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Let R = { x | x ∉ x }, then R ∈ R ⟺ R ∉ R... or is it?

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Points of Canon: S5x10 - Princess Spike · 7:17pm Jan 5th, 2018

It’s a somewhat cringy one. It’s still quite important. See also RTAC #12, where many of the arguments found in this writeup are used.

  • Chronologically, the episode is very mobile: We never see most of the usual markers, leaving Twilight’s wings and Spike receiving the title of friendship ambassador in Triple Threat as the only hard bounds I can currently identify. At the same time, Amending Fences makes references to preceding official events Twilight attended, and the ones here sound like just the thing. At the same same time, all of it happens in Canterlot, right next to the Canterlot Friends…
  • The episode opens with a scene depicting the same drawbridge the scenes of Grand Galloping Gala start with, but most other events in the episode happen all over the city, rather than just in the castle, so I’m not sure if everybody leaves the castle once the opening ceremony is done or not. I would really love a solid map of Canterlot, but alas.
  • Notice that the gate past the bridge is decorated with a banner that has the Sisters roundel – the yin-yang symbol with the Sun and Moon – sans all the stars typically seen on the flag.
  • Minuette is a delegate – that is, she has a badge. How in blazes did she avoid interacting with Twilight I have no idea. Later, Lemon Hearts appears in the crowd at the opening ceremony, as well as in line for Twilight’s wisdom, with a badge.
  • The crystal pony delegate, in a non-crystal state, is quite prominent throughout the episode. For some reason, while several cities definitely got a lot of delegates, Crystal Empire apparently only sent one.
  • The inside of the entry hall is decorated with a banner with Twilight’s cutie mark, among other things, mostly depicting difficult to decipher iconography, presumably belonging to various attending cities.
  • One of the delegates has a spur on her cutie mark. <insert clopfic> She also happens to be talking to a griffon who seems to be a tiger-owl cross, rather than the more common lion-eagle, and this guy is a delegate too.
  • There’s an earth pony with a cutie mark of a cloud with raindrops, who is quite prominent through the episode. I wonder how he got it.
  • “Welcome to the Grand Equestria Pony Summit!” Despite the presence of at least one griffon.
  • “You delegates have traveled far and wide to represent your cities as we seek to celebrate and learn from all the unique places that make up our wonderful land of Equestria.” Notice the “land” rather than “world.” I’m pretty sure this line is meant to say that this is a nation-wide gathering, and no wider, so yes, Equestria has local griffons.
  • “At tonight’s welcome reception, Princess Cadance will dedicate this beautiful friendship statue made up of gemstones from each of your home cities.”

    • The entire episode covers the events of exactly one day, since it ends with the said reception nearly going belly up.
    • Every city had gemstones to bring, which is interesting.
  • “With delegates from over fifty cities attending three days of conferences, receptions, and meetings, this is the largest Grand Equestria Pony Summit yet.”

    • The visible portion of the statue has ~105 gemstones, even though Twilight says “over fifty cities.” There are probably a few more.
    • This is not the first GEPS.
  • “We’re so excited to have you here and to learn more about life all across this great land of ours.” Once again, “land of ours.”
  • “We love you, Princess Twilight!” Actually, this is a rare incident in which Twilight is explicitly popular.
  • “Whoa, what happened to you?” “She’s been awake three straight days preparing for the summit.”

