like they were trying to kill each other!”

Twilight’s eyebrows curled up, fear evident in her expression. She was no stranger to conflict, and fully supported the need to defend oneself, both from having to save Equestria multiple times now; and some of her BBBFF’s combat training and tales having rubbed off on her. What did disturb her was the unbridled ferocity and hatred she could almost feel radiating off all of them when both sides faced off. To a Princess of Friendship and camaraderie, it was like looking straight at the pits of Tartarus. Mothra looked to Twilight with a pained expression, it was evident a topic she didn't like discussing had just cropped up. Twilight read the negative expression, but before she could quickly try to change the subject, Mothra lifted a hoof and replied.

“Knowing those two, that is likely exactly what they were trying to do... Don’t ever take the peace and good in your world for granted Twilight-”

Mothra looked up at the forest ahead, trickles of sun light slipping through the canopy.

“-my home is a cold war; with those two as two of the biggest heads of it. Xenilla for prepetuating it, Godzilla for trying to stop it. As I said last night, their family is the leading cause, but mine also arguably drove the events that lead up to this conflicted war zone of home I had.”

Twilight tilted her head and flicked her ears, looking back to Mothra’s face. The expression of guilt and sadness was evident. One of the words hit Twilight like a jackhammer.

-Previously she just said "Godzilla's family"...-

Their family?” Twilight muttered with a perked brow, "I mean, they do look similar. Large size, thick build, the nasal ridge... And if I were a betting mare, I'd say they were both spewing variants of plasma considering it didn't look like magic to me."

Mothra's heart quickened when she realized the word had slipped her tongue. But, the inquisitive look on the smaller mare demanded an answer. There was no beating around the bush now... Mothra slowly nodded, sadly.

“There is a reason Xenilla looks so much like my ally, yes. Just like I was proceeded by my mother, the Godzilla you and I know is not the first; being the third to take up that name."

Twilight nodded along, recalling some of the stories Mothra had told her at the library. Ones that cast images of living titans and masses of nuclear fires, "Y-Yes I remember, the first, Junior's adoptive grandfather, lived and died over half a century ago. A dinosaur mutated by radiation, much like his son which followed him. The second was Godzilla Senior, who first made his presence known thirty years ago. He was the current Godzilla's adoptive father."

Mothra hummed, "Correct. I told you a bit about Senior's battles and trials during his active decade, against the horrors of man and beasts like Destroyah, but I guess I didn't have enough time to cover one important detail. It was how Xenilla's birth was caused by my family, my mother.”

Twilight shifted all of her attention to Mothra as they entered the darkest patch of forest. The dark surrounding matched pained memories.

He submitted to the void of time and acted as its voice, “It was because of the battle Godzilla Senior had against my parents…”

Mothra Lea’s face became pained over past memories.

Every member of her lineage was their predecessor’s replacement. Each Mothra would serve her term as a protector, and then lay an egg when she was beginning to weaken so her daughter could succeed her. And so each replacement was stronger than the last as to give rise to better and better protectors, knowledge was passed on in the blood. While each was their own individual, each new daughter inherited some of her foremothers’ memories and experiences. Lea however had matters a bit more severe. The modern Battra, her mother’s male counterpart of armored moths, had fallen in battle in a time the planet was in no condition to make a replacement out of the mana and life force of the world itself. But a protector was needed nevertheless. So, the power of both lines converged on her mother’s egg. In a way, this made the newborn guardian a hybrid; twice as powerful as both of her forbearers. On the side effect, she didn’t remember just her mother’s fate in the hell-fires of DesGhidorah and cold of the ocean; nor the deaths of her grandmother, great grandmother, and so on back to the Cretaceous generation by generation. She was the first Mothra to have a father, but she was also the first Mothra to lose more than one parent. Each time she thought back to the time she and her greatest ally’s family lines first met, she knew how it felt when an enraged and out of control Godzilla Senior sunk his fangs into Battra's neck. The splintering of chitin from the gnash of fang.

She shook her head, feeling what her mother felt. Seeing the living mountain of walking thunder that was Junior's father. Similar in form, if different in shape and build. Smaller, rounded dorsal spines that looked partially melted, keloid scars from atomic fire from the warheads that rebirthed a creature that should have lived a humble and ignorant life as a predator of whales and fish without knowing true sapience. True hatred. But the uplifting had left its scars, ones Junior was spared by being irradiated while still in his egg. The Old King's wrath was bore of knowing what had been trust upon him while knowing malice, for that was all mankind had ever given him. In many ways, even as horrifying as he was to behold, her mother pitied the former King of the Monsters. Especially when he'd been suddenly driven mad by an outside force and sicced upon her and Battra seemingly without cause. Little conscience, no choice, just destroy.

