• Published 1st Mar 2012
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Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger - AdmiralTigerclaw

A mission to investigate a far off world takes an interesting twist.

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GSA Email Transcripts Excerpt 1: July 4th and 5th, 2258


FROM: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 4th, 2258

Gentlemen. I need a COMPLETE REPORT concerning all departments involved in the Lone Ranger mission on my desk in 24 hours. I don’t care if it takes you all night. I’ll grant you time off later.

Larry McKinney
Sr. Director
GSA Operations

FROM: Steve
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

Here is the medical and psychological evaluation. After reading the logs, and looking at the evidence, I don’t know WHAT to think. I’m torn both ways really.

Dr. Steven Zepher PHD
GSA Health Services

FROM: Zang Xiaou
TO: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

Here’s the maintenance and cleaning logs. I can’t believe the stuff that manages to get on board an Arrow Freighter. Where does one guy get a blue McCaw’s feather in deep space?

GSA Maintenance

TO: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
Date: July 5th, 2258

Hey Larry, what’s going on?

Dan (The Man) Hawking
Chief Executive Manager
Global Space Agency

FROM: Larry
TO: Dan
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

Take a look at secure file 221 from the Lone Ranger Mission.

Larry McKinney
Sr. Director
GSA Operations

TO: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

Is this some kind of joke? There’s no way this is real.

Dan (The Man) Hawking
Chief Executive Manager
Global Space Agency

FROM: Larry
TO: Dan
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

That’s what I’m trying to verify. We DID put this guy into space on an interstellar mission for eighteen months all by himself.

Larry McKinney
Sr. Director
GSA Operations

FROM: Frank
TO: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

We have yet to complete evaluation of all the data brought back from the mission. And honestly, I can’t tell you when we’ll be able to do so. However, here’s a preliminary report on all the video and audio recordings. The security camera footage alone is incredible. And the audio... I’ll let I.T. tell you about that.

Frank Atkins
Senior Data Analyst
GSA Analysis Dept.

FROM: Bobby Brookshire
TO: Larry
RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

We’ve been double checking system integrity on all the computer equipment and the media files. So far, I can say that everything checks out. The audio is raw data with no synthesis in it. Who or whatever that was speaking was the real deal. We need more time to compile a complete view, but so much data has been accessed in the library that it’s staggering.

GSA Information Technology Department
‘The Future, Yesterday.’

RE: Lone Ranger
DATE: July 5th, 2258

Thanks Larry. Keep me informed. Also, to all departments. Everything you have on Lone Ranger at this point is now Need To Know TOP SECRET. Until we can figure out exactly what we have on our hands here, I don’t want a word about this to the press, to your friends, or to your mothers.

Dan (The Man) Hawking
Chief Executive Manager
Global Space Agency