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  • 395 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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  • 396 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 443 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 451 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 453 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings · 1:50am Nov 2nd, 2016

Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in my opinion the best season of MLP thus far) from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:

26. Newbie Dash (Episode 7): It might come as no surprise that I do not like bullying of any sort. Heated arguments and spewing insults at people is fine so long as it's warranted and the other person is being an asshole, but bullying in general is not okay at all. I have a huge soft spot for Rainbow Dash, because she reminds me so much of myself. Arrogant, confident, cocky, proud of herself, but at the same time really easy to hurt and bully if you hit her where it hurts, which leads to her being easily depressed and sullen. This episode is so nasty and despicable that it made me wish deadly things upon those rotten Wonderbolts. I don't care WHAT sport you play or what you think sports is; you do NOT treat other people like that. If that's how you THINK you're "supposed to be treated" and you should just "suck it up and grow a pair" or whatever, you're a piece of shit. You do NOT treat someone like crap, mock them relentlessly, tease them into submission, and make them so uncomfortable they don't even want to be there. What the Wonderbolts did to Dash was beyond horrible, and them trying to justify it at the end by saying "we ALL have nicknames; it's just a team thing" is pathetic. I hated everything about this episode.

25. 28 Pranks Later (Episode 15): Again, WHY do half the Rainbow Dash episodes have to be revolved around her being mocked, abused, tortured, teased, or ridiculed? I get that her personality can easily be annoying or grating to people, but that's no excuse to treat her like shit in return. This episode reminded me a LOT of The Mysterious Mare Do Well (possibly my most hated episode in the entire series), and that is NOT a good thing. Most of the pranks that Rainbow Dash pulled weren't even that mean or bad! So, the ENTIRE FREAKING TOWN has to prank Rainbow Dash and scare the shit out of her just to "teach her a lesson" AGAIN? First her two-faced friends did it, and now the whole town? This isn't funny. Rainbow Dash freaking CHOSE to fly for Ponyville at the Equestria Games, you know; she chose you assholes over her hometown of Cloudsdale. And this is how you repay her? If you can't handle some harmless pranks, you need to grow the hell up. I can't stand it when Rainbow Dash gets picked on for the pettiest of reasons.

24. Spice Up Your Life (Episode 12): While there is nothing coherently WRONG with this episode, it honestly just gave me NOTHING of substance whatsoever. Rarity and Pinkie Pie is just not a good combination at all, I'm sorry to say. For one thing, I still feel Rarity is the evilest character in the show and I can't stand her, and pairing her with Pinkie is just a really bad combination. They just don't gel with one another. And, I just couldn't feel ANYTHING for the father and daughter with the restaurant. The song was really dull and boring, too; I get they were trying something new, and I don't want to sound racist or whatever, but that kinda song was just too boring to enjoy. From start to finish, it was just a complete slog to get through. I was so bored and I just wanted it to end. So, while at heart this episode doesn't do anything to piss you off, it does nothing to make you enjoy a single second of it, either. Which is just as bad.

23. The Cart Before The Ponies (Episode 14): I honestly can't fully explain why this episode is this low, because I genuinely don't feel like saying many negative things about it. I guess just because I loved the season in general and it's hard to rank all the episodes when you enjoyed most of them. I think the biggest issue for me with this episode is that seeing Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack act like assholes and the Crusaders, as always, getting walked all over has been done to death. We get it by this point; the Crusaders don't know how to speak up because they're children, and Rarity, Dash and Applejack are jackasses a lot of the time without realizing it. Rarity is a rude, greedy, pushy bitch. Dash is arrogant and cocky and think she's the best and she knows best. Applejack feels pressure to be Apple Bloom's mother AND big sister and tries to always do what she feels is best for Apple Bloom. We get it. The song was fine, and I have no qualms there. But the ending kinda left me a bit annoyed, too. I mean, why weren't they cheering for the Crusaders? Dash tried to cheer, but Rarity and Applejack told her not to? What the hell? Oh, and the easiest solution was right in front of their faces: JUST SWITCH SISTERS! The episode as a whole just felt really unnecessary and rehashed, so I didn't like that.