Mothra sighed quietly, “Senior was not like Junior. He was wronged by both the world around him and the sapient races who lived on it, lashing out at anything he saw as hurting him. He wasn’t an evil beast, but no less guilty of his own wrath. Even so, something else was inside him; building over the years. It burned through his veins like hellish venom and drove him mad. To this day I still don't fully know what it was or how it came to possess him, but it turned an already aggressive and hate filled kaiju into a would-be walking hurricane. Upon the awakening of my mother, Senior flew into a rampage. He charged right into the path of my quarreling mother and-"

She almost hesitated at the word. It wasn't just the matter of the Godzilla's conflict all those years ago. Senior's arrival had coincided, almost too perfectly, during a quarrel that started 70,000 years ago and bled into the modern day at the previous Mothra and Battra's awakening. The Guardians of the Biosphere, her father and grandfather, against the Guardian of Mortals, her mother and grandmother. Two incarnations with the same debate. If sapient life had the right to exist and alter their world, even at the cost of other species. With a debate and conflict between demigods, the modern day monster came charging in.

"-father... Seeing what was wrong, they put aside their differences and fought together to fend him off. Under their combined power, they won the night and Senior was driven off while being freed of his mania..."

Mothra's face winced, flashes of gnashing, blood stained teeth and glowing spines blotting her vision briefly. For a split second, the Guardian of Mortals and paragon of benevolence, looked terrified. Twilight saw every bit of it, drawing close to try and comfort her friend. She couldn't have imagined a simple question could have hit such a nerve, foreseeing something painful was about to come out.

The memories of her father ceased at the moment he did, when a gore covered Godzilla, just before he was cured by her mother's spell, tore Battra's throat out and fired his burning lights point blank into the wound. Sparks of fire and searing lanterns spewed out from between his fangs that remain embedded in Battra's chitin, the beam tearing its way into the demigod and firing out the other side of his neck. The Guardian of the Biosphere's eyes went dim.

"But not before he tore my father's throat out... My mother performed a seal on Senior to free him from the presence and dropped him in the sea, my father’s corpse sinking into the ocean depths with him. Senior did not resume his attack and retreated.

Twilight's brow perked and her mouth dropped agape slightly at the tale, practically able to see it before her as vague as some details were. She didn't know this world, know this history. But she knew a tragedy when she heard it and so, listened intently.

Mothra shook her head, remembering the gaze cast to her mother from beneath the ocean waves she'd dropped Battra's corpse and Godzilla into. The seal of magic had faded and yet the gaze remained. Godzilla was still very much alive, and very conscious. But, it was as if he bore her witness with his own eyes for the first time. The look was of confusion. At her and his surroundings, as if waking from a dream for the first time in days, if not weeks. They looked upon one another, one flying above the ocean's still surface and one passively hovering below it. Slowly, though surely, the Monster King's visage softened to neutrality. His conflict had been with the humans, be it his enemies of old or those who'd continue to antagonize him instead of leaving his lovely soul to persist in peace. They'd already taken his kind, his home, his body, his mind from him.... But this entity, this almost angelic moth, had done no such sin or slight. For the first time to not of his own breed, the Monster King felt regret. He sunk deeper into the depths of the ocean, not taking the chance to swim past the Mothra to attack the nearby city in retribution for whatever slight had been handed to him this time. To someone consumed with hate, it being the human's fault only made sense.

But instead, he slipped away into the void and turned his back on the Mothra as Battra's corpse was interred by the darkness below. They had no quarrel, so long as she left him alone. The current Mothra's mother hovered above the surface, her wings beating ripples into the surface slowly as the sea dragon departed. In some minor way, she knew he felt sorry.

She turned her gaze to the heavens above, to the distant flicker approaching the planet from far out in the void above even blacker than the sea below.

"With the task complete, my mother departed the planet and flew into space to avert a meteor on an impact course. She didn’t know some of Senior’s blood and scales were stuck to her claws.”

Mothra looked up at the pinpricks of sky visible through the thick canopy. Somewhere beyond Celestia’s glow was deep space. She couldn’t help but wonder if Xenilla looked to the same sky as if it was his crib.

“We may never know what exactly happened, but Senior’s tissue broke off in flight. They somehow reformed, mutated in the darkness of the void; and bore forth the beast you know as Xenilla. The humans speculated it was exposure to mass energy that kick started the cell’s healing factor. Others say it was remnant magic from my mother. Xenilla himself may not even know.”

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly. What had been popularized by fiction, theorized Equestrian science for decades, and personally banned by Celestia herself; had been standing amongst all of them in Canterlot Castle and now roamed the Crystal Empire. Complete replication of life, more so than the Mirror Pool could ever hope to achieve.

“He’s a clone…”

“Yes, a heavily altered one. One with enough traits to distinguish him from his progenitor while retaining numerous similarities, akin to a child resembling their parent. In a way, he is the Old King’s bastard child,” Mothra muttered, "Ignorant of this, the Second Godzilla later adopted an orphaned juvenile he'd found some time later, after they had been raised by humans. That juvenile would grow into his successor... And my best friend."

“So, if Junior is the adoptive son of Senior, that makes him and Xenilla brothers?” Twilight whispered with her brow drooping, "And when he returned to your home world, you told me of how Xenilla tried to kill their father and take over. Explaining why Junior despises him."

Mothra nodded, “Now you know what Icka’brod means, an olden term of origin in their kind, and why it set Junior off so much... I don’t think I need clarify why Junior violently denies it, it’s not a happy family dynamic. Even to this day we never did figure out the reason Xenilla sought dominion of the planet but his personality leaves little to question why.”

