• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


Star Swirl the Bearded is said to be the greatest pony who ever lived and is credited with being the most powerful unicorn of all time, at least until Twilight Sparkle came along.

However what no one knows is that there is something that Star Swirl wanted more then anything. More then fame, more then fortune, more then glory. It was a family.

Now Princess Celestia and Princess Luna discover that the descendants of Star Swirl have been living right under their noses the whole time. The most recent descendants are none other then Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and Trixie Lulamoon.

Shining Armor and Twilight may already be use to being part of a family but Trixie has always been on her own. Is there anyway this unusual family can come together or will they drive each other up the wall?

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 127 )

And so we have my 10th fanfic.

This is an idea I got from the Alicorn Twilight group.

You may suggest more relatives but they must be unicorns.

oh, Discord is SO about to get BLOATED! the chaos will be beautiful:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Can you say pipebomb?

2737327 What about... Prince Blueblood? :trollestia: lol, just kidding. I actually- GAH! Gotta go!

Alright, now on iPad. I was about to suggest adding- drum roll, please! *dadadadaddaaaaaa* Fleur De Lis! Yup, Radom. But come on! Rares probably has a crush on Fancy Pants even though he is MARRIED to Fleur, so the draamaaaa! Plus, how will Rares and Twi react to being related? Trixie and Twi? TWI AND TWI? What about all their parents, aka Twilight Velvet+Nite Light, and Magnum+Pearl? Plus four other ponies that aren't canon yet?

2737762 I won't consider every unicorn. Fluer I'm not really sure I can make work whereas Rarity I can.

Prince Blueblood is already royalty and he's probably like Cadence, adopted.

I can see Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor being related to Starswirl the Bearded. They both have powerful magic. Trixie, on the other hand, you would need to convince me more. However, the look on Twilight's and Trixie's face when they find out will be priceless.
I have a question though, why does descendant of Starswirl have to unicorns? Can't they be earth ponies? After all, Sweet Dreams was an earth pony. Besides, the idea of Pinkie Pie being a descendant would be funny as hell (as well as explain a lot about her abilities.:pinkiecrazy:)

2737784 Awww. Then I'll toss out a ton of unicorns! MWAHAHAHAHHA! Okay, I'll only do three. :unsuresweetie:

Candidate Number Three: Lyra Heartstrings
Candidate Number Two: Vinyl Scratch
Candidate Number OOONEEEEE! Sunset Shimmer
YES, she isn't canon. But if she was a student of CELESTIA HERSELF, then she has powerful magicks. Lol, just consider the other two! :twilightsheepish:

2737796 Pinkie being in the family tree would explain SO much wouldn't it?:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: but that would take some of the Pinkie out of Pinkie though

"What do we do now?" Princess Luna asked.

"For now we'll continue running Equestria like we normally do." Princess Celestia said "But we might have to make some changes based on who turns out to be releated to Star Swirl the Bearded."

Hmm.... I have to scratch my head here.... WHAT is the point of the story? Cause as far as I know, them being related to some dead old unicorn from 1000+ years ago doesn't mean a damn thing other than bragging rights of being related to said dead old unicorn. It doesn't change anything. At all.

The Desc of the story says:

Shining Armor and Twilight may already be use to being part of a family but Trixie has always been on her own. Is there anyway this unusual family can come together or will they drive each other up the wall?

But.... well.... Unless Trixie is secretly a sister, there is no point. Why would they 'come together'? Siblings, yes mostly. They are close family. Cousins, aunts, oh we have 1 relative in common from ONE THOUSAND YEARS PLUS AGO? No.... Maybe just a letter, a little fun note to tug away, but nothing to drop everything and meet up about. :facehoof: It just does not make sense, in any ways, shape, or form :facehoof:

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: oh Rarity, the PROBLEMS that your wish being granted is going to bring you:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: I am SO looking forward to reading about them:pinkiecrazy:

OH god please more please for everything that is holy more.

Next time you know Spike's mom would be Princess Celestia.

Ohhhhh! My Drama-sense is kicking in ...
It is telling me ...
Star Swirl was the father of Clover (a Ruler of Equestria prior to Celestia or Luna)...
The older title Could give rule to Twilight, Rarity, Trixie or Shining giving them the Title of Queen (or King if rule passes to male heirs... mares rule the herd so this is very much in doubt) over the present title of Princess that Celestia and Luna use ...

Will Twilight rein in Trixie? (assuming that this is in fact possible)
Will Shining just run back to the Crystal Empire to escape the chaos? (It's what i would do ... besides that is where his Wife is at)
Will Rarity track down Blueblood and rub her new title in his face? (Please oh Please god make this happen! :raritywink:)

zzzzzzt ****
dang it ! My drama sense shorted out! :raritydespair:

:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh: Are my reactions to this chapter.
Celestia: well you got your wish rarity :trollestia:

I like the premise of Twilight and Trixie (and Rarity) being related, it has some possibilities. Most fics make them sisters, which while interesting requires some monkeywrenching on Twilight's family tree. Cousins are easier and provide almost all the same drama.

