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I've entered a writing competition with my story:

TFuture Twilight Is a Bully
Future Twilight returns with more than just a warning.
Bad Dragon · 1.5k words  ·  19  17 · 555 views

The story follows all the rules of the contest, yet it has just been disqualified simply because it was written by me. To be more precise, because I've published foalcon in the past.

I've just been denied up to $150 simply for being who I am.

Hello, cancel culture, my old nemesis.

What peeves me the most is that I explicitly informed the organizer of my enrolment in the contest beforeclaw.
Yet, instead of informing me that I'd be automatically disqualified simply for being Bad Dragon, I was left pouring enormous amounts of time into the story, and only after I published it was I informed that I was being set to fail from the very start.

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