"And the conflict only got worse with time. I could imagine giant monsters fighting could lead to catastrophic losses if a fight spilled into a city," Twilight grimaced, not wanting to even think of such an event in somewhere like Canterlot or Manehattan.

"You're intuition befits you, young Princess," Mothra hummed as they trotted through a darkened patch in the wood, befitting the tone of their discussion. Even the calmest of this realm still looked so pristine, inflaming the worry their war would spoil such a place, "But legacy has a way of reversing. The first two Godzilla were destroyers and yet; humanity, Equestria's closest counterparts, still thrives in their cities. The current Godzilla has been nothing but tireless in seeing to it the battles are intercepted before such calamities happen. Always taking the fight outside the limits, always out to sea again in the end, always running to another defense with that innate keenness to know where he must be. He is, and always has been, my greatest friend and one of Terra's champions despite no calling to be so."

The brief glow of pride about her however, faded with other recollections. All the times she and her oldest friend had been bruised or beaten after a battle only to find him rushing off to another while still bleeding all over the place. Stubborn fool insisted he'd heal on the way there.

"... Sometimes, many times, I've tried to make him slow. Insist someone else can shoulder the burden. At other times I worry it is out of guilt for what his predecessors had done. One time," Mothra paused in breath to retain her composure, for a second risking it to falter. To force levity she scoffed, "Fool tried to crisscross the continents all in the span of a few months just to patrol. And this was after a massive brawl where I know for a far he got multiple scars from!... I finally had enough. Forced a sleeping spell on him so he'd rest! And do you know what he did?"

Twilight wasn't sure she wanted an answer, but frowned and perked her ear, "What did he do? Get angry with you?"

Mothra shrugged long and she shrugged hard, "Oh he was enraged... at himself. And didn't show it, but I knew. Because Anguirus instead intercepted an attack and not him and got bruised up in the process.... He's just as obsessive. And I know my family set this on him and yet he'll not stop until he's-... Stopped."

Her head drooped as the seconds passed, "I don't mind suffering. But I can't bear seeing my friends or world suffer much longer."

Mothra’s expression saddened considerably, looking down at her hooves as they walked the rarely trotted path. Twilight remembered the tale Mothra had told her of Senior and Xenilla’s duel, of the human war machine who intervened, of a child aged Junior’s imprisonment by his brother. She knew Destroyah who was also Junior’s enemy, his would-be executioner whom fought the Old King until he met his demise after fending her off. But now it made all the more sense why Mothra’s ally emanated so much disdain for Xenilla in particular. It was personal to him as it was her. And on top of all this, Mothra’s family was also involved in this mess.

-She flinched up when talking about Senior, like he's a phobia. Junior and Xen must be bringing him up in her mind constantly. One an enemy, the other a friend she feels worry for. And yet, either side of that conflict she's reminded of her father’s killer no matter if she looks at her closest friend and harshest enemy. And it was by her mother's actions that the brothers' feud started in the first place. No wonder their world is never placid, it's all one interconnected conflict after another! Her time here might be the closest thing her entire lineage has had to peace in years!-

Twilight stretched out a wing, putting it across Mothra’s back slowly as the mare shifted to walk closer, rubbing up against the changeling supportively. A flicker of green and purple moved out from under Twilight’s legs, and before a second could drop, Spike had taken up his walk alongside Mothra’s other flank, unafraid. A small arm reached out and hugged Mothra’s drooping wingtip, the apologetic look on Spike’s face needing no words. Flashes of grief turned into small pangs of happiness. Stretching her free wing around Twilight, Mothra leaned down and gently nuzzled Spike’s head. The little dragon almost reeled back when her snout loomed over him, but held firm and soon was shivering ticklishly at her touch.

Mothra finally stilled, now realizing how wound up she'd gotten and resolving not to let that happen again. Somehow, around Twilight and company, there was a sense it wouldn't, “Thank you little one, and you too young Princess…”

“Ah shucks... Hey, listen. I know things are bad for you at home, but for now, Equestria is home. And maybe we can help each other out beyond just returning you from whence you came,” She tapped Mothra's back with her wing, "We've had our own share of massive problems in the past, particularly about 1,000 years ago. And yet, we managed to make a world this peaceful."

Spike finished her line with a wink, "Totally, if it could happen here; it could happen on Terra. And if there is any place to learn how to fix family problems, it's Equestria! Nobody has to suffer."

Twilight beamed happily before looking ahead. The forest was parting to an all too familiar wood and rope bridge. The traveling trio halted as the distant sight of thousand year old cut stones, half broken statues; and archaic designs.

“Mothra… welcome to the former residence of Princess Celestia and Luna, the Everfree Castle of the Two Sisters.”

Appleloosa, what's still standing that is

The train screeched to a halt, the relief effort teams departing. Between Applejack's rush to get into town and Rodan's eagerness to finally get in the open it was hard to tell which one of them had gotten out of the door first when they exploded out from it. The sight of the humped backs and recurved horns of the Thunderhoof bison herd amongst the town caused the poor mare to worry her worst fears come true for a moment, forcing her to rush into town ahead of near anyone outside of the gryphon flying after her. She most certainly didn't expect Braeburn to pop up in front of her from around a corner.

"Howd'y Cuz! Welcome to Aaaaaappleloosa!"


