• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 23 part 2: Babes Gone Wild Episode 2 Electric Boogaloo

Sweetie Belle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash


Flares of brilliant magenta magic collided with the oaken front door in continuous barrages. Between blasts, an entire table and chair set cloaked in a sky blue aura repeatedly crashed into the doorway in an attempt to breach it. However, despite having the power of an alicorn and a reasonably strong unicorn behind them, neither assault was making so much as a dent or chip. After shattering another chair in a last attempt to break through Mothra’s barrier, Rarity fumbled onto her back whist huffing for breath. Twilight, despite visibly straining at this point, kept firing as one blast after another was swallowed up by Lea’s magic.

Anguirus sat down a distance away, eyes closed and head bowed as he pondered what to do. Ponyville was going to Daiei in a duffle bag judging from all the noises he heard outside, but so far all escape attempts were canned by the sealing spell. While Anguirus hung back to think, the two mares had been throwing everything short of themselves at it for the last ten minutes. A glow cast itself across the room as Twilight Sparkle reigned in another charge. Anguirus cracked an eye open just in time to see a beach ball-sized sphere of raw magic form above Twilight’s horn, crackling and sparking with energy before she hurled it at her house. Lashed to her horn by a thin cable of energy, the young alicorn desperately swung the ball around like a flail. She hit the walls, the windows, the roof, near anything and everywhere. Every time Equestrian and Terran magic crashed into each other, a loud, gong-like smash echoed out and a wave shot across the surface of Lea’s barrier like ripples in a pond.

But, try as she may, success was nonexistent. After a full minute of striking, Twilight’s horn gave out and she slumped back in a haggard pant whilst her magic dissipated. Rarity and Anguirus got up and approached her, the former helping to prop her friend up as they sat in front of the door.

“Twilight stop! You’re going to hurt yourself.”

Anguirus fanned Twilight’s smoking horn with his hoof, shrugging in annoyance at their situation.

“I can’t fault your dedication, it's just circumstance. Had Lea been from around here, you’d have busted free without issue.”

Catching her breath, Twilight managed to prop herself up with some nudging from Rarity as she stared at the door. Rarity turned to the stallion.

“And you’re certain no spells we might know can breach it?”

“Different magic types seem to mix about as well as oil and water. They can cohabitate, just not effect one another. It’s not necessarily Lea’s magic is magnitudes stronger than you two together, it’s just you’re not using the right stuff. Think of it like trying to use a key on a code lock.”

He muttered with a grunt, glancing out the window. Twilight sighed, silently putting her hoof to the door. Upon trying to touch the aged wood, the barrier became visible. A dull, golden aura closed in on her hoof as she pushed against its surface tension like it was water. She managed to push in somewhat, but quickly felt her hoof being pushed back, akin to how magnets repel each other when the identical ends try to touch. The more she pushed, the harder it pushed back to keep her from closing in.

"Why is she doing this?...” the alicorn mumbled in a saddened voice, ears flopping down against her head. Anguirus rolled his eyes, also lifting his hoof up to feel at the shielding.

“Because she cares. Perhaps a bit too much at times. She always was a 'mother hen' type. To her fairies, the humans, you ponies. She knows how potentially dangerous Destroyah can be and doesn’t want to risk you getting hurt in the crossfire, not if she can help it. Sealing magic is her family's forte. Unless you got a hefty spell from Shambhala handy, we’re not getting through her handiwork.”

Twilight was about to frown when she caught something out of the corner of her eye. The slight glow coming from where Anguirus was touching the barrier, it was different than her’s. The small ripples coming out from his hoof were far more violent, like they were straining more under his touch than her own. That and his hoof managed to sink into it significantly more than her’s. Twilight cocked a curious eyebrow.

-Is it because of brute force or something else?-


“Where I’m from, long story.”

“Rarity-“ Twilight chirped, looking over at the unicorn. “Put your hoof up and touch the door. Need to test something real quick. Try and push as hard as you can.”

The pale unicorn tilted her head a bit at the suggestion, but shrugged her shoulders and did as requested. Just like Twilight, as soon as she tried to touch the old hardwood frame a near invisible seam of golden hues stopped her hoof. She pushed and it pushed back in an identical manner to her friend's.

“The barrier still seems to be there for you both.” Anguirus grumbled with a shrug, about to take his hoof away when Twilight stopped him.

“Yeah but not as much for you, look!”

Rarity and Anguirus looked at each other’s hooves, and then their own and quickly realized what was going on. Rarity’s hoof was being repelled almost instantly, but Anguirus could nearly touch the door before he felt any push back.

“It doesn’t shove your hoof back as much.”

Anguirus alternated between lifting, swishing, and dropping one of his ears as he pawed at the barrier more as Rarity did the same. True, while try as he may he couldn’t quite reach the door frame itself, Lea’s enchantment clearly was straining much more to keep him away. Anguirus pondered whilst playing at the barrier to test it further.

“Huh, must be because I run off of mana like Lea does.”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow, sitting back and looking over to the duo as Twilight’s eyes lit up. The alicorn put her hoof to her chin, rapidly looking side to side and combing her brain with something clearly on her mind.

“What’s mana?”

Anguirus looked over to the Element of Generosity.

“Excess energy generated by all life forms and planets. The more power you have, the more mana you got at your disposal. Remember what I said about different worlds having different magic? Well, mana is what folks back on Terra used to use for their spells. Mothra and guardian beasts like me all have loads of it as a power source.”

And with that, Twilight lunged up at him, wings flaring out.

“You’re a magic user too?! PleaseSayYes!”

Anguirus blankly looked at the alicorn that had her hooves on his shoulders as she hovered above him. He stood still for several long moments.


Twilight's expression twitched several times. Anguirus held his hooves up in defense.

"I said I have mana, I didn’t say I could use it. I was just the prototype.”

Both alicorn and unicorn grunted as perplexed looks shot across their faces, Rarity in particular.

“What? Prototype?”

“Another long story. Let’s just say...I had a bit of an accident happen in my early days.”

Brushing confusion aside, Twilight shook her head and glanced between Anguirus and the door. Rarity could tell the gears in her head must have been turning, for the Element bearer was beginning to get split ends.

“Never mind that, maybe you can reach the door! Try pushing in harder, focus.”

Anguirus grumbled, reaching up and practically punching the barrier to make his point. His hoof got close, almost grazing the planks, but eventually hit a point that it bounced back and threw his limb back like it hit a trampoline.

“Can’t reach far enough to matter Miss Sparkle.”

Despite the kaiju's groaning tone, Twilight was unfazed, quickly shaking her head.

"Not on your own perhaps, but I got an idea. Can you back up and charge the door on my count?”

“What good would that accomplish? Slamming headfirst into a shield spell?”

“You said mana scales with personal power. It’s why a kaiju would have more than a normal animal, right?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with me doing a face plant in an idiotic charge to your front door? In this state I might have some mana control, but not nearly enough count.”

“Well what if when you rushed forward, Rarity and I put up a magic stream to help out as you hit the door?”

Spike, whom had thankfully recovered his hearing from earlier, walked in from upstairs with a burnt scroll and quill in hand whilst interjecting.

“Just tried to send out some letters Twilight, but whatever Lea did to the tree is also blocking off the hotmail. But back to business, how would you and Rarity doing your magic unicorn hocus pocus work? Terran and Equestrian magic don’t mix. It’s not like before when you and Lea both used Clover the Clever’s spell.”

Twilight’s small smirk and wide eyes refused to falter, and judging from the loose bangs sticking up, Rarity and Spike could guess as to why.

“Maybe not mix directly, but perhaps one can fuel the other; exactly like how Clover's spell worked! I saw how it went when Lea and then Godzilla got shifted back to their true selves. There is a blight flash of light and energy, then poof, pony into kaiju! Anguirus, remember back at the campground when Rainbow accidentally charged you up for those dragons?”

Anguirus wandered back through memory. While he couldn’t remember much from that brief instance, as from his perspective the world turned to a white out for a few moments as he was hit by a bizarre feeling. Then next moment he was back to having digits and a thagomizer.

“True, you did say it was her elephant of melancholy-“

“-Element of Harmony.”

“-that shifted me back.”

“Sooo, just to ensure I’m reading this right Twilight. You want me to join you in blasting Mister Anguirus because while Equestrian and Terran magic can’t directly interact, one can fuel the other?”

Twilight closed her eyes and gave an affirmative nod, practically purring through her smile. For a moment Anguirus agreed amongst his pondering and actually nodded. If this whole “new forms” gig was tied to a power limiter and Equestrian magic could remove it for a bit, then in theory rising power would translate to rising mana. And then he remembered the most glaring detail, mentally backpedalling and shaking his head.

“Waait WaitWaitWait! If I absorb your magic I’ll change back while inside the library. This is a big house but I seriously doubt I’ll fit in here. Drop a kaiju out like this and I'll probably break the whole neighborhood.”

Twilight waved her hoof nonchalantly, giggling under her breath despite some of the blood draining from Anguirus’ face.

"You underestimate me. Dooon’t worry. Remember, Lea and I found that it would take a whoooole lot of direct magic to fully change one of you back. I’m a magic student after all, I couldn’t blow up a tree and then pick up a quill without having the control to not blow up the quill too. Ability is nothing without control after all. And Rarity here is a professional, it’ll all work out fine.”

Rarity flushed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. It was one thing to be a unicorn and use magic, it was another to do anything beyond casting simple telekinesis.

“Well I do have my talents but wouldn’t call myself a magically inclined pony, deary...“

She grunted, tapping her chest to re-establish her stalwart tone. Still, even if she couldn’t teleport or be a magic flare machine gun; it wasn’t like her level of controlling dozens of fabrics, sewing needles, and thread at once was simple telekinesis. With a flick back of her bangs and a raising of her head, Rarity nodded once and stomped her hoof assuringly.