22. A Hearth's Warming Tail (Episode 8): First off, that pun in the title is stupid and you need to stop it already; just because 'tale' and 'tail' are two different spellings and meanings doesn't mean you have to purposely use the wrong one to be funny. Second, I'm sick of these episodes. The reason I loved Hearthbreakers from the other season is because it allowed us to EXPERIENCE the holiday with the ponies, not just telling a story based on it. I seriously do not care about watching them tell a story and putting some of the main characters into the cast. I don't CARE about seeing Starlight Glimmer as Scrooge/The Grinch. I don't CARE about seeing Pinkie, Applejack and Luna as the ghosts of Past, Present and Future. I don't CARE about any of that, BECAUSE IT'S NOT REAL AND IT'S POINTLESS! I would rather see Starlight Glimmer trying to spend the holiday with Twilight at the castle and something happening to them. That would've been much better, like how we spent the holiday with Pinkie and Applejack last time. So, regardless of how cool you think Luna's song was or whatever, there's simply no purpose for this episode.

21. Where The Apple Lies (Episode 23): Are we seriously supposed to believe that the reason Big Macintosh doesn't talk that much at all is because ONE FREAKING DAY in their past where Applejack told a lot of lies and scolded him for never listening to her? REALLY? Sorry, but the suspension of disbelief isn't working on me here. And did we REALLY need to see this backstory? Again, I REALLY fail to believe that this all just happened on one day and from that day onward Applejack never tried to lie again. I just can't buy that. Seeing the story about Filthy Rich's ties to the Apple family was cute, and seeing how he began dating Spoiled Milk (later to be Spoiled Rich, which is hilarious), but there's just not a lot of substance here that I personally care for. If you want to call the episode cute and endearing, that's fine. But I would much rather hear about Applejack's parents if we have to hear a backstory; who REALLY cares about how she learned to not tell lies? And Big Macintosh not talking much? It's sweet for the heart, but just not that interesting.

20. P.P.O.V. (Pony Point Of View) (Episode 22): This episode could've been hilarious and a lot of fun. It could've been like that Time Squad episode where the three main characters all talk about an event that happened and each one has a different way of interpreting it. Or the episode from Johnny Bravo where the same thing happens between Johnny, Suzie and Carl. Or basically any show that you can think of that has done this. But, sadly, MLP decided to do it incorrectly. You either had to make Pinkie Pie's retelling the most logical, despite the fact she's insane and her story would SOUND ridiculous but turn out to be right, which in turn would be hilarious...OR you had to make the girls blame one another, and it turned out they were ALL wrong. But neither of these things happen. Instead, Rarity blames Applejack, Pinkie Pie blames Rarity, and Applejack blames BOTH Rarity and Pinkie Pie? Uh...that's not right. And then Twilight basically pulls a deus ex machina out of nowhere to prove what really happened, which was really weak. And THEN the ending is just them hanging out near the dock and doing nothing? How is that a "pirate adventure"? That's pathetic! The issue I have is that the episode could've been SO funny and hilarious, but it was held back and weakened and didn't live up to expectations, and that sucks.

19. Applejack's "Day" Off (Episode 10): Again, why is there quotation marks around "day"? Honestly, that doesn't make any sense, because why are you putting emphasis on "day" when it just doesn't make sense in context. I think they would've made more sense around "off", or just not have them at all, to make the title rather ironic when you see the episode itself. So, that's just a minor nit-pick from me. A lot of people say this episode is boring and not interesting, and that's true. But, unlike with Spice Up Your Life, this one was at least a bit more fun. The cameo appearances from the ponies at the spa was fun. Twilight and Spike trying to "help" Applejack was cute. Applejack/Rarity always make a sexy and fun pairing after all they've been through. And, to be fair, the moral of the episode was a pretty good one that a lot of people need to think about. Sure, the substance of the episode itself was fairly weak and not all that memorable, but for what it was, I still slightly enjoyed it. Nothing to hate, nothing to be overjoyed about, it was just a fun little episode to help pass the time.

18. Viva Las Pegasus (Episode 20): Flim and Flam are basically the only enjoyable parts of this. Otherwise, Applejack and Fluttershy are kinda forgettable, and I can't even remember the evil dude's name. But, what can I say? Flim and Flam are such devious little bastards that I love them. They aren't really evil, either; they just know what they're best at and use it to their advantage. Plus, both other times before, it was basically the Apple family's fault for being so stupid to begin with. You can't blame the manipulators if you're too stupid to not be manipulated in the first place, or if you're too dumb to know you're being tricked or to understand how something works. I feel no sympathy towards Applejack and her family whatsoever. But, yeah, other than that, the episode didn't do much for me. Seeing the parody of Las Vegas for the first time was nice, but...it didn't really live up to expectations. I don't have much to say about this episode at all.