Before she could give the bandaged up stallion another broken bone for startling her so badly, Braeburn lurched forward and gave Applejack the strongest hug he could with only one arm. The on-looking Rodan was stuck wondering if this was normal for them. Applejack returned the hug for a split second before pulling back to see how banged up her cousin was. Braeburn had seen better days. His entire right forelimb was bandaged up from hoof to shoulder, held in a splint. His trademark hat was roughed up and had several holes in it, with a large portion of the rim torn off. Bruising encircled his left eye and right cheek, dueling with a kindly smile as to whether the face would show pain or glee. The tattered remains of his vest stretched across his shoulders, several large slashes over the back of it ending in the entire lower end having been ripped away. More bandaging striped both of his back legs, green cactus salve staining one of them that apparently had been bloodied.

"You gave me a scare right to Tartarus and back! Are you okay? Anything hurt? Bandages too tight? Are you ok to walk?!"

"Cuz cuz I'm fiiiine, just needed a little patching up."

Braeburn's condition was an allegory for the town itself. Appleloosa had more damaged buildings than it did ideal and intact ones. Ponies, both from Canterlot and the townsfolk themselves, and bison moved to and fro from buildings; carrying everything from supplies to injured ponies. The saloon's roof had been crushed in, windows at the doctor's office shattered, homes torn asunder; and the sheriff's office and jail looked like it had been sliced in half. Braeburn's footing began to falter, but before AJ could lurch forward to help a blur of bronze moved to his side. Little Strongheart held herself up against the stallion, re-steadying him. Near everyone caught a momentary flush of red on Braeburn's face amongst the bruising as a mountain of a bison walked up to them.

Chief Thunderhooves looked over at the shattered remains of what had been a bakery.

"We saw smoke coming from the horizon this morning. When Strongheart noticed nopony in the orchards and came to see what was wrong, we found the town like this."

Applejack took off her hat and put it over her chest, relieved her fears turned out to be the exact opposite of reality. She bowed a bit.

"Mighty thankful for the aid Chief."

Rodan was a short distance from the conversation that was following. The wind was shifting slightly, blowing all of the towns scents into him. He smelled it all, old wood, dust, equines, bovines, blood, coals; and a enormous amount of apples. But there was something else here, something vaguely familiar. The gryphon hovered up higher into the air, looking the town over from the vantage point while sifting his nostrils through the breeze.

"What all happen 'round here?!"

"Bunch o' big buzzards came in just after sundown. Tore half the place apart before they all vanished."


Braeburn nodded, rubbing the back of his head with his cast.

"Here one secon', gone the next. Everyone was indoors in Sheriff Silverstar's basement cellar. When the noise stopped all the sudden I poked my head out and wasn't a bird in sight."

Little Strongheart adjusted her position to keep Braeburn from tipping himself over, obvious concern on her face.

"We found some tracks when we arrived, they were far too big to be any birds we know of."

"Weird lookin' things too, not a single feather on 'em; kinda like y'er friend over there."

Rodan's head snapped forward straight at Braeburn as he locked on to the scent. Closing up his wings the gryphon dropped down right in front of the stallion and dove his nostrils at Braeburn's bandaged forearm. He was sniffing at the limb like a bloodhound on a trail.

"Um... what’s he doin?"

Rodan ignored the inquiry, eyes gaping at the scent he was picking up.

"What did this?!"

Braeburn craned his neck back a bit.

"One of them birds got a hold of my leg in its mouth before I could slam a door on its head. Bugger bit down so hard I still can't walk straight on it."

Before he could give a response, Rodan took back off into the air and through town; following something. Applejack and the others were quick to follow, abet at a slow pace until Little Strongheart practically hauled a blushing Braeburn onto her back, turning to Applejack as she kept up easily despite the load.

"Who is this gryphon?"

"He's new around these parts, but I think he might know a thing or two about what's going on. What's this way Braeburn?"

"That bird that bit me musta said something about the other's Ma's because the other ones turned on it immediately after I hurt it with the door. We found the body outside of the saloon."

By the time they arrived at said saloon, Rodan have already dove down and shoved his way through the small crowd. Getting up to him, Applejack soon found herself standing before the rotting and near picked clean skeleton of a beast unlike anything found in Equestria. Giant was an accurate description, the entire skeleton easily being the same size as Chief Thunderhooves. The skull was capped with an arrowhead shaped plate, with large sockets fitted under the ridge. The wings were more like a bat than any bird she'd heard off, with several long fingers supporting the strips of what she had to presume were once wings. And more grossly unlike any living avian, the jaws were packed with a row of recurved, serrated fangs. She had no idea what she was looking at, but the blood drained face of the gryphon beside he told her he did.

"This is bad... this is very very bad..."

"R-Rodan.. do you know what this is?"

"Y-Yes... and I need to get a message to Mothra NOW!"


The pink and purple aura surrounding several strands of ivory colored mane subsided, the stray hairs falling into a large, liquid filled petri dish. Much to Twilight’s delight and Mothra’s relief, the clear liquid changed its hue into a pool of passive blue as opposed to a stop-sign red. Mothra half bit her tongue, practicing her own levitation magic with a rainbow cloak wrapping around Godzilla’s hairs to lift them into a dry dish. Twilight quickly scrolled their findings down on a notebook.

