
Viewing 1 - 20 of 86 results

2017 Resolution · 5:24am Jan 1st, 2017

Another Year, but not much should change.

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Report Slywolf930 · 333 views · #Resolution

Season's greetings and resolutions: Spring · 8:08pm April 11th

Okay, first 13 weeks of the year have passed. How're those resolutions holding up?

Drop the unhealthy habits affecting my sleep and thought patterns.

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Non-fic stuff for the New Year: My Resolutions for 2016 · 10:12am Dec 31st, 2015

So, the past few days have seen a marked increase in lazing about, pondering, and generally not getting anything done. Some might blame that on a weak personality and avoiding responsibilities. I blame it on my parents, because why not?

In all seriousness, though, I do plan to not let this become a habit. I have plans. Plans that need fleshing out and completing. So let's start with my non-pony resolutions for 2016.

Get and follow a detailed schedule

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My Only Resolution In Writing · 8:03pm Nov 13th, 2020

This week has to be one of the most stressful times for me as a writer. Considering I've barely write as much stories like I used to back then, it really shows how I'm moving on from doing MLP or EqG stories. It's been a year since we've gotten any content from either of those shows so at this point, thinking about one story before making a decision to write it is starting to become an afterthought to me. The last priority I had with writing is what I've just published and deleted last Monday.

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New Year's Resolutions · 5:55am Jan 4th, 2016

Heyo, peoples! What's going on?

So, my latest story kinda tanked with all ya'll, but I'm not too bummed. I'll try and update it every other week or so because it's a pretty nifty idea I want to get out to you guys.

Anywho, I'm a bit late, but seeing as how it is the New Year, I decided to make up some Resolutions! Here they are:

1. Write a story without Spike in it.
2. Get to 1000 followers.
3. Tell the girl I like how I feel about her.
4. Finish Crystal Affair

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Happy New Year! (AKA GTFO 2020!) · 5:15am Jan 1st, 2021

Heya, folks!

I think we can all agree that no matter where you are in the world, 2020 has been a royal s:yay:show. Some places more so than others for a variety of reasons. But as all the TV commercials keep telling us, we're all in this together, and we made it to the end of the year (though sadly, many of us know people that didn't—myself included—so a moment of silence for them :ajsleepy:).

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2016 Writing Resolutions · 6:18am Jan 1st, 2016

Welp, it's the end of one year and the start of another. As I recall, I made a list of things I wanted to achieve by this day, so let's see how I did.

[x] Publish DDxAhui sequel
[ ] Publish ABxDT clopfic
[x] Finish current MSB story arc
[1/?] Write 3-5 chapters for HLW
[ ] Write 2 chapters for History
[ ] Plan out rewrite of Embrace the Darkness

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New Year's Resolution · 8:35pm Jan 1st, 2019

Well, it's officially 2019 and I haven't finished writing anything that I said I was going to write. I suck. But I'm planning to fix that.

I've made a resolution to have the rewrite of Repainting Friendship finished by the end of March (we'll see how long that lasts). It's actually taking a lot longer than I originally thought it would take... plus, I've been procrastinating. I'm sorry, but it's going to be good, I swear.

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New Years Resolution · 9:22am January 2nd

I know it's a day late, but happy new year, everyone!

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Well... its official. · 6:07am Jan 9th, 2016

I've been on Fimficiton for 1 whole year.

And what have I completed in that one whole year?

Well... let's see...

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Report ModMCdl · 447 views · #modmcdl #sorry #nyr #resolution

Resolutions for 2017! World Domination Optional! · 10:45am Jan 2nd, 2017

Okay, new year has started, old year has been evaluated and reviewed, let’s do this. My resolutions for 2017:

Do at least four one-month long programs for physical exercise.

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New Year's Resolutions · 3:29am Jan 1st, 2017

So the new year begins tonight which means the resolutions I set for 2016 have come to an end. At the start of 2016 I set three resolutions for myself, and I managed to get through two of the three which is pretty nice if I do say so myself. And I say so.

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Visiting a bit. · 3:01pm Jan 2nd, 2017

Heeeyy guys, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And from across the globe, I bit thee well! Anywho. The days had gone REEAL fast isn't it! Here we are in a new year, new days, and a whole new adventure awaiting just for YOU! well, all of you, but, that's all well and good... As for some updates, it's kinda slow, and my editor is probably busy with work... but all in good time, there will be. In my case, I'm kinda hiatus in writing, since I have a job at the moment that needs constant attention... I swear, if I

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New Year's Resolution · 6:23pm Dec 27th, 2016

My New Year's Resolution this year is to finish all stories that are in progress before the year is over. That way, you'll never have to hear from me again!

~Phantom Shadow


December is upon us. Time to review those resolutions again. · 11:57am Dec 1st, 2017

Let's cut to the chase: I didn't get much of any of my resolutions done. But I got some progress, at least. In review:

At least four month-long programs for mental and physical exercise. Not done, mostly because I can't control my schedule.

Finish one show per month: not done, because the website I relied on for that didn't last very long.

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My New Year’s Resolution In 2020 · 11:55pm Dec 27th, 2019

Before any of you ask, no I’m not going to do anymore chapters and stories for this year in 2019. I’m mostly burned out and I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed on Monday. At this point, I don’t need to submit anything on this website so I decided to do this blog instead, since we’re entering 2020 in less then a week.

1. Completing Twilight’s Backstage Pass before doing the sequels

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Steps · 1:24am Sep 18th, 2015

Once upon a time, a man much wiser than myself told me something. He said: 'We are what we do. The only difference between a writer and myself is that the writer picked up a pen or pulled up a keyboard, and wrote something.' I suppose that makes me many things. One of the easiest for me to see is running until I became a runner.

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My New Years Resolutions... · 8:43pm Dec 30th, 2015

1) Catch up on editing work
I'm really far behind on this, so catching up is at the top of my To-Do List
2) Write that guest chapter for CrossRedstone's story
Crossy's getting antsy. Sorry Crossy.
3) Write original story(?)
Only once I catch up, and subject to whether or not I can actually write it.

Current status:
I am God... Apparently? [9/11] 2 more to go!
So we're like... Goddesses or something? [2/6] 4 more to go!
You Can't Help Who You Love. [30/32] 2 more to go!

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Happy New Year, Everyone: On Delays and Resolutions · 6:44pm Jan 2nd, 2017

Wow, has it really been that long? Shit.

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Oh boy, let's see how much I can overreach · 2:12am Jan 5th, 2018

Everybody knows that New Year's resolutions don't work. But hey, they can't hurt, right?

I'm going to do a dumb thing and make a promise on the internet. It is as follows: By the end of the year, I plan to double the wordcount I have published here on my Fimfic account. Rounding it up to a nice, even number gives us 50,000. No sweat, eh?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 86 results