• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Welcome to Equestria

It was a beautiful day out today, perfect weather for hanging out on the beach and swimming in the ocean. Though it seemed like the perfect time to go on a vacation, for one sixteen-year-old boy, he couldn't afford to take a break. That boy's name was Sora, a goofy, laid back teen, but when push comes to shove, he will do anything to help those in need, especially when his friends are in danger. He had spiky brown hair, wearing his black traveling attire upgraded by the three good fairies to not only make his older clothes fit him, but give him more power to stop the Heartless and Nobodies. He has saved the entire universe several times from the Heartless, a group of Nobodies known as Organization XIII, and a few versions of the man who began seeking Kingdom Hearts several years ago, named Xehanort.

Unfortunately, just a couple months ago, he and his childhood friends, Riku and Kairi, took their mark of mastery exams to become full fledged Keyblade Masters, and he failed. While traveling through the dream realms, Sora was captured by Xehanort and was almost killed, his body to be used in order to create the X-blade the old man wanted in order to take full control of Kingdom Hearts, and all the worlds. Even after all of his feats saving the worlds from Xehanort's Heartless, Ansem, and his Nobody, Xemnas, none of it seemed to matter to immediately make him a Keyblade Master. He did understand, though, and resumed his training, honing his skills as a Keyblade wielder even further, promising to pass the next chance he gets.

Now, Sora spent every day on the island he and his friends played on training, swinging his Keyblade with powerful force on the sandy shore. Since he was by himself most of the time, he was able to go all out and exert himself to exhaustion, casting every spell he knew and every skill he could pull off. After spending hours practicing under the hot sun, the teen took a break, wiping away the sweat on his brow. As he sat down on the beach to rest, he heard footsteps come from behind him.

"Giving up on training so soon, Sora?" The teen lifted his head back until he saw the person from an upside down perspective. That person was his best friend and rival since they were kids; Riku. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a white and yellow t-shirt, his hair a light silver, cut short though slightly messy. His friend had two blue popsicles in his hand, giving his friend a smirk at the frown Sora gave him. "I thought you were supposed to be stronger than that."

"Ha ha, Riku. That's not going to affect me anymore." Riku sat down next to Sora, offering him one of the ice creams, a popular and favorite flavor with a weird name; sea-salt ice cream. He took a bite of his treat, tasting the salty, yet sweet, flavor as it hit his taste buds. "On a little vacation?"

"Sort of. Being a Keyblade Master's pretty hard, but that means we're going to need to find more wielders in order to protect the worlds." Riku took a bite of his ice cream as he looked out to the calm sea. "At least Kairi and I are keeping the worlds safe."

"I've been doing that before it was popular," Sora joked as he scarfed down the sea-salt ice cream, letting the brain freeze cool him down. "...Is Kairi doing ok?"

"You know, you can just tell her you love her, Sora. You two were made for each other." Sora blushed as he looked away. Riku chuckled at his reaction after constantly teasing him about his crush on Kairi. "Come on, Sora, it's obvious. You wanting to share the paopu fruit with her, her heart shared with yours, the charm she made for you...All those love letters you made yet you threw away out of fear."

"W-What!? Who told you about those!?" Riku laughed harder, nearly falling on his back as Sora's blush intensified. The embarrassed teen groaned as he was led into revealing that, hating how easily Riku could get under his skin when joking around. "I hate you."

"I know, but it's your fault for opening your big mouth." Riku finished up his ice cream, holding the stick in his teeth. "But I didn't come around to poke fun at you, as enjoyable as that is. I came to tell you personally that Master Yen Sid wanted to speak to you."

"Huh? Why?" Sora asked, curious as to what the wizard wanted with him. "Is it a retake on my mark of mastery exam?"

"He didn't say. He just told me to come and get you." Riku stood back up, twiddling around with his popsicle stick. "Better get going. I've got to go back to patrolling the north-eastern sector of the galaxy soon."

"Then that means I'm in more trouble..." Sora sighed as he stood up. "I really hope I didn't screw anything up."

"I know you feel disappointed for what happened back there, Sora...In fact, I think you should have been a Keyblade Master more than me." Riku looked down at his hand, clenching it into a fist as he knew the power he wielded inside him. "I have a worse track record than you...Letting Ansem take control of me, using the power of darkness...But, Master Yen Sid knows what's best."

