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three apples

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  • 30 weeks
    Will this get best the purplishers

    My story begins in the year 1 April 2002 in a hospital for old war veterans on the outskirts of Helsinki, simo hayha was drifting in and out of consciousness. Simo reached for an old photo of his friends from ww2 he closed his eyes for the last time with his friend's photo in his arms, but far away in the realm of the timekeepers they were currently in a meeting. They were having a chat about

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  • 41 weeks
    I have wirtan out a short story

    I have wirtan out a short story enyone like to have it and turn it a full story

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  • 46 weeks
    Hears a little bit of the story I'm wirting

    Hears a little bit of my story it's called The Solar Empire and the white death I'm getting help by I add know as profreeder ai it corrects my spelling for me.

    And hears my little of my story.

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    To all new members

    To all New member's on here welcome.
    Message me if you need help with coning up New story's

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    I turn 30 today

    I turn 30 today.
    And would enyone would like some help coning up with a new story

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Will this get best the purplishers · 5:23pm Oct 30th, 2023

My story begins in the year 1 April 2002 in a hospital for old war veterans on the outskirts of Helsinki, simo hayha was drifting in and out of consciousness. Simo reached for an old photo of his friends from ww2 he closed his eyes for the last time with his friend's photo in his arms, but far away in the realm of the timekeepers they were currently in a meeting. They were having a chat about whom to give a second chance at life too, and this was the 800 hundredth time that the timekeepers have done this.

Brothers and sisters, I have called you all here today because it's time to give someone a second chance at life. I have an idea of whom to give a second chance at life too, called one of the timekeepers. Who was or so simos guardian timekeeper? Zadkiell you are simos guardian timekeeper, is he a viable candidate for giving a second chance at life too.

Yes, he is Zadkiell replied. He's lead a simple and quiet Life farming and Botany flowers. That sounds like a very nice life, replied one of the timekeepers, .yes it was replied Zadkiell and if you would excise me, I'm off to have a chat with my good friend st Peter.

Now ladies and gentlemen, if there's no other order of business, let's call it a day. It is about for lunchtime, informed the grand elder timekeeper. Who was siding on some red wine. Out of a small gold goblet. At that same time, at the golden doors of heaven. Simo Häyhä, who had just arrived. And is waiting in line. .

Good afternoon Mr. Simo Häyhä welcome to heaven, please take a number and take a seat. Informed st Peter, who was sting at a huge pinewood work desk, who was enjoying some Folgers coffee out.

Of his world's best dad drinking horn and as he was about to take a drink, but from the middle of his office a clock—shaped door suddenly opened In front of him.
And out steps his good friend Zadkiell. He is wearing his usual outfit of time robes of pure white and with silver lining.

Good afternoon st peter, I'm guessing you know why I'm outside the time realm, informed Zadkiell. Indeed, I do, replied st Peter, indeed I do Mr. Zadkiell it's been 1 hundred years since I last saw you outside the timekeepers' realm. It was back in the year 1910 ad.

Yes, do I remember that day in the year 1910, and I remember who we gave a second chance of Life too? It was somebody named Levi Ackerman, replied Zadkiell and hear the reason I came to see you it's because of the soles that have just arrived, I need to speak to him.

Let me guess you and the rest of the timekeepers are giving him or her a second chance of Life in I write ask st Peter with a curies tone. Yes, you are correct, Peter replied Zadkiell with a happy Tone and if is not much trouble, would you send Simo Häyhä to the golden doors of the timekeeper's realm? Please.

Replied Zadkiell. Give me five minutes, replied st Peter, rather busy at the moment. Theirs a New war in the Middle East going on?or right, replied Zadkiell I will be waiting over there underneath that palm tree over there, replied Zadkiell.

Five minutes later.

Pardon me, Mr. Zadkiell sorry to wake you implied one of st Peter's fiery angels, st Peter wishes to speak with you, he's got Mr. Simo with him. Very well then, replied Zadkiell, putting down his book.

Ah, there you are Zadkiell, sorry to wake you from your map and book you were reading. I have with me Mr. simo haha with me as you required, replied st Peter. Now, if you would pardon me, I must get back to my job as get keeper and decider of soles. Replied st Peter with a happy smile.

