• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 36,221 Views, 2,154 Comments

Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

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Ch15 - The Shakedown

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter - 15

The Shakedown

Cadence and Shining Armor sat together on the couch, shifting nervously under the stare of the young white colt across from them. Twilight sat on the coffee table, sampling a few of the snacks laid out with Spike.

Shining Armor coughed and smiled awkwardly. Cadence soon followed suit.

The silence grew long enough that Cadence decided to chance at some conversation. “Is there something on our faces?”

White Path shook his head and went right back to staring.

“If-if you wish to ask us something, please, go ahead,” Cadence encouraged warmly.

White Path smiled widely and pointed a hoof at Shining Armor. “Well... is that true that you are the Commander of the Royal Guards,” he turned his hoof towards Cadence now, “and you’re the Goddess of Love?”

Shining Armor coughed again in surprise and looked over at the blushing Cadence, who was apparently having difficulty responding. He looked back at White Path and cleared his throat. “Well… there isn’t technically a rank of ‘Commander’ in the Royal Guards. I’m a lieutenant at the moment.”

“A-as for me, while yes, it is true that my special talent is to spread love and happiness among other ponies, but to be called a goddess of love? Nonononono nooooo,” Cadence replied hastily. It was one thing to be called a princess, but to be called a goddess was a little too much for the mare.

White Path pouted, crossing his forelegs. “Aww... but Princess Celestia has ruled over us for thousands of years, and since she raises the sun every day, she is a goddess of the sun. Since you have wings and horns just like her, and you have a big crystal heart on your flank—I mean, your cutie mark is a big heart, so wouldn't that make you a Goddess of Love?”

Twilight snickered at Cadence’s discomfort as she once again lost her voice for a moment. She cleared her throat and formulated a response. “I may not know much about alicorns, but like every other living creature, I’m sure their lifespan must be limited.”

“B-but... the sun,” White Path pointed out desperately.

“Well,” Twilight interjected, “in the past before the nation of Equestria arose, the unicorn tribe was responsible for guiding the sun and the moon through the sky. It may have required hundreds of unicorns to work together, but it was still possible.”

White Path shot Twilight a glare. “Fine. She isn’t a goddess, but she must be very powerful, at least. I mean, she has wings and a horn just like Princess Celestia. Surely that must mean something.”

“Well... I am nowhere near as powerful as auntie Celestia. She’s had plenty of practice moving the sun and moon through the sky everyday, and I do not know as many powerful spells as her. My talents lie in emotion and illusion magic and my raw power is still far above any unicorn, even yours and your brother’s, Twilight,” Cadence gave Twilight an apologetic look before turning back to White Path, “but I don’t like to display my power. I much prefer to work alongside other ponies as equals.”

White Path looked at Cadence in confusion before he noticed Twilight jumping up and down for his attention. “Cadence,” she began, “uses illusion spells to blend into Equestria populace, trying to find ordinary jobs to do without capturing anypony’s attention.”

White Path nodded with satisfied smile. “Well, that makes sense. It’s actually pretty normal.”

The entire group at the table blinked a few times at the statement before stating in unison, “It is?”

White Path spread his hooves and beamed. “Of course! It’s a hero’s number one rule to blend with the populace under a disguise so that he, or in this case she, and her friends won’t be targeted by evil villains.”

“But I’m not a—” Cadence protested, but was quickly cut off when White Path sat up at the table, looking directly at Twilight.

“Now I understand! It’s so simple!” White path said enthusiastically, “See, Princess Celestia noticed your incredible power when you were just a filly, so she shrank you down so that she can train you in secret. Your brother is a military officer who can not only share his combat techniques and tactical knowledge with you, but can also get you secret military information and equipment. Your foalsitter has been undercover in Equestria for centuries and probably has really strong street sense,” White Path quickly turned towards Spike, who was staring curiously at him, “and you will become her sidekick. Once you grow up, you’ll be a giant fire-breathing dragon, a perfect assistant for a super pony and terror to every evil monster!”

Spike crossed his arms, grinning proudly. “You got that right! No one’ll hurt Twilight while I’m around! Once Twilight and I get bigger, there’ll be no one who could oppose us!”

Shining Armor burst out laughing. “Wait a moment. So you’re saying that the princess is training Twilight to be a superhero and that Cadence here is also some sort of superheroine in disguise? That’s—that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Cadence gave the laughing Shining Armor a sideways glance, a sly smile on her face. “Well Shiny, I just happen to help and save many of Equestria’s little ponies during my time here. I may look weak and vulnerable, but you shouldn’t underestimate the power of an alicorn. Having the strength of an earth pony in addition to flight and magic makes me a lot more than you’d think.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow, a smile growing on his face. “I had no idea you were so impressive, Cadence.”