    • I wonder, how did it happen that Spike doesn’t know everything about that already.
    • Well, now we know that post-apotheosis Twilight is only solidly incapacitated after three sleepless nights, because she just attended the opening ceremony, and despite the way she looked, she was conscious.
  • Spike marching with a telescope looks strange, if only because he imitates marching with a rifle – and we haven’t seen anything suggesting ponies have those, never mind that they wouldn’t march quite like that with them.
  • Out on the street, we can see a unicorn pushing a pram with her magic, an we haven’t seen any prams for quite a while.
  • While the style of the tower matches the style of the castle itself, what Spike sees out of the window is definitely a public street, so I’m guessing it’s outside the castle proper.
  • Ponies have mimes.
  • “I’ll give you birdseed! Worms! Anything! Just please stop singing before you wake the princess!” The bird isn’t just capable of understanding speech, but also capable of recognizing Twilight as a princess while all the identifying traits other than the face are hidden by a blanket. Notice that Spike didn’t really expect to be understood and addressed the bird in desperation. Is it one of Fluttershy’s?
  • Random ponies are playing a game resembling polo, which is later referred to as “polo,” in what looks like the castle courtyard. Why exactly are they playing here, I have no idea, but I know Twinkleshine is among the spectators. Notice that they aren’t delegates: “Sorry to break up your game, but there’s sort of an important diplomatic summit kind of thingy going on…” – if they were delegates, they would know already. Also notice that this is the only time the summit is called “diplomatic,” even though otherwise it does not look like one, and it’s Spike doing it.
  • To catch the ball, Spike jumps at least two meters up, which is more agility than I expected of him, and apparently, more than the polo players expected, because they’re initially surprised, and only then go angry.
  • That pegasus is using a chainsaw. Ponies have chainsaws. In our world, the first powered chainsaws date to ~1926, and were both electric and gasoline-powered upon introduction. Unfortunately, cartoon resolution does not permit us to determine how is this one powered, but since there’s no sign of a gasoline engine otherwise, a battery seems likely.
  • “Are those Dragonsneeze trees?”

    • Dragonsneeze trees, predictably, make dragons sneeze. The symptoms shown look like an intense allergic reaction.
    • Why are they growing there in the first place, anyway? They don’t look particularly decorative to me.
    • For that matter, how exactly did they get their name if ponies hardly know anything about dragons?
  • “Sorry, it’s a public hazard. I got my orders.” Ponies rarely use the word “public,” but by itself it has a lot of interesting implications.
  • Notice that while a princess is apparently not on the chain of command for city services, even unconfirmed, Twilight’s word commands a lot of respect. That’s a running theme through this episode.
  • I have no idea how this jackhammer is powered – in our world, these would be pneumatic, and would involve a compressor, but I don’t see anything here. But ponies have jackhammers.
  • “Lemme guess, the noise? Sorry, but we can’t have a broken water main!” Canterlot has a water main. Not a given.
  • “Oh, sure now, gosh, I wish we could but, uh, we’re both supposed to give speeches about our local economies in five minutes, and we’ve been booked in the same hall!” Notice the “local economies.”
  • “Just put the hay in the apple and eat the candle, hm?” I.e. Twilight is talking in her sleep and sleeping with her eyes open, but see this story.
  • “And it’d sure be a shame to see something like a scheduling issue create a nasty old rift between Whinnyapolis and Ponyville.” Which could only happen at all if the subdivisions of Equestria were self-governing to a significant degree and Equestria itself was federal.
  • “I was really looking forward to the ‘Don’t Spend All Your Bits’ Speech, but when I went into the hall, a pony had taken my seat.” And that’s the second topic cited as being discussed at the summit, and notice that it’s also entirely about economy.
  • Matilda is among the delegates – presumably, one of the Ponyville delegates. Among others standing in line are Cherry Berry and Berry Punch, not to mention Andy Price.
  • Fancy Pants is a lot sneakier than fandom usually thinks of him:

    Fancy Pants: Well, as host city, the Canterlot delegation feels it’s only right that we should get passes to every meeting and party, yes?
    Spike: Well, that doesn’t seem fair…I mean, Princess Twilight doesn’t think that seems fair.
    Fancy Pants: Ehhh… yes, yes, very well. It was worth a try though, wasn’t it, old chap, hm?

    Notice also the use of the word “chap.”

