
Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results

Peace Blog · 11:10pm May 25th, 2017

Ok...With everything that's been happening lately, this blog is necessary! So please, and I ask this from the bottom of my fiery Phoenix Heart, show some love! Spread peace and above all...BE GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER
Til next time,
-PH 20


Pony Alcohol Tolerance · 2:15pm Apr 4th, 2017

What tolerance level would you consider the ponies? Weak, strong, very strong, other? (stat other in post)

Weak as in having three pints and their already really drunk.

Would you say alicorns have a very strong tolerance level?


A letter from a place not so far away · 9:08am Mar 3rd, 2021

important edit: please note that in the original story there is an asterisk with a few clarifications in the first comment to that story; the author's intended meaning was different than the one I got when I read it and when I had been publishing the text below.

My reply would not work and would not exist for the antagonist of Trixie Kicks a Bigot who advocates genocide.

I saw no such advocating in the first edition.

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A funny story · 10:55pm Jul 31st, 2019

So earlier today, I made a comment on a video regarding the 2014 Godzilla movie, saying that at the time of it's release I really liked it, still do, but that I thought King of the Monsters was a massive improvement.

Somebody then replied to my comment, saying how despite his disagreements, he respects my opinion regardless of his own feelings on the movie, and is glad someone was able to find enjoyment in it.

I'm just kidding, here's what he actually wrote:


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Ohh Noo!! · 9:26pm Feb 17th, 2022

Hello, Ponies. I know it's been a while, and I promise I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, with the help of a special mare beside me, but this isn't about me.

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Black Lives Matter · 8:01pm Jun 4th, 2020

If you disagree, let me know in the comments.

If you have the means, consider donating.

If you're not sure why your FIMFic feed isn't happy and apolitical anymore, take a few minutes to read this fascinating, enlightening thread.

Thank you for your time.


Progress update · 6:10am Sep 27th, 2022

Hello everyone! :raritystarry:

So, it's been a while, no new chapter for anything yet, but I have been writing. Some progress made on Darkness Falls, I'm mostly hemming and hawing about where is a good stopping point for this current chapter. :derpytongue2: Also still need to decide on a quote for the chapter. I have a few in mind, but they're kind of like "eh" choices, or "this quote would go better in a future chapter, I think". That kind of stuff... :applejackunsure:


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Merry Christmas and alla dat! · 12:56am Dec 23rd, 2016

Hey all!

Been a while, I know, and I wanted to give you guys an update!

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Screaming Around the Turkey - Dealing With Differences at Thanksgiving and Beyond · 8:49pm Nov 26th, 2019

As we lead up to Thanksgiving and all the stereotypical conflict that surrounds the dining table, I am mindful of how intensely polarized our society has become. It is becoming harder and harder for people to remain friends, it seems. Recent days have reminded me how grateful I am for the friends I've made over the years, and the lessons we've learned from our own conflicts. I have decided to share some of these lessons with you, in the hopes that it will make your lives and the lives of those

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Jinglemess (for The Bricklayer & SPark) · 2:02am Dec 23rd, 2019

I have a Jinglemas gift story for The Bricklayer which I turned in yesterday that I think I need to post immediately or I'll be banned from the competition next year, and I wasn't entirely prepped for that eventuality, so I'll be staying up tonight trying to rush my two entries out.

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Do me this one favour: show love and affection to everyone in your life and in your relationships · 9:02am May 26th, 2020

I don't have much to say here, but what I do have on my mind is important, tailored to everyone out there reading it.

The only thing in the world that everyone on this planet wants is love. I'm not talking about just the romantic side, but rather the knowledge that others care about them, meaning family, friends, significant others, etc. Everyone needs it, everyone wants it, most can only dream of it, and I find it personally sad.

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What to do about woke liberals? That is the question. · 5:14am May 30th, 2021

Huh... Liberals are disgusting.

Honestly, normal people tell liberals to stop their corruption of our world and what do those things do? They ignore the command, they label us radicals and they attempt to censor us.

I mean, seriously, I've seen dogs that can follow simple commands better than the far-left woke liberals.

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BIPOC · 3:57am May 24th, 2021

BIPOC - Blacks attempting to worm and weasel their way into the "Non-Whites" category.

In the US, in White Eurocentric terms, there are Whites, Non-Whites and then there are blacks.

The first two categories can change over time. Whites now include previously non-Whites. Non-Whites are somewhat similar.

But then we have the blacks. Basically that category hasn't changed in years, only the term for their kind has, negroes, african Americans, blacks etc.

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Read It Later Reviews #68 – The First Time You See Her, The Hypocrisy of Tolerance, Of Angels, This is a Clopfic, Sometimes Never · 10:52pm Feb 7th, 2017

Sometimes, you just want to read a good story.

This is one of those times.

Today’s stories:

The First Time You See Her by Skywriter
The Hypocrisy of Tolerance by Estee
Of Angels by Paul Asaran
This is a Clopfic by Tumbleweed
Sometimes Never by Blueshift

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"Yakity-Sax" Review: Tolerance is the Key to Happiness · 3:10pm Aug 26th, 2018

So, despite this being an old-fashioned Pinkie Pie episode, I actually find myself a little bit more interested in this one again than it's usually the case with Mane Six episodes these days. I'm still quite a bit peeved over it that it isn't a Yona episode, even though the title implies this to some extent, but this is one of the rare episodes where we can still see a new side and some personal development from a member of the Mane Six, so I enjoyed this one more.

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Ever wonder how people who are lactose intolerant get enough calcium in their diet? · 3:38am Aug 2nd, 2017


If you put an episode spoiler in front of someone's face without giving a warning..... · 1:00am Jun 11th, 2019

I'm sorry if I upset you by unknowingly posting something that could potentially turn out to be a story arc in the future, but it does not give you license to treat me or anyone in such a manner, and it never will. If this is where you draw your line at having mercy on people and their faults, I highly suggest you step back and contemplate your morals, values, and priorities.


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Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results