See you later Peter called Zadkiell and see you at the angles Wing's tavern. The Angeles Wings tavern is where all the gods and goddesses and Angeles go after a long day's work to have a drink and chat. Right, Mr. Simon, would you please follow me, we need to get to an important meeting to get to with the elders of the time realm?

Very well then replied simo. And as Simo watched as Zadkiell clicked his fingers and mead his time staff appear out of thin air. And with a quick movement, Zadkiell tapered his staff agent's to the ground, and with a flash, a clock – shaped door append. With a flash of light.

Please follow me, replied Zadkiell with a monotone smile and as Zadkiell and simo stepped through the door, Simo fond himself in a 1950s looking hotel lobby with wallpaper to Mach and at the far end of the lobby Simo code see a small desk and sitting at in an office work Cher and sitting in it is a young angel who was answering a 1950s telephone.

Good morning, miss Evangeline. I have an important meeting with the elders of time implied Zadkiell.go right in Mr. Zadkiell, the elders are expecting you? I will buzz you in, replied Evangeline without looking up from her paperwork. Thank you, replied Zadkiell with a monotone smile.

And as Simo and Zadkiell stepped through the door, they entered a large meeting hall and sat in the middle of the hall were the elders of time, who all sported crazy hairstyles. Good morning agent Zadkiell and Mr. Simo if you would Mr. Simo sit down, we have a lot of paperwork to go through,

2 hours of paperwork later.

Finally, replied Simo last bit of paperwork to get throw .that's good, replied the elders. Bureaucracy I'm I right, replied Simo. Indeed, replied the elders, nodding their heads, in agreement, but it has to be done otherwise the bosses upstairs will become annoyed. As Simo was checking the last bit of paperwork, he noticed a little he missed it was in fine print. .

Say what is this asked Simo in a chromatic torn. Oh? That replied one of the elders, that's the ferniest of heaven act of 50bc every time we give someone a second chance of Life we have to grant them three wishes.
It is to apologize to them for making them do all that paperwork, in the olden days, anytime gave someone a second chance of Life all we made them.

Do was but their name on the dotted line and wave them on completed, one of the elders with an annoyed expression on his face.

What kind of three wishes do I get, replied Simo and are there some forbidden wishes. Yes, there are some wishes that are forbidden, replied one of the elders. Like what replied Simo. We are forbidden to give out these tips of wishes number one wish of.

Immortality is forbidden replied one of the elders wishes number 2 we are forbidden to give out is informant wealth and we or so forbidden to give out wishes of magic and telepathy informed one of the elders.

So what kind of three wishes can you give out, asked Simo with a puzzled experience on his face? .We can give any wish about those three relied one of the elders.hmm let me think replied Simo a ha I have thought of three wishes that I would like to have replied Simo with a happy experience on his face.

My first wish, replied Simo will be mastery of the sword and every other bladed weapon known to Man and my second, mastery of the horse and my very last wish will be mastery of every language known to Man kind inquired Simo with a happy expression on his face. Done replied, all the elders by tapping their staff's on the floor.

Hay Simo called Zadkiell cache as he tossed over a very nice-looking sword. Nice sword, Simo replied and what is this sword mead from asked Simo with a puzzled look on his face. It's mead from the dragon scales from a long – dead lava dragon scales. And as for the sword name, it's called the ninja garden true dragon Katina, and as how Sharp it is it's Sharp enough to cut down a tree with one swing.

That's cool, replied Simo with a Moncton small on his face. Before we send you to this New world, we have some parting gifts for you, said one of the elders, or when you get to equestria,one of our felled agents will meet you and welcome you to equestria replied one of the elders with a happy smile that's nice replied Simo with a happy experience on his face.

Will stepping through a green Portal to equestrian with Zadkiell in tow and with a quick goodbye, the portal closed behind Simo and Zadkiell.

While stepping through a green Portal to equestria with Zadkiell in tow and with a quick goodbye, the portal closed behind Simo and Zadkiell. And green smoke from the portal, diapered Simo found himself in an old and ruined castle that looks it's been hit my a massive explosion.

My word, what happened here, asked Simo what happened here. I'm afraid I don't have the authority to answer that, replied Zadkiell and hears where I must leave you. I have other business to attend to hear in equestria replied Zadkiell, and please make yourself at home and with a click if his fingers, Zadkiell mead a small stopwatch spear out of nothing's.