“But, if I am requested for aid; I shall respond!”

Anguirus rolled his eyes and shrugged, backing up.

"Alright, worst that could happen is I smash my face into the wall. But if you two start seeing me regrowing spines, take cover."

Twilight smirked, flapping her wings a few times to give herself a boosted jump to back up. Standing across from Rarity, each about two meters from the door and four meters apart, alicorn and unicorn horns began to glimmer.

"Okay then, let's hurry up! Lea and Ponyville need our help whether they like it or not! Rarity, I'll jump start the channeling since you don't know this one, just close your eyes and pick a strong memory. Focus on how it made you feel and keep your horn up, I'll do the rest."

With a salute, the white unicorn closed her eyes and drew in a long breath. It took some time to clear away all the background noises, and even the dull sensations like the shifting air on her fur and cold floor on her hooves; but soon enough she reached black out. Then the black out started to churn. Flashes of days departed waxed and waned before her mind. Gaining her iconic mark amongst her classmates, finding a ribbon wearing kitten waiting for her on her eighth Heart’s Warming; greeting a swaddling bundle at the maternity ward.

Within the world of the conscious, Twilight’s horn flashed with pale light chased by a violet glow. A swaying curtain of magic, akin to a growing aurora, slithered across the blank space between her and her fellow element. The aurora curled and arched as it reached Rarity, weaving up to her horn like a snake as the unicorn’s horn began to glimmer with sky blue luminance. In a moment, the aurora touched down and the connection was made.

For a moment, Rarity felt a gracious warmth flow across her body from her horn; like a curtain of heated water at the spa. Every hair of fur, every strand of her mane was surrounded and flowed with the growing power washing over it. She thrived in it, relishing the memory of a young filly bouncing through the halls in her mother’s dress, a tiny, giggling foal and mewling kitten cheering her on. Powerful memory after treasured recollection flowed past her as if on paneled windows… until the heat began to go away. Wilting away like a dying rose, the good memories slowly died and faded. But Rarity was only surrounded by darkness for a moment. The unicorn’s ears flattened and she shied away slightly within her own mind.

Another powerful memory presented itself to fuel the spell, one that was no gleeful filly or successful young mare. Instead, it towered over her, midnight palatinate fur with royal purple mane that twinkled in the night above. The Element of Generosity felt her hooves quivering and shaking in place, wanting to look away from an old shame but unable to avert her gaze. The being, the nightmare, herself, she was stunning, and Rarity was petrified. It was definitely a strong enough memory.

In the real world, the spell worked wonderfully. The aurora widened into a curtain, engulfing the runway Anguirus had before him. The former kaiju gathered his wit before pawing at the ground with his hoof.

-Welp, it's now or never...let’s just hope I don’t actually revert. I'm not the biggest kaiju but if it happens in the middle of town...I’ll probably break the neighborhood. And I was just starting to like this place too… Let’s hope you’re on target Miss Sparkle.-

And with that, he sprinted forward. After a few stomps across the oaken floor, Anguirus hit his stride. Jumping up a short distance in the air, he arched his back and tucked his head towards his stomach. Folding his limbs in, Anguirus curled up into a roll, abet looking more like a wheel than a ball as was the case of his kaiju form. Hitting the ground at top momentum and only accelerating, the spinning stallion flew into the aurora and unconsciously drank in its energy like a sponge. Ripping away the aurora like a snatched sheet, it coiled around him before being absorbed. In an instant, Anguirus felt a surge from within his core. Akin to how he felt back at the campground, it was nothing short of exhilarating.

The temperature across his body spiked, heating up the air enough that Rarity and Twilight felt it as he passed by. While he did not grow in size, Anguirus could feel his strength and core no longer plateauing; his inner flames turning into a firestorm. Almost like this was supposed to be how he should be. Anguirus' thoughts briefly trailed off to times past before refocusing milliseconds later upon colliding with Mothra's barrier. Like a revved up buzzsaw trying to cut through a shield, mana gouged at mana with the shield sparking and Anguirus practically igniting for a few moments. Rows of ripples coursed through the energized shield as it strained to hold together. An ear splitting screech roared out before Anguirus finally shattered the shield and door.

Uncurling and skidding to a halt several meters outside the door, a still smoking Anguirus snorted as the surge of power regretfully ebbed away. Having halfway smashed and halfway burned through the door, there were still scorch marks on the ground by the time Rarity, Twilight, and Spike carefully ran through it. Shrugging out a cloud of steam and smoke to vent off the excess heat, Anguirus took time to look around.

Ponyville was in utter mayhem, with babies and breezies moving about every which way whilst tearing the town apart despite the latter party's best efforts. The reactions of the locals were all over the place, to say the least. Streaks of light blue and pink accompanied one duo attempting to round up the horde, with some other citizens pitching in. Other ponies were too caught up either screaming in terror about having their walls visibly eaten, or running away from the destruction while trying to dodge micro-oxygen mortars. Most perplexing however was the third group. While small in number, some ponies hardly seemed to be reacting to the chaos at all. A familiar mail mare hovered down the now pothole-ridden street as a mustached waiter actually bothered serving several destroyah who'd taken seats at the now half eaten restaurant, despite the guests not being shy about chewing on the table.

This... caused Anguirus to zone out and tilt his head in befuddlement as he mumbled to himself.

"What in the depths of Daiei ...what kind of town is this to take such destruction in stride?"

"Eh, this stuff happens all the time. Give it another half hour or so for the two parter!"

Seconds passed by before Anguirus bothered to look to his left, half wondering why he even needed to. The ever perky face of Pinkie Pie stared back at him despite looking like parts of her mane had been blown off with stray bangs curling onto her face. Anguirus stared for a moment, not budging before rolling his eyes and looking back at the town.

-That's it, I give up trying to understand that pony.-

Twilight and Rarity had a bit more of a pleasant response to seeing Pinkie Pie and an approaching but similarly roughed up Rainbow Dash. Rarity looked like she was about ready to have a heart attack upon seeing the latter's burnt hair and practically missing tail.

"Rainbow my goodness, your mane!"

"Yeesh where the hay have you two been?! And when did you get here Twilight?"

"Sorry! Mothra and I just came back. When she saw what was happening, she rushed outside and put a seal on the library to keep us trapped inside to try and protect us!"

"Well where is she no-WOAH! HEADS UP!"

Rainbow cut herself off and dodged to the left, a tad off balance due to the lack of her tail, to avoid a sphere of violet energy that evaporated a beach ball sized hole in the road. Eyes trained up to the roof of the now half chewed town hall. Atop the flag pole on the top, one of the larger destroyah swatted at a high speed buzzing form zooming around it. A stray micro-oxygen spewing hiccup managed to clip its attacker in the wing, sending the breezie spiraling down to the ground. She might have hit the ground had a bouncing Pinkie Pie not hopped up with a butterfly net to catch her.

Mothra cringed and held her wing, thankful only the tip had been blown off, before looking up at the shadows looming over her. Her eyes widened.

"Wh-What?! You're out! Please you must get back inside! Anguirus how could you let them get out?!"

She snapped in a squeaky voice, anger ushered in by worry clear despite her high pitch. The breezie attempted to climb out of the net, fumbling up onto its rim. Anguirus merely shook his head.

"They wanted out Lea, they insisted on helping."

Lea looked like she was about ready to snarl while glaring at Anguirus, reading his tone's implications like a book.

"And just how DID they get out anyways?! What did you do?!"

Rarity loomed over the former changeling that used to tower over her.

"We gave Anguirus a charge and his magic was able to punch a hole in your barrier."

A look of pure confusion crossed an already baffled face.

-His magic?! What?! He can barely use any! Let alone enough to! Arg Nevermind!-

Able to slowly hover up with some difficulty, the lead breezie glowed slightly.

"Never mind! Get back inside, all of you! It's not safe!"

"This is our home Miss Lea, you can't expect us to sit by as it's attacked!"

Lea shot a glare at Anguirus as she called forth some more members of her swarm who began to give off a similar glow; dazzling like fireflies under the building magic.

"Then I'll hex more buildings if I have to! Every single one to protect it as I round the destroyah up!"

The breezie's eyes began to glow before a surge of purple magic formed a bubble around her. Twilight, wings flared and eyes beaming with light, roared.


The breezie fired within her holdings nevertheless, but the violet bubble absorbed her radiance just as Lea's barrier had once Twilight's. Spells from the Mu didn't work any better against spells from Canterlot as they did vice versa. Lea desperately fired again, commanding some of her swarm to attack the bubble with similar flares of magic to no avail. Anguirus sighed, shaking his head.

"Hex a whole town AND round up these buggers? In that form? Lea you know full well you can't do that. You'd burn yourself out with the destroyah still running around and then what?"

Tears welled in Lea's tiny eyes as she started resorting to throwing herself against Twilight's spell in a vain attempt to breach it.

"N-No! I can't let them! The risk! Please you've got to listen!"

She rushed forward again and Twilight canceled the barrier, catching the tumbling breezie in her chest. Sitting up, the alicorn cradled the tiny kaiju against her fur. The glow vanished from her eyes and the young alicorn shrugged away some exhaustion.

"Lea.. listen.. This is our home on the line, and you need help. You can’t just lock us away and do it all yourself."

Lea, gasping for breath, tried to crawl free.

"B-But! I'm j-just trying to protect you! What is wrong with that?! Destroyah she's-"

"Dangerous, we know. We might not come from a chaotic century like you, but we still know how to protect ourselves and our town."

Rainbow Dash leaned up against Twilight, elbowing her lightly while looking down at the breezie; still a tad flabbergasted a kaiju could end up looking like this or one of the infants.

"Truust me, this town has seen plenty of problems. We get a monster attack or runaway magic accident every other week-“

“Last month it was the killer produce! And then last week WE were the produc-”

“The place is like Equestria's resident weirdness magnet."

