• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Suited For Success and Surprises

Inside the Mysterious Tower, Kairi was busy going through some advanced spells in one of her master's many spellbooks. Her patrols in the sectors she looked over were all clear of any Heartless, and any of Sora's several friends she had met in the past, including his friends at Disney Castle. She told all of them he might not be back for a long while, sent on a mission that could leave him maybe several years away from everyone. Including her.

Sighing, she closed the book, unable to focus on the spells, putting the book away in Yen Sid's study. Kairi hasn't really seen much of the old wizard that often, always hearing him talking to himself in his private chambers. She was curious about the mirrors covered with sheets, unable to move them due to a magic spell that only he can unlock. She could feel some strange power emanate from the several mirrors, but one of them felt dark and sinister. Whatever was in that mirror, she wanted to stay far away from it.

With nothing to do, she wandered around the study, looking around for something to occupy her mind away from Sora and how well he was doing. She couldn't help but worry, wondering why he never sent a letter telling him he was alright. He could take care of himself, but he was sometimes a bit of a wreck when it came to her safety or any of his friends he holds dearly. She needed to see him again, and since she's a Keyblade Master, she could go wherever she wants as long as she can help protect any nearby worlds.

While blindly searching around for a random book, she found one without a title on the spine. Curious, she pulled it out and looked it over. Opening the first page, it showed the map of the universe, but out of all the coordinates that were pointed out, one of them lied on the edge of the universe, the word "Equestria" written in bold black letters above the specific star. Turning over to the next page was what seemed like an entry of sorts, written in Master Yen Sid's handwriting.

Quite an odd world to be placed out on the edge of the universe. There is life there, I can feel it, though I sense a magic there that is unlike any other. What was odd was that one of my mirrors had activated, the frame glowing a myriad of colors like that of a rainbow. And to my shock, I was staring face to face with an elegant creature that seemed to have come from this one world that has intrigued me. Whatever magic has affected this mirror, it must have activated some sort of communicative network between my tower and her world. I tried not to seem hostile, despite speaking with her through a portal, though I may be intimidating just by my stern gaze. Her name was Celestia...and her homeworld is called Equestria...A land filled with talking equines. Quite a dream to have if one were a little girl obsessed with the creatures.

"Equestria? I've never heard of this world..." Kairi looked over her shoulder, making sure her master didn't come out from his room, then flipped over the entries to one that was dated a couple months ago, around the same time Sora left.

Celestia has been a little worried. She has told me quite a bit about her world's history, her existence lasting over a millenium and her wisdom far more vast than my own, but only in her world. She told me the sad story of how she banished her own sister, Luna, to the moon of her world, losing herself to the anger and envy toward her in her heart. It was bad enough when I told her what little information I was allowed to give about the Heartless, and she was on the verge of tears. She must have been afraid her own sibling would turn into one with the darkness of her emotions. She has asked for help, and I will give her that help. Tomorrow, I'll have Riku fetch Sora. He will be perfect to keep that world safe, as well as assist her in any problems she may have that may threaten her peaceful world.

"Sora was sent there?" Kairi flipped over to the next few pages to an entry about a week from the last one, her eyes widening as she read it to herself.

Sora had finally reached Equestria, though it took a lot longer than I thought. Apparently, he had arrived in the estimated time I figured he would by five days, but it took him another few to speak with Celestia. His Gummi ship exploded from a malfunction that not even he knew was the cause. And since her royal highness has no clue what a Gummi Block is like, there would be no way for him to leave Equestria. I wouldn't want his friends to panic if they hear the unfortunate news, but I don't want to speak of my communications with another being from the world Sora had gone off to. I know Kairi would understandably worry, but his mission is classified. Maybe, after a few months, I will tell Riku and Kairi to both deliver Gummi Blocks so he can make his ship once again. And with quality blocks so they won't malfunction again and strand him in another world.

"...He's stranded...and he knew?" The Keyblade Master flipped back to the first page and wrote down the coordinates. "I need to see if he's ok...He almost got killed."

