• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016

The Descendant

Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.

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    They've Always Told Me That I Need Therapy, but I Doubt This is What They Meant

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They've Always Told Me That I Need Therapy, but I Doubt This is What They Meant · 12:29am Mar 9th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

I've had a bad bit of luck as of late.

The long and short of it is that my gastrocnemius muscle in my right calf decided that it was going to try to tear itself apart for no good reason whatsoever. The end result is that I haven't been doing much of anything other than laying around my house weeping gently with my leg on ice and bandaged up in compresses as my physical therapist tries to get my segmented ligaments to "get back on speaking terms."

I'm horribly depressed. I haven't been able to work for a week and two days, and I don't have any real hope of going back to work this week or in the week after. Of course, in my career, if I'm not working I'm not getting paid. Therefore every day I have to spend money to get better is "doubling down" on my debt. Screw the American health care system by the way... $78 for a pair of crutches I used one day before they grafted this damn boot to my leg for $238. If this keeps up I'm going to have to ask them to remove major organs for me so I can pay the bills.

It's the best time of year for me to be at work, too. Even as I'm sitting here I'm getting phone calls from teachers wondering if I'm "healed up enough" for me to come in for them yet, the demand is so high. It's with more than a little regret that I have to inform them that it will be five to seven more weeks before I'm back to operating condition.

So, yeah... it's taken me two days to check all of my messages here at the site. Sorry for the delay. Everything takes forever when you can't walk. It's just so bizarre. I'm so bored that I had my father come over and find my old SNES so I can play Liberty or Death, P.T.O. II, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV from my bed. I'm having the most bizarre dreams. The first two nights I was in a Civil War field hospital begging them not to cut off my leg. I've had dreams where I'm playing with all of the cats I've ever owned. My subconscious chooses now to start having me go through a litany of "running dreams" where I wake up screaming in pain as my leg involuntarily twitches. Fun... lots of fun.

That's my life at the moment. Lurch around, play thirty year old video games, bandage, ice, go to therapy, watch the Orioles suck in their spring training games... all as I grow poorer every day. Wonderful.

If you're the type that's inclined to prayer, I would appreciate it very much. Thoughts are very much appreciated from all.

Stay Awesome,

Comments ( 109 )

I pray for you. Get well soon.

Jesus, man...

If I had the means to help you out with anything, goddamnit...

I totally would.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Best of luck with your recovery, and subsequent work search

I hope you get well soon

Ah man that sucks to hear i hope you get better very soon don't push your body much and don't worry about us just take care of your body until it is fully healed up the less stress you is good for your health and body so get well as soon as you can

Get well soon, mate.

play thirty year old video games,

There's nothing wrong with that. :twistnerd:

(Well, aside from being unable to do much else... :unsuresweetie: I'll certainly be wishing you well.)

And there go the reenacting hobby for a while. Hopefully those dreams don't have a Texan playing a New York surgeon...

In all seriousness man, I see where you are coming from, had a knee issues years ago that still haunt me, and I did the whole "can't walk without brace or cane" thing.

Get well my friend, if you need to talk you know where you can find me, and I will keep you in my prayers.

I hope you get well soon, man. Sounds like a tough break.

Get well soon, TD. We're all rooting for you.

This is, simply, awful, and the fact that the system doubles and triples your troubles rather than alleviating them is distressing for all that it is expected. Best of luck in your recovery, in speed, in pain, in boredom, and all the rest.

Oh my. That's horrible, I will keep you in my prayers, Get well soon!

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. I wish I could do more.

Get well soon.
If only I can do more...

Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that. Even more sorry that it's not only costing you money to be ill when you can't work, you're having to pay for it on top, which really really sucks.

Seems to be a lot of this sort of crap going around folk at the moment.

Last Monday I got back from wargames to find the house empty, because my Mum had gone out to her Lent meeting and then had a stroke. Totally out of the blue, complete surprise to everyone. (It is not as bad as it might have been; she's still all there mentally and can communicate. Current thinking is if she doesn't have another one (but it was a bleed, not a clot and it was in an unusual place so they have no idea what caused it yet) she should probably get most stuff back.) And just to add insult to injury, it was the night befoe she and Dad were supposed to be going away to a spar hotel-sort-of place to celebrate her birthday.

So, yeah. I'll add you to the list of People Who Need Bad Stuff To Not Happen To Them, which is getting depressingly long. 'S enough to make a person want to rip the head off something and set its intestines on fire.

Wait, no, sorry, I'm thinking of me, not a person. I always get those two things confused...

