• Published 26th Feb 2012
  • 7,685 Views, 54 Comments

Pokémon: Knight of Order - Darkevony

Facing the end of his world, a long-time Pokémon Master fights the very odds themselves in order to save everyone he loves, ultimately resulting in a cataclysmic event that brings about an unexpected possibility as he is cast to an unown world.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Task at Hand

"Luca!" The boy got up with a start. His eyes struggled to adjust to the light of the same room he had just been in not moments before. For all the good news he had received, there was still a deeply rooted regret in him. Even if everyone moved on with their life, even if everyone lauded him for his work, and even if his old world and now this one kept turning for eternity... It seemed as though he would never be able to feel truly happy in the face of his sacrifices. That was the awful truth about a hero, no matter how successful. Always eternally haunted by the ones they weren't able to save. Honorable and inspiring as that title was, the reality of it had always been a curse on those who had earned it.

The boy looked around the room only to find a quiet emptiness in its solitude. No humans, no ponies, not even that familiar brown fox. His intuitions had always been very good, so he hadn't felt the need to panic. In fact, this felt like the first moment of quiet respite afforded to him in a long time. His broken arm had been adorned with a silk sling and cast, and he figured he would take what he had asked for from the Princess and the professor earlier. Even reckless would-be heroes like him knew when to take the opportunity to rest and recuperate. He let his body relax again into the incredibly soft bed and his mind began to drift.

As the day went by, all he could do was think on all the information he had on hand. There were still many mysteries even he had yet to figure out. What had Arceus meant about not realizing what he had done? Had It a more important reason for running out his old world's clock?

Despite all the literature and the preconceived notions he had on the almighty being Itself, at the end of the day, the boy couldn't help but think how incredibly vain and prideful It had been. During his confrontation, It had been akin to that of a child whining of its defeat. Now that was a funny thought that endlessly amused him to no end. Arceus as a newborn child...

Or wait, perhaps there had been some logic in that? It was possible to think that Arceus' own Time had been rewinded as well. Maybe even to the extreme end. It wasn't hard to imagine that because of this... It had just been born into this world after hatching from that egg. And it was very possible, after that train of logic, that this was the reason why Arceus' strength had only felt like a fraction of what it had been in his world and why it was forced to retreat at that time...

These were all just speculations on his part. The only one that could know the answer to these questions was Arceus Itself. Thinking about the answers was pointless, since it was no doubt Arceus had kept all of Its memories of Its interactions with him and his world. It was still angry at humans and It still intended to take its revenge even if It had to destroy this world to do it.

The only real question that mattered now was... How much time did they all have left?

A strange thought filled his mind when he began to wonder why if, even after having fought Arceus at the Hall of Origin, there where humans and Pokemon still making their way into this world two years later. He had originally thought that it had been the energies of Arceus' Judgement that had cast him to this world. But his doubts had already begun to form when Arceus had first showed up at the courtyard. The events at the garden had only served to put the nail in the coffin.

He couldn't help but think that the wormholes from before had not been random. That Arceus being here and the strange events happening around him weren't just a coincidence of their showdown atop Spear Pillar... Something big was happening to both worlds. He could feel it. But then... If even the almighty Arceus had been taken for a fool... What could be so powerful as to have done this? Some sort of unimaginable cosmic event or...?

What do you know about justice?! You, that demon, and the humans of the past.

His body trembled all over and a massive chill ran down his spine at the thought. Demon... If Arceus was the one saying it... He could not imagine what that demon would be. The events of the past and Arceus Itself... Cynthia and him had never been able to solve the entire mystery of the prophecy. They had been banking on the little knowledge transcribed on only two tablets and whatever other documents they could find. Perhaps he really had been too hasty to save his world. Or perhaps this had been part of the prophecy all along.

It was no use thinking about it. From where he stood, there was little he could do without the help of those tablets. And for all intents and purposes, those were stuck in another world. Besides, there were more immediate problems at hand. Considering Princess Celestia's emergency summons and her words at the garden, he could easily guess as to what kind of problem Equestria was facing. He only needed to confirm it.

