• Member Since 29th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 30th, 2021


Author of the Kamen Rider Drake series and all around fan of...just about anything with action in it. Shooting Stars Away! -RedStar


  • EWhen they do Grow Up
    (Sequel to The Bond between Mother and Son) Button's mom knows that even after their talk, Button still worries at times for her. She doesn't mind knowing this, but seeing your son grow up sometimes can be hard. (ONE-SHOT) (NOT A CLOPFIC)
    RedStar76 · 3.3k words  ·  104  2 · 3.3k views

Just a normal sunny day in Ponyville, right? Anything but when Button Mash's mother sees that Button Mash is acting much different than usual. However, the reason behind it will have a much bigger impact on their relationship as mother and son than she realizes. (NOT A CLOPFIC)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 58 )

I love the fact that you have to preface your Button Mash story with his mother by emphasizing that it's not a clopfic.

(Although, calling the story "The Bond between Mother and Son" does paint a pretty suggestive picture.)

That's so sweet. Also, FIRST!

Give or take seven minutes. :unsuresweetie:

3083493 Well I'm sorry the website doesn't automatically update the comments section like Youtube does. :facehoof:

Finally! A story about Button Mash and his mom that's NOT a clopfic! Thank Celestia there are fans like you to make these kind of fics! :yay:

And this was a very sweet and well put together story. Though you could strive to remember to put a space between each sentence when someone is speaking. When someone starts speaking you start a new paragraph. :eeyup:

No problem. I just think the whole "first post" thing is played out.

3083516 Ah, I just felt like it for some odd reason...

Kind of like Yamimash towards the end, here. :eeyup:

"Wait!" he called out, "I'm coming with you!"

It would seem this line can also be used in a Button Mash story without incest. :unsuresweetie:

I read the whole thing.

3083516 where did you get that picture of regidar from the 80's?

firstly holy crap adorable,and believable.
secondly. thank god a non clop button story, i kinda like button and his mom.
i wont lie i can see why so many incest fics have come from it but this is what ive wanted to see for a while.
a sweet tale of a mother and son.
bravo dear author. have a fav.

Only error that I really noticed:

The sun gently rose and began to shower it's morning warmth
As the sun rose, it's light began to shine

It's is the contraction of "it is".
Its is the posessive pronoun.

Here's a trick for dealing with situations like these. Whenever you're confronted by a choice between its / it's, their / they're, your / you're, take the contraction and expand it to its full form ("it is", "they are", "you are"), plug it into the sentence, and see if it still makes sense:

The sun gently rose and began to shower it is morning warmth over Equestria.
"It is pretty hard to find a beauty such as yourself just happening to trot on by, mind going out to dinner?"

If replacing the word with the un-contracted form makes nonsense out of the sentence, you do not want the form with the apostrophe in it.

Also, you have a couple of sentences like this one:

As noon slowly began it's approach. Button's mom put on her saddlebag and ready to go out to Ponyville market get some more vegetables and fruits that she needed.

where you have a missing word or two, and misplaced punctuation:
As noon slowly began its approach, Button's mom put on her saddlebag and got ready to go out to Ponyville market to get some more vegetables and fruits that she needed.

3083740 :facehoof: Thank you for pointing those out to me. I'll fix it immediately:twilightsmile:

The pace was a bit quick, but this was cute. It bugs me a little bit that the first thing the fandom thought when they saw Button was "PORN!", but oh well.

dawwwwww, this is so sweet. I love it.

"The internet is for porn :pinkiegasp:
The internet is for porn :twilightoops:
Why you think the net was born? :applejackconfused:
Porn, porn, porn..." :rainbowlaugh:

Actually, it looked to me like the majority of the Button's-Mom clopfics that got uploaded in the last week or so were all from one or two particular authors. So I'm not sure if that was so much the first thought of the fandom at large, or just the first thought of a couple of unusually prolific fanfic writers who apparently have a lot of free time on their hands. :derpytongue2:

3084206 the thought that there are some people who feel the need to write multiple child pornography stories after watching a three minute video really doesn't help :raritydespair:

Yes, well, to quote Mr. Spock:
"I did not say that I approved. I said that I understood." :trixieshiftright:

3084632 that one's from A Taste Of Armageddon, right?

Score yourself five bonus points. :pinkiehappy:

(Although only partially -- the actual shooting script that made it onto the screen was a bit different. The quote I posted was from an earlier script that James Blish used for the novelizations, and which was used as the basis for the "Fotonovel" captions. And if you have to ask what a Fotonovel is, you're too young to remember them. :twilightoops: )

3084698 nah, I had a The Lost World: Jurassic Park fotonovel in my grade school classroom. And a Terminator one in a different classroom in grade three before that. Yeah :twilightoops:

3084147 It is, isn't it? :D I took a critical hit to the feels.

Simple... But, touching.

Really? I'm a bit surprised by those; I thought they'd stopped making Fotonovels (at least in the U.S.) long before either of those two movies came out... They were mostly an 1970s-through-very-early-80s phenomenon, and were never hugely popular. VCRs pretty much killed them off.


i cry erytim.

