
Viewing 1 - 20 of 57 results

It pains me to do this but... · 3:19pm Oct 17th, 2019

Chuck-daddy has been non-responsive to my messages for about a week now. Until I can get his input on my writing his story, I shall be moving on to the next in my queue of bronies and yes, there are pegasisters, waiting for their time. As of now the next one is nioniosbbbb. Please stay tuned!


Let's discuss the word Tyrant and what it actually means- some creative ways to use words · 7:07pm Aug 10th, 2020

In the modern English-language's usage of the word, a tyrant (derived from Ancient Greek τύραννος, tyrannos) is an absolute ruler who is unrestrained by law or one who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty. Often portrayed as cruel, tyrants may defend their positions by resorting to oppressive means.

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Desperate for assistance · 9:15pm Jun 11th, 2019

Looking for anyone who would be willing to give a first impression or emotional view of my pre-published material
Dougtheloremaster #0390 on discord.

if you add mention this post.


Did We Make A Difference- Chuck daddy · 10:18pm Oct 8th, 2019

Another has stepped forward and asked for an interview
Chuck daddy's chapter coming soon.
the current queue has 5 (including this one) lined up.
How exciting!


Confessions of a Brony · 8:40pm Jul 16th, 2019

A Stupid Kid’s Show On Tv

By Dougtheloremaster

It all started years ago,

As before me,

Appeared on my television,

A stupid kid’s show on TV.

Why would I ever watch,

Something for kiddies?

These were my thoughts,

As I turned off the TV.

I was awkward,


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Update for ongoing stories and projects · 5:27pm Sep 18th, 2019

FAQ: How do you have time to do all this?
A: I have no life. On with the update.

Thestral With The golden Halo- Chapter 27 is currently 25% done. It WILL be the next chapter I publish.

A story involving fantasy elements and imagination of Twilight, Lemon Hearts, Minuette and Lyra as fillies...are in the works. May actually be publishing chapter 1 soon.

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Update: Did we make a difference new origin announcement · 5:33am Sep 22nd, 2019

be on the lookout for brony origin 2: Leo Ortega
currently in the works.

if you want YOUR story added...message me for an interview.


For Clarification · 2:45am Jul 1st, 2020

I do not ship any of the mane 6 as a personal preference. My shipping is purely based on situations in which the ponies find themselves. I personally do not have an OTP. I do have a pony waifu but really it's about the actions and personality of said mare. I do not have sexuality myself; Asexual. I will without hesitation ship any pony at any time if it is appropriate to the story I am writing. All ships are valid to me. Sexuality and probability really make no difference. Most of the time I

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Velvet, Twilight Velvet? · 12:35pm Dec 8th, 2021

This mare, with the exception of Celly, has vexed the hell out of me since her first appearance. Amazing design? Check. Amazing backstory? Check. But...what is that backstory? A writer of books for fillies and colts, has a foalsitter that is canonically represented as Celestia's niece, and is an alicorn? Just what are her connections to the leader (at the time) of Equestria, that Celestia appointed her niece (to be Princess) the Alicorn of Love, as her personal foalsitter?

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Update 7/11/20 · 11:20am Jul 11th, 2020

It's been a while since I posted anything so I thought I'd let you know how my progress is going. Yes, I am still writing. Truth be told, I started a short story but the short story grew longer than a normal short story and so I'm two chapters in. I am still making slow progress on my others, so don't give up reading them just yet. Here's a list of what I have my focus on currently.

Alicorn of Infernal Pride Chapter 2: Honey and Vinegar ( 80%)

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You choose the next bit of world building! · 1:49pm Jun 1st, 2022

This is great, a community-driven AU. Now we have the background for candy and chrysi, so tell me what should be the next focus? You tell me!
Voting ends in a week.


Delay due to researching and you can help! · 2:54pm February 3rd

Bronycon 2019. A magical time, for those who went. I didn't. Put simply I am researching EVERYTHING I can locate on the fabled convention as the one off requires attending it. Or rather going back in time to attend it. So basically looking up food served, things sold, settings etc. If you are interested in sharing such details, even what panels were located exactly where in the convention center I would be very grateful if you could either hit me up in DM on discord or on this site's mail, or

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Update for thestral readers · 1:58am Sep 21st, 2019

Suffering writer's block regarding chapter 27
Please be patient.
<3 /)
Other works will be made in the meantime as I try to break this block.


You decide the sequel · 7:39pm May 13th, 2022

What should the sequel be about? One week to vote.


Oops · 6:44pm Jul 13th, 2023

Recertification happened this week. Long time readers may recall this means my yearly HUD evaluation happened, and has had me completely bat- crazy gathering info and forms and "is rent going up"? Basically a nervous wreck, but fear not, I have begun writing once more and the new chapter is underway.

sorry about that, in all the hubbub I completely forgot about writing.

<3 doug/zakyria


New sadfic in development + thoughts · 3:19pm Sep 13th, 2019

Everyone in my family has been in the United States Military. Every one of them have served active duty. If you've ever got a letter saying they aren't coming home then you understand what the fic will contain. An act of heroism in some's eyes can lead to self loathing for the one the hero saved.
Rainbow Dash did her duty to Equestria, and now those she saved will start picking up the pieces of their shattered heart.

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Update as of 6/10/20 · 6:07am Jun 10th, 2020

it's been a while so thought i would tell you how my stories are progressing.
You'll never know: chapter 5 (unamed atm) is almost ready. Stay tuned.
Gaia Magusa: chapter 2 is about 50% atm.
Alicorn of Infernal Pride: Chapter 2 (Honey and Vinegar) is about 60% done.
My first ever CYOA (Go ahead, roll the dice) is at the decision phase, so once the two choices are ready it will debut. Excited to see how readers react to it. It' nothing I've written yet.

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Tiny break · 6:19pm May 2nd

Microscopic really, but I am taking three weeks for personal self care; I've been neglecting my place and personal health to write and I need to get back on track. I hope you understand and are looking forward to my next chapters release.

Yes, Chapters. Plural. Two stories, one chapter each, both will be published at same time: Mechaniquus and Her Birthright

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New Project I am working on · 5:22am Jan 23rd, 2020

You are trapped in a video game with no way out, due to circumstances of the Real World. The other players can log out at will, but you can't. Upon this being discovered you are captured and forced into slavery; your new career as a ninja-looting thief has begun. You desire freedom, the ability to be who you want, do what you want.

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Back on track but- Update · 8:57am Sep 8th, 2023

I...Had a mental break. I fell to pieces. Sadly, it was a myriad of events that simply stacked far too much, too fast. Because of my understanding of my nature, I swiftly locked myself in my apartment, avoided community based communications; discord, fimfiction, youtube, even my own mmos. Everyone can relax, no one was hurt (others nor myself) and I successfully rebuilt the remains of mind. Happy to say, I am back to writing, though I need to avoid stories of my life for the time being. I hope

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 57 results