The boy got up from his bed feeling well rested for the first time since he had made his way into that world. To his side on a mahogany dresser, he found a new set of clothes likely crafted by the expert seamstress herself. The clothes seemed different this time around. Almost one to one on design, but namely, the material of the cloth was sewed with something extra. Like a sheet of luminescence. A magic of some kind as it fortified the threads and made them harder to cut or rip. There were quite some many layers of magic in that clothing from what he could see. It seemed that the the white unicorn had likely been mortified at having watched him take all of Eevee's panicked attacks and then the video of that blue Pokemon having broken his arm. Thankful from the bottom of his heart, he adorned the new clothes and walked out into the hall.

Almost immediately, he could hear the commotion in the opposite room to his. The familiar voices of all of the girls chattered away while his Eevee was running around and occasionally scratching the door, possibly signaling that it wanted to see him. He couldn't help smiling as he envisioned those little paws making those desperate attempts which would then be carried back into someone's arms or forelegs on occasion. But man, that castle had some crazy good one-way sound proofing. Probably magic, he thought. When he made a reach for the door into their room, he was stopped by a conversation he overheard them having that he found he could not interrupt in that moment.

"So why where you guys so angry with him anyway?" Asked the bright voice of Hilda.

"How could we not be? That dummy just won't get it through his head." Pinkie followed up.

"He's just so... reckless! That boy." Sounded the angry tune of Rainbow Dash.

"Well that's quite funny coming from you two." Twilight said to almost universal laughter.

"You're one to talk, Twilight, you were the angriest out of all of us!" The cyan Pegasus defended herself. "We all thought you seriously started hating him for a while."

"He's our friend, of course I don't hate him!"

"Eh? I'm with Dashy on this one. Why did you refuse to heal his arm with magic then?" Hilda thought to ask.

Princess Celestia spoke up on Twilight's behalf on this one. "Sometimes the best way to teach a loved one a valuable lesson is to show them that their thoughtless actions have consequences. We shouldn't enable him to feel safe endangering himself with the idea that someone will always be behind him to heal his wounds. He's the kind of boy that needs to value his own life better, and he won't realize it with just pretty words. It's something you'll have to show him every day, little by little until he understands his own worth to those around him."

"It's as the Princess said. We agreed on this beforehand for his sake. Gotta put our hooves down at some point." Twilight sighed. "Argh, just remembering his words make me so... angry! Why would he even offer to sacrifice himself? That's just so sad... No one could possibly want that!"

"I hope you girls do take it a bit easy on him though." Professor Juniper intervened. "I don't look it, but I've lived a long time for a human. I've lived through all sorts of things, good and bad. Unova has had its fair share of troubles. So, I can tell you from experience that he means well. You see... he's had to deal with the pain of someone else sacrificing their life for him. I'm sure his actions are a result of that. It's very likely he's afraid of repeating the past, and he's throwing himself in first to avoid that. The mind has a way of messing up how you should see things. Instead of valuing the life he had been gifted, he's using it to gift to others what's left of it. It's our job to teach him not to, but we should also show some understanding for the plight in his heart." The room grew very quiet and the girls were left to contemplate the wisdom they had been told.

As for Emile, he had been left with a veritable mix of feelings. So far, everything had been just one stupid desperate move after another in an attempt to save his world, his friends, and his Pokemon. He hadn't seen anything wrong with his actions, having been glad to have pushed himself to help his Eevee during that fight, to save his friends from Arceus, and having fought against the pain during his buddy's struggle. But now that he had heard Professor Juniper's words and that of his friends twice now... He began to realize just how truly sad having to live with someone else's sacrifice for you was. Even just the thought alone hurt when his mind drifted to Luca. He still very much felt that his life's purpose was for the benefit of his friends and the protection of this world that had welcomed him with open arms, but at least now he could understand their frustration and their sadness at his words.