Placing Yen Sid's journal back where she found it, she hurried outside of the tower and to her Gummi ship. Little did she realize that the door to the wizard's private chambers were slightly ajar. Yen Sid had watched her look through his entries on Equestria and any news on Sora, grinning as he had planned for her to find it. Looking out the window after closing the door, he saw her Gummi ship fly off and head for Equestria. He walked over to the mirror, where Celestia was seen waiting for him after he went to check on his pupil.

"Well, Celestia, it seems like you're going to have another guest come in to your world," he said, stroking his beard. "I think it's about time for those two lovebirds to be reunited."

"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for Kairi," Celestia said. "Although...my student, Twilight Sparkle, also has some infatuation toward Sora. She spoke of him a lot in the letters she had sent me involving any lessons she's learned about friendship."

"Your race, if I understand right, is polygamous, correct?" Yen Sid asked.

"Yes...though that practice is not exactly common nowadays. I just hope my student does not grow too envious if her love for Sora does not come true." Celestia sighed as she shook her head. "She is still learning about friendship, but her experience in romance is very little. I just hope she doesn't hurt herself, or anypony else."

About a week has passed in Equestria, the Gala was close to arriving as the girls were all excited about the upcoming day of the grand ball. It had been quite stressful for Rarity, having made the perfect outfits for the girls, though they didn't seem to meet their standards. She had to make newer dresses with the ideas they had, which ended up turning out horrible as they were the worst designs anyone had ever seen. Even Sora was disgusted by the horrible dresses: Twilight's constellation dress made her look like an alien, Pinkie's was way too much like a dessert party platter, Applejack's looked like she was ready for a country dance, and she wore galoshes of all footwear for a fancy party, Fluttershy was literally wearing nature over her outfit, and Rainbow's was more like she was heading off to a war than a dance.

Thankfully, no one actually saw any of those horrible dresses when he came by to see how Rarity was doing. The unicorn was so stressed, having to write down everything the others wanted while drawing out hundreds of possible designs to make them what they wanted. Sora did see what Rarity did make for them earlier, and they fit them perfectly in their unique style and tastes: Twilight's dress was blue, some stars etched onto the lower part of the dress, Applejack's was more fitting for a royal ball while staying to her country roots, Pinkie's was pink like her, patterned with fake candy that fit her love of sweets, Rainbow's a long rainbow dress that matched her hair, a simple outfit that doesn't make the pegasus look too girly, and Fluttershy's was a lot better to show her nature loving side, the dress green with a pattern of flowers around the clothing with a fake butterfly accessory to wear on her ear.

Rarity was thankful for Sora as he burned the terrible outfits with his Fire magic, though thankfully far away from her home and place of work. With the stress of making her friends' dresses finally out of the way, she had enough time to make her own dress, an elegant ruby red, making her look like the Canterlot noble she always dreamed of being. Now that the hardest of her friends' and her own outfits were out of the way, it was time for Sora's suit for the Gala.

"Ok, Sora. I know it took me a while, and the Gala is coming up in another month, but I've finally finished you outfit," Rarity said as she lead the teen into her workroom.

"As long as you got some rest, Rarity," Sora said. "I know you've been on edge with the others' constant demands and...how ugly those commissioned dresses were. Whatever you make, I know it's gonna make me look good, even though I've never really worn a tux before."

"I may have gotten a little inspiration from your clothing, but wait until you see it." Rarity pulled out a stallion mannequin that was around his build, staring at his outfit for the Gala.

Rarity really did take some inspiration from his jacket's design, a black tuxedo jacket with the same patterns, a white undershirt resting inside the jacket. A black bowtie was tied around the mannequin's neck, a fake silver flower fashioned to look like his Keyblade resting in the front right pocket of the jacket. On the back of the jacket were several hearts that were made out of rubies, looking like the same hearts the Heartless release when he killed an emblem Heartless. The gems shimmered just like them, too, almost like they could pop off and float away at any time.

"Whoa...This is really nice." Sora looked at the rubies, touching them with a hoof. "Are these actual rubies?"