I might have to an epilogue... or a sequel...
(edit:) I made the sequel...

3086617 evidently some of them still hung on :rainbowderp:

Button and his mom but not starring in a clopfic?

INSTAFAVE AND LIKE!:pinkiehappy:

OK, so two things I'm thinking right now; no wait, make that three:

1. ..........:rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowhuh:WAT!?!?! BUTTON THREW AWAY HIS VIDEOGAMES!?!?! EVERYPONY RUN; IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

2. D'awwwwww, Button loves his mom so much he'd give up is games? that's so sweet.:fluttercry::twilightsmile::fluttercry::twilightsmile::fluttercry:


3094587 damnlol.com/pics/475/f2ce829cf286ec06c5d31af7528431c7.gif
You downvoters should feel ashamed of yourselves, you don't deserve the title of Brony.

This kind of reminds me of my relationship with my mom.


Okay, someone needs to chill out. People are entitled to downvoting.

Yeah, if it's poorly written, has no real plot (no pun intended) or is just flat-out bad. Not when it actually is well-written, with an excellent plot, character development, and has a beautiful theme that conicides with the MLP gen4 series. I still believe anyone who can downvote this and has the gall to call themselves a Brony afterwards is a douche, asshole, and deserves to root in Hell/Tartarus/wherever for all eternity.

I did something like this once took me some time to get over it but...brings back good memories.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.:pinkiesad2:

Beautiful. You have an excellent sense of pacing, and hit hard with teh feelz.

This is so beautyfull that i cried 0.11% percent of my tear bank:twilightsmile:

Ummmm.....ooookkkkk.......yeah, that just happened:facehoof: The buck just happened? Buck it. Alright so, this seriously needs an editor, first thing that came to my mind was "OH GODS, HERE WE GO!" No joke, for real bro, you need an editor to look over this, or at least separate your paragraphs, first rule of writing on a site like this, spelling, grammar, that bullshit. Second was the fact that the father was mentioned but nothing other then he had a dad, wow that's amazing, does he have a rabbit to?

Gods damn, that dad thing just came out of nowhere, explain more about the father, like where he is. Another thing is I was really not drawn towards the two, it was sweet and touching sure but he's a child, that's bound to happen no matter what, honestly I give you an A for effort seriously but this is one of the reasons I'm not really one for OC's, who the buck is Button Mash anyway? Is he a background pony? Never heard of him, I don't think I have anyway......so to be honest all in all....a 5/10, sorry for being so harsh but like I said before, I censor my thoughts for no one, very cute fic though my friend:twilightsmile:

3255651 Oh, Button Mash is a background pony, I put the OC tag because Jan Animations did this animation on him:

Don't worry about being harsh, I ver much appreciate your review and feedback, it helps me alot :twilightsmile: Thank you Inferno, and keep being awesome! :pinkiehappy:

This could have been about Button eating a sandwich with his mom and I still would have read it. It's a real shame that there's so much potential with the "video game addicted son and the loving, caring mother" characters, but the first thing bronies thought of when the saw him is "SHIP WITH SWEETIE BELLE/PORN FOR MOM!"

A real shame. Thank you for this.

3343147 You're welcome! :pinkiehappy: There is also a sequel if you would like to check that out aswell :twilightsmile:

Awww, such a sweet story. Upsies!

Aww...The feels...they are so cute.

Well... this was not the reason for his weird behavior I had anticipated^^ lol^^ Nice story^^

That's a good daww story you have there.
Nice flow. Dialogue is sound.
4/5 PP-SPA.

This was an adorable story.

The plot had me guessing the entire time and I loved that. I loved that it was a mystery of why Button was acting so strangely and it was done rather well. The whole thing at the market was a little weird, how this kid stood up to the bully, but I'll be honest, it did make me laugh and it didn't bother me enough that it felt off. I thought it was a little weird, but not enough to ruin the moment.

The lesson at the end of the story is something I hold very, very dear. And it's the simple act of loving your parents and being able to grow up. I know that was done in a very odd way in this story, but it worked. I thought it worked. A lot of friends that I have aren't like this. They are very self-centered and don't offer to help their parents. Do I think their bad? No, but it ... to me shows that you want to go that extra mile for people you love. And I really connected with Button in that way. So I really liked that.

This story would have benefited from a proofreader or an editor. There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes that I saw, but those will get better with time and practice and I don't see it becoming a huge problem for you. I see a lot of neat ideas and stories from you. A great story. A really touching one. I enjoyed it and I hope to see more from you in the future. Take care. :pinkiehappy:

3763854 Wow, thank you for holding my story in such good regards :twilightsmile: and thank you so much for your kind words, and actually taking the time to read it. :twilightsheepish:

3755049 4 out of 5? Not bad if I do say so myself :twilightsheepish: Although, if I may ask, what does the PP-SPA stand for?

3823794 You are most welcome. And I would do it again. :pinkiehappy:

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