A wall of pastel green light all over the door from a magic spell dispersed shortly after the conversation had become silent, leaving no more room for words to be heard from within. He smiled sheepishly at no one in the corridor as he realized that this was most likely Princess Celestia's doing. The Princess had a very direct and indirect way of teaching someone a lesson, it seemed. He had heard it loud and clear. His thoughtlessness needed to change. He took a moment to compose himself before finally knocking on the door to be let in by the Princess' voice.

As he entered the room, everyone save for the Professor and the Princess awkwardly exclaimed his two names in surprise. First retracting them, then using the other, and then becoming a mumbling mess as they finally quieted down to look for his approval to see which was the definitive one.

"Even after finally remembering my real name, it still doesn't feel right to be called Red anymore. Coming to this world... I really feel like I want to start anew. If you all don't mind, I would like for you to keep calling me Emile."

"Gladly, Emile. Nice to meet ya." Hilda said and extended a hand to shake his again. The ponies all agreed without issue since this was the name that they had associated the boy with until now.

He had many reasons to want to change his name here and now. Beyond the idea of adapting to this new world, he had still been haunted by Luca's memory. In some strange way, he felt that he could keep moving forward if he shed his past all together. As he reached out to grab Hilda's hand, Emile finally made peace with his identity.

"So how are you holding up, Emile? Not gonna faint on us again I presume?" The Professor jeered at him from behind.

"Oh goodness, I hope not. It's quite scary and such an awful feeling every time." He looked over at Princess Celestia's unnerving, knowing smile, her eyes looking like they were saying 'now is the time to apologize' in no uncertain terms. He cleared his throat at this and proceeded to bow his upper body as far downward as he could while standing, trying to make a perfect right angle with his body. "After having thought about it, I wanted to apologize for all the reckless things I've done up until now. It must not have been easy to watch those things go down. From here on I promise, I'll do my best to be better."

The girls and especially Hilda felt rather awkward receiving such a formal and sincere apology. For the ponies, it just wasn't a gesture they were used to seeing from humans but they could feel the emotion in that expression. For Hilda, it was seeing her long-time role model so genuinely apologize in her direction even though she hadn't felt as strongly about his actions as the ponies had.

"It's alright Emile, so long as you underst-" Twilight was cutoff from her meek reply when he continued with the second half of his apology.

"I still think it is my duty to protect this world, as my actions caused this even if they were indirectly." The room tensed up once more and you could almost hear the kettle begin to boil again. "But... if can ask you for one thing... I would really like to ask for your help in fixing my mistakes. Assist me in my duty. I ask that you please look after me!"

What a mess he had made of everyone's emotions. Even his own since he wasn't used to acting like the ten-year-old he was. When was the last time he had asked anyone for help outside of his Pokemon? Ages ago, he presumed.

"There is just no winning with you, sugarcube." Applejack was the first to chime in. "But you can count on me." She said while putting a hoof out.

"Are you kidding? I'm totally in!" Hilda said as she put both of her hands into the mix with Pinkie Pie following suit, the excitement from both of them almost physically overwhelming. The rest of the ponies pooled their hooves into a pile to signify their new comradery. Even the Princess and Professor Juniper joined in, having cast their lot into the mix.

"I speak on behalf of my sister Luna and I, Equestria is our home and we'll defend it come what may." The Princess said proudly.

"Those burdens are ours too, as fellow humans from the same world. You can count on Hilda and I." Professor Juniper followed.

Even a pairs of little paws from his Eevee joined in by getting on top of the pile. With Emile joining his hand in too, the only hoof that had yet to enter the ring was the distinctly purple one of a brooding mare with her face in a pout.

"Don't think I'll forget this, Emile!" She said, reluctantly joining in at last. Everyone except Emile and Twilight laughed as they chuckled to themselves at the thought that they were both almost equally stubborn.

When the moment had passed, Princess Celestia was the first to begin speaking about the important matters that lay ahead.

"Now that everyone is feeling better and well-rested, it's time discuss the task at hand. Equestria is facing an imminent danger in the way of the wormholes you all witnessed earlier today. We've been getting multiple reports from all over that creatures unlike anything any pony has seen before are appearing in varying amounts. From swarms to single, powerful entities. Professor?" She signaled to the professor so as to pass the baton.