I'm sorry about that dude. Have you picked up Undertale yet? It's absolutely worth the $10, and knowing what I know about you, you'll certainly love it.

So sorry to hear all that, man. Hang tough, though. You'll come through. And we'll all be here to chat with if you need us. You're a mainstay of FIMfic. You've been nice to so many users. We'd be wrong not to show you the same in return. :scootangel:

Good luck.

You have my prayers for health.:scootangel:

Sorry to hear of your troubles. You certainly have my very best wishes.

Crap dude. I'll pray for you man. Get better soon.

Site Blogger

That is really terrible, TD. Hang in there -- I know you'll get through it.

Ah dang, TD. If there is anything you need that we might be able to help with, don't hesitate to ask.

Dang dude that's sucks but either way I wish you a speedy recovery and get well soon buddy.:moustache:

Ouch.:fluttershysad: I hope you get better soon TD.

As someone else unable to work, from my own unexpected and unfortunate developments, I can offer you some condolences.

As for prayer, sorry. I don't believe in the 'Prayer Vending Machine' (put in enough, get what you want!) but I can certainly pray for a bit of insight and wisdom to come your way.

Just be open to listening. It's not always great big flaming letters. What I can say for you is that you should find the purpose in everything, even if it seems pointless. It's mindset. Find some benefit in this trial, something that happened for you or some understanding that you wouldn't have had without this event.

You're a tough guy, I know you'll get through it OK.


I'll keep you in my prayers mate.

Wow, man, that really sucks. All the best.

If I may ask, though, what kind of weird irregular job do you have that you're not even allowed one day of paid sick leave?

I will pray for you. That sounds absolutely terrible.

Woah. Dude. I don't believe I've ever had that happen to me, but I feel really bad for you. Get better soon.

Here's hoping for your speedy recover, the Descendant.

As for SNES games, grab yourself a copy of Lufia 2, it outshines even some modern games in my opinion.

I haven't given Fimfiction too much attention so far this year, and only a few minutes ago did I think I should remove the Santa hat from my avatar.

Now, I'm not going to. I'm going to leave it on, and keep you in my thoughts. I hope you get well shockingly fast, and back to work before you know it! And hey, play some SNES for me.

Feel better, try and enjoy the drugs while they last.

Not every tunnel has a light at the end. That is why we make our own.

Quote I thought up. I think it fits the current situation.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Happy thoughts and prayers your way.

I'm afraid I can only offer you my very sincere sympathies, and hope that you'll be back on your feet and working soon. I had something similar happen to my right calf five years ago, but nowhere near as severe. I did, however, suffer from a bout of sciatica a couple of years before that which kept me down for about 6 weeks and then forced me to learn how to walk again. At least on that level I can definitely relate.

May you heal more quickly and re-start that olympic marathon career again very soon. :raritywink:

:pinkiesad2:I'll be praying for ya. Maybe I'll start a prayer chain! :rainbowwild:

On a more practical note, if you want someone to have a pain-medication-induced rant to, or just want some hiding-behind-this-online-avatar stranger's perspective, just let me know. :pinkiecrazy:

:fluttershyouch:I also struggle with bouts of depression at times, if you ever wish to discuss that topic.

On the bright side, maybe you can write your bizarre dreams down and use them as fuel for stories! :rainbowdetermined2:

My prayers go out to you. I hope you recover as quickly and easily as possible.

Praying for you. Get better soon.

I'll be praying for you.

Civil War field hospital

Dreams of Shiloh and visions of the mudflats of Corinth

Bet you wore blue

I've played that Romance of the Three Kingdoms on my uncle's old SNES. Super fun

'Tis a shame. Hope you will get better soon!

Just take care, rest and heal up.

Author Interviewer

good work for you, buddy, best soon

I hope you maybe get a story from this? :B

Take care, and my sincere best wishes for you.

Oh that's terrible I hope you feel better.

Oh jeeze TD. I'm truly sorry to hear that you are going through all of that. I wish you a speedy recovery! Until then, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers my friend.

Sorry to hear that, Descendant.

Our healthcare system never ceases to set my teeth on edge, and I am sorry that you're not in a position to have disability insurance for situations like this. :raritydespair:

Get well soon, Des.

I've never been in a situation like that, so I can't even begin to think how much it must suck. Hope you feel better soon!

If it means anything, I know how you feel. I had a similar problem with my arm. Just try to hang on. Honestly it will get worse before it gets better, but if you have the strength I know you will get through this.

If you have a patreon I'm sure we would all be willing to support you in this terrible time.

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