  • That purple delegate with orange mane, the one in glasses, uses a cup with a handle – but leaves it on the table and slurps up the coffee (or whatever it contains) instead.
  • “Let’s start with topaz…” At least one of the gemstones is a topaz.
  • “I’m here for your two o’clock!” The evening is still far off.
  • “You’re not enjoying speaking for Twilight a little bit?” Considering that as far as I can tell, Spike got to do that all the time while she still lived in Canterlot… Also notice that Spike didn’t start actually abusing this role until Cadance gave him the idea. Don’t do that next time, Cadance.
  • What exactly is Gustav Le Grande doing in Canterlot today is anyone’s guess, but that’s him. See MMMystery on the Friendship Express.
  • The Leonardo da Vinci pony later reappears in On Your Marks.
  • “But it’s not like anything bad happened.” Famous last words. As a side note, to produce this kind of stream, the pressure in the water main must be immense, and I wonder how they’re getting it, not to mention how they’re keeping the pipe from bursting all the time.
  • Cadance uses a spell to spawn crystals to plug the water main. That’s the only time she ever uses any spells to do with crystals that I can remember, and one of the very rare cases she casts any noteworthy magic at all.
  • “Oh, bless me…” So ponies do say “bless you” when someone sneezes.
  • “Well, what about these trees?! I ordered them trimmed to avoid just such a situation!” Fancy Pants is empowered to give orders to city services. In most cases, this would make him the mayor of Canterlot.
  • “I’m about to blow my stack on Princess Twilight, I’ll tell you that for nothin’!” … “What is it now?! There’s an angry mob here that demands satisfaction!” Despite all the enormous respect initially offered to a princess, it’s quite fragile, and princesses are very accountable, at least the junior ones.
  • “Well, maybe more than a few, but I had good intentions! Honest!” Intentions are generally quite important in pony ethics. This is Spike’s first argument in his defense, and nobody even tries to refute it, they just imply it’s insufficient in this particular case, and an apology is required to the parties actually harmed.
  • “The Canterlot ruby goes here, old sport.” It’s interesting that Fancy Pants – as well as all the other delegates – are actually very well informed regarding how the statue was initially assembled.
  • “You know, the whole idea of the statue is that when each of us plays our own small part, it adds up to somethin’ great.” “Quite. Just like how all our cities make up the beautiful land of Equestria!” Once again, a very federalistic statement.
  • “Aw, come on!” I wonder if the statue fell apart a second time. Also, either this was deliberate, or whoever assembled a bouquet from dragonsneeze trees to give to a dragon is an idiot.

Some analysis

  • Yep, I stand by my arguments in RTAC #12 – Equestria definitely has a federal structure, individual subdivisions get a lot of freedom to be special, and this episode depicts the events of an economic forum.
  • The topology of the scenes is baffling: The hall with the statue is inside the city proper, rather than the castle, it’s seen from outside when the water jet floods it. But the episode opens with the entry hall of the castle as seen during Grand Galloping Gala, only to immediately switch to the said hall. The hall looks like the Gala hall, but can’t be the same thing, because it’s located on a second floor, while the Gala hall opens up into the gardens. The tower Twilight is sleeping in is somewhere nearby but we never see the bottom. Polo players are playing right next to what has to be the castle proper. Argh.
  • Basically the only reason I can imagine that Twilight did not meet Minuette and Lemon Hearts in person, being forced to interact with them, would be Spike taking over for her.
Comments ( 19 )

Did Minuette ever say what exactly she does for a living? Maybe she works for a provincial town as a delegate for their interests at court. Like Ben Franklin used to do for Pennsylvania while he lived in London.


Did Minuette ever say what exactly she does for a living? Maybe she works for a provincial town as a delegate for their interests at court. Like Ben Franklin used to do for Pennsylvania while he lived in London.

She did not, not that I remember. She does, however, have a house in Canterlot…

Cadance uses a spell to spawn crystals to plug the water main.

See flechette gun.

Maybe Equestria is less like the United States of America and more like the European Union, i.e. a collection of states with independent governments but united by trade agreements? Or more like a commonwealth.

Given the focus on economy and the implied strong local sovereignty, it makes a kind of sense, especially since Celestia and Luna act more like diplomats than like the heads of a single overarching government, at least in the present day. After all, Cadence and (possibly) Twilight are both Princesses but emphatically restricted to the Crystal Empire and to Ponyville, respectively. It doesn't seem much of a stretch to restrict Celestia and Luna to Canterlot.

It's especially useful as a way to reconcile the Crystal Empire and Griffonstone ("the heart of the Griffon Kingdom") being considered parts of Equestria rather than independent nations.