"Yes. Considering the description of those testimonies, the sketch art, and the energy signals of the wormholes in part of our own equipment and the Princesses' magical foresight, we're 100% sure that these creatures are Pokemon. We have yet to confirm other humans, but we're sure that these wormholes are the same that got Hilda and I here when one formed on top of our lab by coincidence, pulling us in." It was hard to imagine that Professor Juniper could ever make an expression other than cheerful considering she always had a bright smile on her face. Her expressions probably served to ease them from the dire situation. "Though, as you can imagine from what happened yesterday, these Pokemon are appearing into this world initially aggressive. Most likely due to the chaotic energies of those wormholes. Even if some aren't, a lot of these Pokemon are reverting to pre-evolutions or even much weaker states of being. It isn't hard to guess that they're finding it difficult to cope with these new changes in both their body and environments. Pokemon being the instinctual creatures that they are, they'll likely be stressed to their limits by being in unfamiliar lands."

"This is where I ask of your aid, my little ponies and our new guests from the Pokemon world." Princess Celestia bowed to them all. "The ecological disaster that they present to this world and the harm that they can do on others and themselves needs to be contained from the ground. While Luna and I study the magics and energies of these wormholes with the Professor to try and stop them from resurging, I need you all to take control of the existing Pokemon that have made their way over. For now, we've had no major incident reports and no citizens gravely injured, but the damage is already piling up and this lukewarm reception could change at any time. Like they did at the garden."

"Especially now that we also have to take Arceus into consideration." The Professor's expression finally turned grim as she frowned and furrowed her brow. "Emile, we'll do everything we can to think of a way to counter Arceus' power. While you're out there, we need you to always be on alert. Find anything on your end that could help us fight It."

"You needn't ask, I had already resolved myself for this."

"And girls?" The Princess looked over to the ponies. "This goes for you, too. Keep the Elements of Harmony on hand. Twilight, bring Spike with you so you can send immediate word to Luna and I if anything were to happen. We saw the type of communication devices our friends have that could fill us in on those things just as quickly, but I would feel much better knowing we took all manner of precautions for the road ahead."

"You got it, Princess!" Twilight said with enthusiasm.

"When you all are ready, you should head back to Ponyville via the Express. Our initial reports saw a few of the wormholes appear near the Everfree Forest there. It'll also serve to pick up the little dragon too. Speak to the royal guard I had sent to investigate, they can tell you the specifics in more detail."

There was a clatter of excitement from everypony, Hilda, and his Eevee as they got up to leave, only to be stopped by Professor Juniper after half of them had already spilled out into the hall outside.

"Oh! Whoops, almost forgot to tell you. Emile, Hilda, head on over to Princess Luna's chambers. There's something waiting for you there." She beamed. "You should follow along with them too, girls, I'm sure it'll be mighty interesting."

Twilight and Hilda were the ones leading the pack as they took the turns through the castle. He hadn't a clue how they'd gotten familiar with these numerous halls in such a short time, but then again, he had been out for quite a while. Twilight was probably quite knowledgeable from her past, and Hilda had likely been in this world for quite some time already even before he had arrived to Canterlot if he remembered what the Princess had said.

"I'm quite excited for whatever this is, aren't you, Emile?" Asked Hilda in trying to make conversation.

"I've been through a lot of surprises lately so I don't know if excitement is the right word for what I'm feeling."

"What? Never took you for the nervous type. Well, not until you fainted that is." Emile felt his face flush with embarrassment. He didn't really have a good excuse for that last one so there was nothing he could say.

"Say, Emile..." Rainbow Dash floated in-between them upside down nonchalantly. "Before in the garden, Hilda said something about you being uh... What was it? Knight of order?" The boy got into a coughing fit at his embarrassment and surprise after having heard of that title once again. The little cyan tomboy had just dug up his dark past without a care in the world.