17. On Your Marks (Episode 4): We seriously get one of these episodes every season it feels like. Apple Bloom always gets an episode where she has to bitch, complain, or whine about SOMETHING. Nothing is ever good enough for her; I'm surprised Rarity isn't her sister instead of Applejack, since she acts like her a lot. Look, I love Apple Bloom, I really do. But she just REALLY aggravates me how whiny and needy she can be. It's always cutie marks, cutie marks, cutie marks with her. I understand her plight in this episode, but it doesn't make me any less annoyed with it. And, seeing that she's just not honestly good with much else, or can't find anything else to really make her happy, it really does hit home to me. Seeing her help out that colt and the whole dancing thing was cute, though. Even though the episode left me very annoyed a lot of the time, I can't hate on it too much because I think we've all felt like Apple Bloom at least ONCE in our lives. We've all felt that "I don't know what to do with my life" feeling, and it sucks.

16. The Crystalling (Part 1) (Episode 1): This is pretty much the cutoff from all the episodes I either hate, didn't enjoy, or were annoyed/indifferent to. The first part of the season 6 premiere is the bridge between these two sections, because...well, it's the FIRST part of it. Typically the second half is the better part (not always, as we'll soon get to with the season finale), and that holds true in this case. The setup is a good one. People can keep hating on Starlight Glimmer all they want; I really like her. She's a really great character and I'm glad she's a part of the show, because she reminds me of Discord (ironically) due to how she STILL has that slight bit of evil inside of her; when you piss her off or push her too far, she won't hesitate to use her magic to shut you up. I love that. It's why I love Trixie, Discord and Starlight (again, very ironic when you bring up the season finale); I LOVE characters that are technically heroes or reformed villains but still have their basic personalities with them. Anyway, Starlight meeting her old friend is a great setup, and seeing Flurry Heart as a baby alicorn was cute; I don't see why there was so much uproar. Who cares if it's a newborn alicorn? Deal with it. But, yeah, this episode was just setting things up for part 2, so in all fairness I can't rank it higher than here. Doesn't make it bad; just means it's the setup for the next, better part.

15. Top Bolt (Episode 24): A very feel-good episode. Not only do you have two likable characters to help deal with a "friendship problem", but you put Twilight and Dash together (one of the best pairings in the show), AND you get to see a cameo from an actual OC from a fan, and you get a really sweet and cute episode. I really thought the adorableness of Vapor Trail proved to be a MUCH better version of Fluttershy, and Sky Stinger is a good male version of Rainbow Dash. You can honestly relate to both of them. Sky Stinger, while arrogant and cocky, grew up getting no attention at all, so naturally you're going to make yourself sound cocky to try and get your self-esteem up; trust me, I've acted the same way my whole life. Likewise, with Vapor Trail getting TOO much attention, you can understand her nervousness of showing off or performing her own skills, because that's just isn't who she is. Their friendship (possibly romantic) is so cute and sweet, and Twilight/Dash are such great foils for one another that the episode just feels awesome.

14. Flutter Brutter (Episode 11): Very similar to Top Bolt, and as always I can relate to it. Yes, we ALL want to hate Zephyr Breeze for obvious reasons, but when you try and put yourself in his shoes/hooves, you can really sympathize with the guy. I'm pretty sure ALL of us have a bit of Zephyr inside of us, which is why he's such a complex character. Seeing his attractiveness to Dash was extremely funny (and understandable, since who wouldn't want to date Dash), and seeing Fluttershy actually be assertive and drop her "I'm so shy, pity me!" shtick is ALWAYS good, which is another point in the episode's favor. The song was a lot of fun, Fluttershy's parents were likable enough, and overall the episode was just really strong at heart. Maybe not the best in terms of pure entertainment, but it was really good at delivering its premise and message, which is what the episode was mainly about. A good song, a good Fluttershy performance, funny Dash usage, a great message, and a very good episode.