“Phew, not toxic.”

“Thankfully, seems any ambient radiation Junior gives off won’t harm any of your kind.”

Twilight inspected the indicator liquid, which changed color according to what kind of energy or magic it was exposed too. Blue was for wild and uncontrolled magic, but thankfully not harmful.

“It seems this energy he gives off, certain types of ‘radiation’, is very similar to unprocessed magic. Would explain why he could hurt Princess Luna. Aside from being larger and stronger, the two immortal alicorns heal very rapidly from all but certain types of magic attacks.”

“Would also account for why her dark magic shut off his own regeneration; if radiation and magic have similar properties.”

Twilight tabbed her quill to her chin, looking over the test notes.

“Least we now know he won’t make anyone in Canterlot sick by just walking around, same probably goes for Xenilla at the Empire. One question though, if it’s harmful to a lot of things in your home world when in large doses, why would it be relatively harmless to Equestrians?”

“Well he might be safe to stay around, but I wouldn’t try chugging his heat beam anytime soon. Reason miiiight be because Equestria is used to dealing with large amounts of free energy flying around. Terra does have some magic left in it, but it had much more in the past than it does now. Maybe the loss of magic in Terra meant most life forms might be harmed by similar sources, like radiation types"

"Like how a disease is more dangerous if you have no resistance to it."

Mothra nodded approvingly, trotting back over to a not so small pile of tomes and books the two had managed to read through in the past hour.

"Now that the science experiment is done, you said you thought you had gotten an idea from one of these?"

Twilight flapped her wings, mentally praising the new asset to help her get around, and landed alongside. Horn glimmering, the alicorn quickly levitated up half the books and was busily scanning the titles and subjects.

"Yes, one of them mention something, let's seee....no, no, no, no , definitely no... ummm. Spike-"

Eyes darted over to the little dragon, who was plopped down on a small comforter pillow and thumbing through a comic book. He looked up as the alicorn felt a wave of mental relief wash over her knowing it one she got him for his birthday and wasn't another enchanted graphic novel.

"Yes Twilight?"

"You know where the tomes on distance clearing magic in the lower library are?"

"Yeah I spent half a day putting labels on the shelves while you were studying last time we were here. Need something?"

"Could you grab me 'Methods and Spells of Distance Dilation' by Clover the Clever? Should be on the lower shelf."

With a hop, skip, and a salute; Twilight's Number One Assistant shot up, put his comic to rest by his can of root beer and tray of rubies; and set to work. Half hopping and half jogging down a hall to the sound of Mothra and Twilight's echoed voices, the little dragon jumped up on the stairwell's railing and slid down the obstacle like a slide. After sticking a landing he half expected Pinkie Pie to jump out from and yell 'TA-DAAAA', Spike fumbled with a tall door for a moment before entering the castle catacombs. While he could see just fine more or less amongst the darkness, any chipper courage he had was waning slowly amongst the clawing shadows and vast expanses. The catacombs were part natural structure and part castle, having been a large cave system when the Princesses built their castle over the entrance. The walls and floor were all cut, polished, and aged stone alongside bits of tiles and the remains of carpet; but the ceiling itself was a mass expanse of natural stalactites and hollows that flickered in and out of view in the dancing torch light. In the shimmering light, long shadows of tall spikes gnashed the ceiling while a whispering breeze slipped across the cavern. Spike did his best to hurry his pace and bite his tongue.

-Ke-Keep a lid on it Spikey, you volunteered and Twilight showed you there is nothing down here to be afraid of last time. No bats, no bears, no monsters, no Angel. J-Just a biiiig room with some pointy rocks. You can do this..-

Rushing slightly despite taking a deep breath to try and calm his racing heart, the little dragon hobbled onto a rolling stool and kicked off. Riding down a line of tome packed aisles, Spike quickly read the author names as they trailed by. Just looking at the sheer number of decorated labels he made was reminding him all too much of just how bored he'd been at the time.

"Let's see... Lady Amal'thea, Silver Scout, Esperanza, Masked Tornado, Dame Epona, Shadowfax, Ebony Beauty… Ah!”

Spike stuck out his arm to grab onto the aisle, skidding his ride to a halt before a small shelf of scrolls and novella sized tomes. The paper label decorated with a Hearth’s Warming tree decoration heralding its author. After a brief scan over the titles, the object of his search was soon in hand.

“'Methods of Spells of Distance Dilation', by Clover the Clever and King Shisar?..Seesaw’er? um…Oye what was his mother thinking..uuuh.... King Cae-”

Just as he was about to give another crack at trying to pronounce the clearly foreign name, a distant flicker of noise ripped away the little dragon’s attention. A whooshing, whipping noise echoed down from the ceiling high above, repeating a few times before halting. Spike looked up, but even with his sharp eyes and light from his torch, saw nothing. The sound seemed to be coming from a particularly high location in the cavern’s ceiling, where if he squinted, Spike could just barely make out a large crevice in the roof leading to a dark unknown. It seemed the noise was either coming from in there or had echoed into there. Spike was more than a little quick to pack the book away with him and getting rolling again on the stool, heading for the exit. The clacking and humming of the stool’s wheels on the hard floors drowned out any other sound he could have possibly heard, and it was hard for him to decide if that was better or worse than before.