"I guess...So, I'll be seeing you later then?" Sora scratched the back of his head as he asked.

"Yeah. Maybe not for a while." Riku headed back, taking the stick out of his mouth. He stopped and turned his head to his friend. "Also, man up and tell Kairi your true feelings before I do."

"Y-You don't even like her like that!" Sora shouted in jealousy as Riku laughed. The teen slapped himself in the face, always falling for Riku's teasing. "Stop messing with me!"

"That's never gonna happen." Riku waved his arm, saying goodbye as he approached the docks, stepping on a swirling light that transported him to his gummi ship.

Sora sighed, rummaging through his pockets and fishing out a charm in the shape of a star made out of seashells. "I can take on Heartless, faced a three-headed dog on my own, took down a Heartless and Nobody battleship without batting an eye...yet I can't tell a girl I love her." He continued looking at the charm in his gloved hand, Kairi letting him keep it for good luck, even though it was hers. Without Kairi, he wouldn't have gotten to where he was as a Keyblade wielder. And without her light, he would have been lost in a sea of darkness while he was a Heartless. "Guess I better get going and see what Master Yen Sid wants...and if Kairi's at the tower."

Sora navigated his custom made gummi ship through space, making his way toward the Mysterious Tower where Master Yen Sid lives. His space vessel is similar to the blueprints his friends, Donald and Goofy, had when he first began his adventure to the many worlds in his travels. Since he was rescued, he hadn't seen his best friends in a while, though he did receive letters from them from time to time. He understood they had important duties to uphold as King Mickey's royal wizard and captain of the guard. And with everything in the universe not suffering as much from the Heartless or any stray Nobodies, there really wasn't all that much excitement for either of them.

The teen finally reached the Mysterious Tower, exiting his gummi ship and began trekking up the long stairway to his master's study. As he reached the top, standing before the old wizard's door, Sora swallowed the big lump caught in his throat and knocked on the door.

"Enter," Master Yen Sid announced, the spikey-haired teen allowed access as he slowly walked in.

Sitting at his desk, reading through one of his many books, was the wizard he had met several times. He wore blue robes with a purple wizard's hat, littered with white stars. He also had a long gray beard, showing a look of wisdom and seriousness when it came to being an all powerful magician. Sora stood before his master's desk and bowed in respect to him.

"Master Yen Sid, Riku relayed his message from you to me," he said, feeling a little nervous.

"Good. Relax yourself, Sora. You are not in any trouble." Though he believed Yen Sid, he still couldn't help but feel a little intimidated, not knowing what the wizard had in store for him. "I know you have done a lot to help save the worlds, but your actions can be...careless when you grow too concerned about the safety of others. That led to you being captured by Xehanort, and it almost cost you your life." Sora winced, never going to live that down. "You should be lucky you have made many friends to aid you in your journey.

"But now, I believe I should issue you some more training before I decide on what should be your retake of the mark of mastery exam." Yen Sid snapped his fingers, making a small slip of paper appear out of thin air. He levitated it to Sora, the teen taking it as he looked at what was written on it. "Those are specific coordinates to a world far from this one and many others along that direction."

"...Is it infected by the Heartless?" Sora asked.

"No, but there are dangers in that world that you can easily overcome. You have saved the worlds from darkness several times, even keeping Kingdom Hearts from being taken control of." The wizard grinned as he praised Sora for his overwhelming feats. "It will be a long ride over to this location, so I suggest you pack enough for the journey through the cosmos."

"Alright." Sora was about to leave after bowing to Master Yen Sid, but a telekinetic grip on his shirt forced him to turn back to face the magician.

"I must warn you, Sora. You agreeing to take this training means you might be there for a long while. That means you won't see or hear any word from your friends." Sora's jaw dropped at the warning. "If you really wish to go, then you must understand the situation you will be faced in. Do you understand your mission?"

The teen was speechless. This "mission" felt more like a punishment than anything. He always relied on his friends to aide him in battle, and anytime he was alone, he triumphed knowing he friends would back him up, no matter where they are and how far they were split apart. Sora looked down at the note with the coordinates to this new world as if it was a pink slip of sorts, where he would be fired as a Keyblade wielder, though it was a job that non one could quit or get laid off from. Still, if what Master Yen Sid said is true, then it's possible that maybe this was what he needed to grow stronger in several ways.

