• Published 24th Feb 2012
  • 1,307 Views, 13 Comments

What Is And What Isn't - ProminenceFlare

A story about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and how they go through life.

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A Bad Day

Diamond Tiara was not having a good day. Oh sure, her breakfast had been absolute perfection (she would accept nothing less), her mane immaculately coiffed as per her explicit instructions, and her coat brushed to a fine, glimmering sheen. However, this all paled before one unfortunate fact:

Not Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, nor Sweetie Belle were at all around today. Somehow, the trio had apparently done the impossible and made themselves particularly scarce- a fact that was frustrating Diamond Tiara to no end. Silver Spoon had managed to inform her that she would be unavailable for the better part of the day due to her parents forcing her along on some sort of shopping trip. While Diamond Tiara normally LOVED shopping (it gave her an always welcome opportunity to flaunt her wealth and opulence), Silver Spoon had actually recommended she in fact NOT accompany her, due to it being 'not that kind of shopping'. Silver had promised she'd be back and that she'd look for her as soon as possible, which would be in a couple of hours; Diamond Tiara pretty much had no choice but to agree and wish for her quick return.

That turn of events had led to her trotting around town, head held high, posture impeccable, hoping that at the very least she could gain some curious looks- maybe an adoring stare or two? If nothing else, she'd at the very least gain a semi-disdainful look from a classmate; after all, most of those foals really didn't know an astonishing young pony when they saw one, did they?

'Oh, well,' she thought. 'I guess my status is just too much for them to-'

Suddenly, a bump from her right sent her stumbling, although she managed to catch herself in time to avoid an oh-so embarrassing faceplant.

Quickly, Diamond turned to the offending pony, smoothing out her mane and resetting her tiara; the object having been severely jostled out of it's usual position. “Hey, how dare you! Like, don't you know who I am?” She gave a quick check at the offending pony- who just so happened to be Twist, one of their classmates; a friend of Apple Bloom's as well, as far as she recalled. A devious smirk grew as she reveled in finally having something to do- it might not have been the blank flanks themselves, but a friend would work just as well. “Or maybe those gigantic nerd-glasses of yours just aren't working!”

There. That should at least make her a little-

“Oh, thorry. My glasseth have been really thmudgy lately. I wanna get new onth, but they're tho ethpenthive theses days...well, gotta go!” Shaking her head somewhat ruefully, Twist turned back and continued on her way. “Bye now!” With a casual wave, she was gone.

“...” Diamond Tiara was left speechless for several moments, watching Twist's retreating form. It took some time before she was able to articulate words again.

“...No...did...did she...” Shaking her head as if to clear it of cobwebs, she looked out again.

The words almost didn't make it out. “She didn't care at all...”

It was then she decided she REALLY needed to find Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, or Sweetie Belle. Or at least Silver Spoon.With a bit less decorum than she first had waltzing through the town, she set out again on her search.

Diamond Tiara was scared. Sitting under a large oak tree in a corner of the park, she struggled to control her breathing. As she desperately trying to avoid hyperventilating, one sentence ran through her head, clear as day.

'They...they all ignored me...'

The day's happenings ran through her head so clearly she wanted to puke. As much as she had been astonished by Twist's casual dismissal of her- her!- she had managed to shake it off as a fluke; a simple result of one of the silly useless dregs of society misunderstanding her place.

What was NOT a fluke was the owner of the jewelry story ignoring her in favor of another mare who had just stepped in.

What was NOT a fluke was the various ponies she'd tried to impress with dazzling movement and grace not even glancing her way.

What was NOT a fluke was no pony even bothering to help her up when she DID trip over some ever-so rude branch that was right in the middle of the pathway- she'd had to get up and do it herself!

And what was most certainly NOT a fluke was, when she'd asked a passing couple of mares just who she was, they responded with sheer uncertainty. EVERPONY should know who she was in this rinkydink...no. With a sigh of near-finality, she slumped down, loathing, depressive, and yet entirely willing to at last face facts.

'They all...must've finally figured it out. How...no, I guess how doesn't matter. Just that they know the truth about me.'

A voice shouted in the distance. “Diamond Tiaraaaa!?” She failed to hear it, such was her state of mind.

'It's not THEM that are useless...it's-'

Suddenly, a rushing of tiny hooves. “DIAMOND TIARA!” Silver Spoon was frantic. “Where have you been!? Di, I've been looking all over for you!” Her breathing was rapid, as if she'd been running more than usual. Judging from her face, she had. Giving her best friend a halfhearted once over, Diamond managed to at least morosely ask about her friend's wellbeing. “Like, what happened to you?”

