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Admiral Biscuit

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Minor delay · 4:00am Oct 10th, 2016

Rather than do the smart thing and work on stuff, I watched the presidential debate. Or, as John Oliver says, the

Thank Celestia I didn't play the debate drinking game, because if I did, I'd be dead right now.

Anyway! That means that tomorrow's chapter will be late, because it isn't quite done yet, and I really ought to spend at least a little time sleeping tonight.


Report Admiral Biscuit · 871 views · Story: Silver Glow's Journal ·
Comments ( 37 )

Also, we went over 11,111 comments today on Silver Glow's Journal.

How do you think Cheetoskin and Da Bitch did?

I've given up watching anything to do with this election. We can either elect Emperor Palpatine or a nut job. It drives me crazy that so many people in America are this stupid.

That debate was a train-wreck. I thought that there wasn't any possible way I could come out more jaded than I was going in. . . well life always finds a way it seems. November 9th cannot come soon enough, the sooner this is all over the better. :facehoof:


If you want real change, vote for someone else - anyone else.

And before you say "then I'm just throwing away my vote"...

Jesse Ventura.


I did homework instead, but I walked out for a break and just saw a headline that didn't paint it in a positive light. The election is everywhere, I can't escape it. my grandma, who can't vote (non U.S. citizen) was watching it, that's how pervasive it is. I've already decided that i'm not going to vote i'm in California so my vote doesn't count anyway.


My plan is Libertarian. Plus if we actually put in a third party candidate we may actually have a productive congress for once.

Orajm #8 · Oct 10th, 2016 · · 2 ·


While I can understand the sentiment I cannot see how a 3rd party candidate, much less the two loons running this year, would lead to a productive congress. It just sounds like it would turn the whole thing into a 3 way cluster**** which is just as horrible as the current situation.

I still think they'd get better ratings, we'd get a better president, and we could put some money into the national debt if this was a pay-per-view cage match.

We're going to go to Idiocracy sooner or later. Why not sooner?

I bothered replying to a comment by an anarcho-communist and allowed myself to get dragged into a private shit-show of my own.

I'm not sure which one of us came off worst.

I spent 90 straight minutes calling BS on every stupid thing Trump *SNIFF* did and *SNIFF* said during *SNIFF* the debate. I called BS on maybe one thing Hillary said.

I'm non-aligned, I don't particularly like Hillary, I think she's a smartass, condescending twat, but right now she's best-case scenario. :unsuresweetie: (I had thought about voting Libertarian--then I found out what a complete lunatic Gary Johnson is. I'm just gonna write in Stephen Colbert on my ballot and wash my hands of this whole stupid mess.)


I have little faith that congress would be any more effective. It seems more likely to unify Democrats and Republicans into voting against the president, rather than motivating them to vote for anything.


productive congress

What is this mythical beast you speak of?

I'm voting for Princess Celestia and her VP Princess Luna.

I've been liking Hillary more and more as the campaign season has gone on. The woman is made of whipcord and steel.

Whereas according to Chuck Tingle; Trump is made of a pile of shrieking void crabs in a poorly sewn human suit

You watch John Oliver?! I love his coverage on "Oh I get it this is hell and Satan has forced us to live this out for all eternity, 2016"

(I think I got that right)

On an unrelated note, does anypony know where to find the sheet music for the theme?

Also, if you refuse to vote for anyone, my opinion is that you should write in Derpy. It's just an idea.

Write in Celestia!
A kinder, gentler government.

Eh, I caught the last half of the debate. I don't feel like I missed much... :unsuresweetie:


How do you think Cheetoskin and Da Bitch did?

Well, the last question was "Name something you respect about your opponent." I expected that one or both of their heads would explode.


I've given up watching anything to do with this election. We can either elect Emperor Palpatine or a nut job. It drives me crazy that so many people in America are this stupid.

Then why not vote for a proper nutjob?


That debate was a train-wreck. I thought that there wasn't any possible way I could come out more jaded than I was going in. . . well life always finds a way it seems. November 9th cannot come soon enough, the sooner this is all over the better.

I feel ya, man.

Not a huge fan of Jesse Ventura--I think he's turned into a conspiracy nut (maybe he always was and I just hadn't noticed).

My favorite candidate is Vermin Supreme. He's the only candidate with a zombie preparedness plan.


I did homework instead, but I walked out for a break and just saw a headline that didn't paint it in a positive light.

I think John Oliver's names for the election are probably the most accurate. Like the one in the title image, or "Uncle Sam's Rock Bottom Yankee Doodle Suicide Pact 2016"


My plan is Libertarian. Plus if we actually put in a third party candidate we may actually have a productive congress for once.

A productive congress? I wouldn't put money on that.


I still think they'd get better ratings, we'd get a better president, and we could put some money into the national debt if this was a pay-per-view cage match.

Now that's something I could get behind. I wouldn't want winning the cage match to be the only requirement, but I think to have it take the place of one of the debates would be reasonable.


I bothered replying to a comment by an anarcho-communist and allowed myself to get dragged into a private shit-show of my own.

I'm sorry, man.

I've tried with some people on Facebook to enlighten them (mostly conspiracy nuts). It's worked with a couple, and failed miserably with others.


I had thought about voting Libertarian--then I found out what a complete lunatic Gary Johnson is.

At least he's not Boris Johnson.


I'm voting for Princess Celestia and her VP Princess Luna.


Vermin Supreme's a good second choice.

Yes. All my yes.

The fact that she can just stand there calmly while he blathers on amazes me.


I'm not saying Ventura was a good candidate or effective leader. I believe he was a "joke" candidate that people seemed to vote for because it was entertaining and different. It ended up that enough people happened to "joke vote" for him that he won.


Your vote isn't a throw-away just because you went outside mainstream.


You watch John Oliver?! I love his coverage on "Oh I get it this is hell and Satan has forced us to live this out for all eternity, 2016"

(I think I got that right)
I do. Actually, I found out about him via an interview on NPR, when he was covering the mid-term elections and made his own attack ads for Mitch McConnell and Allison Lundergan Grimes. I can't show them here, but they're on YouTube.

Also, if you refuse to vote for anyone, my opinion is that you should write in Derpy. It's just an idea.

Vermin Supreme. He is legitimately running, and is just the kind of man we need in the White House.

Eh, I caught the last half of the debate. I don't feel like I missed much... :unsuresweetie:
This was all you missed:

Yeah, fair point.

There's some town in Colorado IIRC that has a donkey for mayor.

4254422 heard of him. Supreme-Doo, 2016

4254397 ...can you even put "productive" and "congress" together like that and it be correct?

4254410 She isn't calmly standing; she's formulating the next lie.

Unfortunately for her, Hillary lies even when the truth would serve her better, which is the main reason I am voting Trump.

He may be an idiot, but he can't do any worse than the last few Morons-in-Chief. Her? (shudders)

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