No Author Left Unnoticed! 247 members · 2,605 stories
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Group Admin

Just thought I'd get a little group introspection (and maybe friendly collaboration) going. We've got 79 members as of posting, and over Two-Hundred and Fifty-Nine stories in the group! WOW!

So in the interest of generating conversation, tell us what you're working on! To keep us organized, I'll provide a format, though feel free to say whatever you'd like if you think it'd help everyone else 'get' you better. And provide links if you mention a specific fic or piece you're proud of!

Name: Ninjadeadbeard
Interests: Writing, gaming, teaching
Best Pony: The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie! :trixieshiftright:

Current Projects: Currently working on a sequel to my longest fic to date. I feel like Adventure stories don't pop up as much, so I thought it'd be fun to do one myself.
Past Projects: Recently did an out-of-season Hearth's Warming short. I was feeling a bit melancholy with the approaching End of Pony, and this song had made me cry, so I decided to spread the feels.
Future Projects: Actually, another sequel to the story I'm working on, and then I'd like to do more stuff with Changelings.

Best Pony:

Current Projects:
Past Projects:
Future Projects:

I am working on a Ben 10 crossover.

Name: ThePinkedWonder
Interests: Writing MLP fanfics (Duh!) gaming, astronomy, biology
Favorite Pony: The one and only, the legend, Pinkie Pie!

One of the two stories I'm currently working on: a one-shot sequel to On Second Thought...

Past stories: most recent is She Did WHAT To You?! a sequel to my hit story Nopony Interrupts My FRIENDSHIP SPEECH, Starlight Glimmer!!

Future story: a sequel to "She Did WHAT To You?!" and I'm planning to start writing in in another week or two.

Name: Artist.
Interests: Writing.
Favorite pony: Rainbow Dash.
Future stories: The evil in Ponyville
I’m currently writing a couple of stories.

Name: Leondude
Interests: animation, video games, comics, writing
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle

Current Projects: Currently working on three stories; Old Made Luna, Prisoner of Fate, and The End of Time.
Past Projects: I worked a series of fanfictions called The Captain Goodking Saga and I wrote
Red and Purple for contest (which I unsurprisingly lost).
Future Projects: Considering making a sequel to Red and Purple that acts as an improvement over the original.

Group Admin

The crossover fics always baffle me, but partly because it takes a lot of creativity to make them work.

Your "Friendship Speech" stories are hilarious, not gonna lie. I feel bad for Grogar.


I’m currently writing a couple of stories.

Oh? Care to tell us more?

Ah yes! Captain Goodking! That's another one on my recommendation list I need to get to soon. What would you like to improve specifically if you do the Red and Purple sequel?

Name: The Ranger. Or just Linus -- either works fine

Interests: Reading, writing, filming, photography and airsoft

Best Pony: Luna

Current Projects: I no longer write fan fiction on this site, and have instead focused all my efforts into writing what I hope becomes my first book called Hirdmannen. It's a fantasy story set in the fictional world of Valtheim, which I gave life to in my early teens and have been working on ever since.

Past Projects: I've written several stories on this site, but my biggest undertaking was The Song of The Unbroken, two stories, planned to be either a trilogy or four in a row, but that never happened.

Future Projects: I actually have several story ideas I want to make into either books or longer stories, and I already have names for them all: Skuggjägaren, Dödsryttaren and Rävflickan. Those would be set in the same world as the previously mentioned hope-to-be-book. Another idea is a post apocalyptic story taking place here in Sweden, which I plan on calling I vinterns skugga.

So one could say I have a lot of shit to write :twilightsheepish:

Name: Golden Flare
Interests: Music, art, writing, video games, etc.
Best Pony: Sunset Shimmer (and as best human :twilightsmile:)

Current Projects: Quite a few of them, most of them crossovers.
Past Projects: A pretty weak crossover attempt...
Future Projects: A LOT. I have got almost a hundred projects in the works because of my endless inspiration :applejackconfused:

Sure, what the hell. I'll give this a shot.