“This is our home and we are your friends. Let. Us. Help.”

A distraught Lea looked to the only other kaiju present, eyes pleading for Anguirus to back her up. The stallion shrugged and shook his head at her, not budging an inch.

“They already proved they won't let you hold them up and I’m in their camp. They ain’t children Lea.”

The breezie looked about in distraught for a long moment, before sighing in the lapse of defeat. Slowly, she nodded.

“J-ust… promise me you’ll avoid the micro-oxygen.”

She croaked before picking herself up. Twilight responded by hugging the little breezie gently against her soft fur.

“Avoid the purple death rays, got it.”

Rainbow Dash grinned, punching her hooves together with a snort as she shot up.

“Alrighty then! Do these little parasprites got any weaknesses? Space rocks, magnets, the color yellow?”

One of the breezies hovered over to Rainbow Dash, causing the pony to still feel weird about having the same voice come from two bodies when that Lea spoke.

“Well, aside from being babies right now and acting like such; Destroyah is vulnerable to cold temperatures. They slow her down real fast.”

A candle lit up in the pegasus’ head, eyes and grin widening in sync.

“Would snow work?”

Lea tapped her chin, twitching her antenna before nodding.

“Thermal exchange varies on size. Since she's not so big anymore she wouldn’t have enough gigantothermy to withstand cold weather. Yes snow might help!”

“Go for it Rainbow!”

“Alrighty! One case of sudden snowfall with a chance of light blizzard comin’ right up! Back in four!”

And with that quip, Rainbow Dash bolted off into the atmosphere in a blur, abet not a completely straight one due to her lack of a tail. Twilight turned and addressed her companions as the breezie she held hovered up beside her.

“Okay, we’ll need a way to make sure all the Destroyah are outside when the white out comes.”

"We'll have to flush or lure them out and off of all the buildings. Like a loud distraction."

A dash of pink shot up between them, Pinkie putting a hoof around Twilight's shoulder's and Lea's everything.

"Dooooooon't you two become worry worts! When it comes to drawing in the kids, I can handle that!"

Lea nearly jumped out of her skin while Twilight, after several years of past experience, managed to just barely avoid reaching that level. The alicorn, ignoring a micro-oxygen sphere sailing over her and eating what used to be a bench, looked to her friend with a tilted head and curious mind. From here she could clearly see the smoking remains of a building that once looked like a gingerbread house.

"You sure? I think your stuff might have gone up with Sugarcube Corner."

Pinkie Pie backed up and spun her tail around, inexplicably levitating off the ground as if it was some sort of propeller. Anguirus, despite his previous promise to give up, couldn't stop his eyes from turning into spotlights and his lower jaw becoming acquainted with the ground. Pinkie Pie calmly pushed his jaw back into place before she flew off.

"Ah don't worry! That's the sixth time this year! I'm smart enough to keep back up stashes and know somepony. Leave it to me!"

She chimed, flying over a house. An awkward silence passed for a moment before Twilight got her mind back on track. Lea, still half dumbstruck, managed to spatter out legible words after looking at the rampage ridden town.

"What is she doing?"

"Iiiiiiiiiii have no clue what she is up to but if Pinkie has something in mind, but at this point I'd gander crazy might just help."

Twilight coughed to refocus her tone.

"That leaves the rest of us on damage control until Rainbow can come back with the snowfall. Once that comes out we gotta collect them all up fast as possible."

"I can send out the swarm to mark and locate them all once they start slowing down. They can put their glows on and light the place up. Should help make sure we have no stragglers."

"Sounds like a plan! Rarity, Spike, Anguirus come on!"

The latter and middle party reacted quick enough, trailing Twilight with Spike hopping on her back as she galloped into the heart of town. Rarity however was frozen for a moment, wincing occasionally from flashbacks as she looked upon a ruined Sugarcube Corner. In the heat of the conversation, no one had noticed the poor unicorn had zoned out and was still as a statue. With every wince, visions of nightmares and Night Mares past overlaid the carnage. Rarity started to quiver, seeing one sight that sent a chill across her core. A hoof shaking her shoulder snapped her back to reality.

"Hey, Miss Belle."

Anguirus grunted, pushing Rarity a tad more to try and yank her back to the present.

"Come on we're moving out!"

Rarity put her hoof to her forehead, forcing her eyes shut before shaking her head to clear it.

-Stupid stupid stupid! Twilight must have cooked up another half hour plan and you missed it!-

"S-Sorry! And just Rarity please."

-Just roll along with it Rarity, but first-

"Let me just go and check on Sweetie and the fillies!"

"Alright we'll come and pick you four up when it's time. Maybe Destroyah made her way there."

About three minutes later

Destroyah trod through town with the Cutiemark Crusaders in tow, absorbing any of her clones along the way. After tackling and fusing with one infant who was busy walking around in the mayor's spare clothes, the dimming flash of light revealed a filly a few months older than Babs Seed. Destroyah grumbled, working to get herself out of her doppelganger's outfit whilst the fillies behind her whispered amongst themselves. Sweetie Belle looked at Destroyah as the former kaiju snarled, ripping her bow off and vaporizing it with a micro-oxygen burst. A small frown stretched across the unicorn's face, Destroyah's characteristically foul mood no longer looking so permanent.

"It's like she turned into a completely different filly. I don't think I ever saw her look happy before!"

"Happy? She looked ecstatic enough to be headin' off to Whinny World!"

Scootaloo yanked the youngest Apple sibling down and put her hoof on her mouth.

"Shhh! Not so loud Applebloom!"

She sputtered in a whisper, looking to a clearly angered Destroyah stomping over to a wall and growling in annoyance as she tried to jump up and reach another infant overhanging on a torn out drain pipe it was eating. It hadn't taken Scootaloo long to notice that the baby destroyah were acting like their age and not like miniature versions of their adult form like the main Destroyah had. Scootaloo looked to the filly as she clawed her way up and grabbed the infant to absorb it, thoughts trailing back to both a smiling filly and roaring mare.

-Or had she been acting her age after all?-

"Hey, remember all those superheroines and heroes in comics? What do a lot of them have in common?"

"Ummm weird names?"

"Fashion sense that makes Rarity go paler than she already is?"

"Think! Batmare and those like her, or the Whinnychester brothers, or some of the Power Ponies! They all had bad stuff happen to them when they were fillies, colts, and foals! And if Destroyah is a heroine back where she's from-"

Sweetie Belle's eyes grew and dilated as Applebloom combed her mental puzzle, putting the pieces where they lay.

"-And if she had similar trauma.."

The trio looked at Destroyah as she climbed down, now about a half head taller than themselves. The kaiju started stomping off to other parts of the town as the crusaders frowned.

"Then this is the first time she's had a foalhood..."

-I might just have an idea...-

"Come on!"

The crusaders broke into a gallop and turned the corner Destroyah had trudged across, only to nearly run into her. Destroyah looked to the darkened sky and sneered, crouching down and covering herself with her wings. Through her growling it was easy to see anger and perhaps a smidge of fright. Snowflakes started trickling down from above, one landing on Sweetie Belle's nose and ushering a giggle. Scootaloo tilted her head and flicked her ears at the astronomy above. Very studious or a weather mare she was not, but she knew enough to spot the basics.

"Strange, a bit early for snowfall this year."

What raised Applebloom's eyebrow was Destroyah, who closely resembled a hissing, shivering cat; the filly dodging and weaving sluggishly to avoid the snowflakes, even backpedaling into them.

"Hey whoa there! What's wrong?"

Destroyah sneered. She loathed cold temperatures, the only thing that phased her. In her true form's vastness, nothing short of a freezing ray would register. Though that time in the Arctic did make her uncomfortable. In this diminutive state of a form that was already a mockery, lacking layers of reinforced chitin and muscle; she was losing heat even faster. Destroyah swatted at a snowflake and responded in a growl that was heavily punctuated despite the shuddering.

"I-I... HATE... th-the-the cold!"

Spotting familiarity up ahead, Sweetie Belle mustered up the courage to walk up to the disgruntled Destroyah and take her by the hoof. A quick motion with her head through gritting teeth got Scootaloo and Applebloom to follow suit, circling around Destroyah as she was lead on.

"Come on, we can get you bundled up against this up ahead."

Destroyah might have objected to the group touching and moving her, let alone through a growing snowfall. But the heat of their bodies and the promise of getting out of this damned chill made her use her brain instead of her teeth. That heated feeling in her torso was back, though this time it wasn't quite as unwelcomed. Least it kept her mind off the cold long enough to get ushered inside the boutique. Once inside Sweetie Belle was quick to grab Applebloom and started compiling a growing mound of clothes. Destroyah waited as they worked, still weighing her options as to which was worse, getting enough insulation that she might be able to bear going outside; or humiliating herself with god awful fabrics that reminded her far too much of god awful humans. Scootaloo warily sat down beside her and waited several moments before looking up at the kaiju.

"Miss Desotoroyah?"

She whispered in a hushed tone, already able to tell Destroyah was on edge and not wanting to upset her more. Had she been a more careful filly she might have kept her thoughts to herself, but words and memories kept clawing at her skull. The little pegasus nevertheless braced herself and winced slightly. Destroyah didn't even bother to look back at her when she responded in a monotone.


-Well, could be worse.. She could have gotten angry enough to spit death rays-

"How long ago were you a foal?"

"My real body doesn't look anything like this. I never was an infantile horse."

Scootaloo's mind trailed off paths previously tread. Aside from knowing she had a horn and wings, obvious markers of a Queen or Princess despite words otherwise, she and her companions never really had an idea what Destroyah looked like. From what they could tell from Twilight and Mothra's lecture and the pictures in the newspaper they knew they were varied and enormous, which only made Destroyah more awesome of course. Even if she looked nothing like a pony and Scootaloo's current picture of her was a horn with a floating pair of wings. Scootaloo shuddered slightly before regaining her wit's end.