Cadence giggled. “Oh Shiny, there are many things you don’t know about me.”

Shining Armor gave Cadence a small nuzzle on her nose, “I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough—”

“Awwwww, you guys are so adorable!” Shining Armor and Cadence turned to look at Overwatch, who was currently wriggling into a comfortable position on the couch beside White Path, an elated expression on her face. “I’ve always had a gut feeling about these sorts of things, but you two are just so obviously head-over-hooves for each other, I don’t even know what to say!” she said, before grabbing a nearby cushion to hug. “Hey Shining, while those two are still upstairs, tell me: are you planning on telling your parents that you’ve found your very special somepony or will I have to resist spoiling the secret over my entire visit?”

Twilight gasped before Shining could properly process what Overwatch was saying. “Is that true, Cadence? Are you dating my brother?” Twilight asked, staring shocked at her foalsitter from her spot on the coffee table, approximately halfway through a tiny cookie.

“I—I suppose I am, Twilight,” Cadence replied hesitantly. “You aren’t angry, are you?”

Twilight shook her head. “Angry? I suppose it’s a bit of a surprise, but I’m certainly not angry. You have been the most caring and kind foalsitter I’ve ever had, and I’m sure my B.B.B.F.F. did something right if he won you over.” Twilight said enthusiastically, a cheerful smile on her face.

“Yep! I’m so happy for you guys! This is such a delicious relationship you’re fostering here!” Overwatch said, clapping her hooves together.

Steel Blade leaned over the back of the couch, having just finished with a conversation with Fancy Pants, and raised an eyebrow at his co-worker. “Are you gonna say it tastes like chocolate or something?”

Overwatch put a hoof to her chin in contemplation. “Hmmm... In this case, I’d say it’s more like ambrosia: sweet... and immortal.”

Steel Blade brought a hoof to his face, chuckling. “You and your food metaphors, Overwatch... It’s a wonder you’re not a couple kilograms heavier.”

Cadence giggled at Overwatch’s cute, indignant pout before turning back to the tiny mare on the coffee table. “Oh Twilight, thank you for being so accepting. I just hope that your parents will be at least half as understanding as you are.”

Twilight nodded, hopping over onto Cadence to hug her foalsitter’s nose warmly, “I hope that you’ll both have fun, but if you need any help, I think I read a book about dating once. If I can find it, I’ll be sure to tell you the name of it so that you can date properly.”

Cadence giggled again as she moved her hooves to put Twilight gently back on the table. However, the tiny unicorn hung on a lot tighter than she expected, and with a roll of her eyes and a grin, Cadence put a lot more force into pulling Twilight off her nose until her tiny hooves slid off. “I don’t think we’ll need a book like that, Twilight. I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out. Trust me,” she said, smiling.

“And the princess’ special talent is spreading love, right?” Overwatch said, grinning. “She may be younger than Celestia, but I bet she’s still had plenty of time to accumulate experiences and suitors over those years!”

Cadence put a hoof to her muzzle in contemplation. “Well, I haven’t had that many stallions after me… well, not when I look like this, at least.”

Overwatch frowned briefly, but quickly perked back up. “You know what that says? That says that Shining Armor was one of those few ponies too silly to realize he’s just out of his league with—” she began, before she was quickly silenced by a chocolate-chip cookie shoved into her mouth by Steel Blade, who was beginning to realize that her words might in fact get them in trouble with the officer in the room.

Overwatch blinked. She slowly worked through the cookie, savoring it, before she swallowed and said in a dead serious tone, “Steelie, where did you get the chocolate?”

“Uuhhhh… kitchen? There was a large pan of them and I uhhh… thought you might want one?” Steel Blade smiled hesitantly.

Twilight spoke up, waving a hoof for Steel Blade’s attention. “Steelie, could you bring them over please? I’m sure we wouldn’t want them to get cold while we’re all here instead.”

Steel Blade perked up at Twilight’s suggestion and, urged on by Overwatch’s insistent prodding, departed. He trotted happily to the kitchen, where the pan lay invitingly on the counter above the oven. With a grin, Steel Blade went to move the pan to his back, only to find that he was having difficulties moving himself and was soon rapidly being whisked upstairs by a magical aura.

Steel Blade struggled fruitlessly against the magic that bound him to the chair. He would have tried calling for help when he realized he was being levitated away, but he had found a bit of difficulty speaking through the inexplicable apple in his mouth. The apple was removed once he was properly tied down and the door shut behind him.

