• Member Since 7th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


I've always said one thing about who I am as a person. "Eternally in pursuit of the goodness in the heart." It's what called me to the show. It's why I'm here now. And it's what I love to write about.

This is dedicated to all my writer friends, to all the readers of my stories, and lastly, to myself.

Chrys, the Changeling Princess

Wonderful art created for my special girl, Chrys, the Changeling Princess. Protagonist to 'A Kindled Change' and 'A Kindled Beginning'.

Interconnected Stories

If you've read a few of my stories, you might be aware that some of them seem to connect in some way. I've left my silence to aid in your own powers of deduction, since I'm fond of the idea of someone connecting the dots for themselves, but as my story list gets larger and more stories start to crop up that seem to have elements from others, I thought it was fitting to finally say something so that others know which stories to look out for if they're interested in my AU. Without further ado, here's the list of interconnected stories, in chronological order:

A Kindled Change
A Kindled Beginning
A Kindled End
I Will Be Your Villainess
The Boy, The Sword, and The Stone
The Small Hero Within Us
A Glassmith's Art
Know That I Lived

Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

Thanks for enjoying the Story of Everfree. :heart:
It means a lot that someone who has such a passion for the art of storytelling has noticed some of my work.

Meta! :heart: It's so wonderful to hear from you after all this time! Seeing a comment from yours takes me all the way back to my youth when I used to write just to vent or connect with others, and your comments always had something wonderful and nice to say at an age where I could've really used the compliments. You have no idea how nice it is to still have a vestige of those times still exist.

I unfortunately wasn't always here. I did take an 8 year leave from all things MLP related until my return barely last year. I hadn't even watched Friendship is Magic past season 2 and I had a lot of catching up to do! I initially returned only to finish my favorite story I ever wrote which was "A Kindled Change", but after finishing it, I wanted to continue writing recreationally like I did back then and so I stuck with it and poured countless hours (and money!) into writing new stories and making art for them. The result was the creation of Chrys the Changeling Princess, the most heartfelt creature I ever brought to life. But I bet that doesn't need explaining since my profile is super saturated with her! Haha.

But yeah, it really made my day to hear from ya again. It's honestly been a bit of a lonely return, since none of my old friends remained and neither did my old reading audience. But I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and rediscovering my love for those colorful little ponies. Somehow, writing for ponies has given me back something I lost. It's corny as hell, but that something is probably the magic of friendship. Made some new friends now, and although my circle can be counted on five fingers, I'm having fun just talking about art and writing and ponies with the few who will listen. And now that I'm in my late 20s, that's quite the valuable thing!

Here's hoping life has treated ya well too, Meta. And thank you again for all you did for me back in the day. Might've just been a few comments here and there, but they were important and formative for my youth and self-esteem. Much love! 💕

it warms my heart to still see you on here

Thanks for the favoriting Spring Surprises, man! Heck of a good thing I've got an endless supply of Scootangels! :scootangel:

It was my pleasure! Considering my Rating of choice and my favorite genres, your story struck me exactly in my strike zone. Wholesome, sweet, and full of emotion. My only regret was not leaving a thoughtful comment out of fear I'd just be repeating what others have said and having my words be hollow as a result. Just know that I really did love it.

A lot of my own stories are quite old now, since they were written in 2012. So I feel I have to caution them a bit. Still, I take good pride in them. If you really are interested, I welcome you read A Kindled Change. It's a parental story in a way too, and my most heartfelt. With the help of several artists, it has a fair bit of unique illustrations to go along with it too.

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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