"They are! And don't worry about them digging into your back when you wear it," Rarity assured. "I made sure they were cleanly cut to make them smooth before sewing them in. I find gems outside of Ponyville with a little spell I learned when I was a filly, using some of the best ones for my designs."

"Wow...real gems." Sora looked at the heart-shaped rubies, seeing just how accurate they were to being the hearts he sees from killing a Heartless. A moment later, the teen tried on his new clothes to see if they fit him, and they did comfortably. He examined himself in the mirror, already liking his fancy new suit. It may not be like his usual clothes, preferring casual wear, but for anything formal, he wouldn't mind wearing this. "Oh yeah. I look pretty good. I wonder what Kairi would think if she saw me wearing this."

"I'm sure she would love it, Sora. Oh, if only I had the chance to meet her. I would definitely make a dress for her that will match your suit." Rarity sighed, still remembering the romantically tragic sacrifice Sora had made to wake Kairi when he rescued her. "You two are the perfect couple. I'm still surprised you two aren't even going out yet."

"Heh. I doubt we might be that perfect," Sora said, messing with the small Keyblade-shaped flower in the jacket pocket.

"But you are!" Rarity exclaimed. "Both of your hearts, connected as one, your noble sacrifice to save the one you love, you two were destined to be together!" As flattering as it was for Rarity to believe Sora and Kairi would make a good couple, the teen looked troubled. He wanted to be with her, but not only was he too afraid to tell her how he felt, he was more afraid of having his darkness show itself when he used is Drive Forms, turning into a wild and out of control Heartless. This was something he didn't want anyone to know, and if they did, he would probably lose every friend he had, including Kairi, whether it was by the knowledge of his Anti Form or if he accidentally hurt her in that state. "I will make it my mission to make sure you two get together, announce your love for one another, and be the happiest, most romantic couple in all of Equestria."

"Really?" Sora asked in confusion. "What about you and this Prince Blueblood? From how you sounded talking about him, you two would be the more romantic couple."

"My romance with Prince Blueblood is a dream I want to make into a reality," Rarity stated. "Yours, however was always a reality. You just need some confidence."

Sora gave the unicorn a look, raising a brow at her. "...I have faced Heartless, Nobodies, many of them threats that have outnumbered me or tower over me by several hundred feet. I am practically filled to the brim with confidence."

"Not when speaking your feelings to your crush." Sora groaned, unable to argue with the romantic of the group of pony friends he has.

He began to take off his outfit, not needing to be fitted up, placing it back on the mannequin. "Ok, how about this? If Kairi does find out where Equestria is, and that's a big IF, I'll tell her how I feel about her if I see her."

"Good!" Sora put his clothing back on and left the boutique, unsure if he actually would pull through with telling Kairi his feelings.

Out in the vast void of space, Kairi sat at the helm of her Gummi ship, getting closer and closer to where this Equestria Sora was at. For the past week, she had to make sure she didn't run her vessel and cause her ship to blow up, just as a precaution in case long flights through space could cause any problems. Up ahead, she found the world, amazed to see the tall castle on top and the small town on the bottom.

"There it is...I hope I land in the right area in this world. No idea how big it really is." Kairi steered her ship down to the village, starting off small.

As soon as she reached the atmosphere of Equestria, she saw her body began to change to fit in with the world's inhabitants, knowing this would happen, but a first for her to actually transform. She didn't pay attention until she made sure she landed safely, slowly descending into an empty field, far from any sign of civilization. Once she reached solid ground, she activated the Gummi ship's cloaking device, making sure no one sees the strange ship.

She stood up from her seat to see what she looked like, only to fall on her stomach as she quickly lost her balance. Groaning, she shakily sat up and looked down at herself. Instead of hands, she saw hooves, her body now covered in pink fur. Her blouse and skirt seemed to stay with her as she changed, though the skirt didn't really cover her rear all that well. Kairi stood up, her legs shaking as she had to learn how to walk on all fours.