Although the fact that they're "city states" raises questions over just how big Equestria really is.

a nation-wide gathering, and no wider, so yes, Equestria has local griffons.

Didn't the Equestria Games establish that?
oh, right, equivoquestria, games could be Equestria-the-World…except that it's only griffons as foreign participants.

a battery seems likely.

Or it's pegasus-voltage-powered.

For that matter, how exactly did they get their name if ponies hardly know anything about dragons?

Spike has lived in Canterlot for a recent decade, by most expectations. It's possible that whatever other name was relatively inconsequential next to the property of triggering bursts of fire.

It's also Spike naming them, so he may be being childish and nicknaming them, but why he'd expect other non-Twilights to know this…well, see above and the good old "Spike was Twilight's social stand-in" and "Spike was the Pinkie Pie of Canterlot" bits. (You bring this up later.)

it’s quite fragile, and princesses are very accountable, at least the junior ones.

Despite Twi's superior win-loss record, most of the wins are out-of-town.

Also, mobherd mentality.

It’s interesting that Fancy Pants – as well as all the other delegates – are actually very well informed regarding how the statue was initially assembled.

Perhaps the symbolism was dense enough to be meaningful and mnemonic.


Maybe Equestria is less like the United States of America and more like the European Union, i.e. a collection of states with independent governments but united by trade agreements? Or more like a commonwealth.

I detailed my take in RTAC #12. Amusingly, despite the Journal of the Two Sisters becoming even more dubious due to Season 7 finale, I find the logic given therein still works pretty well.

That said, there is of course a case to be made for a looser federation.

Although the fact that they’re “city states” raises questions over just how big Equestria really is.

My best estimate is that Equestria has a population of about 30 million ponies, give or take ten million. This is based on the calculated population of Ponyville at ~4000, the statements made by Rarity in Made in Manehattan, and an assumption that population distribution is at least a little similar to that of the US.

It’s pretty small by our standards, and the planet is also tiny, (see RTAC #7) so…

A very important canon episode, even if kind of a dumb one.

  • Minuette is adelegate– that is, she has a badge. How in blazes did she avoid interacting with Twilight I have no idea. Later, Lemon Hearts appears in the crowd at the opening ceremony, as well as in line for Twilight’s wisdom, with a badge.

That's huge. I always thought it was 1 delegate per city. However, between this fact, and Fancy Pants saying "delegation" and "we need," it's definitely multiple delegates per city, at least the big ones. Of course, it's hard to think that Minuette and Lemon Hearts are making this a full time job, since they spend 70% of their days in Ponyville, so probably a lot of delegates have normal day jobs.

For some reason, while several cities definitely got a lot of delegates, Crystal Empire apparently only sent one.

Maybe Cadance counts. Or can we really tell non-active crystal ponies apart in a big crowd like that?

She also happens to be talking to a griffon who seems to be a tiger-owl cross, rather than the more common lion-eagle, and this guy is a delegate too.

If the Griffons have joined a city, rather than formed a city of unknown name, my guess would be Rainbow Falls. It's geographically one of the closest cities to where a Griffon Empire is, and its terrain seems similar to Griffonstone. And what are the two events they have there? Flying competitions and a haggler's fair.

Despite the presence of at least one griffon.

He's part of everypony.

Notice the “land” rather than “world.” I’m pretty sure this line is meant to say that this is a nation-wide gathering, and no wider, so yes, Equestria has local griffons.

Yup. And of course, there would be no need for the cosmic council in the comics if this Summit covered that.

“With delegates from over fifty cities attending three days of conferences, receptions, and meetings, this is the largest Grand Equestria Pony Summit yet.”

This is incredibly important, because it gives us a pretty good estimate of the number of major cities in Equestria. I think we can guess the village in Hayseed Swamps isn't here, but Vanhoover definitely is, for example.

  • The visible portion of the statue has ~105 gemstones, even though Twilight says “over fifty cities.” There are probably a few more.

My guess is between 50 and 60 cities represented (with larger cities acting as representatives for the lands and villages around them), and a total of 105 delegates.