"Well well, Dashy, listen to this..." Said a snide Hilda as she noticed that Emile refused to answer. "Emile was so world-famous back then, that the Universal Pokemon Association apparently wanted to give him an honorary Knighthood at one point or another in the Galar region." Hilda snickered when Emile turned his face away, trying to ignore the story. "Oh, but woe. There were whispers that he turned it down, yet there was no public statement about it so the rumors were just left to fester into urban legend. Eventually, it just became a joke and a fad to call him 'The Knight of Order' in service for everything he did, and it just kinda stuck."

"No way I would take such a name! I'm no knight, okay?" His ears were hot.

"But that's such a cool title!" Said the rainbow pony having noticed his dislike for it.

"It's quite honorable, dear. Nothing to be ashamed of." Followed up Rarity.

"Emile certainly didn't think so. Every time he went on camera he was always like 'I don't deserve that title' and 'that title is the kind of thing kids think up of, for kids' and stuff. You ask me? He's just being dishonest with himself." Goodness, Hilda really didn't have a filter on her words did she?

"Oh, oh! So that means it's okay for him to have that title now that he's a kid again?" Pinkie said innocently not understanding his shame.

"Please don't." He said, finally turning to look around at them red as a tomato. He could see a few cruel smiles in the mix of those girls as he hid his face with his hat. He felt a little outnumbered here. This journey wasn't going to be so easy, was it? He hoped at that moment that Spike would make all the difference for him in this group of all girls.

It only took a few more jeers at his pride to finally reach the Night Princess' chamber. As Twilight knocked on the door, however, they could hear the distinct sound of books being flung, tables being flipped, cloth being torn, and breaking. A whole of breaking. They quickly opened the door to spot Princess Luna curled up in a picturesque Fibonacci spiral on the floor resting up against a shredded chair with the torn silk drapes of her bedroom window covering a portion of her body, her head tilting back into empty space as though she was passed out. That single snapshot was as much worrisome as it was elegant, like if it had crawled straight out of a museum gallery of the old warring era of their pokemon world. Before anyone had the time to react to the scene with unsavory thoughts, Luna brought her head up and tilted it towards them immediately.

"Oh hey guys, we've been expecting you." She said nonchalantly and adjusted her shattered, round glasses on the bridge of her nose while getting up from the floor as though nothing was wrong. "You must be the human in Twilight's entourage that stopped that massive walking energy signature earlier! Wonderful to meet you." She took off her glasses and set them down on a turned-over nightstand, then proceeded to set a hoof out towards Emile for a handshake, hoofshake? Princess Luna, despite the strange scene, had her own grace and air about her. She was beautiful to behold and conducted herself as such but... She definitely had her quirks. He found endearing himself to her was much easier, as Princess Celestia had been without fault any which way he looked at her.

"Do you mean Arceus?" Emile asked.

"Oh yes, that thing too. Quite quite powerful those creatures are. So interesting. But no, we meant the space holes from before. Their structure is incredibly complex although not very elegant. They're being forced open by a mass of power! Easy to close. We just need to focus, and with my sister's help we will have no problem sealing them back up. Some are too complex though. Probability of success so far has been 78%. If you need more details, ask Professor Juniper."

"Thank you for the information, Princess Luna, but why were you expecting us today?" Hilda asked shortly after Luna had stopped.

"Need to focus, human Hilda. We asked for your assistance today to take these little guys off our back. Their ruckus is distracting." She said as she pointed behind her to the mess that was her room.

With everyone finally peering into the rest of the room, they saw the distinct colors of green, red, and blue from the Pokemon who had de-evolved at the garden. The snake, the piglet, and the otter. Right about now, the piglet and the snake were having a battle of their own and were trying to tackle each other into the furniture, making a mess and a lot of tiny tracks from their uniquely shaped feet. The snake had likely been angry at the little piglet for having lost to its rage and attacked it. The otter just looked on with a serious expression on its face, as though it were judging their battle from a distance.

"So small yet so powerful. Pokemon are incredible creatures, are they not?" Luna asked the two humans, not looking for a response before going back to handle the untouched paperwork in the corner of her room.

"Hey! You two! Stop that." Hilda immediately made a lunge for the two battling Pokemon and secured them both underneath each arm, separating them via the length of her torso.