"W-Well, a kid I mean. Where you ever one?"

Destroyah looked out the window at Ponyville, which was quickly becoming coated in a thin white sheen she very much preferred to avoid.

"I was a juvenile for a short time, yes. I grew up very rapidly."

"What all did you do?"


"Well, for fun I mean."

"I just focused on growing."

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, who finished hauling a last load of scarves and overcoats, had overheard the conversation and joined in when their curiosity got the best of them.

"No exploring?"

"No playing at parks?"

"Seeing a show?"

"Or just going around with friends? You know, normal kid stuff."

A short silence passed before Destroyah got up, walking past the unicorn and earth pony and away from the pegasus as she got up to the pile. She spoke with about as much emotion as a whiteboard.

"I know you three are curious, but why are you wasting our time asking this?"

Scootaloo's wings drooped as much as her ears and lips did.

"Be..cause you seemed really happy back at the pond.. First time any of us saw you happy before actually. I, wondered if you were having any nostalgia about something."

Destroyah froze for a moment, wandering through memory to a time and place. Or rather, places. All those times she felt so warm in the chest it made her wonder if she was sick or had eaten something that was still alive as it squirmed inside her. Xenilla had told her offhandedly about a variety of topics before, mostly while energizing her back to full health to pull her mind back together. She'd heard about this emotion before.

-Happiness... so that's what that emotion feels like..-

Destroyah stayed still whilst banishing her thoughts, focusing on a blank slate to clear it all away. She spoke surprisingly quiet.

"No. Why do you even care?"

Scootaloo, ears flopping against her head, took a few steps forward.

"Because you saved me and Sweetie Belle from the timberwolves!"

"And stopped fighting Princess Celestia when we asked!"

"And hey! You were willin' to go hoof to hoof against Slendermane when we thought he was after us!"

"You're our heroine Miss Desatroyah, we want you to be happy! I got an idea, if you'd just listen for a bi-"

Destroyah didn't whirl around. She didn't take to the air. She didn't fire a beam in malice. The kaiju didn't even raise her voice and snap at them. She merely stomped her hoof into the floor and slowly spoke to them in a calm but clearly restrained tone without facing the fillies, like any frustrated mare would. A very adult response that seemed unnatural for someone of her size and age.

"I'll start listening when you runts start saying my name right."

It was then that Rarity charged in through the front door and broke the focus. Aside from her hoarse breath showing she'd sprinted all the way here, stress had further frayed her mane to the point it's curls were more vague than concrete. If that wasn't enough of a sign she was frantic, her half hysterical voice was.

"SWEETIE BELLE! Are you and your little friends sti-... Oh thank Faust you're still here!"

Before Sweetie Belle, or any of the three for that matter, could react the older unicorn charged over to them and scooped them up in a hug.

-Celestia's praises, was half certain they'd run off!-

Sweetie Belle and her friends squirmed to try and make sure they had breathing room, little hooves flailing due to being hoisted off the ground.

"Gak! Pffph! Miss Rarity! Sis! Air! Need!"

"Oh?! Sorry!"

She put the fillies down and after a brief moment of gasping for air, Sweetie Belle popped up to her hooves.

"What's up sis?"

"We're gathering up the swarm now, we'll need Miss Desatroyah to come and reabsorb them-"

Rarity wiped her forehead and sighed, looking around.

"-is she with you three? I lost track of her earlier and thought I just saw her a moment ago."

On cue, what could best be described as a mobile mound of scarves, beanies, socks, and jackets shuffled up to Rarity, a little horn, goggles, and nose sticking out of its front. Destroyah spoke through a scarf's muffle.


The town outside had been transformed into Winter several months early. Pinkie Pie rolled across town atop a reverberating speaker box as Vinyl Scratch manned the controls along with her 'co-hosts'. The mobile DJ station trailed through the falling snow and down the streets, blaring a slightly remixed beat of a certain polka. Drawn out by the music, the destroyah swarm stopped eating the town and bounced behind them in a disjointed parade despite being slowed down by the snowfall. Pinkie Pie hummed to the tune, crossing her hooves and dancing along on top of the speaker despite dodging projectile fire.

Pulling up in front of the library and below a thick curtain of dark clouds, a voice from above yelled down at them over the music.

"Ready Pinkie?!"

Vinyl Scratch ejected the music disk to cut off the music, spinning it on the tip of her hooves before tossing it up to Pinkie Pie. With a squeal and a snicker she stuffed it back into her tail and saluted to the pegasus above whilst they rolled out from under the cloud cover.

"All set Dashie!"

Rainbow Dash stole a glance at the large crowd gathering up beneath her cover, waiting until the last baby crossed the shadow before casually tapping the cloud on a specific spot. Previously the clouds had only been trickling snow. With one well placed tap, they dumped everything they had over an eighty foot radius. Several inches of pure snow crashed down onto the horde and the effect was near instant. While heavily scattered, every single Destroyah felt the cold and was slowing down before freezing in place.

Anguirus saw the sight with a mildly amused smile alongside an impressed nod. While circumstances were turned infinitely bizarre to fit a bizarre world, the fact remained. Magical technicolor talking ponies just handled a destroyah swarm. And all with a plan they came up with less than half an hour ago.

-What they lack in outright power, they do have plenty of cohesiveness and ingenuity to make up for it. Perks of herd animals perhaps.-

With that lamented thought, he, Twilight, Spike, and Lea moved in to collect up the swarm which became frozen stiff everywhere from the road to the rooftops. Dozens of breezies glided down through the frigid air, glowing in a dim, warm light whilst setting down on their destroyah. With some effort, some of them were able to team up and carry any infants up on high balconies or roofs down to the ground. Anguirus trudged through the snow, scooping up some foals in his mouth and plopping them onto his back. Mix in some effort from Spike and Twilight's mass levitation, and soon all destroyah were dropped off at the library's doorstep. Slightly warmed by each other's heat as well as Lea's lights, but nevertheless drained by the cold; the entire group was soon curled up and sound asleep. Their task done, the breezie swarm flew towards the airspace beside Twilight. In a brief flash of light, a tall pale alicorn with forest green hair stood in the snow beside the Element bearer.

Mothra Lea sighed away some tension, glad the flash of changing from the breezies into full form had masked the brief flicker of green flames from her changeling disguise. Though glad at that fact and their recent success, the 'alicorn' nevertheless bore a small frown and drooped ears. She looked at the library above the infants and then to Twilight.

"I'm sorry Twilight... I should have trusted you and your friends' abilities more."

The purple alicorn merely broke a small smile, playfully putting her hoof to Lea's muzzle. Before Anguirus could ponder if putting what amounted to your foot on someone's nose was some sort of insult, Twilight giggled to indicate intent.

"It's alright Lea, you meant well. Problem got solved either way and no one was hurt."

Sound bleeping caused all to look up and see Vinyl backing her transport up, which let out an occasional bleep every few seconds like a construction vehicle in reverse. Still seated on top of it, Pinkie Pie waved as they passed.

"Besides! Do we look like a bunch who'd hold a big grudge?"

Lea raised an eyebrow.

-Wait... She wasn't at the library and probably didn't hear Twilight's explanation-

"How do you know abou-"

She was cut off by both Anguirus and Twilight holding up a hoof in front of her, speaking in a monotone voice with a deadpan expression.

"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it. Trust me, I know better...."
"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it. Trust me, I know better...."

After a brief silence both of them looked over at each other. Pinkie Pie snickered while she and Vinyl loaded the latter's cohosts into the pile.

"Someone say jinx!"

Coming up from the side road, Rarity and company trotted up. Destroyah, also known as snuffleupagus, waddled a path through the snow; still uncomfortable despite using several inches of fabric to act as a buffer. Then again growing back to a larger size might help out in that regard. Still, Anguirus' snickering as she passed didn't go unheard. Destroyah snorted, shooting out a small puff of micro-oxygen through her nose as she tried and failed to sound intimidating while passing by.

"Can it."


Destroyah grumbled under her breath, shuffling up to herself. Before she could reach the horde however, one of the awake babies started glowing with a familiar violet hue. Three by three, more and more destroyah, asleep or awake, started glowing until the light engulfed their entire form. Mist shot up, even more so than normal due to the cold temperatures. After some fanning by the pegasi and alicorns present, the haze cleared away. In place of the mostly sleeping infants was a single, large mare. She closely resembled Destroyah's transformed adult form, abet less bulky with a shorter horn that lacked the large rhombus flanges on the sides. Though she hadn't seen them for long, Destroyah would estimate her doppelganger was roughly the same size as Princess Luna. And, she recognized it decently enough, least compared to how it was supposed to look if not forced into the shape of a pony. She'd taken this form years ago when Xenilla was nursing her back to full strength. Lacking the energy to fully jump from her flight form to her final form, she'd been stuck in a halfway point for several weeks before finally crossing the bridge. 100 meters tall, 60,000 tons; 170 meter wingspan; formidable, but not complete. And completion was only a few steps and one fusion away.

Destroyah approached her unconscious copy, but three forms trailed her.

"Miss Desatoroyah w-ait.."

Sweetie Belle whispered, taking a few more cautious steps towards the kaiju filly. Destroyah didn't budge backward, only reaching out to her clone's forehead. Scootaloo bit her lip, jolting forward.

"Destroyah wait!"

Upon finally hearing her name, Destroyh stalled her hoof barely an inch from the mare's head. She pulled her limb back and turned around.

"About time... What do you want now?"

"We've been thinking and... Well, since we know now the babies can fuse back together by themselves and we got a new adult over there; and you're still a kid... What if.. What if you didn't fuse all back together?"

Applebloom nodded, trotting up beside her friend.

"Let her be the cool flank kicking kaiju, and you stay as a filly. Relax some, have a foalhood."

