• Member Since 24th Jul, 2013
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After a mishap with a spell lands Twilight Sparkle and friends in the village of Konoha, Tsunade and Jiraiya turn the accident into a plan to shield Naruto from Akatsuki...whether he knows it or not. Now living in Ponyville, Naruto must adjust to being a pony, but with his assistant and the Mane 6 to keep him company, that might be easier than he thinks. Crossover with Naruto. Originally posted on Fanfiction.net

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 131 )

Yay you are on this site now too!

These are among my favorite two series for crossovers-ttebayo.

Can't wait to see the reactions to their jutsu

You know, I'm somewhat upset that we didn't get to actually see what Pinkie, Guy and Lee got into when they ran off. Then again, the sheer energy in those paragraphs might cause my laptop to explode... Meh, I'd be worth it.

Anywho, just read through the story thus far and enjoying it greatly. I find myself wondering just what's going to happen with ol' Ninetails here though, because obviously there's going to be some form of complication involving him while in Equestria... Also half-expected Dash to be more interested in Jutsu than she is, but considering that world stole her wings I guess I can see some hesitance. Wonder what she'd have to say about his more flashy techniques, though.

Oh, and Twilight clones may be worse than Pinkie clones, depending on the situation. Tick-tick-ticking and all that. :twilightsheepish:

And as for the pairings I see forming... Me gusta. Have to see a bit more of Gara x Luna to get a good read, but there's potential there. I feelz it.

Thus concludes random unwanted feedback from a complete stranger! :pinkiehappy:

Isn't the most astounding fic, but definitely a good one!

Wow! Just wow! I am entirely blown away and almost entirely speechless! That rarely ever happens, you have my undying respect, and this story is going straight into my favorites! Keep the quality this good, or you'll regret it! :rainbowdetermined2:

An amazing story so far, I really hope you keep updating this. I SOOO need my NarutoxPony fix. The story itself is pretty good, the story flows along, neither to fast or slow. And the characters stay true to their personalities. Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

Ok, this story is good. But it could be better. Like, for example, there is a lack of details from time to time. There is also a lack of transition. These are the two things that I think you should work on but other than that this story is alright.

Rarity, while also finding it funny, found it to be absolutely adorable, seeing the Crusaders, particularly her little sister, practically swooning over a colt that was technically human. It was like some cheesy love story written by a hack writer and guilty though it made her, she loved it.

leaning on the forth wall, everyone is doing it these days.
so does it really even exist? :derpytongue2:

Well this is my first Naruto MLP crossover and so far I'm glad it's my first! :pinkiehappy:

this needs something oh yeah an UPDATE

are you going to make more, please say yes!:pinkiehappy:

I noticed you didn't mention Gaara going through the portal but except for that very good so far.

Can't wait for more.

XD konohamaru is soooo getting hitched LOL:eeyup:

Wait,is this young Naruto or Shippuden Naruto?

3362777 Shippuden, a very short time after Naruto and Jiraiya returned to the village

3309457 Working on it as we speak. Kinda hard with work and everything, but I'm getting there.

Woo! New chapter! About time too, I was getting bored...

Ahhh Pinkie, the goddess of baked goods and pastries. :pinkiehappy: Loved the story, and can't wait to see how you progress things in Ponyville. :twilightsmile:

Can't wait to read more. Gaara is perfect for Luna, since he can't sleep. :twilightsmile:

I loved it, Can't help but smile during the marshmallow cake incident :pinkiehappy:

3541487 Well, it probably won't be up for two-three weeks, but started the new chapter...It will mostly revolve around Gaara, because I got three flames from the same guy basically calling the story $#!7 for adding him at all, despite the fact that he's actually integral to the plot (I'll let you figure out how lol). So the new chapter should be big, written well, and have lots of Gaara/Luna shipping :pinkiehappy:

Gaara deserves some attention. Nice chapter, can't wait for more. :moustache:

Gaara was one of the best characters of the show, good for you for adding him, despite the flamer :twilightsmile:

Another great chapter, I can't wait to see the big reveal on what the shadow is.

3651348 Have you ever read the comics? If so, than you probably already know what the shadows are...

3651364 Never read the comics actually, so its going to be quite a surprise to me. :twilightsmile:

Dear god, the Nightmare Forces are going to try to get Gaara.

3801934 You know it. And you guys all think Shukaku-possessed Gaara is bad...wait until both Shukaku AND the Nightmare Forces are vying for control over his body...or perhaps...something else:pinkiehappy:

Oh boy, I have a feeling that this may not end well at first. First we have the hyperactive pink, party pony meeting Konoha's two Green Beasts and now Ponyville's grand fashionista and the largest gossip in the Land of Fire having a stare down. My heart goes out to the villagers.:unsuresweetie:

This is obvoiusly Shippuden Naruto, since they wouldn't send konohamaru on a mission if he still was that young as back then.
Also Twilight and the others are roughly the same age as naruot (+1 or +2 years) as it was stated.

4016484 I have no idea what your point is...

I wonder if it ever occurred to Naruto that he can take the bits and then pay Applejack back at a later date... Awesome fic I'm reading! This is pretty much my fifth time reading all of the chapters, and I can't get enough of it!

4291921 Well, I'm working as fast as I can, but it is slow due to my work schedule

If the Third Hokage is a bit of a surrogate grandfather to Naruto, then Konohamaru might as well be Naruto's little brother. The pegasis joke, three-way harem with Pinkie and AJ, all of these are references to other Naruto crossover fics. :pinkiegasp:

Celestia being Kankuro and Temari's potential sister-in-law? :trixieshiftright: Ooh, I like that. :pinkiehappy:

On a side note, I'm glad to see that Konohamaru's getting sum love. Ah, Cadence would have a field day with the Shinobi Three.

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowdetermined2:nah I'm cool.

:pinkiecrazy:: I'll kill them to control the situation, if I can get control over pinkie.


2932414 LOL, so true but that ending, LOL.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I'm start ing a group for pre-readers/editors if you need one or know one please put them into contact with me.:pinkiehappy:

Distraction cutie marks? Oh hoh hoh, this is going to be a hoot!:rainbowlaugh:

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