"I have no idea how Sora managed to do this when he told me about turning into a lion...I wish I'd seen what he looked like. I bet he was cute." Kairi managed to reach a mirror she placed in her ship, using it to fix her hair when waking up after a night's sleep. She saw herself as a pink mare, her mane still styled the way it always was, though the biggest change was her big blue eyes that were as big as her head, a rounded muzzle, and a horn protruding from her forehead. "Oh my gosh. I turned into a unicorn."

She turned to her sides to get a better look at herself, noticing the strange mark on her flanks. It showed her Keyblade, Destiny's Embrace, along with a white heart behind the weapon. Her blade was orange, the teeth of the key shaped like flowers, while the guard was one half a sandy shore, climbing partway up the blade, and the other half an ocean wave gently crashing down. She summoned her Keyblade, finding it a perfect match to the marks.

"Wow...I'm adorable," she giggled to herself. "Guess Master Yen Sid was right in his journal; a world that every little girl dreams of being in. I can't wait to see what Sora looks like."

As excited as she was to find Sora and explore this land, she had to get used to walking on all fours than on two. She managed to catch on quickly as soon as she left her ship. The moment she stepped onto the grass, she could see this world was definitely fitting for a little girl to want to live in. The colors were so bright and vibrant, so much more lively compared to the other worlds she's seen. Spotting the small town nearby, she began walking down to see if the locals have seen a spiky haired pony, someone that would be highly impossible to miss.

It was incredibly difficult for Kairi to hold back the giddy, excited little girl inside of her. Everywhere she looked, she saw colorful equines all over the town: unicorns, pegasi, and even normal ones, young or fully grown. She wanted to squeal in delight, run up to any one of them and hug them, pet them, cuddle them, and freak out as she was living a dream every other little girl wanted, but she had to keep her composure. Hearing them all talking and behaving as sentient beings, it would be awkward if she began doing that when she was one of them at the moment. As soon as she found Sora, she was going to give him a good bonk on the head for coming here by Yen Sid's orders first and not her.

While wandering around the town, she realized she had no idea where everything was since this was the first time she came here. If she had a map of this part of Equestria, she would be able to navigate this town easily. She was a little afraid of speaking to any of the ponies, unsure if she would begin squealing with glee and bounce up and down while babbling about how adorable they were and make herself look like an idiot. She didn't have to wait long as she was being spied on by Pinkie Pie, though she was spying mere inches away from the new pony.

"Ok. Where should I look first?" Kairi turned around, finding herself staring into the lens of a pair of binoculars. "Ahh!"

"Hello!" the party pony greeted, tossing the binoculars aside. "Welcome to Ponyville! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"...Uhh, hi?" Kairi waved her hoof, only for Pinkie to grab it and shake it violently, also shaking the poor teen.

"I know when new ponies show up, and when a new pony arrives, I have to throw them a big party!" The excited mare let go as the Princess of Heart-turned-unicorn, finally stopped shaking and fell on her side. While struggling to stop her legs from vibrating, Pinkie noticed her flanks. "Ooooh. Nice cutie mark!"

"Huh?" Kairi looked down at her flanks, wishing her skirt was a bit longer. She tried to move it down to hide her rump as she blushed in embarrassment, instinctively using her horn's magic to try to drag it as if it was natural for her to do. The aura of her magic was pure white, glowing around the hem of her skirt. "Uhh, m-my uhh...What?"

"You don't know what a cutie mark is?" Pinkie asked. "Ooooh! Just like him when he showed up!" While Kairi pondered who this "him" the pony was talking about, Pinkie helped the teen up. "I think you'll like him! He's kinda got the same cutie mark, only not as flowery as yours!"

"...I have no idea what you're talking about," Kairi said as she was utterly clueless.

"Exactly! Come on, new friend!" Pinkie began pushing her across the ground in another part of the town. "Let's throw you a party to welcome you to the new world!"

"Wait, what!?" Kairi asked in a panic.

"I said let's throw you a party to welcome you to Ponyville!" The Princess of Heart was about to question change in her welcoming statement, but maybe she had misheard her.