"You just seemed so happy after that wagon ride and, no offense, but you've been a bit of a grouch most of the time besides that. And since there's two of you, best of both worlds! You have fun, be a filly, and just be happy."

Sweetie Belle, actually summoning a smile, popped up between them.

"And she can be grown up, but not tooo grown up. Maybe then she can be happy too! Let her be something grown up-awesome, like a big sister!"

The little unicorn chirped, Scootaloo and Applebloom closing their eyes, flashing smiles, and nodding with wagging tails. The adults behind them were having their own thoughts. Some, like Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch were tilting their heads and shrugging, just trying to understand what was going on. Some, like Lea and Anguirus were looking at each other warily.

-"... That could be a good idea."-

-"Depends, which is worse when we get back. Two smaller Destroyah or one big one?"-

Rarity meanwhile was too busy looking at her little sister, sharing in her smile after the compliment. Destroyah probably had the biggest surprise of a response. She turned around and did nothing. Nothing but think. She pulled down her scarf and goggles, taking a good long look at her copy. A small frown crossed the filly's face whilst she wrestled with her own mind. She was pondering a rare opportunity and hating herself for it. The filly fidgeted, reaching forward before retracting back with a shaking hoof. If she could, she'd be sparking and steaming right now; as if hit with a logic bomb.

Amongst the storm in her mind, Destroyah forgot about the cold but did notice one thing. Her clone's eyes had opened. The larger destroyah, having woken up moments before, looked at her surroundings. Upon seeing her filly counterpart, she ignored her; instead focusing on the trio behind the filly kaiju whom still hadn't noticed her yet. A cruel, bloodthirsty smile slowly slithered across the mare's maw. She started shifting to get up. Destroyah's eyes widened and another emotion, one she hadn't felt in eighteen years rushed through her like a tidal wave. She tried to run away from the incredibly dangerous kaiju that time.

This time she ran directly at it and tackled its face.

A flash of light and cloud of mist consumed them both before anyone could react. It stayed for a few moments before an enormous pair of bat-like wings pounded the air and blew it away. Destroyah, a giant of a mare stood to her full height in front of the library. The older ponies shrugged in relief at having the local mutant population back to one. The Cutiemark Crusaders sighed in hushed sadness at that same fact. Destroyah meanwhile looked around herself. Eyeing Twilight and the library door, she mentally measured herself up.

Slowly but surely, her expression flattened. She was large alright, towering over the other ponies and alicorn. But to see if her check up was accurate, she estimated she was roughly the same height as Princess Celestia. That and she didn't feel quite as powerful as before.

"....There's still more infants out there."

And on cue everyone not named Vinyl Scratch, on factor of little understanding, and Pinkie Pie, on factor of being Pinkie Pie; burst out into exasperated groans while looking around the half chewed town to see where they could have possibly missed. Unconsciously, Anguirus forced himself to look a particular direction. Down a long stretch of street, on the edge of the town was a familiar restaurant. A tea shop who's door was hanging open.

Blood rushed out of his face and into his hooves, making Anguirus take off like a rocket.


"Song? What song?"

Their attention grabbed by his shouting, the others save for one were quick to follow up behind Anguirus; but he'd taken off so fast even Rainbow Dash was needing some time to try and catch up. A soft glimmer however, caught Twilight's eye. Heading back to it, she quickly found the source. Embedded in the snow where the destroyah horde had laid and dazzling in the evening sun, was a single pink hued gem. The Element of Magic had seen a lot of crystals in her day, both from study and travel. But when she picked up the gemstone, this one seemed strangely bizarre. She studied closely, drawn in by it. The closer the proximity she was, the more she could sense a vibe of sorts radiating from it.

-This is... Something's not right with this one. What the hay is up with this thing? Did it come from Destroyah?-

There was an energy source there, but nothing like the natural energies or gem forging magic she'd seen in the empire. Raising an eyebrow, she levitated it into the library through the bashed open door and stashed what actually was Xenilla's suppression crystal away on a shelf; before turning to take a running start into flight after the others.

Sprinting across town, Anguirus could be likened to a freight train on overdrive when he charged at the swaying door and yanked it open.... only to get a cloud of dust in the face.


He croaked, wiping it off his muzzle and eyes, prepared for the absolute worst. He was not prepared for the opposite. The place was packed with infant destroyah. Packed in the sense half of them were calmly sitting at the tables, having some lunch and sipping tea while on break; while the other half tended to cleaning up the floors and kitchen. The dust attack to the face Anguirus had gotten on the way in was due to one destroyah toddler waddling across the floor with a minibroom in her mouth. It took a full ten seconds for Anguirus to mentally reboot. His word was as truth as it was to the point.


Seong herself, who'd been up on the preparation table helping show a youngling to use her horn to mince up some seaweed wraps, noticed her new guest.

"Ah Quill Coat, I was wondering when you'd show up! These friends of yours?"

She chimed with a smile, heading out from behind the counter and towards him. Anguirus was about to respond when a low hiss cut him off. Training his eyes down, he spotted the toddler destroyah drop her broom and hiss at him like an angered cat. Speckles of purple began to glow across her mane before Ki Seong placed her hoof on her flank.

"Apapapap! Now is that how we treat guests?"

The destroyah cut off her charge, letting her ears flop down against her head while tucking in her tail.

"Sowwy Wady Seong."

Ki Seong smiled, lowered her cervid-like head down and gently nuzzled the tiny kaiju assuringly.

"It's alright little one. I think you've brushed out any bad gi energy by now, why don't you treat yourself to the rice balls I prepared for you?"

The little one's face lit up in a happy gasp and she was quick to march off to her dinner. Ki Seong giggled. Anguirus was still flabbergasted that he just saw what he just saw.

"You're... um... You seem perfectly fine."

Ki Seong snickered as she rose up, casually waving her hoof.

“Oh just a bit of a mess in the kitchen and counters at first, but the little ones all pitched in for the clean up…. Those your friends too?”

Anguirus raised an eyebrow and turned his head around to spot who she was looking at only to see his bizarre posse packed around the doorway behind him. Half of the group was even sporting the same reaction face he had at first. Ki Seong took it all with a smile and chuckle.

“Well salutations everyone, we have a bit of an overstock right now with my helpers pitching in. Would you all like some dinner?”

For a short span everyone was motionless, causing Vinyl Scratch to break the stillness and casually walk in. Pushing her glasses up to her forehead, the DJ shrugged and took her seat.

“Well never turned down free food. I’ll take three rice balls with some kelp wrap.”

Mane 6, kaiju, and crusader alike looked at one another for a moment before Lea of all ponies followed suit. She rolled her shoulders and hips to stretch out, not minding she let her long wings lay slack. It might have seemed out of place had Twilight not walked in behind her doing the exact same thing with an equally tired expression.

“Screw it, I could go for some tea right now. Ten sugar cubes please.”

“I’ll take twenty cubes.”

And with that everyone started filtering in. Anguirus paused before stepping inside completely, casting a look back at the town. Much was still in disarray, snow fall in numerous places mixing with holes in the ground and literal bite marks in half the buildings.

“You all sure everything’s okay? I’m no engineer but the town looks a bit chewed up.”

Pinkie Pie merely rolled her eyes and took the stallion by the shoulder.

“Eh don’t worry. Ponyville’s used to it by now. For about half a year something is wrecking the place. We’ll just get it patched up shippy shape by next Saturday.”

Anguirus shrugged, knowing for sure he was in loony land. Small flashes of light caught his eye, looking to the corner of the seating area. Destroyah had plopped herself down as the swarm came to look up to their adult counterpart with blinking eyes and wagging tails. She got right to work reabsorbing herself, tapping and engulfing the babies as they stood still for once; growing about an inch every time she did it. An off thought crossed Anguirus’ head while he looked at one of the infants.

“Wait a minute... Pinkie, why didn’t your musical number draw these ones out like the rest?”

Pinkie stole a glance and a grin to Ki Seong, who had placed the orders and had taken a seat herself. The kirin, unaware she was being watched, made sure to put herself next to the only open spot and stole a glance at Anguirus. For a brief instance her leaf green face became tinted red and she shyly looked away before chatting with Twilight. Pinkie Pie reigned in a squeal and guided Anguirus over towards Seong.

“Ooooh I suppose the music didn’t reach or something, might be the architecture~…”

She chimed in a slightly sing-songy voice.

There was a knock on the now closed door. Seong raised an eyebrow before letting a gold glimmer stretch across her antlers and the knob, opening it to reveal the Spirit of Chaos and Element of Kindness standing in the frame. Fluttershy sheepishly rubbed the back of her head as Discord looked away whistling.

“Ehe.. A few… dozen.. birdies told me what happened. Discord says he can fix the town up in a few minutes after what he did.”

She quipped with an awkward giggle. Discord, clad in a black and white striped jump suit and hat groaned when he saw Destroyah reabsorb the last of the infants.

“Oooh phooey, the swarm of demented little wrecking balls is gone!”


“Oh fiiine, fiiine. Twilist my toes more why don’t you?”

As the adults started talking, the Crusaders set themselves down near the foals’ table. Scootaloo frowned slightly, sharing in a dismal sigh with her friends while letting herself slump onto the table. No words needed be spoken, they knew what was on each others' mind. Failure always was a big mood killer. The sensation of shifting air and warmth across their backs got the trio’s attention. They looked up and to the side to see a mountain of pony sitting on the floor next to them. Destroyah sat still, not looking down at them while she huffed out a puff of micro-oxygen to dissolve and devour an entire meal she held up in her hoof. She had however stretched out her wing across the three, pulling them in closer to her.

When the fillies saw her face after she ate however, their expressions lit up. Destroyah sighed contently and looked off into space, drifting along with her thoughts without a scowl or frown visible on her face. The opposite was true.


