The Underappreciated Story Society 829 members · 5,043 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Draconian Soul
Group Admin

These are the rules for story uploads. Any story uploaded that breaks these rules will be deleted from the group.

1. No Featured Stories
This is the underappreciated group for a reason. If your story has at anytime been featured, you are not allowed to post it here. I will make a few exceptions for those that made the "popular list", but none featured. Trust me, it's easy to find out if it's featured or not.

2. No Red Stories
What I mean by red stories are stories that have more downvotes than upvotes. If your story has a staggering amount of negative votes (at least 10 downvotes outweighing upvotes), then they are not permitted into the group.

3. No New Stories
This group is not made to promote new stories. It's made to help out the underappreciated ones. Do not add newly written stories. If your story has not gained a following after a period of a week, then you are permitted to add it to the group.

4. No Stories with More than 100 Favorites
If it gains 100 favorites during while in the group, then that's fine. However, no story is allowed in the group that has over 100 favorites. If you can explain why you feel your story is underappreciated however, I'll consider keeping it.

If you have questions on what is or isn't allowed in the group, send me a PM and I'll answer as soon as possible.

What about submiting someone else's story that needs attention. These rules only seem to mention authors submitting their own stories.

Considering I haven't had any red stories since I started here, and have not seen such good luck, I shall submit here.

One I have to wait a day for, since it IS at six days old, the other, known as "Future Tactics - The War Games", I have another chapter soon to come out for it... which is taking me significantly shorter time than the first chapter

What if you put up your story about a day so and it is not so popular?

3382241 Rule 3 specifies "a period of a week" since publication, so best to leave it until that point before you decide a story qualifies. (I know, some people do submit new stories. I wish they wouldn't, as it rather negates the whole point of this group!)

Just a thought: I don't think it's any longer possible to discover exactly how many faves a story has received (unless you manually count each notification as it comes in), so I guess Rule 4 doesn't work now. Maybe change it to a likes-based limit or something?

1519661 What's considered 'a following'?

1519661 I do youtube reviews on stories like this. Stories that are great, but that people seem to miss. Would it be okay if I shared my reviews here?

How can I see the overall favourites my story has received?


If by "favorites", do you mean "likes," amount of trackers it has, or amount of bookshelves a story is in?

This was written back before bookshelves, when you couldn't have more bookshelves then favorites and read it later, so I'd assume he meant bookshelves.

Both admins for this group are no longer on the site, though, so you probably won't get a definitive answer, unless one comes back.


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