Where The stopwatch started to take the shape of a door, opening the door and stepping through, Zadkiell vanished in a cloud of Golden smoke. Might as well make myself at home, Simo poniard to himself, and with that Simo got to work by putting all his replies in to one of the castle's Meany rooms that wasn't to.

Destroyed and after 2 hours, all Simo food and replies were safety stored away in celesta old bedroom. Sino decided to explore the castle from top to bottom and as Simo was exploring he came across an old library with ancient books.

And as Simo was browsing he found a name history of the kingdom of Equestria and another book called crèches and plant life of Equestria. Finding somewhere to site, Simo began to read every bit of the books that he picked out. Will Simo was reading queen Celestia is holding day Court with some very annoying nobles who have some beef with each other.

Miss countess morning glory, your argument is idiotic yelled Celestia you are trying to take some land from lord red pants hear he was given that by his grandfather in his will fer and square yelled Celestia and as Celestia was about to speak again, suddenly the throne room is fulled with a very blinding light and red smoke.

And as the light and smoke faded away, a very tell finger stained in the middle of the throne room. Queen Celestina recognized him or most start away because Celestina is one of them, she is a time Angel as well. Hello my dear brother and as she spoke those words, there was a hive of grasp from the gathered Nobel's.

Who all looked in shock at this real life angel who had appeared out of thin air. Hello there my dear sister, replied Zadkiell with a happy smile on his face will be removing his hood, reveling his true face, reveling his true form of Queen Celestias long-lost twin brother.

Prince Solarbloodmoon and Luna's little brother do you know why I'm here, asked Zadkiell aka Prince Solarbloodmoon.in deed I do, replied Celesta while transforming in to her second form, her time angel form. Celesta was now sporting golden armor. And a silver cloak.

I see you got a New set of armor and a New cloak. Zadkiell asked Celesta aka Azrael . Azrael is Celestas time angel name. It was given to her when she joined the ranks of the time angels. Pardon me, called one of the Nobel's you mean to tell me that our queen and the lost Prince are both real life angels? This hole time.

Indeed, we are replied queen Celesta and Princes solar replied at the same time. Well, that's just fine and dandy, replied the Nobel's, and I'm guessing that you what everyone to leave! Because what goes on between Angeles is. No For our mortal ear's ask? Seed, one of Nobel's with fear in his eyes.

No, no everyone stay hear replied Zadkiell I'm going to stop time for 45 minutes. You won't be able to move, but you will be able to hear everything we say. Taking a small silver stopwatch from his pocket, Zadkiell clicked the small button on top of the stopwatch, and everything about everyone was frozen in time.

And at some time, Celesta had summoned a small coffee table with 2 goblets of red wine. Right, my dear sister, do you know why I hear asked Zadkiell with a smile on his face? Yes, I do replied Celesta you have given a human a second chance of Life, I'm right?

.Indeed replied Zadkiell and I have dropped him off at your old castle outside ponyville he's got everything he needs from food and drink. That's nice, replied Celesta.

“45 minutes of important angel chat later.

I see, replied Celesta, the elders of time have given me this task. Indeed, replied Zadkiell, now if you would pardon me, I have other business to attend to back in the time realm.

Very well then, replied Celesta, and see you later sometime for red wine and cake. That would be pleasant, replied Zadkiell with a happy smile on his face. And with a flash, Zadkiell vanished in a pink mist and with Zadkiell no longer in the throne room, all the Nobel's and royal guards unfroze.

Welcome back, everyone, Celesta called with a smile on her face. Now please leave, I need to think. Yes, your, majesty, all the royal guards and nobles send together with smalls on their face's. And will waiting for everyone to leave the throne room. Celesta absently minded taping her fingers on her gold Throne.

Teleporting back to her bedroom, Celesta reached under her bed and pulled out a long gold box where she keeps her twin Spanish rapiers and absently gave them a clean and a shine. After five minutes of cleaning her twin Spanish rapiers, Celesta went over to her Safe, opening she took out a small black briefcase which contained.

All her important paper work from the time realm, gating herself a glass of wine, she stared checking all the paperwork to welcome Simo to equestria.
After 10 minutes of checking all the paperwork that she needs. Celesta decided to go for a run and a swim.

