• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2017


I'm a fantasy enthusiast who loves to write, and I'm aiming to be a professional fantasy writer eventually. I love to help out other authors when I can. Feel free to PM me or drop by and say 'hi'.

More Blog Posts114

  • 385 weeks
    One Neat Thing That I Did Get to Do Last Summer

    During August of 2016, my friends and I visited South Korea. When I went there, there were three things in particular that I wanted to do: I wanted to get some good hiking in, I wanted to see some live Starcraft games, and I wanted to do some karaoke. It turns out I got to do all those things and more. If you want to see that Starcraft bit,

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  • 385 weeks
    I'm Back, After an Age

    Hey folks,

    It sure has been quite a while since I was last on here. I just want to say that I am back to jump back into A Heart of Change and to bring it to its conclusion, and that's the gist of what this blog is about. If you want to hear a rambling story explaining my absence, by all means keep reading.

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  • 474 weeks

    Heya folks,

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  • 481 weeks
    I Happened to Stumble Upon a Beautiful Treasure

    So I just happened to click on the stats button for AHoC because I hadn't done that in quite a while, and suddenly I noticed that I had gotten a few hits from EqD since I had last looked, which I thought was quite strange. So I clicked on the link and ended up on this page which showed the results of an event that

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  • 481 weeks
    Chapter 24 is Done and Going Through the Final Stages of Editing.

    And I aim to publish it sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your considerable patience and continued readership. I'll definitely get the next chapter out in a more timely fashion. I am tentatively aiming to wrap this story up by sometime around August or so.

    Now I'm going to go straight into planning and writing the next chapter.


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Sweetie Belle Fic Review 1 (To Love and Cherish) · 9:43pm Feb 13th, 2013

Hiya, everyone. I figure I'd let you all know that I've decided to do reviews of Sweetie Belle fics that I come across and believe are worthy of some more attention. Sweetie has to be a main character, in the story for these reviews, and I'd be happy to read any suggestions.

Unfortunately, it seems to take a lot of digging to find some of those gems that are buried amongst the others. That said, I did find one a while back that I figure is probably worth mentioning. (And I'm keeping my eyes out for others that might suddenly spawn)

Anyway, let's get right to it then:

So, a while back, I cam across a certain story with no image, but had a compelling first-person blurb, which made me interested. The story in question is: 'To Love and Cherish' by: Midnight herald. At 1100 or so words, I wondered how compelling of a story this could actually be, so I dove right in.

I have to say, the first-person narrative from Apple Bloom's POV pulled me in quite quickly, effectively establishing the context of the story and held me captive through the whole story by effortlessly maintaining that this is Apple Bloom telling the story. I might just be a sucker for bittersweet stories, and I'm not opposed to shipping when it's done right, but I found the premise entirely compelling for such a short fic. But what really stands out, paramount in my mind was that 'To Love and Cherish' managed, in so few words, to paint a beautiful picture of a loving and fulfilled life, while keeping the characters in question feeling fully fleshed out. In short, I call this story beautiful.

Needless to say, this story brought a smile to my face, while at the same time I felt my eyes glisten from the presence of happy tears, asking to be shed. While this story probably won't pull you into a bout of tears, it is quite likely to remind you why life is beautiful and meant to be treasured.

And that's my first review blog of Sweetie Belle stories that need more attention, I hope at least some of you enjoy this story as much as I did.


Report SilentBelle · 515 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

And i now know who to ask for some good Sweetie belle fics. That one was quite good for its length, and hit home for sure, and you were right, the fact it was in Apple blooms perspective pulled me in. Good choice i am happy to have read it.:heart:

Keep on Trucking :pinkiehappy:

Sweet! I'll give it a try, more Sweetie recs would be great!

Sweeties Mansion is another good fic imo

824597 I'll take a look at that some time. I know I've seen it around.

824645 I had to rent Luigis Mansion off gamefly to get a basic understanding of whats goin on in Sweeties Mansion but it had me reading all the way through nonstop once I got into it

Wow. This was entirely unexpected. It's an honor to show up here... I just assumed that this fic would die in utter obscurity. Thank you for giving it some light, Silentbelle. Really. I wrote it back when I had no clue about writing synopses, or really writing fiction period. Thank you for the advice and helpful comments when I first uploaded it, and thanks for doing this now.

825852 No problem. I really enjoyed the story, and I'm glad I help it get even a few more well-deserved views.


I'll have to second 'Sweetie's Mansion'. I remember when I first started reading it; didn't want to put it down. It's still incomplete, but it's one of the first good Sweetie Belle fics that I've read. It hasn't updated since last November, but is definitely something to look into. I actually didn't even realize it was a Luigi's Mansion crossover until later on, by which time I was hooked anyway.

'Dear Sweetie Belle' is also a fairly good Sweetie Belle story, and it has a direct sequel called 'Paternally Yours'. Check 'em out if you haven't already.

825993 Sweet, I'll be sure to check them out. Thanks for the suggestions.


There's actually a lot more, but it's quite a list. You should've seen the pre-final message I was typing.....it went on for a while. Are stories that contain 'Belle considered for your reviews? There are quite a few stories I know of where she is frequently being developed, but is not the central focus. One such story is 'Sibling Rivalry', which is more focused on Spike, though 'Belle gets in there almost every chapter.

826040 I'd prefer if she took the place of protagonist or was the central focus of the story. I'd also like for it to be a not as well known story. 'A diamond in the rough' sort of scenario. Though if I can't find those, types then I guess the story would have to have made me feel it was exceptional in some way. It'd be a story that I'll remember for a good long time. On a side note, I don't suppose anyone knows if I can filter the fics I'm searching for in reverse order of # of views, that would be helpful.

I like Sweetie's Mansion, The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments, Finding Sweetie, Three Hundred and Fifty, Boss of Me, and Noble Harmony. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I went through my favorites list.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

827793 I've seen all those around. I have only read Sweetie Chronicles (in fact that's the fic that helped inspire my writing of Scion of Chaos) off that list, but I've been contemplating most of them and I'm certain I'll get to reading them all eventually. Maybe I'll try to do this as an every-other-week sort of thing.

How about My Little Sister? I think that one was kind of a big thing, though. Oh well, I loved it, and I think it would be a good one to review. Also, on a funnier note, its the fic that got my little sister to read fanfics. :pinkiehappy:

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