• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2015


RIP DarkWing's Writing. We Hardly Knew Ye.

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  • 496 weeks
    I'm Sorry

    I'm sorry for a lot of things.

    I'm sorry that I've always taken so long to do chapters. They were very short and were everso sparse, barely being worth the time. You guys deserved way better than that, and all of you (well, almost all of you, anyways) have had the patience of saints.

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    35 comments · 2,723 views

I'm Sorry · 7:14pm Nov 29th, 2014

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

I'm sorry that I've always taken so long to do chapters. They were very short and were everso sparse, barely being worth the time. You guys deserved way better than that, and all of you (well, almost all of you, anyways) have had the patience of saints.

I'm sorry that I've set and broken deadlines time and time again. Breaking promises, even those I make to the faceless masses on a pony fiction websites, hurts me terribly.

And I'm sorry to say, but I think its time to just give up on writing.

At least, on pony. This has been a long time coming,as I'm sure it's painfully aware for a long time now. Towards the end, the chapters were so rare, and the quality dropped substantially, that there just seems to be little point. I have a life to get to, and having this nagging at me at the back of my mind was distracting me from a lot of things. I'm still going to write my own stories, but for myself. I doubt Ill ever finish my own books and get them published, but I'm definitely going to keep writing. I'm most likely going to delete all my stories except the My Little Caboose series by January 1st(since it has gone on long and has to much time put into it). This is because I don't want people to keep asking me to finish them, and because having them "unfinished" bothers me. Deleting them solves that. So, to those that like the idea of Zero Punctuation or the Achievement Hunters going to Equestria, feel free to use the ideas. They're free reign.

That being said, I did have the final chapter written of My Little Caboose II. Maybe someday I wil return and post a summary of all the arcs that were to come, then post the final chapter later, just for some closure, but it won't be for the next few months seeing as I have a lot of stuff in life coming up, and I need to be ready to face that shitstorm with a braveface. If that happens, I'd love to receive some fanart for the My Little Caboose series. I've only ever gotten a few (about 5 or 6), but they were always my favorite part of writing. I'll keep this account active and pop on now and again to read friends' stories, but my writing has officially stopped getting support here. Speaking of, I could make this blog well over a thousand words, but I don't want to lose interest in this, so I'm going to wrap it up. God knows I've stopped writing chapters when I've lost interest because of how long they want on. So I guess I'll just say the cliche thing.

Thank you all. For a lot. My years here were fun, and I loved the writing that I did. Well, not the writing itself. I never 'loved' my own works in an academic sense. Too much wrong with it, plot. flow, pacing and grammar wise. Not to mention a handful of times characters were OOC and arcs had no coherency with one another. What I loved about them was that I brought joy to others. Almost one and a half thousand people followed me, and over 2000 people followed the first my little caboose story. For a site with so few people, the fact that I reached such a large chunk is simply, well, amazing. You guys helped me through so much (a few bats with depression here, an occaissional phase of alcoholism there), and for that I am eternally grateful.

Wall of thank yous:

To JoJo Madara - Probably the one I talk to the most on here. Having (apparantly) inspired him to start writing was so fucking cool. If you like Devil May Cry (lord knows I do) be sure to check him out.

To Jet Howitzer, my Best Morgrad Worshipping Buddy for Life - He's a sunuvvabitch. But the cool kind. The kind that makes love to money and collects women. A real snazzy soul. A cool cat. A genital gentleman. Wait, what was that last one?

To Samaru, CloneTrooperKev and Fallen Prime - These were the three commenters that stood out the most to me. While most simply commented "lol" or blindly praised my works, they were the three that would make me smile, be it with Kev's way of joking around when pointing out errors, or Samaru's dedication to being my longest fan. The other two gave up after the first fic, I believe.

To Jexxarez, Writer, TotallyNotaBrony and TwilightClopple - To the failed collab that never happened for reasons! Even though that Clopple gave up on this site long ago... Wait! Now I can get the last laugh! FUCK YOU TWILIGHTCLOPPLE! YOU PROMISED ME A SEX VACATION IN ROME!

And to every other follower out there - I'm sure I'm forgetting a handful of other notable people, and I'm sorry for that. You are all sexy beasts, and you are the reason I went on this long.

So, to leave you off, here is a piece of fanart I received from Silver Stone Ruby:

And remember to save the fics of mine that you liked, because all of them (minus the one-shots and the My Little Caboose series) are going to be deleted on January 1st for personal closure reasons.

Memory is something many people take for granted these days, me especially. People think that memory is just something humans, ponies and thousands of other creatures use to store information. I guess that's sort of true, but what nobody realizes is just how much of a gift memory is. Sure, some people think that all remembering does is dig up old wounds and bring nothing but pain, but they don't understand is that pain is what makes you human. Only through pain can we understand what friendship and love really means to us. If everything was all good and well, we would never learn to appreciate what we have. Take the others for example. Even though they made my life a living hell, I can look back and smile at the stupid shit they've put me through and learn from it. Mourning over loss, thinking about all the things you'll never share, the time you'll never spend together. Those aren't what is important. What is important is that you remember the time you shared and cherish those memories forever.
My only regret is that I took so long to remember.