13. The Saddle Row Review (Episode 9): An episode where you DON'T make me want to see Rarity die in the fires of hell is always a good thing! This is how you do a Rarity episode properly. You make it about her...but instead make her friends the focal point. The problem with Rarity is that when she's forced into the spotlight and takes the lead role, she comes across as so fake, so unlikable, and just unbearable in every way. But when her friends are the main point, and Rarity is the one bouncing her ideas off them and allowing her personality to NOT get into a nasty place, THEN she's likable and stays true to her element. And that's what this episode does well. Rarity basically asks her friends to help her with getting ANOTHER shop open (like she doesn't have one in Ponyville and one in Canterlot already), and naturally chaos ensues thanks to all the issues they come across. Rarity, thankfully, is NOT given the chance to notice all this, while her friends are the ones who fix it themselves when they think about how Rarity would want THEM to do it. It's honestly a very cute episode of demonstrating why/how they're all friends and how they think. Plus, we get a Vinyl Scratch cameo, which is awesome.

12. The Crystalling (Part 2) (Episode 2): The better part of a rather strong premiere for season 6. See, you don't ALWAYS have to have a villain to have a strong opening act to a season. Instead, you just create a very dire situation and allow the main characters you've presented to us to try and fix it. When it works, it's great! When it doesn't, it's bad. This one was great. Again, screw your hatred of Starlight Glimmer; get your head out of your ass and go hate someone else. She was a lot of fun here. She and Sunburst coming together and opening up about their past problems was really heartfelt, Celestia and Luna actually DOING something for once instead of just sitting on their big, sexy butts and letting Twilight handle it all was awesome, and overall the episode was just a lot of fun and kept you wanting more. I was on the edge of my seat wondering how it would play out and was so excited by the end of it. Although Shining Armor and Cadance seriously suck at ruling the Crystal Empire, since they keep having to be saved by Twilight's gang...and mostly Spike. That's just sad, but hilarious.

11. The Gift Of The Maud Pie (Episode 3): There's just something awesome about Maud Pie that appeals to a lot of people, including myself. Sure, you would think that she wouldn't be that interesting, but she simply is. This is yet another episode which shows just how much she loves and cares for her sister, Pinkie Pie, and sometimes you don't need emotions to get your point across. In a lot of ways, I'm like Maud. In real life, I tend to not show many emotions, even if I'm very happy or upset about something. I mean, what's the point? It won't change anything. Anyway, Pinkie and Maud are so awesome when they're together, because their clashing personalities yet sweet sisterly love for one another is so strong, and this episode really brings that out. Rarity...well, let's forget she exists; she adds nothing to the episode and she's not worth mentioning. I just love when Pinkie is put into vulnerable situations where she's forced to show us another side of her rather than her usual annoying personality; like with Fluttershy and Rarity, when they're NOT being their usual selves, I like them, because I like when they're not simply one-dimensional. So, yeah, this episode was great.

10. Every Little Thing She Does (Episode 21): I don't know why, but there's something about this episode that just cracks me up. The thing is, the first and last parts aren't that interesting or entertaining, but I think the middle part is so hilariously funny that I don't care. When Starlight Glimmer casts her spell on her 'friends' and the way they speak her name just cracks me up. And Dash angrily telling her off later, along with Pinkie getting all enraged over some lost pastry goods, was even better. I honestly didn't care at all about Starlight's friendship lessons; the episode was pretty much Lesson Zero all over again in that regard. I just loved her taking matters into her own hooves and messing up royally. I guess that's why I love the episode, because I loved Lesson Zero, too. Yes, Twilight did it better with the whole "psycho pony creates a problem just to SOLVE said problem", but I still had a lot of fun with this episode. And that's what I love MLP most for: fun. I don't care about how serious you can get or how deep your messages are, so long as you can entertain me without being really stupid (Teen Titans Go), really annoying (Adventure Time) or really offensive (South Park). So, yeah, this episode was fun.