Name: NightScript
Interests: Writing, Gaming, Airsoft, Medieval Fencing
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle

Current Projects: Snowbound
Future Projects: I'm thinking of writing a sort of sequel to Some Days Are Hard

Group Admin

Okay then.
Name: Toriandthehorse
Interests: Horses, horses, horses, taekwondo, needlework, writing
Best Pony: Rainbow Dash (with Spitfire as close second)

Current Projects: Another sad story. Not sure what about yet.. but have a few ideas
Past Projects: Multiple.
Future Projects: Even more sad stories! :pinkiecrazy:

Regarding the Red and Purple sequel, since one of the criticisms of the original story was that it wasn't funny enough, I would have Twilight be forced to team up with the antagonist of the previous story. And since Burning Hatred is a jerk par excellence, she is not happy about it (as evidenced by the sequel being a full-on snark fest). I would also have the baddy of the sequel be a parody of Malekith from Thor: The Dark World in order to act as a foil to Burning Hatred.

Name: Shadow_8472
Interests: Space, computers, science, Star Trek (I'm Quibble when it comes to JJ and beyond)
Best Pony: Scootaloo

Current Projects: Robotics blog, Pound Cake one-shot, HiE LONGfic A Tale of Two Worlds
Past Projects: Collaborative first draft of AToTW. (We called it a role play, but it was more story than role play)
Future Projects: I want to build up a small universe around AToTW.

Group Admin



Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week?

Name: Nic-Love
Interests: having my own place
Best Pony: Derpy

Current Projects: having the money to move
Past Projects: Some what the story Life of Bent-G.
Future Projects: the rest of the books (Birth & Choices) in the series

I referenced it earlier in the same post: A Tale of Two Worlds.

Group Admin

Whoop! Missed that. Sorry.

Name: Donnnnn
Interests: Writing fanfiction, gaming, watching TV
Best Pony: Gotta go with my girl Rainbow Dash, but Starlight runs a close second

Current Projects: Romantic...Other Worlds?
Past Projects: Romantic Meetings
Future Projects: Prequel to Romantic Meetings

Name: Midday Giggle
Interests: Writing stories about talking pastel ponies, reading all sorts of books, drawing (although I'm not so good at that), and getting obsessed with Broadway Musicals I might not ever see live in my life.
Best Pony: Rainbow Dash, duh

Current Projects: I'm working on my story The Seven Myths of Equestria, which is gonna be quite long and thrilling, let me tell you!
Past Projects: I actually only have one-shots in here, but I've written another long story in Spanish!
Future Projects: Woohooo, many!

Name: Lil Penpusher
Interests: Writing (duh), Gaming, History, Politics
Best Pony: Our beloved and worshipped Empress Daybreaker

Current Projects: Finishing the last Chapter or two for A Shattered Crystal, the third part of my Solar Empire Trilogy, which aims to further explore Daybreaker's personality and character.
Past Projects: Way too many Oneshots and Short stories to handle. I'm trying myself at alonger story arcs now, instead.
Future Projects: Most likely a fourth installment of the Solar Empire Series that will switch the Point of View to somepony entirely different. Or not, I dunno. I improvise a lot! :trollestia:

Name: Star Side
Interests: Writing and gaming
Best Pony: Rainbow Dash :rainbowkiss:

Current Projects: Currently I'm working on two stories. A crossover story (not going to post it here for obvious reason) and a story as a gift for my friend.

Past Projects: I've made many mini stories (my stories that are less than 1000 words) that got decent amount of views and published the first chapter of "Harsh Dedication".

Future Projects: I'm planning to continue to write chapter 2 of "Harsh Dedication", write more mini stories or rewrite old ones, write a mini story about my OC that reveals to his friends that he's no longer single, and perhaps, write a story about my main OC's life.

Name: Jade Dawn
Interests: Writing, acting
Best Pony: Princess Luna

Current Projects: From Far Beyond (Human-in-Equestria)
The Perfect Predator (Jurassic World crossover) [ON HIATUS]

Past Projects: Nightmare Moon is Coming to Town! (Pony-on-Earth, Comedy)
How "My Little Pony: The Movie" Should Have Ended (Comedy, HISHE parody)
Discord Writes a Novel (Comedy, parody of bad fanfics)

Future Projects: President Chrysalis (Pony-on-Earth, comedy, political satire)
While They Roam The World (The War of the Worlds crossover)
Persecution of the Masses (Godzilla crossover)
Untitled Luna story (Pony-on-Earth)

Sorry I took this long to formally introduce myself. Thought I'd get to know the good folks here before announcing I'll stay. You guys are alright. I like you.

With that being said:

Name: Oryxified
Interests: Reading, writing, gaming, and analyzing the various bits of media I consume with friends. This includes everything from movies to Broadway musicals to songs and books. Anything, really. I always welcome a good, intelligent, and civil discussion. Some exceptions may apply depending on the topic.
Best Pony: Manara Mubarak. For the uninitiated, Derpibooru calls her "Desert Flower".

