• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 27th


Standing on the outside, dying on the inside.


What started off as an ordinary day on Sweet Apple Acres quickly turns into a nightmare when Applejack makes a tragic discovery.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

And now with great shame I would like to present, the 2nd strangest thing that i've ever written!

Bwuahahaha XD

I laughed pretty hard at this. Well done.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed reading

fucking hilarious. good on ya mate, did not see tgat coming. of course it couldnt happen to a better bastard...er rabbit.

I could see it coming from the tags, a non-pony version of this was on a cassette I had of a certain Atlanta-based comedian. That said I still enjoyed it, this wasn't just a copy/paste and it was pretty funny. It being Angel doesn't make me feel quite as bad for the lop-earred fellow.

Nope. I didn't see it coming

Funny. With a hint of darkness. I LOVE IT! :pinkiecrazy:

I saw whatcha did there…and I laughed my flank off!! It was super funny, you made my day- er, night!! Anyway if you guys were wondering why this comment was posted at 12:40 am, my older sister made me stay up all night watching Supernatural. Fantastic job, you made me smile!!

Read it, loved it, faved it.:twilightsmile:


Thank you and thank you


"It'll never get above 100 views. It's only got 15 right now."--Stan

I win, sir.

lol, I know I know

But it went above 112 views on day 1.
So we both lose.

uhhhh... lol...? :rainbowlaugh:

Do I laugh....or cry? :rainbowderp:

Flip a coin.
That's how I decide on 2 way choices.


Lol. I like to think you put lots of thought and arduous plot planning into a decision. You're ruining that. I loved this story, sir. I really thought it was exemplary and the best story you have written so far. Short, to the point, and ascetic. It's a beautiful piece of short fiction.

Also dark. Love that.


You are rounding third, sir. That makes this story your most successful, n'est pas? This is a good platform to launch more stories from.

I saw it coming! This is an ooooold light-scary story I've been seeing here and there since I was a kid. I very much enjoyed your MLPifying of it ^^

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

5557867 Never crossed my mind.

E. Daily denied it for 3 reasons.
1. The person who looked it over felt that the story was more paranoia than actual comedy.
2. They felt that I over did Applejack's accent.
3. They didn't understand the punchline to the story.

Alright, so who saw that ending coming?

As soon as Winona got involved I thought 'this is going to be just like that joke', still funny though.

Author Interviewer

I was actually thinking while reading this that I would have given it a Poe-style ending. And you did that, just not the ending I would have done (i.e., Applejack can't tell white rabbits apart, and Angel greets her in the cottage). I just wish you'd written the characters a little better. Applejack is completely dishonest in everything she does in this story. :/

I really like that Rabbit idea.
It would have been funny if she went through all of that, only to learn that that wasn't even Angel.
But all of that aside, I can't tell if you're giving an honest review or if you're just complaining.
Your 2nd and 3rd sentences are throwing me off Mr/Ms Moderator.

Author Interviewer

Not a moderator.

And I honestly wish you'd either kept the characters more in-character or had Applejack spend more time agonizing over acting completely against her nature before following through.

Comment posted by Dainn deleted Feb 17th, 2018
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