-B-Breezes blow through from the caves sometimes, might have just caught a curtain the r-ight way and made it flap a bit. Yeah that’s it! That's exactly what it sounded like. The cave just plays around with noises a lot Spikey, there’s nothing here to be afraid of! Nope-nope-nope!-

Despite his assurance and quick pace, it took another nail biting minute for him to get back to the entrance. Scaling back up the stairwell with book in hand, Spike looked back into the darkened library with a relieved sigh. Nothing, there was absolutely nothing down there.

-Phew, maybe Twilight's right. You’ve just been reading too many spooky comics Spike…-

He turned and walked back into the castle halls, oblivious to the gleam of reddened eyes that had been following him from the ceiling; their owner crawling out of the crevice and across the cavern’s roof towards the exit.

Spike kept his little heart attack to himself upon returning, earning a nuzzle and a thank you from his big sister before plopping back down to enjoy his, thankfully non-horror related, Power Ponies comic. Mothra didn’t get a chance to see both of the authors’ names before Twilight flicked the tome open and quickly fanned through to the page she was looking for.

“Clover the Clever was a unicorn that lived way back in a time before the princesses ruled. She was the front runner in distant communication through magic. It was she and Celestia who invented the scroll teleportation spell you saw back at the camp.”

Mothra mulled over the thought for a moment, remembering how Luna’s message had come to them. It was a fascinating application of magic, but she didn't see how it would help out in reaching back to Terra.

“I see. Now, how does this pertain to us?”

“Two parts. For one, sending a message is easiest to do when you are sending it to someone from the land you native to. For instance sending a note to Saddle Arabia that was written by a Saddle Arabian would be easier than if the note was written by an Equestrian or Gryphon. And two, you can talk to your allies out of earshot via Telepathy right?”

Mothra’s eyes flickered with a loving glow for a split second, and her warm voice echoed into Twilight’s mind like a bell, despite her mouth not moving.


Twilight grinned and had to resist the giddy urge to playfully demand a lesson in how to pick up the skill, giggling before continuing.

“Well, since you are from Terra and can talk through telepathy, maybe we can use one of Clover’s spells to ‘patch’ you through to someone back on Terra? Proper use of the magic might be able to extend the range and power of your telepathy juuuust enough to cross over. With our hypothesized barrier ruptured, there is nothing blocking it so we might get through!”

Mothra’s face lit up with anticipation. True, they hadn’t found a way to return themselves home just yet. But a link back home, even just the dimensional equivalent to a long distance telephone call; was more than a small victory.

“Let’s do it!”

Twilight closed the book with a snap, her horn lighting up with raw magic as she gave Mothra a smirking grin and a nod.

Back on Terra, Bottom of the Pacific Ocean Shallows

Gamera was not having a very pleasant week. True, the conflicts for now had stopped; but to say it had been through peaceful means was the biggest lie this side of the century. Several days ago the humans decided to use their shiny new weapon on the island numerous kaiju called home, removing the leadership of two of the largest factions on the planet. Then half the same scourge he’d spent years keeping down all try to act up at once, almost as if either in celebration of the apparent loss of the likes of Godzilla and Mothra, or in mad power grabs due to the vacuum Xenilla and Destroyah left. With two beings they saw as their king and queen gone, many of the more benign kaiju looked to the giant turtle as their new leader. With reluctance, the shelled ‘Regent’ launched a full scale counter attack, dispatching a fighter and defender to every assault they could find. Yonggary engaging and driving off Pulgasari to defend Seoul, Raiga fending off an incursion by a second Knifehead she sensed coming at Manila; and Zilla jr. battling it out against Buraki at Port Jackson. Gamera himself had been engaged against a large flock of gyaos before the humans decided to put their new toy to work and make the whole flock disappear in a ball of darkness. It had only been through sheer luck that Gamera had a stony spire to grab onto that he avoided getting sucked in himself until the black hole expired. Already he’d gotten word his brush up with Dimension tide was just one of an entire volley of shots fired in a short span of time. While all the kaiju hit were most certainly not his allies, two facts about it all troubled Gamera.

The giant turtle ceased his walk across the ocean bottom, looking up at the glimmering sun shining through the sea above in a radiate brilliance. The word he received from his human ally about what was going on had only compounded the mixed thoughts he was getting.

-Having so many villains out of the way is good… But Asagi says the weapon was hacked into and controlled by an outside force for those extra shots. That weapon doesn't kill though, I know for sure they are all taken to somewhere-

Gamera shrugged, letting out a torrent of bubbles as he went back down. He was tired, having been fighting near all week. He had to stop for a moment, to heal and recover soon, and now with a calm after the chaos it seemed a better time than ever. Kicking up clouds of silt, he laid down on the sea floor.

-Despite what the humans say, I know those scourge are alive and out there somewhere…-

Gamera closed his eyes as he tucked his limbs and head into his shell. Lines of light traced over all his wounds, numerous cuts, scratches, bite marks, nicks, and slashes across his shell and limbs. Within a few moment the burning light ceased, the wounds closed.

-Least that means Mothra and the others live as well…-

The guardian heard a single sound. It was a subtle, soft, chiming voice slipping through his head before he felt the soothing restfulness of nocturne take him.