The echoes of battle rang out through the barren halls of the dark temple. Roars of thunder and shrieks of lightning screamed out for none to hear across miles of pitch black. Streams of golden and violet crisscrossed a massive chamber that was otherwise blanketed in total darkness, briefly illuminating the shadows’ nexus. Irys grunted as she darted out of the growing light, jumping off the wall she’d been climbing across to dodge the torrent of plasma and gravitons that sailed passed her and obliterated hundreds of tons of obsidian wall. Debris poured into the chamber, riddling the floor with gleaming fragments as Grand King Ghidorah kept firing.

Hopelessly outmatched in terms of fire power by a titan Godzilla himself couldn’t defeat alone, the omega gyaos had been doing decently well all things considered. King Ghidorah might be able to hear her echolocation, but her constantly moving, the sound bouncing off the walls, and his own inability to sense in total darkness kept her from getting fried. Still, the fight was far from in her favor. She was surviving, an achievement in itself, but not winning.

Ghidorah cut off his graviton volleys when Irys managed to fly off in a random direction and avoid detection, looking about with all three heads as his body illuminated a small area around himself. He’d been paying attention to the gyaos’ strategy. She was on the move now, likely trying to go after his flanks or drop down from above like she had before. Or at least so he thought until tens of thousands tons worth of enraged bat kaiju pounced onto his back.

King Ghidorah cackled and roared as he adjusted his stance to compensate for the impact force and Irys’ weight, avoiding any chance of her toppling him before the gyaos snapped her jaws around the base of his right neck. Irys ushered a snarl, shaking her head like a rapid dog to try and work her beak and fangs through reinforced golden hide. But the King of Terror’s gilded scales refused to be cut despite Irys’ attempts to saw through them. Electrical energy surged across King Ghidorah’s wings, traveling up his body and onto his attacker. Irys shrieked and reluctantly let go of his neck. The loosened hold was all Ghidorah needed to throw his body weight and hurl her off.

Regaining her senses after skidding across the floor, Irys frantically flapped her wings and ran up the wall to get airborne again as a tidal wave of gravitons and lightning bolts chased her across the chamber. King Ghidorah sneered, levitating off the ground as he alternated firing his beams out from his wings and mouths in barrages. The gyaos was agile enough to avoid any direct hits, but his aim was rapidly improving. And with all the light given off by the onslaught, she had no room to duck back into the shadows. The gyaos beat her wings as fast as she could, zooming across the temple walls as explosions and shocks sounded off behind her. Ghidorah maintained his firing at her heels for several long moments, before noting her speed and trajectory, altering his aim. Instead of firing at where she was, he set his sights on directly above where she was going.

Triple graviton rays slammed into the ceiling, crushing it into an gigantic avalanche of obsidian. Irys couldn't shift her movement fast enough, colliding with the falling rubble and ending up partially buried in it. Dazed from the high speed impact and from having dozens of thousand tons worth of boulders weighing her down, Irys screeched warily. She did her best to ignore the cuts the razor edged glass was giving her, trying her earnest to free up her pinned leg. She just managed to jostle the blackness weighing her limb down when a new rumble slipped through the floor.

King Ghidorah had landed and was slowly stomping towards her, fracturing the floor beneath his feet while burning lanterns of gold crackled in his fanged jaws. Irys’ mind raced while doing her best to throw up a sonic shield with only one wing when a stray observation crossed her train of thought. Ghidorah had landed and the reverberations had run their course… why was the ground still rumbling?

Before Irys could find if half a shield was enough, a rotating object exploded out of the ground and tackled King Ghidorah. Rotating drills of Nebulan alloy sheared across golden scales in a shower of sparks. Ghidorah roared in a mix of surprise and dull pain from the collision, jostled off his footing just when he tried to fire and subsequently spraying his graviton beams off in stray directions. He stumbled back just in time for a second object to come flying out after the first, thrusters shrieking into the airspace. Red glint danced across a familiar visor before surging out in a flare of light. The flare compacted and shrunk to a point, before splintering apart into a shotgun blast of plasma hitting him directly in the faces.

Irys sighed in relief, seizing the moment to free herself. Megalon spun and skid across the floor to her side to the sound of car tires stretching as he shut the magnets off in his drills and spun them to a halt; Gigan hovered down next to them before cutting off his thrusters and dropping to the floor. To call the latter unhappy was an understatement. Frantically ticked off would be more accurate.

“Damn it Irys! You couldn’t have picked a fight with Gaira again or mess with the Anteverse attack dogs?!”

Gigan barked, crossing his scythes to put up a guard. In a much less serious vein, Megalon leaned over to his comrades and whispered through his mandibles.

"Any chance you could just call the fight off Big Brother? I didn't bring my Fairy types."

A low bellow seeped out across the chamber. Ghidorah’s chest and faces stopped smoking, clearing up his vision whilst regaining his composure. Three sets of eyes shot a glare at the trio that could shatter steel. Pure hatred was evident through their red glow.

"...Nope. Definitely not in a talking mood."

Gigan grumbled, a line of light crossing his visor. Three voices spoke bloodlust in unison.

“And now the rest of the cockroaches come to be squashed...”

“Hey! I resemble that stateme-“

“Not now Megalon!”

Not one moment after Gigan had a chance to bark at his sibling, his mechanical eye widened at detecting an energy spike. A glow of gold crossed his face before a tidal wave of gravitons slammed into him and tossed the elder cyborg across the chamber and into the back wall. Gigan hit the sea of black so hard that he left an imprint upon falling back down. Ghidorah roared, cutting off his onslaught and stampeding forward, an oncoming locomotive. He might have trampled the dazed Nebulan underfoot had its counterpart not gotten in the way. Far heavier than his brother, Megalon threw his full mass into King Ghidorah and shoved into him. Anchoring his broad feet into the broken ground below for a purchase, Ghidorah's advance ground to a halt.

Irys got herself airborne, circling above to gain some momentum as Megalon and Ghidorah grappled and fought in close quarters. Slapping away a lunging set of jaws with his rhinoceros beetle-like horn, Megalon threw his arms out for a windup before swinging them back in. Reactivating the magnets within his arms, the flats of his drills charged towards each other and crashed against either side of Ghidorah's middle head. Small fragments of chipped metal and golden scales flew everywhere as the two struggled. Grand King Ghidorah's pained snarl from the mother of all headaches was compounded when a sonic shriek split the air. Irys dive bombed the golden hydra, splitting the floor apart with a violet cutting beam before tracing it up and raking it across Ghidorah's back. The scythe of amplified sound and plasma caused the demon's hide to spark and sizzle, but aside from a few split scales it held.

Shaking off an oncoming migraine, Grand King Ghidorah cackled in annoyance and rage, swinging his left head and wing like a mace before Megalon could get out of the way. In a show of immense strength, the blow was enough to knock the insectoid cyborg off his feet and tumbling back head over tail. Burning lights hissed between Ghidorah's maws as he took aim. But, as team battles tended to have, Megalon's ally intervened. Cutting off her beam and darting in close, Irys pounced onto Ghidorah from behind. Gripping talons strong enough to hold her to the ceiling during sleep clung round Ghidorah's side necks just below the heads. Biting down on the drakes central head in the same spot to avoid it arching back and firing at her, the gyaos pounded her wings against the frigid air to back up. While nowhere near powerful enough to lift Ghidorah into the air or knock him over, 27,000 tons of angry hybrid was enough to divert his aim away from the cyborgs.

Ghidorah stumbled back, snarling as he swung his necks around to try and throw Irys off him. This bat was really beginning to annoy him. His rage was only compounded when a familiar shriek ripped out of Irys' throat and directly into Ghidorah's scales. While muffled, the sudden sparking around Irys's biting maw signaled the return of her beam; this time being concentrated on one spot and being fired point blank through the bite. It took a moment for the pain to hit him, but sure enough after several moments, the sonic blade managed to slice through several scales and dig into the muscle below.

Waves of manipulated gravitons thrashed around everywhere as their master screeched, rapidly levitating himself up and rocketing towards the ceiling. Forced to cut off her attack, Irys let go of Ghidorah's necks and dove back to avoid being crushed into the roof her foe crashed into. Regaining her balance as she fell away and hovered down to her cohorts. Ghidorah thrashed and roared to work at freeing himself from the avalanche of obsidian he caused by plowing into the ceiling.

Fortunately for his opponents, the gyaos' distraction bought Gigan and Megalon enough time to get back to their feet. She flew past them, taking note of the chamber. In the duo's entrance they'd evidently burrowed through a lit chamber, allowing just enough light in through the reflective obsidian along with the glow given off by the cyborg's eyes and visor to give away their positions.

"Got any way to see the dark?"


"I can pick up vibration!"

"Use it! I'm calling in a black out. Cut your lights out!"

Picking up her pace, Irys circled the chamber's perimeter . Though it was near invisible at first, due to the already dark interior, a dark mist fanned out of her wings with every beat until it formed a trail. The infantile light was suffocated by the black cloud as the Shadow of Atlantis lived up to her species' namesake. With a click, the glow from both cyborg's visuals turned off and they swapped to their alternatives.

After further struggling, Ghidorah had managed to free himself from the ceiling and crashed down to the floor in a fury. Yet despite his unbridled wish to tear more than a few throats out, the King of Terror found himself without a target. They were there. He could still hear Irys' echolocation and footsteps that signaled Megalon and Gigan circling him; but he was completely without a means of detection. The lustrous glow given off by his scales was barely a spark in an ocean of black, and with everything moving around at once he couldn't pin point anything. A small trickle of golden ichors streamed out of a small gash on the back of his neck. He sneered, trying to focus on the scattered echolocation pings. At a time he desired nothing more than a casual genocide, he knew exactly who he wanted to kill first.

Thinking he had a lock, Ghidorah charged forward and lunged. The rapid flapping of wings told him his snapping jaws barely missed Irys. He should have been focusing more on the other two.