9. To Where And Back Again (Part 2) (Episode 26): An amazing season finale and EASILY the best in the entire series. I don't care what you say; you cannot beat the awesomeness that is Trixie, Discord and Starlight Glimmer. Oh, and Thorax, but sadly his little "transformation" kinda drops this level a bit for me, which is why part 2 is shockingly ranked lower than part 1 for me. Yeah, Queen Chrysalis NOT reforming, and the Changelings all turning into odd new forms really wasn't the best outcome, but it is what it is. It's not like the huge controversy over Twilight turning into an alicorn. So, the ending wasn't as strong as it COULD'VE been, but it was still an epic conclusion. Look, you don't ALWAYS need the mane six taking care of business to have an epic episode. The fact that the finale had four reformed villains as the main characters is simply awesome, not to mention all four of them are extremely likable and entertaining. Seeing Trixie's skills in action, without the use of magic, was cool. Discord without his magic is just as entertaining when he DOES have it. Starlight being forced to be a heroic leader was fun. Thorax...well, yeah, he was there. I just hope that, in season 7, Chrysalis returns and FINALLY gets reformed. Say what you want, but I love it when the show reforms villains and makes them understand how wrong they are or how they can make their life better. WHY do so many people WANT villains to stay evil? Do you not understand the POINT of the show? Friendship is magic? Ugh. People are idiots.

8. Buckball Season (Episode 18): I never expected this episode to be as high as it is when I first heard about the episode, but I honestly loved it so much. See, THIS is how you do a sports episode properly. You do NOT do what the Wonderbolts did to Rainbow Dash and expect us to believe that. What Dash and Applejack did is far more believable and makes sense. Both of them indeed excel when the pressure is put on them, and since that's just how they think you need to psyche yourself up, that's all they're trying to do with Pinkie and Fluttershy. There's no actual malicious intent there. Oh, and let's talk about just how freaking adorable Fluttershy is. For possibly the first time in the ENTIRE SHOW, I will concede that Fluttershy was really cute in this. Seeing her actually playing a sport, having fun, and using that long tail of hers to her advantage was awesome. Oh, and Snails WASN'T awful! Honestly, Snails was so cute here and I loved how they used him. I think we can tolerate him so long as Snips isn't with him, or vice versa; it's when BOTH are together that we get angry. The whole concept of buckball itself was a fun idea, and although I was slightly disappointed we only saw about 2 minutes of the actual game against Braeburn's team, the episode as a whole was so much fun and so adorable. I just personally really liked it.

7. Gauntlet Of Fire (Episode 5): FINALLY a Spike episode that doesn't make him look like an idiot, make him look stupid, make him SOLELY have to rely on ponies, or make him completely useless in every way and just get lucky to solve the problem. This episode also introduces us to Ember, who (naturally) is a rather sexy dragoness who has a somewhat cliche, but fun story going for her. Garble is there again, and he plays a decent antagonist. Of course Twilight and Rarity tag along and help, but Spike is the true star of the episode and that's how it SHOULD be. Don't treat him like a child. Don't treat him like he's a useless, brainless idiot. I don't care what the show was "made" for; one of the biggest insults you can do is make a show for kids and then TREAT them like kids. No, that's bullshit. Treat kids like adults. I mean, don't show them blood and gore and vulgarity and sex and whatnot; that's not what I mean. What I mean is don't show them garbage when you can instead show them how to act like an adult, regardless of your age, and showing you how to handle yourself in different situations. Spike's heart and passion in the episode, and his kindness and willingness to never give up is beautiful. It was a very great Spike episode, and probably the best in the entire series! Well, at least until we get to an OTHER Spike episode which is much further up the list

6. Stranger Than Fan Fiction (Episode 13): First off, have you all seen the Will Ferrell film Stranger Than Fiction? It's a 2006 comedy/drama/fantasy film that not a lot of people seem to know. I'm not 100% sure if this episode title is from that, but that's immediately what I, personally, thought of. Much like how I adore that movie, I also really loved this episode. I mean, it's pretty much just a Daring Do fan-fiction, which I'm sure no one would REALLY protest against. You're on the internet right now, after all; don't pretend you have 0% interest in fan-fiction. Just don't go there. Basically, in this episode, we have a male pony that looks like Daring Do (ironic because Rainbow Dash herself was supposed to look like Daring Do, just in a different color), who is a fan...but, much like us fans, views the books differently than Dash does. This episode gets so hilariously meta that it makes it that much more enjoyable if you try to actually understand it. THEN Daring Do literally shows up, shocks Quibble Pants (the Daring Do male lookalike), and he gets roped into another adventure. It's just so insane and silly, but at the same time meaningful with its clever message, that you honestly can't NOT like it. If you idiots hated Slice Of Life, then this is another fan episode that should hopefully fix your petty complaints about that 100th episode. If not, there's no hope for you.

