The Cult of Raccoon 92 members · 89 stories
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Group Admin

Alright everypony! April 1st is only 10 days away, which means there's only 10 days left to prepare a story to post for April Fools Day!

Welcome to your new mission briefing for....


Our Objective...

Flood the site with as many absurd stories on or around April 1st as possible!

  • Stories can be about anything, as long as they're wacky and weird, and at least trying to be funny.
  • They must be submitted to the site on March 30th or March 31st, or the morning of April 1st, so they they can be on the front page on April 1st.
  • Make sure you also submit them to the Contest Folder, so I can see and promote them, and so they're counted as being part of this event.

There are no rules for these submissions, other than that they are stories that make people laugh by their mere existence, so feel free to go nuts and let your creativity run wild!

You can do your part!

Even if you're not that good at writing, you can still bang out a wacky story and submit it! Every story helps! Who knows? This may be the story that gets you into writing! (just remember that if it's your first story, it has to pass moderator approval, which means it needs to be coherent and may take a full day just to post!)

So go ahead and get writing everypony, and feel encouraged to go nuts!

Need Help?

Remember to check my Writing Blogs,and to listen to this comedy writing panel I did with 4 other comedy writers/entertainers a little over a ago, and feel free to talk about your story with anyone you think can help! This isn't a contest (other than the satisfaction of getting something silly in the featured box, if you can) so no need to be secretive!

The Contest Folder will be open for submissions at the end of the month!

Well, that's pretty short notice, but I've got an idea! I'll aim for right after midnight on April 1st.

Group Admin

My brain only thinking of one where Cadence wants to promote body positivity so she has Shining Armor feed her a ton of cake until she gets reeeaaallly fat, or one where Rarity gets in trouble and is forced to live like a wild animal...

...and then while typing that I make the typo "Whining Armor" and that could be a good pun to base a story on too...

I actually have something though, so...

I'm currently writing a cracky-comedy fic for the SunsetXvillain competition which could pull double duty, but if I get it done in time then I've something for my "Twilight as a Diamond Dog" verse tentatively titled "The Great Ponyville Marmite Riots"

The folder wont let me upload my fic for some reason.

unless i manage to fart something out last-second I'll unfortunately have to skip out on this year's crackfic storm on account of "holy crap this semester's been crazy"

Coming along. Not nicely, but I figure the quality doesn't matter nearly as much as it would on a normal story, so if I just let my fingers type without overthinking it, should be fine for April 1st.

If you're wondering what the idea is, then good! I'll let it surprise you! (here's a hint)

Not open yet. It'll probably be open starting tomorrow.

Well, it's published!

    PseudoBob Delightus · 4.5k words  ·  401  104 · 7.4k views

    Have fun with this one. And let me know if you're able to read it. I sure can't. In fact, I could barely tell what I was writing!

    Yeah, looks like it's still closed. Alas! Where's a raccoon when you need one?

    I got one in! I will post it in the contest folder shortly

    Group Admin

    I don't know why you guys can't get to it, but I'm going to make sure it's open now.

    Group Admin

    I'm going to fix this now. You should be able to post in a moment.

    Group Admin

    You've got like, until tomorrow night, so, if you can just bang something out before then...

    Group Admin

    I just looked at it, and not only do I not see anything wrong, but there is a story in there, so they must be addable...

    Is it still not working for anyone?

    Keep in mind that the story has to actually be up on the site, not just in the publishing queue, for you to be able to add it to a folder.

    I won't close this folder until it's had enough time for everyone to get their stories in, even if they get them in a little late, so y'all have time to add them if they are still pending to be added to the site...

    I can see the folder by going to the group stories button, and I added my story by using the groups feature in the story editor, so that’s no problem.
    But when I used the link you provided in this blog, then it crapped out for me with a 403. You may want to update that link. But there are workarounds anyway.

    Group Admin

    So I just read some of this, and unless it has a funny ending or something, this doesn't feel like it really belongs in the April 1st one, it feels like maybe you meant it for the horror right off instead: that's at the END of April.

    Group Admin


    I figured out the problem.

    I had linked the backend page, where I can edit it, as opposed to the front end page, where you guys can see and add to it.

    This is the link...

    I have edited the blog accordingly.

    It works! Thanks.

    Isn't there some wisdom here or there about humour being close to horror? Well, there you go! I hope you enjoy it, and also I'm sorry.

    Group Admin

    I mean it's fine, I did enjoy it, I was just a little confused for a bit because, even though it has this really unique gimmick with the site formatting, it felt like maybe you were going more for a horror story than a comedy story. I don't mind though, this is a space to try new things without judgment.

    I'm not sorry because it has horror vibes (it was a horror idea first, after all), I'm sorry because the story is invisible.

    I feel like it's less difficult to read than a lot of commenters are making it out to be, since you can just copy paste to a text file, use the browser's reading mode, export to epub, etc... But some have said they just read it as-is, because the 1% opacity text was enough for them. Now that scares me.

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