Silver Spoon gaped. “Me? What happened to you?! Why are you all the way out here? Why are you all plopped down in the dirt? Why are you crying?”

Diamond Tiara blinked once, then reached a hoof to her eyes. Sure enough, there were tears- no doubt they'd come about as part of her realization. They'd no doubt ruin her good looks...and yet, Diamond couldn't find the will to care at the moment. Putting her hoof back down, she sighed again, giving Silver Spoon a defeated look as she spoke.

“They know, Silver,” she moaned.

Silver Spoon blinked once in confusion, then her eyes widened in shock. “No...what happened!” Quickly moving down to her friend's side, she spoke quickly and clearly. “Don't panic, tell me what happened first, THEN I'll tell you if they know.”
As distraught as she was, Diamond found it in her to tell her best friend exactly how her day went-, all the mishaps, the ignoring ponyfolk, the disrespect, and how she had come to find herself at that tree. Oddly enough, however, at the end of her tale, Silver Spoon gave a small 'oh...' and then a sigh of relief.

“What are you sighing for, Silver?” Diamond was confused. “That was like, the worst day I've had in forever!”

Silver nodded. “Yeah, it was a bad day...but I don't think they know, Di. Sounds more like everypony didn't notice you because they were either too ignorant or busy...not because they figured it out...I hope,” she added as an afterthought.

Diamond nodded. “Me too...I'm scared though. We can't let them do that again. Our promise...”

Silver nodded. “I know, Di, I remember. I remember when we both got our cutie marks- it wasn't THAT long ago. I remember when we were so happy...and I remembered when we figured out what they mean...and what that means for us. I remember...I remember how we both cried. How we both wanted to scrub them away, how we both raged at whatever decided to play this sick joke on us just 'cause we're rich. And I remember what we promised. What we swore.”

Diamond Tiara nodded almost automatically, lost in memories. “If they think we're special...they won't realize we...we're...” she choked on her words, unable to go on.

Silver was able to finish, however. “They won't realize...that we're useless. No matter what, we won't let them forget us.” They both found the strength to finish the last part of their creed.

Even if they only remember to hate us.”

Comments ( 12 )

At a quick glance, the grammar and sentence structures seem right on the dot.

YES! DIAMOND TIARA FICS! Interesting enough to. Can;t wait for more!

a bit clumsily presented... but a thought provoking angle on things. It IS rather cruel that someone would be dismissed as useless simply because they were born into a wealthy family.....

Oh wow....this is really wonderfully written and a very fresh and interesting idea. I like Silver Spoon and it's always interesting to see a more-or-less sympathetic presentation of those two and what makes them tick. That last sentence was...actually a little chilling and sad. Well done.

The idea, while refreshing, needs a better execution. Some parts of dialogue didn't go smoothly and you had difficulty separating it from actions.

Overall, it's okay. It needs loads of work, however.


I had this looked over several times, as well as by an English major. Not that I'm adverse to suggestions- that was just there so you can understand when I say "I looked over it pretty well, and can't see anything horribly out of place about it, so I'm going to need examples of what parts could be improved or not beyond just 'it needs to be done better'." I'm open for improving, but since I can't exactly see what's so bad about it, I'm going to need the bad parts to be pointed out. Otherwise, what you have it about what you'll get, sorry.

At last, some Silver Tiara action. I just wish it was a romance.

The story is alright but its lacking in feeling and insight; what I mean is, you were trying to be mysterious about their problem but it just came across, to me at least, as confusing, and there just wasn't much reason for Diamond Tiara to get as upset as she got, you make it look like she's a completely unstable emotional nutcase -it feels very out of character.

Actually, I see a bit of romance there. This was even better with more reading.

It sort of brings up the oddly bad treatment of these two girls. Gilda gets redemption and lots of stories. Trixie gets redemption, a Mane Six shipping and tons of woobie points. But two little girls, just getting by and potentially able to change as they grow get the most horrible hatefics. But this one was beautiful. I wish I could thumb it up more

Poor Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara-no wonder they are so nasty.

Interesting idea! I wonder if they could redeem themselves and become less useless with time? I've heard some alternate interpretations of what those marks could mean.

In any case, thanks for writing! Love to see more DT+SS fics. :twilightsmile:

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