5. The Fault In Our Cutie Marks (Episode 19): When the Crusaders actually get a good episode, they REALLY shine. And adding in a cute griffon certainly helps matters, too. This episode really presents a unique and sad problem, which is then solved in a logical way that isn't what was HOPED for, but makes sense. I love how the episode doesn't cop out and suddenly just gives Gabby a cutie mark and Twilight says "OH MY GOSH! A GRIFFON GOT A CUTIE MARK! IT'S A MIRACLE!" and we're supposed to all be amazed and thrilled at this shocking discovery. Nope, much like how Scootaloo was given the harsh reality that she might never fly, Gabby was given the harsh reality that her butt simply isn't meant to have a pony tattoo. But it's done in such a sweet, understanding, loving manner that you can't help but cry a little at the realness and kindness of the whole ordeal. Gabby is such a lovable little goof, and the Crusaders trying their best but to no avail is really quite tragic. It's just such an amazing, feel-good episode that will leave you sad, but also lift your spirits anyway at the end. How can you NOT love the episode, if you have any heart at all inside your chest?

4. The Times They Are A Changeling (Episode 16): Probably the best Spike episode in the entire series, even more than Goblet Of Fire. Because, in this episode, Spike shows both his flaws and his maturity. AND he sings a very beautiful and touching song. Despite the silly episode name, I seriously loved what happened in this one. As always, Twilight heads to the Crystal Empire and Spike tags along. And Starlight, of course. Spike finds a Changeling named Thorax, and he turns out to be a nice Changeling! Yay! And the rest of the episode is about Spike making friends with him, and trying to get the Crystal Empire ponies to accept him. At first, Thorax tries to disguise himself as a normal pony, but ultimately his feral side comes out due to all the love for Flurry Heart and he gets exposed. Spike momentarily turning on him is depressing, but understandable; how would YOU feel if you were Spike and were suddenly in that position? He quickly recants his mistake and is willing to throw away all the respect the empire has just for his friend, which is both touching and really, really sweet. Shining Armor being a dick is honestly understandable, too, since you can understand where he's coming from (Canterlot Wedding). I just seriously love what this episode did with Spike and with re-introducing the Changelings, at least in a sense.

3. Dungeons & Discords (Episode 17): I can explain why this is all the way up at #3 with four simple words: it's a Discord episode. No, it's not a Spike or Big Macintosh episode; they're simply secondary here. This is about Discord trying to fit in WITHOUT Fluttershy for once, which is something we haven't seen yet. We've seen Discord get angry when Fluttershy 'ignores' him for other friends, and we've seen him hang out with all the mane six except Twilight, AND we saw him hang out with just Twilight and Cadance, but never with any NON-main characters. So, easy to say, Discord kills me with this episode. Every single thing he says or does cracks me the hell up. His insulting/sarcastic way of speaking and talking down to characters is so awesome; I mean, if you KNOW you're the best, you shouldn't have to hold your tongue. Trixie sure as hell doesn't. Discord's reactions to Dungeons & Dragons is pretty much MY reactions to it: gag me. But, the way he gets pissed off with Spike and Big Macintosh, and then hijacks the game and punishes both of the boys for humiliating him is awesome. I honestly don't care about any message the episode had; Discord alone is enough to make me love it regardless. And then Dash/Pinkie both want to join at the end, which just makes it even cuter. This episode makes me laugh so hard and that's why it's all the way up at #3.

2. No Second Prances (Episode 6): Any Trixie episode is easily one of the best of the season, hands down. You cannot refute this. Trixie is amazing, and one of the few "no bullshit" characters in the show, such as Discord. What you see with Trixie is what you get. She speaks her mind, loves to act confident and conceited, and isn't ashamed of herself. And to see her make friends with Starlight Glimmer, and then basically be her #1 friend OVER Twilight is just so juicy and hilarious that I LOVE it. Trixie will always be better than Twilight in so many ways, and while I love them both, I enjoy seeing Trixie get one over on Twilight more than the opposite. In this episode, it's simple enough: Twilight tells Starlight to make a true friend, so she makes friends with Trixie, and Twilight doesn't like that. I think it's really interesting and complex how Twilight STILL has not fully forgiven Trixie for her past misdeeds, and it looks like she might not EVER fully forgive her. You can't just erase that, and the show acknowledging it is really clever. Trixie's personality is the same as always, which is great. We get cameos from Derpy, Vinyl, Cranky and Celestia, all of which are VERY welcomed. The climax feels so real and gut-wrenching; you can really understand how Twilight, Trixie AND Starlight all feel, and I'm willing to guess we've been in ALL of their situations at least once in our lives. And the ending was heartfelt and cute. I just seriously love the episode so much, because Trixie makes everything amazing.