With as best a frown as he could manage, he attempted to look at his kidnappers, but was quickly blinded when a lamp was shown into his eyes. “Hello there—what was your name again? Ahh right. Steel Blade, one of my daughter’s personal guardians.”

Steel Blade blinked several times as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. When he regained some of his vision, he was able to distinguish the outline of a unicorn mare, her mane a mess and an abnormally wide grin across her face. “T-Twilight Velvet?” Steel Blade chanced. “Is that you?”

Another presence approached and settled itself right beside the mare. This one had the build of a stallion, most likely Night Light, and his horn was glowing the same color as Steel Blade’s bonds. “Of course it is,” he said, “who else could it be?”

Steel Blade gave them a weak smile. “I uhhh… I’d be happy to talk with you guys whenever you want, so uhhh… could you please release m—”

Night Light cleared his throat, cutting off the pegasus. “I will get straight to the point. Whenever we visit Twilight or Shining Armor, all they’ll tell us is how great a time they’re having training and studying and so on. That’s great, but it sounds... too perfect. They’ve never said a single bad word about their lives or mentioned any bad experiences, even though we’ve been hearing otherwise.”

Velvet started after her husband, not losing step. “Almost a year ago, we were informed by the princess that Twilight was critically wounded—”

“Actually, she was just exhausted. Her body did need a bit of rest. That’s all,” Steel Blade said.

“That’s what they said to us too, but they refused to give us any more information beyond that,” Twilight Velvet said, stomping a hoof in frustration.

“And even before that,” Night Light said, “Twilight and Shining Armor dodged our questions or changed the subject whenever we try to find out about their problems. Today, we found out that she’s friends with not only a so-called ‘Prince of Equestria’—though I get the feeling it’s more of a title than an indication of any power—and the very influential Fancy Pants, but also an alicorn princess that we’ve never heard about.” He huffed in frustration, before deflating slightly, bringing a hoof up to rub at his face. “I’m… I’m just so tired of these secrets.”

“You’ve been assigned to protect and watch over Twilight, so you know the truth, and we want the truth, so please, could you tell us what our daughter isn’t? We’ll even give you some cake if you cooperate,” Twilight Velvet said, before levitating over a cake that, upon closer inspection, had ‘Welcome Hom—’ written on it in icing.

“I—I can’t say anything,” Steel Blade said, straightening up and attempting to assert his adamancy. “As much as I sympathize with you, I swore to keep this kind of information secret.”

Twilight Velvet sighed. “I see. Look, my husband and I both need to know about what’s been happening to our dear daughter. Surely the state of her well-being shouldn’t be kept secret from her own parents, should it?”

Steel Blade pursed his lips, pausing a moment before answering. “I’m sure that Twilight will tell you when she’s ready to, but if she’s not saying anything, I don’t want to betray her confidence by telling you myself.”

Night Light bit his lip before stating, “Steel Blade, we’re Twilight’s parents, and we care about her. We’ll do what’s necessary to make sure she is both well and protected, meaning that we’re not afraid of doing something drastic.”

Twilight Velvet glare at her husband in confusion for a moment, before turning back to Steel Blade. “Our family has nurtured their magical talent by generations. It just happens that my husband and I, from the studies of our youth, know a certain powerful spell that can make you very, and I mean it, very cooperative. I don’t wish to use it, so please...”

Steel Blade frowned, furrowing his eyebrows, “I don’t see how you can force a Royal Guard to talk when he doesn’t want to.”

Twilight velvet sighed. “I warned you,” she said, and with that, Twilight Velvet lit her horn, and a few small hearts flowed from it to the cake currently in front of Steel Blade.

Steel Blade raised his eyebrow, looking suspiciously at the cake. “And what kind of spell...” he said, before he trailed off and began to struggle once again against his bonds, this time attempting to lunge for the prize in front of him.

“The Want-it-Need-it spell. Always works,” Twilight Velvet said, her face stony as she leaned in towards her captive and diverted his attention temporarily from the cake. “I know you want this cake, Steel Blade, but if you want to have it, you’re going to have to tell us everything.

“Are you quite alright, Overwatch?” Fancy Pants said to the closed bathroom door in front of him. Twilight sat on his head, a worried expression on her face as she listened, waiting for a response.

The door opened, and a chipper, though slightly subdued, Overwatch emerged. “I’m good! Why? Were you worried about me?”

Twilight crossed her forearms and frowned. “Of course! About five minutes ago, you rushed to the bathroom looking like you were going to puke. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a pony becoming so nauseous so... instantaneously. You sat in there for a while—completely silently I might add—and then emerge perfectly fine!”