On the other hand, I find that you're very quick to reveal everything, both to the reader and the other characters. You missed a couple of very good opportunities to build suspense by revealing too early that Trixie was related, for instance. Say if Celestia's letter had only mentioned that there was another pony related to Starswirl, but didn't say who. Imagine Twilight's reaction when she found out who it was. Even better, you could also have kept the readers from finding out up until then, for maximum surprise. Just some constructive criticism.

I'll still follow this, of course.

:raritycry::I'm related to Trixie? Why? Why? Whhyyyyyyyyy?!
:pinkiecrazy::Because you wished for it.
:duck:It was a rhetorical question, Pinkie.

Twilight was way too casual about Trix being related to her. Like this: "Oh, yeah. Guys, Trixie happens to be my cousin. Now, let's continue talking." Only way this could be brushed up. Do a "Canterlot Wedding Part 1" reaction: 'You and Shining are cousins of... TRIXIE?!?!?' Couldn't word that correctly, sorry. :twilightsheepish:

Her former student had a descendant of Star Swirl the Bearded

Had should be was.

It is impossible that Trixie Twilight and Shining Armour are the only three living descendants of Star Swirl, in fact depending on how long ago Star Swirl lived and the population of Equestria it is very likely that everypony is related to Star Swirl.


Yay, best pony is a descendant of Star Swirl the Bearded :raritywink:

That's a strange emoticon for :trixieshiftright:

2746950 Please don't start a flame war. Respect other people's opinions. I don't want to have to delete comments.


Whoa there! Ease up man. I was just messin. Jeez. I may be a fan of Trix but I'm not going to actually berate someone else's opinion. at least not seriously. If he had reacted, thinking it was serious I woulda said the same thing I just did. Also Rarity is in my Top Three anyway.

:yay: new chapter:pinkiehappy: Twight was seriously stressed since she appeared calm and collected:twilightoops: thermo-nuclear detonation in T-minus.......

Oh thank goodness you have reasoning for her acting. I hate to see people write Trixie so one dimensionally.

2748399 Yep and the reason will come in good time. Why not now? Because where's the fun in that?


The only other times I've heard the joker sing.

2748460 You know things are gonna get wacky when The Joker starts singing.

How will Rarity's parents and little sis react to this?

2748497 I'll touch on that within the next chapter or two.

Rarity's affect on Ponyville? Celestia save us all. Let's see how the story continues.

More then fame, more then fortune, more then glory. It was a family.

Could you change all of those thens to thans for me?
(It's in the description.)

The next day I introduce* myself


Also fix the thens again.

I soon discovered that Sweet Dreams was intrested* ^ a lot of the same stuff I was intrested in, even though she was but a humble earth pony I was attracted to her and asked her out on the spot.


Thus we were married and we spent our honeymoon in the new* established capital city of Equestria, Canterlot.


Also, that was a great story.:twilightsmile:

OK, you know what? I have found about ten too many thens that are supposed to be thans to care to correct them now.

2751258 I didn't know it was common. If anything I thought it was uncommon.

2751265 Wow, I've only read one fanfic that used that headcannon.

Her cousin is Vinyl? I approve.

Okay we need a list of the entire Sparkle family now before more surprises happened.

2751369 Sorry but like with revealing why Trixie's acting the way she is "Where's the fun in that?".

Right...Twilight seemed a bit OOC. She was being a bit to harsh on Trixie. I can understand animosity but

Trixie is nothing but trouble.

Trixie has been a pain in the flank for as long as I can remember

These don't sound like our lavender librarian.

This line in particular doesn't sound like Twilight at all. She's really modest, remember?

"She wishes." Twilight said "I was more then a match for her on my own terms when I was just a unicorn and I could easily wipe the floor with her now that I'm an alicorn."

2751297 I suggested Vinyl as one of the SS related ponies! YAY! IM LOVED!
ANYWAYS! The question at the end of the chapter is an obvious question. If Vinyl is her cousin then of course she's related to him! Although, she could be on a different side of the family tree...

2751279 everything (until Fuast says something) can be considered AU tag and headcannon

NICE going on getting Vinyl in the story:yay: I bet she's a BLAST and the only reason to go to Sparkle family reunions

Wait, what?
Twilight is Vinyl's cousin?:twilightoops:
When and how did that happen??:facehoof:

2752289 It's headcannon based off a fic called "Cousin Vinyl".

Using the top comment as an author's note is a fairly common practice. Asking the author not to use the comments just sounds... kinda crazy.:pinkiecrazy:

Ponyville's new name will be raritytopia or something along those lines

It could be of the following:
A) Gilda
B) Film Flam Brothers
C) Teenage Dragons
D) Parasprites
E) All of the above
F) None of the above
G) Discord

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