1. To Where And Back Again (Part 1) (Episode 25): I'm honestly very surprised this wound up at #1 for me, but the only thing that can beat a Trixie episode is having Discord in it, too. The king and queen of MLP (Discord/Trixie) makes EVERYTHING awesome. Again, let me explain why I love Discord and Trixie so much. Both of them are such devious and naughty characters that are pretty much good/heroic characters, but STILL have slight evil parts inside of them. I love characters that don't hold back and just act/say how they feel and they aren't fake with you. Plus both of them constantly mess with the mane six which is hilarious. Throw in Starlight and Thorax, and you get an amazing part 1 to a great season finale. Trixie and Starlight's friendship really shines through in the first part, and Trixie taking over Twilight's spot is awesome. Pretty much Trixie steals the whole show, which is fine with me! Luna makes a cameo, which I still question how she can do to begin with in her current state, not to mention HOW the Changelings captured all the "important ponies" of Equestria, but who cares? It's Trixie. It's Discord. It's Starlight and Thorax. It's Chrysalis. It's Changelings. It set us up for a pretty good part 2, and it's done with 4 redeemed villains becoming a group of misfits to rescue Equestria. I LOVE it. Thank you for making the BEST kick-ass, epic finale in the show's history! Six seasons and still going strong! What's that, haters? Oh, you got nothing? Good, keep hating. You can't stop this amazingness.

Comments ( 3 )

Interesting, I do agree with "Newbie Dash" being on the bottom. There should really be no need to keep making Rainbow Dash an idiot who has to get bashed over and over again, broken down, and forced to learn about humility. There's more to her character than that, "Sonic Rainboom" showed us her ego and cocky attitude is a mask, and Season 5 showed that she can be mature and let someone else take the spotlight.

really offensive (South Park)

Exactly how is South Park really offensive? I would think Teen Titans Go or Family Guy would qualify, or literally any of those shows or products that adopts the idea "Don't listen to the critics, no matter what".

Hmm...Well, I have never ranked best to last in any of the series, but I can definitely understand most of your reasons for why they are in the order you have them in, if not all of the logic. But, we are two different people. :pinkiehappy:

For one, I didn't really see any bullying in Newbie Dash. It wasn't the Wonderbolts fault that Dash got stuck with that nickname, you mess up like that after first getting into a group, and it'll stick for awhile. It's the memorable moment that you tease each other about before the next. They had no way of knowing it was some mental trauma she never got over when she was a kid. Groups give each other nicknames, groups bond over unfortunate things happening to each other, so long as no one got seriously hurt at least. So I didn't understand why you thought they were bullying and intentionally trying to hurt her.

Only other point I disagree on is Starlight. Well, to be exact, Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6 Starlight. Her background was just...horrible. No thought went into it making any lick of sense what so ever. Her friend got a magic talent and moved away, now she hates the world...yeah...no.

Mind you, the villagers at her town didn't make much sense either. "Wait, you can still be friends, but argue sometimes?" Seriously!? Did any of them go to a school, or interact with ANYPONY else while growing up!? Nah, Starlight's background, and her going to such stupid lengths over a friend moving away just kind of killed her initially for me. Then, the first two episodes "The Crystalling" were kind of painful for me. They changed Starlight's voice and gave her a new mane style to try to make her more endearing. I'd rather they had made a new character than redo an older one with a backstory like that. The first two episodes are probably near the bottom for me for this season.

However, Starlight, once meeting up with Trixie, became a really good character. I mean, Trixie obviously makes everypony around her better, but my god. I actually started to like Starlight! I'm not sure what happened with the writing style for Starlight, but excluding the first two episodes of this season, she became a much more interesting character to me. Her and Trixie work wonderfully together.

Well, those be my random thoughts. :pinkiehappy:

Trixie will always be better than Twilight in so many ways,

Keep dreaming dude, keep dreaming.

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