Eevee ran into the room and got up near the otter, stance ready to fight it again. The otter took the shell from his belly and got ready too as he eyed the little fox down. Before Emile could tell them to stop and much to his relief, the otter walked over to Eevee rather calmly and placed his shell on the little fox's head. This prompted his Eevee to lick its cheek in response. The otter itself didn't flinch much while still looking at Eevee with a deadpan serious look on its face.

"Wow! Look at that. One battle and they're already friends." Smiled Hilda, looking on at the two.

"How can you tell?" Fluttershy asked, not understanding the otter's signs of affection.

"I've never met these type of Pokemon before. Can you tell us more about them, Hilda?" Emile asked.

"That blue one there is an Oshawott from Unova, a pure water type. They say that an Oshawott's shell is its most prized possession since it uses it for everything from battle to everyday life, and it hates to part with it for any reason. I hear that the utmost sign of respect that they can show to others is by physically handing them their shell momentarily, as a sign of friendship."

"Then I guess the little man prides himself in battle if that's true. He must've recognized Eevee's strength." Emile smiled at the scene of the serious-natured little otter finding respect for his Eevee. The rest of the pony girls were quite entranced at the scene, especially Fluttershy. Then, the otter picked up its shell off of Eevee's head, and slowly waddled its way up to the boy to place the shell on top of his shoe, only for it to look up at him to stare into his eyes.

"It's so cute!" Fluttershy said and petted the Oshawott, who remained unflinching with its unyielding gaze. "Seems like it really likes you too, Emile."

Emile understood what came next. He had done this so many times before, and he could understand the look in the little Otter's eyes. It wanted to fight. To become stronger. It knew that it would get to see many strong battles if it stuck with him. There was mutual respect in both of them as their battle together had shown them everything they needed to know. This was the start of a new friendship.

Emile took hold of the shell from his shoe, and sat down on the ground in front of the little otter to be as close to it as possible. The boy held out the shell for it so it could take it back, and in doing so, Emile took out his own item. A small little sphere that he had been safekeeping for a while now. As he held it out for the little otter, he enlarged the ball with the button facing it. Oshawott looked him in the eyes again for one last look of whatever it was eyeing up before, and then pressed the button voluntarily. The ball cracked open, and the light consumed its form only to shut again. The ball shook three times, and then no more.

A new friend had been made.

Hilda and the ponies looked on in awed silence.

"That was quite the magical moment! You really have a way with Pokemon, Emile." Hilda was the first to say something.

"It wasn't just me then, right?! That felt like quite the special scene." Twilight exhaled the breath she had kept in as the rest followed suit and nodded in agreement.

"Uhm. You know. That's how it is between Pokemon and Trainers I suppose. It's all about making friends." Emile said meekly. "But at least you guys got to finally see what these bad boys can do." He said gesturing at the now fingernail-sized ball in his palm.

"That... was... AMAZING! Ooo, ooo! Make some of those for me pretty please, Emile. I want hundreds of Pokemon friends!" Pinkie Pie practically exploded.

"A bit at a time Pinkie, my Pokeriss still takes a long time to make one. It would be nice if we could all get you to make some friends with Pokemon. That way we could increase our fighting capabilities." He said while pulling his Pokeriss out to check it. He had prepared another apple into it after the first one had been done, and now a second Pokeball lay inside. "Hilda, are you gonna need some as well?"

"Oh! That's a device that can make Pokeballs on the fly?! How handy is that, huh? I'd only heard rumors of that thing too." She beamed at the sight of it. "Since most Pokeballs were mass-produced in our world, it wouldn't have had a real use there but now it just solved our biggest problem in this world! The Professor and I were honestly so worried because we only came over to this world with ten Pokeballs on hand."

"It still takes quite a bit of time to make just the one, so I would like to start teaching some crafters to make them. Do you think the Professor would know how?" He could see Rarity's eyes sparkle at the mention of this.

"No but we were transported to this world with a lot of our equipment since a huge chunk of our lab came with us. I bet we have some manuscripts and materials in there somewhere." She said as she began texting in her phone, presumably to ask the professor.

