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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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I'm joining the Russian army to fight against the Nazis in Ukraine · 1:18am Apr 1st, 2022

Well, you all know the situation in Ukraine. Supposedly, they have a Nazi problem and need my help to save them from the Third Reich.

I'm sure they'll welcome me with flowers when they see me cumming to the Dumbass area of contempt. You may now start calling me Bad Liberator Dragon.

This is an April Fool's day attempt at a joke, obviously.

Comments ( 28 )

Too early and you know it.

5647596 Too early as in not all time zones are in April first yet or too early because dead Ukrainians aren't funny yet and I should wait a few decades as was the case with the dead Jew jokes?

5647619 It's always high noon somewhere. And yes, I do lack tact.

5647629 When I get there, I'll start singing and dancing at the enemy. That should knock the Nazism right out of them.

You do, in fact, lack common sense!

5647699 Common means shared with others. But when everybody is wrong, lacking common sense is a good thing.

That....is unfortunately true...

Ah... Today is that wonderful day.

i know its a joke but i hope you do know that all the retards who went over there get sent to the front lines and get killed casue they are stupid enough to take pictures with location on and submit it to redit for internet points,

for you it's all a joke! In fact, the Nazis are killing civilians in Mariupol, they are shelling humanitarian corridors .

5647726 Yes, but I'll be on the Russian side. I'll take selfies with all of the positions and will also paste GPS coordinates. And I'll put it on the internet in real-time for social points. I just hope Ukrainian Nazis won't use this information to wipe all of the Russian liberators.

5647727 Yes, I've been told it's too early to joke about it.

they can not destroy anyone except civilians

5647745 Maybe that's why Russians are destroying civilians.

It would be kind of embarrassing for the Russians if they invaded Ukraine and found out that there actually weren't any Nazis there.

Maybe that's why Russians are destroying civilians. Good joke 🙂

It would be kind of embarrassing for the Russians if they invaded Ukraine and found out that there actually weren't any Nazis there.
the Nazis have been there since the age of 14, but the soldiers of them are bad, except for creating fakes and praising the Accomplices of Nazism, they are not capable of anything. Holding civilians hostage and use them as a human shield! .

the Americans were not embarrassed when they invaded Iraq And they never found weapons of mass destruction there .😜


im talking about these specific reditors

5647777 If it wasn't embarrassing, why did the whole world laugh at Americans for not finding any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

5647781 They wanted to fight and Ukrainians gave them the opportunity to do so. The only role they were trained enough for was cannon fodder.

yeah which i imagine if you were “serious” about going that is all you would be doing

5647817 No, it's different for me.

You see, in the Russian army, everybody is cannon fodder.

If these people haven't had children yet, they may be elligible to receive a Darwin Award!

Eyes #23 · Apr 1st, 2022 · · 1 ·

I'm happy people can still joke and have fun with the world on fire. Oh wait, nevermind, people can't take jokes anymore.

You didn't get me, but I thought it was funny.

5647884 I got you. Good one.

When I saw Will Smith hit Chris Rock, I thought to myself, This is like Russia telling Ukraine what it can and what it can't do.

Maybe the reverse is true as well. Ukrainians were just trolling, but Putin couldn't take a joke.

The memes are well worth it. It's rewind time.

5648339 Wait until Russia launches its nuclear rockets. It will be a meme goldmine. Right until they explode and humanity dies.

Don't get my hopes up, or at least let me finish elden ring and all the weed In storage.

5648345 People wondered why the Universe isn't teaming with life. But we live in the generation that will finally discover the answer to this question. We will find out what the Great Filter is, for we will experience it.

Here's a story about it:

End of Everything

It was at that moment that Twilight realized why that particular spell was forbidden. Though it successfully annihilated the dust on the books, it didn't stop there. The annihilation spread and nothing could stop it.

If it wasn't for her teleportation spell, she wouldn't even be able to watch her castle crumple into the black hole.

But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. By her calculations, the whole Equestria would be absorbed within a day.

In all of the bad, she saw one silver lining. Finally, she got the answer to the pressing question: Why are we alone in the Universe?

The only explanation she could come up with was that there was some kind of a great filter that wipes out civilizations when they reach a certain progress level.

At that point she understood why in a day’s time, there won’t be any intelligent life in the Universe anymore.

Perhaps one day, another civilization will form somewhere in the Universe. But it too will be destroyed because all it takes is one being trying to dust a book.

It was only her wishful thinking, but a glimmer of hope remained in her mind that someday the Universe will give rise to a creature who will rely more on technology than magic. As long as they wouldn’t build nuclear bombs, they should survive just fine.

She turned around, spread her wings and flew off. This was the first time she ever went out on a flight for the flying’s sake. It was one of the most profound experiences she ever had. The land below her was the same as it always was. It wasn't particularly beautiful on its own. And yet, it was very beautiful. It was all so beautiful because it was about to be destroyed.

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