Current Projects: Tales of Somnambula (the location, not the character).
Past Projects: I don't have any. Unless you count "Brotherly Advice", which is technically in the past at the time of writing this.
Future Projects: None at the moment. I plan on finishing my current project, however long that may take, and seeing where I'll go from there.

Hey guys! I'm a new guy here. I figured since I recently joined I might as well introduce myself now.

Name: currentlemon
Interests: Writing, Fighting games, Dark Souls and other RPGs, political science, and long walks.
Best Pony: Fluttershy and Lyra Heartstrings

Current Projects: Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search
Past Projects: A Mirrored Reunion, Technological Wonders
Future Projects (hopefully): A reboot of a previous fanfic that I cancelled, a FFXIV crossover.

Name: Szalhi
Interests: A lot of crap that I'm too lazy to copy over
Best Pony: I know I make it out to be ZipporWhill sometimes, but it's really Scootaloo

Current Projects: Indistinguishable from Magic. Mann vs Equestria (kind of)
Past Projects: Earth series. Taunt series. Basically a bunch of valve stuff.
Future Projects: A quite ambitious and world building AU story that I'm probably never going to finish. A story based off my OC that I'm never going to finish. A joke fic that has taken me 3 years and is very niche.

Name: Vaatidj
Interests: Games, music, and writing
Best Pony: Rainbow Dash

Current Projects: Fears of Bygone Eras (upcoming story)
Past Projects: Descendant of the Night, Fallout Equestria: Reminders, Danganronpa V.E.
Future Projects: Fears of Bygone Eras, a complete rework of Descendant of the Night taking place after the finale. Coming out this weekend. Technically also my Current Project.

Name: Karnazomb
Interests:Reading(Any types), Typing fanfics, Browse /mlp/ and other boards
Best Pony: Any really

Current Projects: Love Heat( though slowed down because of Broken Laptop and piled stress
Past Projects: Random things
Future Projects: Maybe branching out to Webnovels and write a legit Novel

7000218 Fine, might as well. I just joined and frankly, it often feels like my latest stuff are not getting enough attention. They have comments sure, but those comments are from several chapters back so it's hard to gauge whether people are still enjoying my stories or just don't care anymore and just simply reading to get to the end.

Name: Lighttone Gryphonstar
Interests: Writing
Best Pony: Rarity

Current Projects: Journey To Hearth's Warming. It's a storyline featuring Twilight and Starlight getting sent into the distant past and dealing with the events that lead up to Hearth's Warming. This Hearth's Warming story is the one I mention in my first statement. I am currently about halfway through season two(9 chapters per season) of the story and there hasn't been a comment since the end of the last season. I can't seem to gauge whether or not readers are enjoying the new season or am I doing something wrong.
Past Projects: There is a story called Letter To The Gods where a stallion compiles notes and letters about his ancestor Dr. Pr. Halo in an attempt to find out why the good doctor went missing. Showing at first from the point of view of the letters and the turning to the stallion looking for answers, it takes place half during the same timeline as Journey To Hearth's Warming and is meant to add extra details I couldn't cover on certain parts. For example, the first half talks about Dr. Pr. Halo's interactions with the alicorns and the Crystal Heart. I do plan a sort of sequel to this but the original story barely going any rating, I mean it seriously stands as my lowest-rated story which is strange since I didn't change much of my style writing outside of putting it in letter format. Note, I don't mean it's received massive downvotes, but rather the greater amount of upvotes it does have, doesn't matter.. It literally only has three votes to its name in any form. I really need some criticism on this piece before I can go ahead with a sequel because I do plan to continue the mystery of how Dr. Pr. Halo vanished as well as cover his interactions with the unicorns, of which my Journey To Hearth's Warming is also covering right now.
Future Projects: Right now I have an original story named Letter of Hope which covers the adventure of a girl named Kahi as she follows an unusual letter that might lead to her father. I had three chapters finished and even an editor helping, but then I received a review finally that showed this story needed some massive rewrites. That what I'm going through now for the future. Hopefully, I can get the massive changes done and get back on schedule.

Name: Masterius
Interests: Reading and writing fiction; horses; Flight Simulators (esp. B-17)*; horses; MLP:FiM; horses; medieval martial arts*; *see below
Best Pony: My heart belongs to both Princess Luna and Princess Twilight

Current Projects:

I'm new in writing. I'm introducing myself as a wanna-be writer, currently writing 3 stories, and I have not published 1!

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