A voice of someone he knew well was calling his name.


Twilight gritted her teeth and flared her wings as a glowing orb of her magic hovered before Mothra. The changeling’s horn shined in unison with Twilights in a rainbow sheen, her mane beginning to stand up and wave as if held up underwater. The entire chamber was filled with dancing light as the glowing ball that was Clover’s archaic spell began to take shape. Mothra uttered a single word, focusing all her power into the window the alicorn had opened.


Both spellcasters’ magic halted as they breathed with a slight heaviness from the effort. Before thoughts of failure could take hold however, the orb refused to wane and grew in shape and size. Arms emerged, tusks protruded, and the outline of a shell became obvious as the ball of magic took the outline of the Water Guardian of Terra.

The astral image of Gamera blinked its eyes, looking around in confusion as Twilight and Spike failed to hide their gawking expression at the terrapin beast.

“Am I in a, dream? What’s going on? Where am I?”

Mothra waved a hoof as she flared her wings.

“Welcome Gamera.”

Gamera's eyes shot open at the voice of familiarity, eagerly looking around to and fro so rapidly he couldn't have possibly spun around more without using his jets.

"MOTHRA! YOU'RE OK! Where are you!? How is this possible?! What's going on!? Are the other's there too?!"

"Down here-"

Gamera spun back in the direction of the mares and looked down, eyes shifting from surprise to bewilderment. Gamera cocked an eyebrow.

“I'm in a new place and yes, Godzilla and the others are here too, but not on hand. I contacted you through telepathy with local magical help, but seems we managed to pull an astral projection.”

One would almost expect wise, morale giving words of nobility from someone with a title like Gamera’s. And true, the turtle did have quite the mouth piece on him at times. It’s just that right now however he was too puzzled at what he was looking at to say anything with any remote grandeur.

“… Mothra, why am I hearing your voice out of a brightly colored horse with butterfly wings?”

“I AM a brightly colored horse with butterfly wings.”

“… Magic?”

She nodded with a flat expression.

"...Dimensional travel cause the shift?"

“When in Rome…”

Twilight expected kaiju to look diverse, Anguirus and Rodan being two of the strangest creatures she’d ever looked at short of a chimera. But for all the word on giant reptiles, three headed dragons, and enormous butterflies she’d heard, seeing a bipedal talking turtle with tusks was a tad unexpected.

“You’re a …. talking turtle... with teeth... You look kinda like a monster costume.”

Gamera looked over at Twilight and nearly reeled his head back at what he was seeing. Seeing the alien sight that was currently Mothra was odd enough, but seeing something he thought would look right at home in the children's section at a store was just as weird looking. It was adorable.

“And you look akin to a brightly colored children’s toy. You must be the company Mothra is keeping.”

Mothra let out a very verbal shrug that a being across a dimension could hear. Gamera snapped to attention as she trotted over to Twilight's side.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, this is an old friend of mine, a guardian from my world named Gamera."

Brushing aside any confusion, disbelief, or internal giddiness at how well the spell was working; a smile crossed Twilight's face as she bent her knees and bowed while flaring her wings lightly.

"A pleasure to meet you."

A small grin entered a tusked maw as Gamera returned the bow lightly, crossing an arm over his shell.

"Your majesty."

The young alicorn couldn't help but giggle, nearly bouncing up once she rose. Gamera nodded his head and looked back to Mothra, still eyeballing her new form with a mix of fascination and bafflement.

"It is good you are safe. You said the others are there, but where are they? Who all is there?"

"We're a bit scattered at the moment. Rodan is off on an aid mission, Anguirus is in a town nearby; and Godzilla is at the capital for now. Both Destroyah and Xen were transformed and residing in this realm as well."

Gamera's eyes shot open like spotlights. He was hoping that wasn't the case, and the fact it seemed his allies were so spread out only seemed more dangerous. Mothra sensed the thought and quickly continued.

"BUT they are contained. The rulers of this realm are more than capable of keeping a lid on it for now."

"And I take it this means Xen and Goji aren't throwing it down right now?"

"Don't think they didn't try... You know those two."

Gamera's expression flattened the best it could.

"Irony.. takes getting hurled into a world of talking ponies for them to not try to kill each other."

"Well for the moment we can't take anything for granted. Xenilla is planning something, I know he must be. And I don't want this world caught up in our conflict."

Twilight put her wing on Mothra's shoulder, the last words reminding her that much more of what kind of mare stood beside her. It took someone of very great constitution to volunteer for conflict for the sake of others' peace. It was something she knew well enough, and she respected it. She turned back to the bipedal turtle's aura.

"We were working on a way to try and get the six returned home, and thought to try this communication spell as a start. Do any of you know how they got here to begin with?"

Gamera's face noticeably darkened. When he thought of that night he could only think of two things. The grief he felt when he slowly walked across the blast crater on Solgell, slowly leading the remaining islanders back to their dens; and the sheer unbridled rage and betrayal when he found out who fired the shot. For the first time in his life, Gamera hated some humans.

"When the battle on Solgell broke out, the humans decided to take advantage of the fact so many kaiju were clustered together. They fired Dimension Tide. By sheer luck Godzilla and Xenilla's mass power output had driven many kaiju back from their duel in the valley, so most of us were busy fighting on the coast or shallows. Only you six were sucked in."