  • “We’re so excited to have you here and to learn more about life all across this great land of ours.” Once again, “land of ours.”

It's interesting that the purpose of the summit mainly seems to be for delegates to inform the Princesses (and each other) of what's going on in their regions, rather than voting on legislation or anything.

  • “We love you, Princess Twilight!” Actually, this is a rare incident in which Twilight is explicitly popular.

Polls do show she is the most popular Princess. Is she the kind of leader you feel you could have a cider with? :rainbowkiss:

  • I wonder, how did it happen thatSpikedoesn’t know everything about that already.

I'd like to think he was given a vacation and just got back.

  • Well, now we know that post-apotheosis Twilight is only solidly incapacitated after three sleepless nights, because she just attended the opening ceremony, and despite the way she looked, she was conscious.

I think that matches up roughly with Applejack's sleep deprivation in season 1. Earth pony stamina must be fantastic as a study aid in finals.

  • Ponies have mimes.

Tell everyone who claims Equestria is a utopia!

Notice that Spike didn’t really expect to be understood and addressed the bird in desperation. Is it one of Fluttershy’s?

Or some other pony with a similar talent?

Also notice that this is the only time the summit is called “diplomatic,” even though otherwise it does not look like one, and it’s Spike doing it.

I don't think it's really a kind of thingy either, so probably not reliable.

Also, if you don't ride anything, isn't polo really either croquet or field hockey?

  • Why are they growing there in the first place, anyway? They don’t look particularly decorative to me.

If you lived on a giant concentration of gems and gold like Canterlot, you would plant dragonsneeze everywhere. Also, small point, but if dragonsneeze plants are so close to the tower Twilight is sleeping in, probably worth distinguishing it from the place she was living pre-S1, since Spike and the dragonsneeze would have had a lot of problems before this.

  • For that matter, how exactly did they get their name if ponies hardly know anything about dragons?

Vulnerabilities of a monster are the first thing you learn. Ask any D&D player making a knowledge check in combat.

Which could only happen at all if the subdivisions of Equestria were self-governing to a significant degree and Equestria itself was federal.

That's a good point. Also note that the disagreements aren't between two named provinces, but between two cities, which suggests cities do double-duty as provinces.

Matilda is among the delegates – presumably, one of the Ponyville delegates. Among others standing in line are Cherry Berry and Berry Punch

Which suggests Ponyville is one of at least the top 60 most populated cities in Equestria. In fact, it makes it likely that Ponyville now has a larger population than the Crystal Empire.

Fancy Pants is a lot sneakier than fandom usually thinks of him:

Totally. This is the same guy who actively cultivated Rarity's friendship only after he discovered she was a guest of Celestia. It's weird that so many authors who want to write about scheming nobles create OCs, and then use Fancy Pants as the "one honest noble." It's like doing a story about a series of braggadocious stage magicians, except for Trixie, the one humble stage magician.

Notice also the use of the word “chap.”

Canterlot Elite are very keen on imitating a Trottingham accent.

Don’t do that next time, Cadance.

She also at least allowed that giant statue of him to be built, which definitely went to his head. We need more exploration of Spike and Cadance's relationship someday.

What exactly is Gustav Le Grande doing in Canterlot today is anyone’s guess, but that’s him.

He's a snooty chef with a fancy accent. Where else would he work? Also might be a delegate and picking up some extra work on the side, in true Griffon hustle.

As a side note, to produce this kind of stream, the pressure in the water main must beimmense

I'm no plumber, but a water main moving water up a mountain probably requires immense pressure.

Fancy Pants is empowered to give orders to city services. In most cases, this would make him the mayor of Canterlot.

I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point.

Despite all the enormous respect initially offered to a princess, it’s quite fragile, and princesses are very accountable, at least the junior ones.

Ponies are quite emotional, as we know. Any princess should be able to calm them down and win them over with a well-placed heartsong... in any decent episode. :facehoof:

Intentions are generally quite important in pony ethics. This is Spike’s first argument in his defense, and nobody even tries to refute it, they just imply it’s insufficient in this particular case, and anapologyis required to the parties actually harmed.

