• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,579 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 3: More to Go

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship’s Turmoil
Chapter 3: More to Go

All Sora could feel was nothingness. Pure darkness was all around him, and though it didn’t consume him, it also didn’t allow him the element of feeling either. Then, he found himself floating, slowly falling towards whatever was waiting for him below. Groggily, he was able to regain movement, and even sight in time; but it was still too dark to make out anything. In a few seconds, he was righted so he would be standing, and landed gently on a solid surface.

On instinct, Sora looked down to see a glass surface, one that was very familiar, yet not. It was mostly purple with circles all along the rim, and a smaller circle - taking the upper-half of the pillar - held seven equal circles inside of it. He had seen those glass pillars, sure, but the design was empty. There wasn’t anything to signify what it represented.

Before Sora could hope to think on it further, a voice spoke in his head. It was empty, like the words were simply appearing in his mind, rather than being spoken. “There is Darkness in Light,” it said, causing a chill to run down Sora’s spine. “And Light in Darkness. There cannot be one without the other.”

Sora looked around the darkness that surrounded him, as if he could find the one that said these words, but to no avail. “Six elements are what oppose the Darkness.” It continued, “Six elements, but one meaning.”

Sora had no idea what the voice could be talking about, but remained silent. He knew there was no point in trying to reply, as he didn’t even know if the voice would respond. “Do the six make up the one, or does the one make up the six? That is for you to find out.”

Sora frowned at the voice’s riddles. They had never made much sense, even when he first found himself here. One of the circles in the smaller circle glowed cyan as an image appeared. Sora walked over to it with curiosity, and the light faded away to reveal Rainbow Dash, wearing a different outfit than what he saw her in.

“Loyalty…” the voice echoed ominously.

What exactly would that mean? Is Rainbow loyal to someone, or is it just her personality? Confused, Sora shook his head, and awaited for something else to happen. Inevitably, another light, this one yellow, glowed in another circle across from Rainbow’s image. Looking over, the image showed Fluttershy, wearing the same outfit Rainbow Dash had on.

“Kindness…” the voice said.

First loyalty, now kindness. Sora couldn’t understand what these meant or what those two girls had to do with it, but felt like it would reveal itself in time. When that would be, he didn’t know. It couldn’t be something bad, he felt confident of that, but he knew that not finding out could lead to dire consequences.

“Find the rest,” the voice said, “And the meaning will become clear.”

“The rest of what?” Sora finally asked, looking up at the nothingness above. He was tired of being left clueless. The voice didn’t reply, nor did he really expect it to, as Sora was left to his thoughts. Did it mean find the other people that filled these circles? And if that was the case, how would he know where to find them? A few seconds later, Sora felt himself sink into the ground. Alarmed, he flailed about, trying to pull himself out as he saw that the entire platform had disappeared, leaving only the darkness that he felt before. As he slowly sank into the abyss, he heard the voice speak again, only this time it was difficult to make out.

“You are the key to the end. How it will end shall lie with you.”

With those words ringing in his ears, Sora sank faster, his efforts to escape becoming futile. Soon, only his hand was left, reaching out for whatever it was worth. To his surprise, he felt a hand grasp his, but when he thought about it, it wasn’t really one hand. It was six hands. With the hands tightly grasping his own, they pulled, and brought him out of the Darkness.


Sora’s eyes shot open, and he instantly sat up in his bed. Though he regretted doing that, as he banged his head against the roof of his bunk. He was back in the Gummi Ship, back in reality, and it was painful. Rubbing his sore head, Sora climbed out of bed, still feeling sleepy as he walked to the cockpit.

“What was that about?” he questioned, shaking his head slowly. Sitting in the pilot’s chair, he gazed outside to the rising sun, his mind drawing a blank from finding a conclusion. What did Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have in common? And why were they referred to as ‘loyalty’ and ‘kindness’? It was a peculiar mystery. Knowing there was no way he was going to find his answers from sitting around, Sora jumped up from the chair and stretched his arms.

“Time for my first day of school,” he reminded himself. He hadn’t been to school in years, and it would be refreshing for him to return after so long. Flipping a switch, the ramp under the Gummi Ship lowered, and Sora ran down it, heading over to the edge of the roof.

Peering down, Sora could see all the students milling about in the front yard of the school, either heading inside or talking with friends. He found it relaxing to stand up there, high above the ground with the sun shining on him. It gave him a sense of belonging, like he had experienced it many times before, even though he hadn’t. It also gave him a craving for sea-salt ice cream.

Focusing back to the ground, Sora saw Fluttershy standing in front of the statue of a horse. She looked to be holding a piece of paper in one hand, with a stack of papers in her other arm. She was conversing with Rainbow Dash, whom he had met the day before, and a white-skinned girl, who had dark purple hair. The girl had on a purple skirt with a very light blue blouse. Fluttershy must have been friends with them.

Turning back to Fluttershy, Sora remembered how he had involuntarily scared her away. “I need to talk to her.” Sora muttered, for he knew it was the right thing to do, even if she didn’t want to see him again.

How Sora would bring up the subject and get her to forgive him would be a challenge, but Sora knew that he could do it. Wanting to get to her quickly, Sora looked directly below him to judge how far he would have to jump. It was only two stories down, and he had fallen from higher places without trouble. Satisfied with his analysis, he took a step back, and leapt off the building.