"I-I can walk on my own, you know," she said as she was pushed along by the energetic mare. "And I'm kind of in the middle of finding someone at the moment, so can I take a rain check on that party?"

Kairi yelped as Pinkie stopped pushing her, falling to the ground. "Huh. That's exactly what he said when I first met him too. Well, after I was spying on him and figuring out where he was going, I officially met him at Sugarcube Corner, and he was doing errands for my friend Applejack. Ooh! Maybe he's down at Sweet Apple Acres! I'm sure you two would have a lot in common with your Keyblade cutie marks!"

"Look, whoever you want me to meet, I'm sure he-" Kairi paused, turning to look at the mare in shock. "...W-What was that last thing you said?"

"I said I'm sure you two would have a lot in common with your big key cutie marks," Pinkie said, again changing her words around from the last statement. "Do you need your ears cleaned? I know I sure do. You will not believe how much candy winds up in there, and I know I don't leave any in there for a quick snack. I keep them in my mane!" The random mare dug through her hair and pulled out a tray of cupcakes. "Cupcake?"

"...I think I'm getting a headache," Kairi said as she went cross-eyed, rubbing her aching temples.

Twilight sat alone in the park, taking a break from all of her studying. Well, what little studying she could as Sora always kept popping up in her head. Every time she looked at a fictional novel with a picture depicting a hero with a sword and a princess or damsel in distress, she envisioned Sora as that knight and herself as that mare. Sora was right when the unicorn needed a vacation, unable to think straight or concentrate on anything else, many of her friendship reports being so long as she wrote not only what lesson she learned about friendship, but also her thoughts on the otherworldly stallion.

She needed to clear her head and stop thinking about him, but even while she was outside with some fresh air, she still couldn't stop thinking about him. He was already in love with Kairi, a mare who he had physically given up his heart for, and it only made her love for him complicated. Should she tell him how she feels about him, just to get the heartache over with if he doesn't return her affections? Or should she wait until Sora becomes more interested in finding someone else and stay anxious until her fantasies make her go insane?

"Ooogh! Why can't I stop thinking about him!?" Twilight yelled, thankfully alone since the foals were in school and everyone in Ponyville was busy working or running errands. "I should just tell him...but how? I don't know anything about romance, and the only books that can give me any clues are more in fictional novels and not in informational ones! Just stupid hints over how they feel, or what not to do on a first date! None of them tell me how to actually tell somepony I like how I feel!" The unicorn grumbled, controlling her emotions before they got out of hoof. She looked down at the red and copper bandanna, unable to leave without it today as her mind was on Sora. "...I'm losing my mind...

"I'll just tell him...if not, then I tried. That's roughly a C-...I think." Twilight took in a deep breath as she began to think of what to tell Sora. "'Hi, Sora. Good to see you. Me? Oh, I'm fine. But...can I ask you something? Uhh...I know we've been friends for the last couple months, but...is it possible that friendship could be more than that?'...No, that would just be awkward...'Sora, I can't deny it, but I'm in love with you. Do you love me?' No. That makes me sound desperate..." She began to sway her hips and flutter her lashes, pretending Sora in front of her. "'Oh Sora, ever since you saved me against Nightmare Moon, you've done so much for me and I should give you something in return for your heroic efforts. Maybe a lovely night out together, just you and me, under the stars and moon?'...NO! Urgh, that's even worse! Seduction is not asking him out on a date!"

Twilight flopped on her belly, groaning in irritation, unable to think of anything to say to her crush. This was a lot harder than making friends, the only simple way to do so was to just say hello and talk about stuff. With romance, it was an entirely different level, where her nerves can get the best of her worse than a last minute study session, her stomach flopping around like a swarm of butterflies were fluttering to escape when he was around, and she blushes and mumbles whenever he touches or speaks to her. How did couples handle these nerves when they feel like their heart will explode?