Making his decision, he looked at his master with a determined look, nodding his head. "I understand, Master."

"Good. Now, prepare yourself for the long journey you will embark on." Sora bowed and made his way out of the study to pack what he needed to this new world. As the teenage hero exited his study, Yen Sid stood up from his chair and headed into the adjacent room filled with mirrors, some of them covered with sheets as they held magical properties. He uncovered one of them, the frame coated in a prismatic light that shimmered like an aurora, using his magic to activate the enchanted reflection. "Sorry for the long hold. I didn't want any of my pupils to know about this magical mirror."

"I didn't expect a sheet to cover our communication be considered 'on hold'," a feminine voice sounded through the mirror, sounding majestic and wise.

"Again, I apologize. But know that I have finally chosen a student of mine to come to your world," Yen Sid said. "I'm sure he will not only help you with any conflicts in the future, but also teach a student of yours a few lessons she needs in life."

"Indeed. Though, I must ask, Yen Sid; who are you sending?" the woman asked.

"You'll see. My pupil will arrive within a few days from my location in the universe. When you meet him, he may not seem like the type of warrior you may expect in attitude, but he has the skill to back up his aloofness." The woman chuckled on the other end.

"I'll believe your word, Yen Sid. Thank you for your assistance," the woman said.

"You are quite welcome, your highness," the wizard said as he bowed in respect to the supposed royal.

Outside of the tower, Sora was busy going through his inventory, making sure he had everything necessary for the long few days of travel he would embark on. While focused on his mental checklist, he didn't notice a gummi ship make a landing not too far from the Mysterious Tower. Stepping out from the vessel was a teenage girl, wearing a pink shirt and skirt that reached up to her knees, her hair long and colored auburn. Seeing Sora here, she approached him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hmm?" As he turned around, Sora stammered as he was staring at his other long-time friend, and crush, Kairi. "K-Kairi! H-Hey!"

"I was wondering what you were doing here," Kairi said, giggling at his surprise. "I thought you were busy training by yourself on the island."

"Uhh...Well, I was. But, Riku sought me out and said Master Yen Sid had some kind of job for me. So, here I am, packing up to go to some unknown world." As much as Sora tried to remain aloof and nonchalant about the whole thing, on the inside, he was a nervous wreck just staring at the girl who had literally dragged his heart out of the darkness, which he gave up to wake her up that day a couple years ago. Their hearts had literally been intertwined since their home was swallowed by the darkness, and he was going to be far away from Kairi, unable to see or talk to ever again for a long time. "It's gonna be a long drive there."

"Yeah." Kairi looked over Sora's shoulder, seeing the variety of supplies he had out of his ship to store. "I can see you've packed quite a bit there...And, Master Yen Sid said you had to do this on your own?"

"It's...more like training for me. Nothing really specific for an objective, really..." Sora scratched his head, unsure how to explain the unfortunate news to Kairi. He let out a huge sigh, deciding on just telling her. "...I'm probably gonna be gone for a long while...I don't know how long it'll be before I come back."

"Oh. I see." Kairi seemed a little upset, but she understood the situation. "Whatever happens, I believe you can pull through. I know you always do." Sora nodded and chuckled, blushing a little. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Kairi's charm, wanting to give it back to her since it was hers from the start. "Why don't you hold onto that for me just a while longer?"

"You sure? You told me to bring it back to you back in Traverse Town, yet you haven't bugged me about it for a long while," Sora said.

"Yeah, I know. I was just messing with you." Sora groaned as he lowered his head comically, hearing Kairi giggling at him. "Besides, if you're going to be gone for a while, I want you to have something to keep to remember us if you forget."

"How can I ever forget you?" Kairi tilted her head in confusion as Sora asked that question in a sort of lovestruck daze. Realizing he was acting more of a goof than normal, he shook his head to get rid of the growing blush on his face. "Uhh, I-I mean how can I forget having to save you from danger all the time!? Sure, I had a blast going to other worlds, but it's you're the princess who gets captured by the evil dragon and I'm the valiant knight who comes to save you!...Actually, that did happen in Radient Garden when it was originally called Hollow Bastion."

Kairi laughed at the ironic twist of their grand adventure. "That is true! But I'm not longer the damsel in distress anymore."