“Fore and a half days later.

Celesta and some of her guards' mead, their way by flying chariot to want's life castle of the two sisters and as they got closer, Celesta called to her guards. Whatever you do, don't follow me or attempt to into fear do I make myself clear. Yes, your_ majesty understood.

And as Celesta was making her way to her old home, she felt like someone was watching them as they arrived in the castle grounds. Someone was indeed watching them, simo had which them flying in and landing or ways with his rifle trained on them just in case things went south.

And as Celesta mead her way in to her old home, she heightened her senses to make sure one jumped out at her. Mr. Simo I know you somewhere around here this agent Azrael and I have some paperwork that? I need you to sign. Why would I hide, came a voice from off the grand staircase!"

And as Celesta turned around, she noticed Simo slowly working down the grand case with a cigar in his mouth and his sword in his right hand, ready to duel. I was watching you and your royal guards arriving in your gold flying carriage, if fate I know everything about you and your sister and everything about equestria. Oh? Have you now, replied Celesta with a smile on her face?”

In did I have replied Simo I know about everything from the books from your old liberty Evan, thou all the books are out of date. We have more updated books in the city of canterlot inquired celesta taking her sword out of its sheaths. My brother told me that you know every still of combat sword still.

Know to all pony kind inquired celesta with a serious expression on her face. And as Celesta and Simo began to curl each other. Just daring each other to strike the first strike with their swords, Celesta welding twin Spanish rapiers and Simo welding his Japanese Katina.

It was celesta who struck 1st rushing forward at breakneck speed, she formed the praying mantis still of sword combat. Acting quickly, Simo formed the praying mantis sword combat still as well.

"10 minutes of sword combat, letter.

Celesta was on the ground with one of her sword stuck in the wall of the castle wall and the other was in Simo hand. Will now look like I beat you, send a puzzled Simo will be helping celesta to her feet.
In deed, you did celesta with a happy expression on her face. That was the 1st time ever: that some pony had beaten me in one-on-one sword combat.
Indeed, replied simo with a smile on his now I do believe that you have some paperwork for me to sign. Clearly, I do, replied Celesta with a surprise smile on her face. How did you know?" Well, for starters, replied Simo with an anthropic smile on his face.

Your black and gold leather briefcase over there in the corner and the gold Ca ran d’Ache pen in your pocket. Very observant replied celesta with a motherly smile on her face.

"Ruffly, 1 hour of paperwork later.

Think you Mr. simo send celesta with a smile on her face, will check all the paperwork is ordered and corrected and pressing it with the royal stamp and all the paperwork back to the briefcase. Standing up, Celesta offered her had for a firm handshake, which Simo took with a happy smile on his face. .

And as Celesta and Simo were still shaking hands, a royal messager came flying in quickly. Simo ducked behind a nearby column. Turning to the messenger with a slightly annoyed, small Celesta but on her regale, poacher. Good evening miss letter-flow what bring you to this hour!” An envoy of griffon ambassadors has just arrived, replied miss letter-flow.

Send with a serious smile on her face. Oh, for the love of me, I totally forgot about they were coming today. Acting quickly, Celesta put a way, her paperwork and magically changing in to her Court formal dress, mess letter-flow, please fly back to canterlot and tell the griffon ambassadors I will with them, I will with them in 45 minutes.

Yes, ma'am, relied the messenger with a smile on her face as she took off flying towards the city of canterlot. Mr. Simo I really need to get back to my capital city," I know replied Simo I heard everything? What The messenger, said. Will then-relied Celesta with a smile I will see you back canterlot oh a before I go! I have something for you as she handed Simo.

A brown paper parcel and with a flash of magic celesta vanished with a pop. Turning quickly, Simo stated running up the grand staircase, Simo went to his temporary bedroom and grabbed his M/28-30 Mosin–Nagant rifle and his knapsack from the bed. Simo stared, making his will down to the wanting flying stagecoach.

Good evening, Simo called to the royal guard who waiting for him. All the guard looked at him and nodded their hello. Climbing in, Simo mead himself, comfy in the leather seats. Of the stagecoach.

“One hour flying latter.

Simo code saw the city of canterlot come in to view by the sun. Simo said to himself canterlot is a very charming city, but it does need some proper for defense.

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