-- This is DarkWing signing off for, most likely, the final time.

Report DarkWing · 2,723 views ·
Comments ( 35 )

Wait. what? Oh no.

Well uh... ugh I really don't want to see you go. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are but I still like ponies. I'm gonna miss ya, dude

XD I'm not going to leave you on a sad note. You fuckin rocked and it was worth the admission fee. The ride was worth the long lines and constant standing about. If you ever have regret for leaving just realize your insulting a lot of people who had a blast. You've been Fimfiction approved, time to launch off to bigger and better things! ^.^

Lets give a nice song for the memories and then part ways smiling eh? Anyone else up for a good nostalgic mood? Hahaha!

I am actually crying right now. :raritydespair:

Wow hum I don't know what to say right now, well guess I'm gonna go cry in a corner or something :fluttercry:. Then after this go save the story you did that I like, I guess.

But enough fooling around, I understand that you are getting frustrated about not being able to keep your word about your story and I am sad that you are leaving because of this. And so it is with a heavy heart that I say good luck in your future goal, and remember hope is always around the corner. :heart:

Hey, man. No need to apologize for seeking out what you want to do most. After all the laughs you brought us, all I can say is thank you.
Thank you for writing amazing stories and and thanks so much for pushing and inspiring me to write my own story.
I couldnt have done it without you, Darkwing.

Comment posted by Joey JoJo deleted Nov 29th, 2014

I'm gonna miss you DarkWing. You were the first person I followed on this site, and I've followed your stories, your blog, your life since then. I'm gonna miss ya, man. Have a great life. :pinkiesad2:

I have only reed zero punctuation. but I will miss you nevertheless. have fun wherever you go.

Dude, I love MLC and I loved AH in Equestria, but seeing that chapters were few and far between I saw this day coming. Good luck in the future, and if you ever publish a book, be sure to announce it here too. I would love to read it :)

why my favourites authors are starting to quit writing? This must be a curse!!!:pinkiegasp:

I guess this is a goodbye comment. If I remember, you and your good buddy Jet Howitzer were the first 2 I followed on here. I'll miss seeing stories pop up from you. I mean this when I say it, you were the inspiration for me starting to write a story. After seeing the success and fun that was had by you I wondered if I could try it. My plan was to get several thousand words and ask for a preread edit from you but it seems writing wasn't what I thought it'd be, it'll be strange without your stories. But I must bid farewell to one of my favorite writers on this site, possibly good bye DarkWing, hope to see you around every once in a while. The laughs you gave and the awesomeness from you was amazing. Do me a favor and never think the time spent here is in vain or is a regret. I among other truly mean it when I say I will miss you!! Peace out brother.

sorry to hear that Your my little caboose story was my favorite story on the site :twilightsmile: you will be missed:twilightsmile:

(the caboose stories are ok though right. losing them would be a critical blow.)

Remember DarkWing, memory is the key

Later, bruh. Have fun with life in general! BREAK FREE YOU BEAUTIFUL BIRD, EXPAND YOUR DARK WINGS!

[We are going to miss you Darkwing, you are very awesome.]
[Thank you for your writing and hope you get life worked out.]
[It's sad to know you won't be here as much, but you deserve a much needed rest from all the complaints and nagging we have done to you.]
[See you later DarkWing.]

I think you were the first author that I really came to respect. Fimfiction was the first fanfic-website I ever visited, so that's saying something. Thank you.

You showed me the joy in reading fanfics, so even if you miss a few updates, even if you are unable to keep a promise or two, even if you're quitting, just remember: You were my first.

... No homo.:twilightblush:

I'll miss you, that's for sure, and I'll never forget what you did for me and many others: That is, you helped me through the unforgiving tourter that is boredom.

So, you have my blessings (not that you need them), you don't owe me, nor did you ever wrong me as far as I'm concerned.

Good luck with life. God knows it's an asshole.