"Please, can you give me some peace, Pinkie Pie!?" Twilight's ears perked up as she heard a mare's voice coming up toward the area of the park she was in. Looking over in the direction of Ponyville, she saw a pink unicorn with long auburn hair being tailed by a bouncing Pinkie Pie. Twilight felt bad for the mare, being harassed by Pinkie and her random antics. "I would love to enjoy your party you want to throw for me, but I need to find someone!"

"He might be at the party! You never know!" Pinkie continued insisting.

Wanting to spare this newcomer to Ponyville, Twilight approached them. "Pinkie, if she doesn't want a party, you don't have to throw one to everypony that's new in town."

"But she's new! And new friends!" Pinkie whined and pouted, her pupils growing wide in sadness.

"Maybe not everypony wants to have a party. Kind of like me when I first got here," Twilight said. "I'm sorry about Pinkie. She's a bit...different compared to everypony else."

"Yeah. I kinda guessed that when she pulled out a tray of cupcakes out of her hair!" The unicorn looked at Pinkie, her heart exploding at the sad look the hyperactive pony was giving, though thankfully her inner child was nulled out by the confusing abilities that was the pink menace. She moved closer to Twilight, not wanting to insult the pouty earth pony. "I'm already so confused, and I didn't want to eat any of those cupcakes. So unsanitary."

Twilight giggled, understanding her confusion. "You get used to it after a while. Anyways, welcome to Ponyville and all that. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Kairi." Twilight blanched, staring at the pink unicorn in confusion and fear.

"...Uhh...What...was your name?" the lavender mare asked.

"Kairi. And, as much as I'd like to stay and chat, I'm in the middle of looking for-" Kairi froze as her eyes caught something from behind Twilight. Part of the scenery looked slightly blurry, and it was slowly sneaking up on the unsuspecting unicorn. A pair of eyes began glowing white from the blurry form, seeing the yellow of its actual eyes in the center of the lights as they twitched erratically, looking more at its prey. "Look out!"

The lights fired off from its eyes as beams of energy homed in on the lavender unicorn. Kairi quickly spun Twilight around, taking her place as she summoned her Keyblade, creating a barrier around herself as she blocked the dangerous beams. Carrying her weapon with her aura, the creature let out a distorted growl as it fully revealed itself. The creature was a large chameleon-like Heartless, its body green with a sharp horn on its nose. On its underbelly was a heart symbol, a definite sign that this was a powerful Heartless, leaning forward to keep its weak spot from being vulnerable.

"Oh no!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Don't worry! I'll get help!"

She zoomed off before Kairi could tell her that no one else could deal with something like this, focused more on the Heartless staring at her. "Stealth Sneaks...Very dangerous Heartless predators. Twilight, just stay far away from this thing, ok?"

Twilight didn't listen, or even speak, staring more at the unicorn in front of her than the dangerous Heartless leering at them with its twitchy eyes. Or more specifically, the Keyblade that had appeared in her aura. Her cutie mark matched her weapon, she was a Keyblade wielder, and her name was Kairi. Her heart sunk, fearing that this unicorn was Sora's crush and her chance to tell Sora how she felt were dashed.

The Stealth Sneak screeched as it shot its long tongue out at Kairi, who slapped it away with her Keyblade and ran toward it. Aiming her weapon at the Heartless, she fired a barrage of Blizzard spells, massive blocks of ice that shot out from the tip of her Keyblade. The Stealth Sneak was more agile, avoiding the blocks of ice that were its size as it fired more beams of light out of its eyes. Kairi herself avoided the homing beams and charged again, smacking its horn a few times before leaping away from its fists.

The Stealth Sneak turned invisible, sneaking around as a blurry haze, Kairi looking around to try and find it. Her ears twitched as she heard it slowly step around, quickly turning around an shooting a massive Firaga fireball out toward it, only for it to fly out to into the field and explode a distance away, missing it by mere inches. She was too slow to react as the Heartless rushed at her, headbutting the Keyblade Master hard and sending her tumbling across the ground. Before she could get up, it lashed its tongue out and pulled her toward it, punching her hard and sending her flying across the ground.