Darting into the dimly lit radius around Ghidorah, Gigan lunged at the hydra and swung his scythe across his foe's chest. Though the sharpened point managed to knock a few scales loose amongst its own chipping, any slicing was completely negated. Not wasting any moment to let his target disappear back into the shadows, Ghidorah planted a foot in the ground and whirled around, swinging his twin tails as a flail. Gigan attempted to block with his free arm as he saw the blobs of heat coming right at him, but couldn't cope with the sheer mass behind the blow and was knocked to the floor. Maintaining his moment, Ghidorah whirled himself back around as energy roared out of his central maw.

A moment's breath and a blur of white later, and the graviton stream collided with an energy barrier. Irys grunted through her screech, holding her wings out as wide as she could to try and amplify the glowing shield that she'd thrown up in front of herself after diving in to Gigan's aid. Even still, it was just barely holding. The downpour of gravitons increased in might, forcing Irys to dig her claws into the ground as she began to slide back. A surge of power gushed out of Ghidorah's jaws, traveling down the beam and hitting the barrier. The flare of light grew in strength before exploding, canceling out the beam and shattering the shield.

Ghidorah was much quicker to regain his poise whilst a dazed Irys stumbled back. Electricity flowed out of his core and sparked across his wings. He was about to fire and electrocute the two kaiju with wing lightning when he felt a rumbling to his side. Ghidorah cracked a voracious grin, not going to fall into the same flanking maneuver twice. He turned and fired just as Megalon burst out of the ground like a torpedo. Thinking deceptively fast as he uncurled from his tunneling position, Megalon jumped up and flew over Ghidorah as the latter fired. The cyborg put his drills directly facing the beam and revved up the magnet to full power, sending his cybernetic attachments spiraling as the currents of electricity met its metal.


The magnets roared, sucking in the electricity like a sponge and rerouting it up the cyborg's arms and into his energy core. Twisting around in midair to land on the opposite side of Ghidorah, Megalon bellowed in glee. Despite the raw power Ghidorah was putting out, Megalon was absorbing what he could and venting off the excess through his feet. The torrents of power started to travel up from his heart and onto his horn, the star-like tip beginning to glow red. Within Megalon's systems, a simple message greeted his conscious.

-Thunder Cannon at 246%-


Megalon vented all of his super charged core through is horn, a thirty meter thick stream of raw power firing out in the form of a lightning stream. The amplified blast quickly overpowered Ghidorah's wing lightning, devouring his attack before the explosive charge collided with the monstrosity. Despite Irys' smog, the entire chamber was lit up for a moment as it rattled both from the explosion and King Ghidorah getting knocked off his feet and crashing into the already thoroughly shattered floor. Electricity jolted and sparked across his stunned form as it slowly got back up. Gigan saw their opportunity and wasn’t wasting it.

“You two! Fall in!”

He barked while starting to rev up his jet engines. Irys and Megalon, who was still venting steam and coolant from his spent overcharge, were quick to fall in around him.

“What’s the plan?”

Though it was hard to see because of his beak and mandibles, even more so under the darkness; Gigan grinned more than he sneered while crossing his scythes.

“Open him up and get some blood out.”

It took a moment for King Ghidorah’s momentary daze to wear off. Having half an energy core and your own raw power thrown directly at your face tended to mess most anyone up for a short time. But the phasing was hardly prolonged. Just as his vision returned, so did his hearing. And he heard echoes of plotting abound. While unable to make out anything legible, he knew full well what was going on when he sensed the trio splitting up without sign of retreating.

Grand King Ghidorah’s eyes narrowed, but remained calm as he manipulated the gravity around him. Fragments of shattered obsidian levitated off the ground amongst swirls of fine dust. Ghidorah hissed through forked tongues while letting his tails slither through the air and raising his heads like a trio of cobras. He was ready.

And ready he needed to be as at the drop of a hat, everything kicked up in the chamber. Red flashes lit up through the smog and grabbed Ghidorah’s attention. He saw Gigan running across the floor near him, sprinting towards him before jumping up and igniting his thrusters. Ghidorah opened fire, but the graviton streams passed through the afterimage as it disappeared in a flash of red light. Gigan reappeared a long distance away, teleporting in at the ceiling and flying straight down. Right before the cyborg could do a nose dive into the floor, he teleported again to another spot on the ceiling and repeated the process in an ever increasing loop. With each successive warp, the cyborg flew straight down with the assist of gravity; picking up speed every time.
Before Ghidorah could focus or ponder what in the realms the worm was up to, a white blur signaled Irys’ return. She flew rapidly in a circle that cut Ghidorah off from Gigan. Black smog summoning out of her wings as she flew, what little light that revealed the cyborg to Ghidorah was quickly getting cut off and dampened by a circular wall of darkness. The black tornado clogged up Ghidorah’s vision even if it did suck in the rest of the smog littering the area. King Ghidorah slowly turned around in the eye of the twister, calmly starting to take aim at the gyaos. And then came the annoyance factor literally exploding into his face.


Megalon yelped like he was spitting up phlegm, instead spewing out boulder sized spheres at King Ghidorah after jumping in through the tornado wall. The spheres, napalm grenades, self destructed on contact with Ghidorah and the ground; splashing ignited napalm everywhere. Fire swallowed over the area’s hit like rushing water. Grand King Ghidorah was no newcomer to standing amongst fires, they were harmless to him. What he didn’t like was the younger cyborg's insistence to try in vain to set him ablaze with his toys. One spat grenade sailed high, smashing into Ghidorah’s middle brow. Ignoring and immune to the heart, King Ghidorah sneered as the snapping napalm dripped and ran down his brow and snout like liquid.

Gravity in the chamber metamorphosed, lifting the enormous dragon off the ground. He hovered above Megalon before ripping his tools of destruction. A concentrated graviton torrent spewed out of his central maw and tore the ground apart where it fell. With his aim altered from blind rage and Megalon rapidly dodging the death ray, Ghidorah took the breaks off and fired everything he had short of what he knew the cyborg could throw back at him.

Megalon attempted to jump to the side to avoid one beam, only soon screaming in pain as another crossed his back. The beetle-like wing guards that composed his carapace split open. Fragments of burning exoskeleton and circuits flew around everywhere. Ghidorah rushed forward before the rising cyborg could get back up. Megalon froze up at the sight of a drooling, flaming dragon stampeding towards him.

"Ooooh boyo this is gonna hurt..HIN-"

He was cut off from the collision despite bracing, bowling him back over and Ghidorah planting a foot on his chest. Laughing through a grin, the enormous hydra stomped on Megalon's stomach, ushering a shriek of crushed chitin and bending metal. Megalon felt whatever lungs he might still have get the wind knocked out of them. Throwing his drills up in defense, he managed to catch Ghidorah's foot when it came down to stomp through him. The servos in his shoulders were locking up, putting as much torque as he could into keeping the avalanche of mass from crashing down on him. Sucking in another quick breath as Ghidorah's drooling maws swung down, Megalon reloaded and-


-Spat a napalm grenade directly into Ghidorah's left mouth, exploding inside his maw and throat. The sphere detonated on contact, engulfing the head in smoke and flaming tides. Though it didn't do so much, losing a third of his vision certainly got King Ghidorah's attention enough for him to back up. Megalon gasped from the relieved pressure, taking one drill away and slapping it on the floor with a metallic clang.


Irys answered, bursting out of the smoke in front of King Ghidorah and slamming into his upper midsection. Already unbalanced, the impact was enough to force him off of Megalon. Folding in her wings, Irys spun around mid-fall and grabbed onto Ghidorah's, whirling around onto his back. The gyaos started taking in a deep breath, the air starting to vibrate outside her jaws as she charged up. Recovered from his tumble, Megalon staggered back to his feet and emptied his grenade clip into Ghidorah's chest and faces. Fireballs and smoke clouded out half of King Ghidorah and Irys' forms, as the former tried to thrash through the cyborg's assault and dislodge the gyaos. He snapped, spun and fired graviton beams in all directions; forcing Megalon to jump up and tunnel under the ground for cover. But Irys held on tight and a stream of violet lit up the air within the black vortex alongside the gold.

Her sonic cutter narrowed to a focused point. Though the beam at first splinted against the King of Terror's now flaming hide, it burrowed through the scales after a few moments. King Ghidorah shrieked in pain, thrashing like an enraged bull. Every single one of his senses was being overpowered. All around him there was smoke, fire, falling obsidian, red flashes of light through the smog, and Irys' ear splitting screaming that had just sliced through a line of his scales across his upper back and cut a few feet into his flesh. Snapping blindly, he got a lucky hit upon arching his right neck back and biting down on Irys' arm. Teeth digging in as he snarled without an ounce of his usual pride, King Ghidorah whirled his neck around and forcefully ripped Irys off his back and tossed her into the wall. The albino yelped on impact and flopped to the floor as Ghidorah hovered up.

He flew above the hellscape, ignoring the fact he was still half covered in soot and fire like a demon from the world of Dante. He hissed, laughed, and roared alternatingly from his three heads while fanning his wings. Chipped scales broke off and fell down to the floor in a glimmering rain amongst the swimming pools worth of rabid drool from his maws, and trickling, gold blood seeping out of the cuts across his neck and back. Despite not needing to, King Ghidorah panted in breath. The gilded destroyer had devolved into a snarling beast. Multiple eyes locked on to the rising gyaos as she limped up to her feet, her impact with the wall apparently having damaged her leg enough to limp her. The engine of destruction took aim as his mouths began to glow with hatred. He'd been insulted, they all would pay.

He didn't know someone else had locked onto him.