I think the only caveat to intentions is a pony has to apologize afterwards. If you're not willing to apologize when things went wrong, how likely is it you started with good intentions?

  • “The Canterlot ruby goes here, old sport.” It’s interesting that Fancy Pants – as well as all the other delegates – are actually very well informed regarding how the statue was initially assembled.

See earlier comment about 1 gem per delegate. I bet they all put the statue together like this the first time before the episode started as a preliminary getting to know you exercise.

Quite. Just like how all our cities make up the beautiful land of Equestria!” Once again, a very federalistic statement.

Definitely federalistic, but also pretty strongly implying Equestria is basically a bunch of cities stuck together.

Also, either this was deliberate, or whoever assembled a bouquet fromdragonsneeze treesto give to adragonis an idiot.

Or a passive-aggressive speciest.

4767653 I thought of this as well. But it's kind of weird that Minuette and Lemon Hearts would be representatives and then spend so much time in Ponyville. Generally representatives don't have that kind of free travel time, between representing their district and traveling home to their district all the time.


Maybe Equestria is less like the United States of America and more like the European Union, i.e. a collection of states with independent governments but united by trade agreements? Or more like a commonwealth.

To me this summit suggested something quite different. It reminds me of the Royal Council English Kings had before Parliament, where they would periodically summon powerful nobles to report on the state of their provinces and lands, and advise the ruler on big actions going forward. This Grand Summit could well be to advise the Diarchs ahead of important economic legislation. But, it doesn't sound like the delegates actually approve or vote on anything, just report and advise.


My best estimate is that Equestria has a population of about 30 million ponies, give or take ten million. This is based on the calculated population of Ponyville at ~4000, the statements made by Rarity inMade in Manehattan, and an assumption that population distribution is at least a little similar to that of the US.

I still think your assumption makes the most sense. Can those numbers fit with Ponyville being one of the top 60 cities by population?


My guess is between 50 and 60 cities represented (with larger cities acting as representatives for the lands and villages around them), and a total of 105 delegates.

If this summit really about economics, new trade contacts and agreements then one or two delegates per city a way too small. Unless they are some sort of super-ponies who know precisely everything about lands they govern.

4767904 One of the key speeches is the ‘Don’t Spend All Your Bits’ Speech. Alan Greenhooves these guys are not. I think that makes it less likely this is a dedicated body of economists, and more likely it's a group of long-standing delegates who meet regularly, and the theme of this year's Grand Pony Summit happens to be the economy.


The visible portion of the statue has ~105 gemstones, even though Twilight says “over fifty cities.” There are probably a few more.

My guess is between 50 and 60 cities represented (with larger cities acting as representatives for the lands and villages around them), and a total of 105 delegates.

Which could only happen at all if the subdivisions of Equestria were self-governing to a significant degree and Equestria itself was federal.

That's a good point. Also note that the disagreements aren't between two named provinces, but between two cities, which suggests cities do double-duty as provinces.

Matilda is among the delegates – presumably, one of the Ponyville delegates. Among others standing in line are Cherry Berry and Berry Punch

Which suggests Ponyville is one of at least the top 60 most populated cities in Equestria. In fact, it makes it likely that Ponyville now has a larger population than the Crystal Empire.

For much of history, cities were the units of political power. Our obsession with sharp lines on a map is kind of a modern thing. A war typically wasn't between countries, it was between power centres. That's even kind of still the case in some places, but we like to pretend really hard that it isn't because nationalism is such a useful tool for getting large populations to behave. So this is a case where we need to get rid of our human assumptions before Equestria can start making sense.

It is worth knowing that there are 50 to 60 cities worthy of sending a delegation, not least because it confirms one should-be-obvious thing: there aren't anything like 50 cities marked on the official map, so this proves it can't be taken literally.

Ponyville is definitely much larger than the farming town is started out as, but I suspect it would still fall under Canterlot's shadow were it not for the racial angle. An earth pony town that has members of other races both living there and regularly visiting makes it politically more important than its population would otherwise justify.