Kairi skid across the ground, trying to ignore the pain as she stood up, looking around for the invisible Heartless. She was about to use Cure to heal her injuries, but she didn't get the chance to cast it as the Stealth Sneak grabbed her again with its tongue and pulled her toward it. She was then struck by a point blank shot of the energy beams fired out of its eyes, tossed up high in the air, and punched hard again. The pink unicorn fell unconscious, tumbling across the ground and past Twilight, finally snapped out of her shock and watched the unconscious Keyblade wielder slow to a stop, her weapon disappearing in a flash of light.

Twilight heard the Heartless let out its distorted growl, turning back to face it as it now decided to choose her as its prey, fully visible. She tried to back away, but the Stealth Sneak kept getting closer, unable to defend herself from the creature made of darkness. It lashed its tongue out at Twilight to attack her, the unicorn flinching, but as she anticipated getting struck, Sora flew in and slammed his Keyblade down hard on the Stealth Sneak's tongue, making it shriek in agony as the tip of its tongue was barely inches away from touching Twilight.

"Stealth Sneaks...I really hate these things." Sora grabbed its tongue, and with all of his might, flung the large Heartless over, slamming it headfirst into the ground. "Especially when they're smart enough to hide where their hearts are!"

While its head was buried in the ground, Sora took the opportunity to strike the emblem weak point on the Stealth Sneak's stomach several times. He backflipped away as its tail tried to smack him aside, pulling itself up from the ground and turning invisible. The pegasus waited, his ears swiveling around as he heard it failing to be stealthy, almost seeming desperate to get the jump on the bigger threat. He waited patiently as it got behind him, quickly turning around and blocking its fist with his Keyblade.

Sensing its surprise, Sora took advantage of its shock and cast an Aeroga spell, slashing the Heartless repeatedly with deadly wind, dispelling its cloaking ability. While it was caught in the deadly tornado, the stallion flew straight into it, flying around with the vortex, adding more deadly strikes to its back and chest. As the Aeroga spell ended, Sora flew up in the air and dove down at the immobile Stealth Sneak, thrusting his Keyblade deep through the emblem on its underside, its agonizing screeches growing silent as it was defeated. He pulled out his weapon, releasing the large heart from inside the Heartless as it faded away.

Dismissing his Keyblade, he ran over to Twilight, who still seemed to be in shock. "Twilight? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"...I-I'm fine..." She tried not to look at the unconscious pink unicorn behind her as Sora examined her, making sure she wasn't hurt.

"Ok. You're fine. I'm glad Pinkie Pie found me before that thing hurt-" Sora paused, spotting an unconscious unicorn mare, greatly injured. "Oh man! Someone got hurt!" He quickly ran up to the mare, calling his Keyblade again to use his magic to heal her. He paused before casting his Cure spell, looking at the unicorn closely. "Wait a minute..."

His eyes trailed along every part of the mare, finding her somewhat familiar to him. The color of her hair, the style it was in, the scuffed outfit she wore. The one thing that shocked him was when he looked at her cutie mark. It was Kairi's Keyblade, Destiny's Embrace, and a heart in the background that looked like it was filled with a bright light. Sora looked back at the mare's face, staring in disbelief, hoping that this pony was who he thought she was.

The mare groaned, slowly opening her eyes, her vision slightly blurry as she looked up at the stallion looking down at her. She saw a tan pegasus, wearing the same black jacket and shirt she remembered Sora now wore, his spiky brown mane, and big blue eyes. He was staring at her, mouth agape, surprised and shocked.

"...S-Sora?" she asked before passing out again.

"...That voice...No way! Kairi!?" Sora quickly cast Cure over them, healing Kairi's injuries, though she remained unconscious. "How did she know where I was???" He picked up his unconscious friend/crush and hovered in the air. "Twilight, I'm gonna take Kairi to the library!"

Sora flew off into town to help the unconscious mare, leaving a disheartened Twilight behind. "...No...It really is her..." Tears welled up in her eyes, clutching the Elven Bandanna tightly in her hoof. "...I'm too late..."

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