Mothra was near speechless. She had expected maybe some freak astronomical event or odd magic to have been responsible. But instead the same beings she had been protecting for over a decade had done it. Her heart was sinking.

"World all thought you and the others were dead... Trust me, despite some celebrating for Xenilla and Destroyah's departure, the high command got hell for you four. Asagi tells me they were already being pressured to remove Dimension Tide when it was hacked into and fired at other kaiju."

Speechlessness gave way to shouting. Mothra lunged forward as her wings flared up and her orbits shot open. One of her worst fears was beginning to come to fruition.


Gamera had to resist not to step back a bit to give her space.

"Something took control of the systems and fired numerous shots before the weapon crashed."

"Wh-Wh-Who w-w-was hit..."

"None of our's, only some of the Mutates and alien monsters."

Twilight jumped up, partially in front of the shaking Mothra. The blood was visibly draining from both mare's faces.

-If they got hit and were all sent on a similar path to the first six... that means... oh Faust no..-

"How m-many!?"

"At least seven, probably more."

Spike had jumped up like a cat when Gamera showed up, and couldn't help but start backing away from the center of the room. By chance, he passed by a large crack in the stone wall, the dimly lit hall visible through it. Motion caught his eye. Far down the hall, something was moving. It was large, not quite as big as a manticore but easily the size of Celestia. It was crawling forward, but it wasn't the click of claws or arrowhead shaped plate on the top of its head that was startling Spike the most. It was the fact it wasn't crawling forward on the floor, but the ceiling and walls. A low hiss echoed forth. The little dragon's pupils shrunk to pin points as his tongue twisted over itself.


"I was pursuing an entire flock of-"

Spike jumped back into the center of the room, diving through Gamera's astral projection and clinging to Twilight as a blood red and bronze beast rammed through the wooden door after the little dragon. Exploding into the room in a shower of loose pebble and splinters, a cackling gyaos screeched at the two mares.


Twilight recognized the threat the instant she saw it, reeling her head back to charge her magic before firing out a mass barrage of magic bursts. The roaring gyaos reeled back in squeaks and squawks as it was hit, blown back each time it was hit until it stopped moving and dropped to the floor. There was silence for a few seconds. And then, Gamera's astral image faded into a mystic smoke as the worst sound Mothra possibly wanted to hear shot out all around the castle. Wing flaps, screeches, hisses, and screams. The light of Celestia's sun began to be blotted out as wingspans ranging from 8 meters to 80 meters clotted the sky, with a dark haze emanating between them. The Shadow of Atlantis had arrived, with over five dozen members strong. Twilight grabbed Spike and threw him onto her back, she and Mothra running out of the chamber as several more gyaos came down the hallway, the gleaming eye of a giant member of the flock, a Super Gyaos, glared through the window.

The terrified trio raced through the halls. All around them were screeches of hell ripping out as dozens of Gyaos flew around or tried to crawl inside of the castle. A deep rumble creaked through a large chamber before a massive talon ripped through the cobblestone wall. Mothra grabbed and yanked Twilight back to avoid the snapping jaws of a 60 meter tall Super Gyaos driving its head into the hallway amongst a shower of pebbles. The retreat was hair raising, all three doing their part to keep the others from getting slashed at, bitten, or crushed. Spike belching a green fire ball right into the face of a gyaos attempting to lunge at Mothra through a window, Twilight using her magic to collapse the hallway roof on several of their pursuers; and Mothra launching wave after wave of mythic energy beams into the flaring wings and gaping jaws of an attacker launching itself from the ceiling until it was a pile of charred bones. But for every gyaos struck down or left behind, two more took up the chase; until the three found themselves herded into the court yard.

Twilight collapsed the hall behind them, sealing it away as they tried to catch their breath. The hellish chorus outside was growing stronger, and the shakes throughout the castle told all three the larger members of the flock were tearing through thousand year old walls with increasing vigor. Massive batteries of wings and dark haze blotted out the sun above, forcing the sky in a blackness to match a New Moon night. Amongst the dark crimson and bronze, a flare of white churned through. Truck sized, pearl white talons dug into the stone work of the surviving roof as the alpha of the flock, the albino Hyper Gyaos glared down at the Equestrians. She spread her wings while letting out an almost mocking, laughing cackle as the flock swirled around the castle airspace behind her.

-She wouldn't be here with this many for just two morsels if she's here for food, she came for something-

Pink, albino eyes glared down at butterfly wings.

-And I have a feeling as to what...-

Mothra quickly turned to Twilight.

"Twilight, charge up and hit me with everything you got!"


Mothra grabbed the alicorn by the shoulders. It was their only chance, and time was running out rapidly.

"It's time to put the chalkboard theory to the test!"

Twilight's expression went from shock and terror to a blank, affirmative stare as she reigned in her fright. The Princess of Friendship nodded. After getting a quick, commanding glance from his big sister, Spike on instinct jumped off her back and took cover. Mothra backed up a bit as Twilight gritted her teeth, focusing all she could.

What followed next was a burst of light so bright it sent Hyper Gyaos reeling back into the flock.






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