"For now though, we should think about what to do with these two little fellas." Emile eyed the two figures within Hilda's arms. The piglet seemed perfectly content in the purse-bag hold it was under. In fact, it looked almost downright happy. The little girl was snorting the occasional snort of satisfaction, probably in amusement that the snake writhed opposite to her in Hilda's grasp. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Hilda, but I think the piglet likes you.

"Hmm? The Tepig?" She took hold of it like a football and brought its eyes to her face. Tepig proceeded to give her a very messy lick on the face, confirming Emile's suspicions. Instead of being grossed out like Emile naturally expected she would, Hilda beamed and said, "Well, we're friends now you know that?"

Understanding these words, the little pig jumped up by her belly in Hilda's open palm in jovial response. The snake broke free from her grip and dropped to the floor, where it scurried over to Luna again who had been much too busy to notice.

"Hmm?" The Princess of the night looked over to it, then the group of friends.

"Ehm. Sorry, Luna. I think Snivy took quite the shine to you." Hilda gave her a meek smile as the grassy serpent dug itself into her starry mane and appeared on top of her head.

"..." The Princess thought for a bit. "Troubling, but we think we can handle the mess of one of these little critters. Don't worry. We shall keep it well fed and loved." She said while petting the green snake on her head.

"Oh! Emile, does the Pokedex have anything to say about them? You know, before we leave..." Twilight let her curiosity get the better of her. Emile was happy to oblige her and pulled it out of his coat jacket. Hilda also pulled out hers with her own distinct color and markings on it, beating him to the punch as she showed it to Twilight first.

Tepig, the Fire Pig Pokémon. Instead of breathing fire from its mouth or ears, Tepig does so from its nostrils. When ill, it will spout thick, black smoke. Tepig will roast berries before eating them, but occasionally gets overexcited and burns them.

As Hilda ran the girls through the more specifics of the Pokemon's details, Emile let out his Oshawott from its Pokeball. The little otter had already fallen asleep inside of it in that short time evident by coming out with its eyes closed and a rather big snot bubble on its nose. Everyone was sure to be quiet while Emile scanned him.

Oshawott, the Sea Otter Pokémon. Oshawott attacks and defends using the schalop that can be removed from its stomach. The scalchop on its stomach isn't just used for battle--it can be used to break open hard berries as well as any other day to day need. It cannot rest if it is missing its shell.

Finally, everyone crowded around Luna much to her surprise to read the final entry that was available to them.

Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon. Cool, calm, and collected, Snivy uses photosynthesis to collect energy with the leaf on its tail. It is very intelligent and often likes to play tricks on others. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter.

How odd, everyone thought. Why had it chosen Luna if it was more partial to sunlight? What little mysteries some Pokemon were.

Hilda had been busy making the pact of a lifetime in the background, using a Pokeball to befriend the little piglet. Her capture a resounding success, she brought the Pokeball to the sky and yelled in victory and happiness. With everyone saying their farewells and thank yous to Luna and moving out into the hall, there was now that much more jubilation and excitement in the air.

"I can't wait to make a strong Pokemon my friend!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"There's plenty of strong flying types that would fit you perfectly dashy!" Assured Hilda. "What do you suppose would fit Pinkie Pie, Emile?" She said having noticed the Pink one's excitement abound.

"Hmm. Spoink maybe?" The two laughed between themselves.

"Okay yeah I see that."

"I'm just excited to get the chance to learn more about Pokemon." Twilight said.

"Remember what the Princess said, Twi'. We can't expect for things to be smooth sailing from here. I reckon we're going to have a lot on our hands." Applejack mused.

"I guess you're right..."

"Don't look so down, girls!" Hilda brought them right back up. "This is your very own Pokemon Journey you guys a starting! This is an adventure!"

Author's Note:

The artist for the art on this page can be found on DeviantArt under the name Crayon-Chewer. She makes wonderfully colorful illustrations that I’ve been graciously allowed to use. Go check out more of her stuff on the link I’ve included in her name!