"Yeah. You can take care of yourself now. Oh, woe is me, for I am out of a job!" The two teens laughed as they joked around, spending as much time as possible before Sora wouldn't be seen for a long time. After they calmed down, they were quiet, almost waiting for the inevitable goodbye to just come. Sora sighed, not wanting to waste any time procrastinating and disappoint Master Yen Sid by loafing around. "...Well...I better move everything in the ship...and get going."

"Ok...I need to see Master Yen Sid and give him a briefing on the worlds I visited." Sora nodded, but before he was able to begin packing everything in his ship, Kairi suddenly hugged him tightly. "Take care of yourself."

"...Y-Yeah...Of course I will." He hugged her back, the two teens staying like that for a moment before Kairi let go. Sora wanted to tell her his feelings for her, but the words couldn't come out. When he finally did speak, he was going to chastise himself for the rest of his time gone. "Kairi?"

"Yes, Sora?" she asked.

"...If you see Donald, Goofy, Riku, the king...all my friends in the other worlds...can you tell them I'll be gone for a while?" Sora mentally smacked himself in the forehead as he was too afraid to speak his true feelings.

"Of course," Kairi nodded, though sounding a little disappointed. "Good luck, Sora."

She turned and hurried inside the tower, leaving Sora alone with his supplies and waiting gummi ship. "...Perfect, Sora. You chickened out..."

Sighing in defeat, the teen began loading up his gummi ship. He continued berating himself, even after he was ready to leave, taking one last look the tower where Kairi is speaking with Master Yen Sid.

During the few days of traveling through the galaxy, passing by several worlds Sora had visited in the past, the teen looked out at the vast emptiness of space in boredom, sitting in his seat as the ship had been on auto-pilot. The only thing he could do to pass the time was either do some warm-ups or do nothing, wondering if he should have said no to coming out here. He was already out this far now, so it was too late to turn back.

Before he decided on taking a nap to pass the time, he spotted something out in the distance the ship was headed toward. Looking down at his navigational unit on his controls, he was getting closer to his destination. As the world he was assigned to got closer, he could see what it would look like on the surface: there was a magnificent castle at the top of a mountain city on top, almost like King Mickey's, a small village at the bottom with an overgrown forest nearby, railroads connecting to the two major parts of the world and other smaller locations on the sides, though they were too small to distinguish what they were.

"Huh...This place doesn't look all that bad. It's pretty peaceful." As soon as he got closer and closer to this new world, his ship began blaring its alarms as his panels blinked "MALFUNCTION!" over and over in bold red. "W-What the heck's going on!?" While trying to figure out what was happening, the gummi ship shuddered violently as its flight grew shakey as it approached the world. Sora tired to check everything, but nothing was working. "Darn it! I didn't even touch anything!"

The teen fell out of his seat as an explosion from his ship shook the vessel, one of the engines having blown up on him. There was no way he could have screwed up with the gummi blocks while building his own ship, and somehow, it decides to break down on him. As he slowly got back up his feet, using the console for support, he looked down at the panels and saw that it was about to blow up from the heavy damage inflicted from the first engine's explosion.

He couldn't utter a word before the entire cockpit blew apart, his gummi ship blowing to pieces as he was flung toward the world. While Sora fell unconscious, he was lucky to have made it to the world's atmosphere as he fell down like a shooting star, the magic within him keeping him safe from burning up from the terminal velocity and glowing brightly as his body changed to fit the world's inhabitants.

It was the middle of the night down in Equestria, where the inhabitants of the world were just about getting ready to head to bed, the moon glowing brightly beneath them with a figure of a mare etched into the spherical mass that orbited the land. Down in a small town, called Ponyville, most of the lights in all the buildings were turned off as many of their inhabitants were sound asleep. In a small farmhouse with an apple orchard that stretches on for several hundred acres, the family living there was already in bed, except for one little filly.

"But Applejack, it's the weekend!" the yellow earth pony filly whined, her mane and tail a bright red with a big pink bow on her head. "Why can't Ah stay up later!? Ah'm not a baby!"

"Apple Bloom, ya got chores to do tomorrow," the orange earth pony mare said, being strict with the filly. Her blonde mane and tail were tied up to keep her hair from getting too messy when working on the fields. Getting irritated by her sister's fussing, she planted Apple Bloom in her bed as the filly pouted. "Once ya'll finish, ya can play. But now, ya need your rest."