I don't like goodbyes so let's just say see you soon

I'm Going to Miss you Darkwing, You Wanna Know Something, My Little Caboose 1 is the First Story I Read, and It Was Pretty Amazing, It has everything that we love from Red vs Blue, and it has improved from the series, gave everything that the fans wanted; Sister Alive, Hearing The Freelancers Voices, The Fragments Coming Back, Caboose Fighting... and Having a Girlfriend, Seeing Donut Back, Discord in the Red vs. Blue Universe, Church Feeling Bad for His Best Friend: Caboose... (Me Too.), Cause This Story is the Spirit of You, Darkwing... and it's not your fault, some of us authors have problems while writing too like; family issues, health problems (diabetes, surgery, body problems, and more.), holidays, and trying to exercise to lose weight, and you're not the only one who set and broken deadlines, some people set and broke deadlines too, but sometimes they met the deadline a little shorter just so they wanted to make the story longer or make it short... and if you say that you can give up writing, then let me be the first to say: best of luck to you... look, i'm not saying that it's bad, i'm saying as a good thing, take a break from the story, and search for new things, and one more thing... You Need to Let Go, Your Past doesn't Define of Who you are, It Just Gives you a Start of who you're going to be...
and i hope maybe someone'll use the other stories before you'll delete them.
R.I.P Darkwing's Writing 2012-2014

You shall be missed :fluttercry:. You were one of the more dedicated writers on here a well. Iean who else on this sight can claim to have a completed story over 100,000 words not many so even though it took ages for all the new chapters it was worth it. So goodbye Darkwing.

P.S. --I'm sure you're a sexy beast too :rainbowwild:

You shall be missed :fluttercry:. You were one of the more dedicated writers on here a well. Iean who else on this sight can claim to have a completed story over 100,000 words not many so even though it took ages for all the new chapters it was worth it. So goodbye Darkwing.

P.S. --I'm sure you're a sexy beast too :rainbowwild:

You shall be missed :fluttercry:. You were one of the more dedicated writers on here a well. Iean who else on this sight can claim to have a completed story over 100,000 words not many so even though it took ages for all the new chapters it was worth it. So goodbye Darkwing.

P.S. --I'm sure you're a sexy beast too :rainbowwild:

I guess I'll never know how My Little Caboose ends or how the Halloween special will end or how Wash will get used to Ponyville. It's sad to see you go man. You don't have to do this. Just because you might've broken deadlines doesn't mean you'll never finish them. Better late than never. And since you didn't say goodbye that will mean you never left. :D

well then, everyone else is doing this so i might as well too. you were the first writer on fimfiction that i read whose writing was actually good. Its sad to see you go but we all kinda knew it would happen at some point. while i may have never read your other stories i'm gonna go grab em now. i'm not gonna say goodbye cuz then your not really gone :)

Man, I am sorry to see you go. The mlc story was the first completed story I read. liked every chapter of it. You'll always have a place here.:ajsleepy:


All I can say is that it's been fun.
Have a nice life and start doing what you've been planning on doing.

Man. I'm sad to see you go. I've had some good memories with you. Your story, My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic was the first story I read on this site, and it helped me grow in both this community, and the RT community. I'm still a faithful fan of both. I started writing here, and I've made some friends on Twitter because of you. Because of MLC: BiM, I, by addident found a brony social media site and made friends with the creator, then he introduced me to his friends and I have a new little circle. I love it. And if I hadn't searched "Caboose pony" years ago, I would have never found MLC(and read it every day all of summer break and a bunch of the school year), I would have never found Fimfiction, I would have never written and completed a story that I hold dear as something that I was proud to create, I would have never found a blog post and found my current friends. My life as a brony is what it is now because of you writing on this site. So while I am sad to see you go, I am happy to have amazing memories now because of what you did while here.

Thank you.

It's always sad to see good authors go.I wish you didn't feel this way but if you think it's for the best then do it. MLC wasn't the first story I read but it was close and it was really good. I hope that later, if it's a week, a year, a decade or something, you come back. Hope the rest of your stories do better.


:fluttercry: I can't believe I found this so late...

I really enjoyed these stories, since you do a very amazing work at keeping the personalities of your characters. When I read your stories I don't feel that the actions are forced, but something that the characters themselves would do. It's shame that it will not continue, and I don't intend to ask you to continue against your will, but I'd really appreciate if some day you could post some sort of summary about what were your plans for this story, to have that feeling of clousure at least.
It?s the first time I write for anyhting here in fimfiction, since my english is not very good. But I'd like to thank you for the hard work you put in these fics.

Uhhhhhh... Hi! You know me, right? If not, I'm someone you used in your story. Tucker.

Don't know if you'll ever read this, but I couldn't stay silent.
Breaking deadlines is nothing, I'm still following stories on this site that update once a year if we're lucky. I will never begrudge an author for knowing when to admit they've written themselves into a corner, or for admitting that they have to say goodbye to focus on real life, but I can't help feeling that tiniest, irrational bit of betrayal when an author states that they are leaving because they feel like they've failed their readers, especially when they leave a story incomplete.

What's worse is my feeling of failure for not having caught said author sooner and maybe offering encouragement to keep forging on with their creations, perhaps even becoming better writers from the experience they might gain.

It saddens me to see a writer leave as it means one less source of inspiration for the rest of us who may never write a word.

Godspeed DarkWing, and may you find joy in all future endeavours.

okay...any one know how to find out where he lives. i will personaly go there, and help him get his life together. just because he missed a deadline doesnt mean its the end of the world(dispite what my teachers would have said)

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