Yeah, that's a great point about cities being historical power centers more than lines on a map. I don't think the lack of 50 cities means the map can't be taken seriously per se, rather that it's just too high resolution. A single map of the US usually doesn't have 60 cities visible unless it is an extremely detailed one.

But that would mean that this summit more or less useless spending of taxpayer money. Kinda remind me my "education" in BELAZ education center.


there aren't anything like 50 cities marked on the official map, so this proves it can't be taken literally.

It also doesn't show us Saddle Arabia that definitely exist but completely ignored by map creators. Even land on this map tends to change from time to time. So it's not exactly accurate.

4767968 Maybe it's a waste, maybe not. I suspect the the Diarchs are planning some kind of big economic bill or law, like a big new trade deal with Maretonia or a Marshall Plan for Griffonstone or something (based on small hints from other episodes and comics). This Summit lets the Princesses gather information on how each region is faring economically, even if the information is not from trained economists. Probably the main purpose is political though, whatever law or treaty the Princesses pass they can now say was based on feedback from the delegates, adding to its legitimacy.

It also doesn't show us Saddle Arabia that definitely exist but completely ignored by map creators. Even land on this map tends to change from time to time. So it's not exactly accurate.

A map of the US doesn't show Saudi Arabia either. I think the map is fairly accurate at a high level, in terms of basic large geographic features and the things it labels being in the area they are labelled. But no map before Google Earth could contain all geographic data on all levels for all areas. Compare the Equestrian Map to say a US map made in 1900, our would only be moderately better. (Of course, Pegasus cartographers means Equestria should have far superior maps...)

Fancy Pants is a lot sneakier than fandom usually thinks of him:

Totally. This is the same guy who actively cultivated Rarity's friendship only after he discovered she was a guest of Celestia. It's weird that so many authors who want to write about scheming nobles create OCs, and then use Fancy Pants as the "one honest noble." It's like doing a story about a series of braggadocious stage magicians, except for Trixie, the one humble stage magician.

Fancy Pants can be sneaky and self-serving, but he does still seem a cut above the other snooty upper-crust ponies. He’s actively scrabbling for status and perks, but we don’t see him tearing other ponies down to achieve those goals—like Jet Set and Upper Crust do. Fancy Pants is basically the social equivalent of a venture capitalist: he builds up his own social status by making smart “investments” in promising newcomers, like Rarity. While Jet Set and Upper Crust are would-be monopolies, who think the only way to improve their status is to destroy their competition.


Of course, it’s hard to think that Minuette and Lemon Hearts are making this a full time job, since they spend 70% of their days in Ponyville, so probably a lot of delegates have normal day jobs.

I expect all of them do. The goal of similar assemblies around here is primarily to promote trade and joint enterprise between geographically distant regions. Most of these ponies would be businessponies or employed by businessponies to represent them.

That said, I’m wondering why Filthy Rich, Applejack and Rarity are all absent.

Or can we really tell non-active crystal ponies apart in a big crowd like that?

I can. Their hairstyles and hair textures are very distinctive. That said, there’s no telling how many are hiding or pigging out on something in the cafeteria while everything is going on.

If the Griffons have joined a city, rather than formed a city of unknown name, my guess would be Rainbow Falls.

Plausible, and they would be stocked on proteins by fishing in the whatever water body Neighara Falls are on.

This is incredibly important, because it gives us a pretty good estimate of the number of major cities in Equestria. I think we can guess the village in Hayseed Swamps isn’t here, but Vanhoover definitely is, for example.

Well, this episode, among other things, introduces Whinnyapolis as a location that is mentioned but not mapped, and Minneapolis is a decently sized city by our standards.

It’s interesting that the purpose of the summit mainly seems to be for delegates to inform the Princesses (and each other) of what’s going on in their regions, rather than voting on legislation or anything.

See above: It works like a trade-and-venture-partner matchmaking conference would.

Also, if you don’t ride anything, isn’t polo really either croquet or field hockey?

Well, the mallets are polo mallets, and they call it “polo”…

Also, small point, but if dragonsneeze plants are so close to the tower Twilight is sleeping in, probably worth distinguishing it from the place she was living pre-S1, since Spike and the dragonsneeze would have had a lot of problems before this.

