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Etyco Filly

Just your average Etymologically Correct Filly that equally adores cutesy and/or dramatic romance, as well as horrifying, grimdark tragedies. And any mix of those!

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We're halfway there (+ small Q/A) · 5:24pm January 7th

Living on a prayer!
Anyway, since I've posted about half of WOSS, I figured I owed you guys a bit of a behind-the-scenes blog/extended author's notes/whatever the fuck. I don't even know what I'm gonna talk about, I just wanna talk about stuff.

I recently finished the ending. I already had a first draft for the last two chapters when I started publishing, but I ended up rewriting most of it from scratch (and I'm rather happy with it)
While working on that, I've also been editing already published chapters to fix some minor writing mistakes (like word repetition, telling instead of showing character emotions, etc), but also to make sure both protagonists have their own, distinct, and recognisable speech (A's spoken lines, for one, were awfully neutral and conveyed almost none of her way of thinking).
I've also done some work to make their narration reflect their speech more. For A, it was more a question of removing unrefined turns of phrases from her chapters, and for S it was turning those unrefined phrases into something equally unrefined, but that still flows somewhat well (which is often harder than the over-the-top fancy nature of A's stuff).

Anyway, here are some tidbits about why I made certain choices and whatnot.

  • The alternating POV gimmick: I messed around with it while writing FotW (I got the inspiration from a light novel I read back in 2020 or 2021), but ultimately it was more than a little clumsy in that fic. Here, I tried to write something that extensively switches POVs, and does so every chapter. I think I've managed to use this gimmick without hurting the story, so I'm pretty happy with that.
  • The chapter titles: I'll admit, I still suck at naming chapters. I could just go for what I used to do, where I just pick one word that's relevant to the chapter and boom, I have a chapter name, but I wanted to do something more elaborate. Originally, I wanted to have all chapter titles be related to the night, but I quickly realised I would run out of words well before the end of the fic. So instead, I went for the old reliable: song references that either match the mood of the chapter, or are a literal reference to a song whose mood does not match (in order to throw a red herring into the gears).
  • Characters: I have to confess, I think the characters are pretty weak in this story. Particularly the protagonists. That's not to say they're awful, but I think it shows that I didn't put enough thought into them: in contrast to Iron, A and S are not like me at all. While I didn't write Iron to be a self-insert at all, she still inherited a lot of my thought process. In particular, while Iron inherited many flaws from me (many of which I realised I had because of Iron), Silver and Arawn have fairly minor, benign flaws (that still cause trouble for them later on). Funnily enough, the deepest, most faceted character is Aurora.
    TL;DR: Characters aren't awful, but I have learned a lot from how I failed at writing them.

And I think that's all that comes to mind.

I wish I could go into a list of fun facts about the setting, but the only details that are coming to mind are plot-relevant. That said, if you have any neat questions about the characters or setting, I'd love to answer those (I just won't answer questions that could potentially change how someone interprets the fic)

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