• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
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Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!

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What I Want For My Birthday: Crappy Guest Chapters for My Crappy Story · 5:19am Apr 17th, 2020

Hey, friends, my birthday is this Sunday, April 19th. I turn 28. I plan to spend most of that day somewhere between very and extremely high on edibles listening to prog rock, munching on yummy food, and watching trippy shows and movies. Please feel free to make media recommendations, though nothing too dark/depressing/scary please. Also, would y'all be interested in me livestreaming myself attempting to write a pony story while exceedingly stoned? Because that can be arranged.

Now then, onto the title of this blog. So, as you know, "⇩Please Downvote!⇩", or as it's currently called,

E⇩ Please Downvote! ⇩
My OC, Super Trampoline, is dating all of the Elements of Harmony plus the princesses plus the major antagonists plus the minor antagonists too! That's a lot of work! Also, he's obviously the seventh element. Read on for his many amazing adventures!
Super Trampoline · 38k words  ·  226  2,695 · 8.8k views

is very much a passion project and a legacy of mine. Thousands of years from now, when Bronies (Now on Generation 143.5 of the show) living dozens of light years away on space stations the size of Rhode Island look back to the very early days of pony fanfiction, I want them to look at me and this story and go (translated into 21st century English) "Jesus Fucking Christ, what a cheeky wanker this Super Trampoline character is. I can't believe the audacity of this mad lad to write something so aggressively stupid and mediocre!"

And I'd like you to help.

So, for my birthday, I'd like y'all to write guest chapters for this immaculately dumb story. They can be from my perspective, a canon character's perspective, an OC's perspective, third person, first person, second person, I don't care. It can be canon to the series or wildly AU or out of character, as long as it hews at least remotely close to what I've developed so far. It can be as well-written or poorly-written as you like, as long as it at least keeps the majority of basic spelling and grammar intact so I don't get this story revoked by the mods. It can be as funny or stupid or deep or shallow or dark or fluffy as you like, as long as you keep it Rated Everyone, as that's what this story is. Guest chapters must be at least 75 words long, but can be as long as you like (within reason, but also I don't picture any of you writing thousands of words for this, though if you're inspired to, uh, more power to you I guess.), and you can write as many as you like. You have from now until I die or stop updating this story to send them to me (via PM, in whatever format (fimfiction, google docs, etc.) you like), though the sooner the better and I hope to start publishing them on the 19th. I'll publish them at least 12 hours apart so each one makes the story show up in the updated stories column, and each chapter will include the name of the person who wrote it, unless you'd rather stay anonymous. Feel free to, in the spirit of my writing, also include copious links, non sequiturs, bizarre pictures, etc., as long as they remain Rated Everyone. Also, feel free to invite me to write guest chapters in return if you have your own stupid stories.

If you want an example, here's Protopony350 (creator of Swootie Bell and Adventure Clyde)'s guest chapter from several years before he blocked me for being an insufferable leftist twat:
Special Guest Author Protopony350: Super Tramampoline gets spied on by a lesser pony who also wishes to put an end to Friday forever

Thank you so much for being a part of this, and I can't wait to see what atrocities all y'all send me. Have fun and have a great day!

Comments ( 17 )

Happy birthday. I'll try to write up a Lightning Flash (my OC) story by then. Also, I do wanna see that stream.

Early Happy Birthday, and good luck with the project!

if I can come up with something on short notice I'll def contribute. Hope your birthday goes well. Sucks I can't be there IRL to give you a gift or something considering we live relatively close to each other.

Edibles... Now that's something I don't have in my corona stash.

No chapter or video recommendations from me, just a solid Happy Birthday mate !

Hmm. Do we need any degree of familiarity with the story to write a guest chapter?

You can probably get away with just reading the long description. Plus maybe a few chapters with titles you like.

Author Interviewer

I hate this picture.

I would like to participate.

You also hate bat ponies, so it’s not surprising your taste is shit. :ajsmug:

You’re the man now, dog.

in the San Fernando Valley in LA. a bit of a trek but not hard to get to OC ya know.

I actually lived in SFV from early December to early January. Now I live in Baldwin Hills, but am staying at my mom's in Tustin right now since everything's shut down at the moment

I'll done a meta chapter with my OC, and a fook ton of references and such

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