These two towers look nothing at all alike, anyway.

Also note that the disagreements aren’t between two named provinces, but between two cities, which suggests cities do double-duty as provinces.

See Shrink Laureate’s comment. Ponies do not use a large portion of the territory they occupy, and at least within Equestria itself, land borders are largely meaningless.

Which suggests Ponyville is one of at least the top 60 most populated cities in Equestria.

Not necessarily. It could be economically important for other reasons.

Also might be a delegate and picking up some extra work on the side, in true Griffon hustle.

If he is, he isn’t wearing his badge at the time.

I bet they all put the statue together like this the first time before the episode started as a preliminary getting to know you exercise.


I still think your assumption makes the most sense. Can those numbers fit with Ponyville being one of the top 60 cities by population?

Not really. That is, if Ponyville is one of the top 60 cities, the population would drop sharply, under 10 million.


A map of the US doesn't show Saudi Arabia either.

But its show us Gryphon kingdom, Klugel town, dragon lair and sea ponies hideout. So my theory that map only shows thing that important to the plot and ignore pretty much everything else.

One of the delegates has a spur on her cutie mark. <insert clopfic> She also happens to be talking to a griffon who seems to be a tiger-owl cross, rather than the more common lion-eagle, and this guy is a delegate too.

I read this one as female. She can be seen in Griffinstone, stands out a bit due to relatively unique design. I always thought of her as probably the mayor of Griffinstone or something.

I have no idea how this jackhammer is powered – in our world, these would be pneumatic, and would involve a compressor, but I don’t see anything here. But ponies have jackhammers.

There's a jackhammer all the way back in Sonic Rainboom, which was especially notable since it was used in a cloud.

Cadance uses a spell to spawn crystals to plug the water main. That’s the only time she ever uses any spells to do with crystals that I can remember, and one of the very rare cases she casts any noteworthy magic at all.

The only other magic that spawns crystals is Sombra-style dark magic, and since it's Cadance using it...


She did not, not that I remember. She does, however, have a house in Canterlot…

Which is a small-ish two-story building decorated with a large hougrlass and custom doors, but which is also dirty and full of cobwebs inside. And she prefers to talk to Twilight out on the street, not letting her and Spike in.

Last heir to a formerly rich family who has fallen on bad times, but still has some connections?


That said, I’m wondering why Filthy Rich, Applejack and Rarity are all absent.

Probably because they're too busy to be delegates to every summit, when not all of them are about business and trade, so they didn't get themselves appointed to the position.

Plausible, and they would be stocked on proteins by fishing in the whatever water body Neighara Falls are on.

Ooh, that's a good point, it would be really important for Equestrian griffons to at least be seen to be eating mostly fish.

Well, this episode, among other things, introduces Whinnyapolis as a location that is mentioned but not mapped, and Minneapolis is a decently sized city by our standards.

Yeah, I think a good general rule is to assume that an Equestrian city that is a pun of a real city is roughly the size of that city.

See above: It works like a trade-and-venture-partner matchmaking conference would.

I dunno, the Princesses seem way too central to the whole thing. I think it looks a lot more like a session of parliament or congress even, which do spend a lot more of their time holding hearings and fact-finding committee meetings than actually voting on things.

See Shrink Laureate’s comment. Ponies do not use a large portion of the territory they occupy, and at least within Equestria itself, land borders are largely meaningless.

Estee's theory on "wild" and "settled" zones covers this pretty well I think.

Not necessarily. It could be economically important for other reasons.

Yeah, but it probably has more than enough delegates for proportional representation already. Though if Minuette and Lemon Hearts could be delegates from distant towns, some of the ponies in Ponyville could be the same thing, just commuting in. In the US I think there are a few Congressmen who live in Bethesda and just drive in to the capital.

Not really. That is, if Ponyville is one of the top 60 cities, the population would drop sharply, under 10 million.

Ah. Then I think I'll go with the assumption that ponies we see in the background might just be representing Vanhoover or whatever as a delegate full time and living out of Ponyville.

*marks as-read* Everything seems in order.

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