King Ghidorah's perception of time slowed to a crawl. A flare of red light burst out to King Ghidorah's left. He shifted his eyes and heads accordingly to see a large object barreling out of the warp drive created portal. Gigan flew straight at him as the milliseconds crawled by, revving up his buzz saw to a blinding speed even at this passage of time. He'd been exhausting his warp drive in the effort of flying straight down over and over again, keeping his momentum each time until terminal velocity worked with his blazing thrusters to reach top speed. Top speed he was currently rushing King Ghidorah at. Gigan screeched in slow motion, ducking his head to the side to just barely avoid a retaliatory stream of gravitons King Ghidorah had fired. The elder cyborg flew at Ghidorah's back and raked his spinning saw blades into the cut Irys had opened up, significantly deepening it. The impact ripped out most of the saw teeth, but only alongside an eruption of ichors, scale, and muscle flew out alongside when each tooth dug in. For the first time in centuries, Grand King Ghidorah shrieked in pain and bled significantly.

Time resumed to normal, Gigan tumbling to the floor with half his torso covered in gold. Stabbing a scythe into the ground to slow his slide across the floor, Gigan dug a trench into the floor whilst spinning around. King Ghidorah, still wailing in agony and blindly firing graviton beams at the ceiling, crashed to the ground before being buried in a landslide that had once been the roof.

It took several long minutes for the room to calm down. Gigan and Irys limped towards each other, bleeding and in the former's case, also sparking, from spent wounds. Irys was missing a few teeth, had a chipped crest, and definitely had broken her leg, having to hold herself up with her wings in a tripod stance. Gigan was leaking artificial blood from numerous ports, the impact with Ghidorah having given him numerous internal damage and a cracked visor along with utterly destroying his saw. The earth below rumbled and Megalon limply hoisted himself out of his burrow next to them. Having a cracked exoskeleton at numerous spots, dents in his drills, a footprint in his stomach, and missing half his wing covers; the younger cyborg barely looked any better off than his comrades. In unison, the tired trio slumped back on the wall and let their supports give out beneath them.

"Thi-nk.." Irys wheezed, pointing to the mountain of still burning black stone that had once been the roof.
"We got him?"

"I-I-I-I" Gigan grunted, whacking himself in the head to stop his speakers from glitching out.
"-don't know... And Irys.... Don't ever do that again!"

"S-orry... I didn't expect a fight, I just wan-ted to try and coerce him into telling me something... anything..." She mumbled, pulling her good limbs in to a protective huddle.

"For record, there's no intimidating that.. 'thing', I thought X told you to stay clear of him."

The white, bruised gyaos frowned through her fangs, licking a spot on her cracked beak to try and get it to stop throbbing in jolts of pain with each pulse before whispering. "I lost one flock... I'm not losing another..."

Gigan shrugged, shaking his head despite showers of sparks occasionally spurting out around his brow and neck. "We'll get him back, eventually..."

"What about Ghidorah?"

"Forget it, I'll explain it to the master... He was more of a threat anyway-"

He cut off when the burning rubble shifted. A low hiss seeped into the air, causing all three kaiju to freeze up and widen their eyes. Six glowing red orbs looked out of the debris before rising up, a demon rising from the glass and ashes. Grand King Ghidorah, bleeding, burnt, but still very much alive rose to his feet. He stomped on the rubble and flared out his wings to cleanse himself of any lingering rubble. Despite the enormous gash across his back, which leaked blood all the way down his side, he stood tall and leered at the trio.

Megalon tiredly raised an arm and pointed at the juggernaut that refused to die. "He's.... He's not dead yet... So, who's up for round thrwee?..."

The trio braced and tried to rise. Ghidorah relaxed, calmly perching himself on his new throne and putting out a fire still burning on his wing. One neck looked back at his wound, speaking in his usual manner.

"An amusing display. Had you cut a bit deeper you might have hit my vertebrate and caused some actual damage. This will take a few hours to mend."

Gyaos and cyborgs froze, looking both at King Ghidorah and each other in clear confusion.

"You're.. not, going to kill us?"

King Ghidorah didn't even both looking at Megalon when he responded, too busy manipulating nearby gravity to style himself a more proper throne out of the rubble.

"Of course I will. One day I will kill most everything, helps keep back boredom. But for now, it's a waste of time and energy. More fighting would be dull and the one you call 'Master' might not have his attention away from here forever. Three worms kill a lion, and it might be an achievement to some. A lion bothers to crush three grubs under foot, it's a waste... So."

The hydra looked down at them from his burning seat, a smug yet imposing expression clad across all three heads whilst he slowly fanned his wings to feed the flames.

"The bat wishes to learn more about your companion. I shall grace it."

Megalon and Gigan looked to Irys. She cast her vision to her left, then right to peer back at them. She held her breath, and then straightened up as much as she could to glare back at King Ghidorah while putting her wings in front of her companions protectively.

"...Start talking, as much as you know."

Grand King Ghidorah smiled and chuckled in a deep tone, flashing rows of fangs through a mature, intelligent voice.

"It all began several centuries ago, on a little gray planet I took a detour to called Xilian."

Planet Xilian, M Nebula, Terran Realm, 370 years ago

The Xilians, the most advanced civilization in their stretch of the galaxy, and a species of change. Eons ago they were conquerors; establishing bases on dozens of worlds and moons. Hundreds of centuries ago their thirst for a vast empire was quenched and they were peacekeepers, setting out within their vast domain to keep transgressors such the war hungry Simians and climate altering Kilaaks in check. Decades ago, with their enemies defeated the systems were at peace. The Xilians stopped innovating their weapons and focused on building. By now, sustainable cities stretched across half their planet’s biosphere. They thought that by now, with their own and other species’ conquests and arms races ground to a halt; the peace could be controlled and last. Fittingly, and possibly hopefully, their leader was named The Controller for this reason.

They couldn’t have expected that by the time of the eleventh Controller, someone for whom they had no context for would see their peace and disarmament as an opportunity. It was a year ago when the first outposts began to go dark, a path of destruction trailing the fleeing colonists all the way to the heart of the empire.

The capital on their homeworld started as a weapons factory, then a citadel of government. Now it was a crown of flames, a mass cremation, and his buffet.

Graviton streams cut through the air, tearing a street apart and engulfing a transport shuttle in flames. The civilians on board barely had time to scream before the resulting explosion shook the city block, sending another burning building crashing to the ground after the wreckage of the transport plowed into it. Dozens of tanks and air vehicles swarmed towards the city’s heart, flying through smoke clouds and over debris fields to throw themselves at the juggernaut. Missiles, railgun shells, and plasma mortars exploded against golden scales in a desperate attempt to divert death’s attention away from the evacuation shuttles.

Grand King Ghidorah cackled in glee, simultaneously spewing out graviton rays and wolfing down the weltering life forces all around; swallowing up more and more energy with each soul sent to the realm beyond. Lighting sprung free from his wings and eviscerated the sky, sending dozens of airships tumbling down as burning wreckage while the tanks were crushed either underfoot or by the torrents of gravity altering energy. Hundred meter tall rings of fiery and smoking hellscape encircled King Ghidorah, earning the kaiju a grin as he levitated a packed evacuation shuttle towards himself. He always did like lit candles during dinner. Grasping the shuttle like canned food, he manipulated the gravity with enough precision to tear the armored shell open and empty the screaming contents into an energy dome he’d erected.

Pulsating with hideous hues, the stadium sized dome swallowed up the multitudes and prepared the meal. He’d packed it with the thousands he’d captured along his run of this planet, a quick fly over on a town or city and many were snatched up and imprisoned before they could react. Brimming with the captured, it would be a feast to remember. King Ghidorah curled his lips back and let his tongues slither out, opening all three maws as the dome distinguished its inhabitants. Pure life force started to siphon out of the structure and was hungrily devoured.

Before he could finish however, King Ghidorah paused and rose up. Something wasn’t right, the Xilians were fleeing with their tails between their legs; and yet he could still sense a lot of energy nearby. Moreover, rather than dimming as it retreated; it almost seemed to be heading towards him; with far too much magnitude for it to be their military. As it drew closer, more factors to add to the confusion streamed in. He could read the energy signature like a fingerprint, for he knew this one well. The most familiar signature possible was heading right for him, one that was impossible. Another he, another King Ghidorah was approaching.

King Ghidorah turned in the direction of the oncoming signature, which was obscured behind a smoke cloud. Just as he stared to blow away the smog, something pounced out of the dark cloud. The figure jumped up and spun around; a clenched black fist cloaked in white armor slammed into his left jaw in a backhand that split the air before it was followed up by a tail smack. Grand King Ghidorah cackled in sharp pain just in time for a flash of yellow to herald a graviton born explosion came crashing into his face; forcing the leviathan to stumble back. Swinging his head around to clear any lingering smoke coming off it, the King of Terror somehow found himself looking at a twisted mirror.

His attacker was hovering in the air before touching down on the ground. It was shorter than himself and with a build not unlike a Xilian, two arms, two legs, one neck; but with a distinctly dragonetic tail and head. Midnight black skin shown out under layers of pale armor that resembled a skeleton more than any platemail. Facades of secondary heads, complete with glowing eyespots were perched upon its shoulder armor; almost glaring at him in mockery of his perfection. The new titan growled, mist billowing out between recurved fangs visible beneath his helmet.

Grand King Ghidorah sneered; mentally rushing forward to assault the transgressor and find out what was going on. But just as soon as he tore the door open to the being's psyche, something threw him out and slammed it shut behind him. King Ghidorah hissed, shaking his head from the mental attack, as his new opponent had the gall to glare at and speak to him. Multitudes of airships and formed up behind a kaiju history would know as Monster X. He rose up and pointed at King Ghidorah with a clawed finger.

“Get off my planet.”

Author's Note:

Proofreading and Illustrations by Faith-Wolff and SkyLark

Godzilla and associated characters property of Toho Company Ltd.
Gyaos property of Daiei and Kadokawa Pictures
MLP:FiM property of Hasbro Studios

The Xilians have played their trump card in a last stand. But as history shows, something went horribly, horribly wrong...
A new heroine joins the realms, but in a way like never before.

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