"Ah can stay up all night if Ah wanna!" As the filly grunted, slamming her head down on her pillow, she looked out her window. Her mood shifted when she saw a shooting star out in the distance. "A fallin' star!"

"Huh?" Applejack looked out the window, staring at the burning star. "What in tarnation?"

The star was getting closer and closer, almost heading straight for her family's home. Luckily, it didn't get that far, but it crashed in the middle of their apple fields, the loud crash and small quake, alerting the rest of the family as the two siblings heard an elderly voice shouting randomly in shock. Finding this as a perfect excuse to stay up, the filly bounced out of bed.

"Ah get to make a wish! Ah call it!" she exclaimed, running out of her room.

"Apple Bloom, get back in bed! It could be dangerous!" As the earth pony ran out the room, she accidentally bumped into a taller red earth pony stallion, his mane an short and messy orange-brown color. "Sorry, Big Mac. Ya'll calm Granny Smith while Ah get Apple Bloom before she gets near whatever crashed near our orchard."

"Eyup," was all the stallion said as the two older siblings split up.

Out in the orchard, Apple Bloom ran toward the billowing smoke that rose from where the shooting star landed. There may have been some casualties with some trees completely destroyed, along with some of the land destroyed by the small crater up ahead, but the filly was too excited to make her wish on that falling star that decided to land near her home. As soon as she reached the crater, she was surprised to see that not much damage has been done to any of the trees nearby, and the crater was smaller than it should have been.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack reached the filly and was about to drag her little sister back to the house, but froze as she looked at what had fallen. "What in Equestria?" Apple Bloom was about to carefully slide down to see what it was, only for the older sibling to grab her tail and drag her away from it. "Stay here."

"But that's mah shootin' star wish! Ah called it first!" the filly complained.

"Shush!" Applejack slowly made her way down the crater to get a closer look at what laid at the bottom.

Instead of a big chunk of space rock that made up the star, she instead saw the form of a pony, lying unconscious, and surprisingly not burnt or injured. From the lighting of the moon, she could see it was a stallion, his coat a light tan, his mane and tail both spikey and colored brown, and he wore a black shirt and jacket that was just as unharmed as the pony. A pair of pegasus wings rested on his sides outside his clothing, and around one of his hind legs was a small red pouch, though what was stored in there was a mystery, and the mare didn't want to snoop through his belongings.

Applejack was startled when she heard the stallion groan as he began to wake up, his eyes slowly opening. His vision was blurry, beginning to fade back into unconsciousness as he looked at the blurry orange mare staring at him. He passed out a second later, still knocked for a loop after whatever happened to him.

"Well, he doesn't look hurt. Ah better bring him back to the house." Applejack lifted the unconscious stallion on her back, his light and lanky body really easy to carry for any other pony.

As she began heading back to their farmhouse, Apple Bloom followed as she looked at the pegasus. "So, ya wished for a coltfriend? That ain't fair! That was mah wish!"

"Apple Bloom, first off, there was no shootin' star down in that crater, just him," Applejack said, chiding her sister. "And second, ya'll are in more trouble for not listenin' to me."

"Aww! That's not fair!" the filly whined.

"Well, ya didn't stop when Ah told ya to, so this weekend, ya'll are doin' your chores, with no playtime after." Apple Bloom groaned, grumbling at how unfair her life was when she clearly didn't listen to her sister to stay inside and stay in bed. After reaching the house, she told Big Mac to take care of Apple Bloom while she helped this mysterious stallion into the guest bedroom, removing his clothing to make sure he didn't have any hidden injuries, which she was thankful there were none. "Ah wonder what happened to him...And what was he doin' in our orchard?"

Applejack left the guest bedroom as she pondered who this stallion was. Whoever he was, she'll get her answers when he wakes up, if he does.

Author's Note:

Just as a note, I do not know much about Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. All I know is that in the end, Sora failed his exam and Riku dealt with Young Xehanort. I do not want to spoil myself with how the game goes, so any errors I make about what happens in the game, I apologize in advance. But that isn't the major point of this story. It's Sora trapped in a world with the ponies. :pinkiehappy:

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