“Uhhhh… I guess something I ate for lunch just caught up with me?” Overwatch said, giving Twilight a hesitant grin.

Twilight simply stared at Overwatch, narrowing her eyes in suspicion, before shrugging. “Alright then. Let’s go back to the rest of the group. I think Spike’s almost finished with burping the alphabet; he might be at ‘T’ already.”

Overwatch nodded, and the group began to turn back towards the living room, only to find Steel Blade near the bottom of the stairs.

The stallion rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Hey uhhh… Twili—”

“Steelie! I was wondering where you were,” Overwatch interrupted, trotting over to him. “What took you so long? Were the cookies missing?”

Steel Blade shifted his weight, clearly uneasy. “Uhhh, no they’re still there. I just got a bit… sidetracked,” he said, avoiding eye contact with Overwatch as he moved past her to his charge. “Your parents want to speak with you, Twilight.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion, but readily jumped over from Fancy Pants’ head to Steel Blade’s, and the two ascended, leaving the charcoal mare and the noble to stare after them concernedly.

Spike tapped his claw on the table impatiently. The older ponies were still talking about something, and Twilight was still missing in action. He’d had a decent conversation with White Path seated beside him, but both of them shot glances towards the staircase ever so often.

“Are you both worried about Twilight?” Overwatch asked, sitting down behind the two.

Spike nodded. “Yeah, I kinda am. She hasn’t been here for some time, and I don’t think I’ve seen her parents either after Fancy Pants’ family arrived.”

Overwatch nodded. “To be honest, I’m a bit worried too.”

“Oh? Why are you worried for her?” Spike asked, curious.

Overwatch rubbed at her forearm with a hoof, pouting. “Well, when Steelie led her upstairs, he was… unusually distant. Something got him depressed, and I don’t know what.”

White Path gasped. “Oh no! What if her parents are angry at her and want to ground her, like my dad did when I said that he had the money to buy the school and that I could kick anyone I didn’t like out. In the end, I had to listen to a long lecture about how I should never use my influence and position for selfish deeds. She’s spent a long time up there, so what if they’re lecturing her right now?” he said, until Spike tapped his shoulder and turned his attention to the pony in question, walking in with her head hung low.

“Perhaps we should just ask her and find out,” Spike said as he walked towards Twilight, followed by Overwatch and White Path. He sat down in front of her as the tiny mare looked up into their faces.

“What happened, Twilight?” Spike asked curiously.

“Did your parents give you a lecture?” White Path asked, before gasping again. “Did they ground you?”

“Yes, they did. They grounded me,” Twilight said, disappointment tinging her tone, “for the rest of my life.”

Overwatch raised her eyebrows. “Could you explain?”

“Well, they said that the princess risks my life carelessly and supposedly abuses me with all the injuries I’ve had over the years, so they’re forbidding me from being her student any longer,” Twilight replied, shaking a few tears from her eyes. “I know I’ve been in the hospital more often than any pony should and have had many life-threatening injuries, but Princess Celestia wouldn’t do such a thing on purpose. When I told them however, they simply ignored me. They’re planning on requesting an audience with my mentor so that they could demand her to dispel the effects of the shrinking spell and to end her tutelage over me.”

“That’s terrible,” White Path said in disbelief as he carefully stroked Twilight’s mane with a hoof.

“But that’s unfair! It wasn’t the princess who put you in danger. I mean, you’re doing a better job of it yourself.” Spike said, receiving a you’re-not-helping glare from White Path. “I mean, you’re tough, and with the protection spell, you can take easily care of yourself!”

Overwatch levitated Twilight for a soft hug. “Did you tell your parents how happy you were, even under the effects of the shrinking spell? Or even because of it? Do they know exactly how sturdy you are right now?” she asked.

Twilight shook her head. “They didn’t let me say anything... or they just ignore what I say,” Twilight replied, her tone down and defeated.

“Pfff—if they won’t listen to you, why don't you show them how tough you are, like with Cadence? Maybe that’ll change their mind,” Spike said, attempting to raise Twilight’s spirits.

Twilight lit up, smiling widely. “That’s it Spike! You’re a genius!”

Spike looked at Twilight disbelievingly. “Uuhhh… yeah, of course I am.”

Twilight gestured for Spike, White Path, and a suddenly suspicious Overwatch to come closer. “I have just the plan to turn them around, but I’m going to need your help.”

Author's Note:

Sub author:
Kydois - High Quality editing, 100% of the chapter.

Frozen Ice King - Quick basic editing

Rated PonyStar - Advices