Fluttershy was having her typical Wednesday morning. As in, she was handing out fliers for the local animal shelter, and she was being ignored. Though she tried valiantly, it was only a repeat of last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. Holding out a flyer was hardly working, but what else could she do?

“Canterlot’s animal shelter needs more volunteers,” she called out rather desperately, “Won’t you help an animal that can’t help itself?”

However, everyone continued on their way, barely giving her a second glance. Sighing, Fluttershy continued waving the flyer in her hand. She promised herself that she would do this every week, and she was sticking to that, even if she felt like she would break down into tears.

With the extra time, Fluttershy thought back to the scene involving Sora and those black creatures. She was really frightened to find them there, disappearing in a black mist every time Sora hit one. Not only that, but the weapon he was using was so bizarre. In truth, she didn’t really know what to think of Sora. Why would he be fighting them? And why did he use a weapon that looks like a key?

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash’s voice exclaimed happily, knocking Fluttershy out of her thoughts as she jumped. When she looked over, she saw Rainbow approach with another of her friends.

“Oh, hello Rainbow, hi Rarity,” she replied with a smile. Rainbow simply waved back, but Rarity looked very relieved and cheerful, practically skipping with joy.

“Handing out fliers again, I see?” Rarity said, sounding like the whole idea was wonderful, and when Fluttershy nodded, she let out a loud, “Marvelous!”

“You sound happy today,” Fluttershy said, glad to see her so relaxed. Because of Rarity’s work, Fluttershy rarely saw her outside of school, and other times, she would be so tired that she could barely utter a word.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Rainbow commented with a smirk, gently elbowing Rarity in the gut. Rarity giggled at the gesture, which was uncommon in that type of situation.

“I most certainly am happy,” Rarity revealed, hugging herself as she explained, “It took me days, but I finally finished the dress I’ve been working on.”

“That’s good,” Fluttershy said, her mind involuntarily going back to Sora again, causing her smile to falter. Rainbow was the first to notice and she frowned with a raised brow.

“You okay, Fluttershy?” she asked, “You look kind of down.”

Rarity was able to snap out of her happy mood to see what Rainbow meant, looking at Fluttershy with concern. Fluttershy felt pressured as she hugged her fliers, unsure on how to respond to the question.

“Y-Yes,” Fluttershy stuttered, but seeing their faces, she quickly added, “Well, I mean, not really.”

“Come on, you can tell us,” Rainbow said reassuringly, giving her a worried look. Fluttershy hadn’t told her friends about the incident with Sora, and she wasn’t really sure why. Probably because she didn’t want to bother them with something she didn’t fully believe herself. Plus, she didn’t know how the best way to describe the scene.

“W-Well,” Fluttershy sighed, searching for the right words to use. “Do you remember the transfer student, Rainbow?”

“Yeah, the spiky-haired guy,” Rainbow recalled, as she crossed her arms with a hint of impatience, “What about him?”

“Transfer student?” Rarity asked, looking between the two, “When did we get a transfer student?”

“Just yesterday,” Rainbow said, looking irritated, “Now, what about this guy?”

“His name is Sora,” Fluttershy kindly reminded, making Rainbow sigh in exasperation.

“Can you just tell us what he did?” Rainbow groaned, sagging her body.

“Um, you see, he sort of-” she started slowly.

“Did this ‘Sora’ hurt you!?” Rarity exclaimed, drawing stares from passing students. Just like Rarity to jump to the worst conclusions.

“N-No,” Fluttershy stammered, suddenly feeling like she was tattling on Sora. He hadn’t done anything wrong, but her friends really wanted to know, otherwise they would pester her until she told them. “He just… scared me.”

Rarity and Rainbow glanced at each other with concern before turning back to Fluttershy, who was staring at the floor pitifully, a few fliers slipping from her grip and onto the ground.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner, darling?” Rarity requested, putting a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“I didn’t know if you would believe me,” she revealed, feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.

Rainbow sidled up to Fluttershy with a genuine smile, wrapping an arm around Fluttershy’s shoulder. “We’re your friends, Fluttershy,” she said, “You can tell us anything!”

Rarity smiled as well, stepping to Fluttershy’s other side to wrap her own arm around her. “Besides,” she added, “after the whole mess with the Twilight and the crown, I think we can handle anything.”

Fluttershy looked up at Rarity, seeing the sincerity on her face, and Rainbow’s was no different. How could she doubt her friends like that? She should have had more faith in them.

“Thanks,” she whispered, feeling glad she had friends like them. She looked to the sky, her mood having lifted considerably, and when her eyes passed over the roof of the school, her smile quickly faded into confusion. “Oh, why is he on the roof?”

Puzzled, Rainbow and Rarity gave her a funny look before seeing what she was talking about, and they saw Sora hanging out on the roof, just standing there. Many other students had stopped in their tracks to stare at him as well, already muttering amongst themselves.

“At least it’s easier to find him,” Rainbow growled, releasing Fluttershy as she took a few steps forward.

“I concur,” Rarity said, also letting Fluttershy go as she stood beside Rainbow. “We shall teach this transfer student not to scare our-”

He had jumped off the roof. The whole courtyard was taken by surprise as they saw him falling to the ground. “What is he doing!?” Rarity shouted, her jaw wide open. Rainbow was just as taken aback, simply standing in shock. Fluttershy was completely speechless, her mind going blank as she watched Sora grow closer and closer to the ground. She couldn’t process why Sora would do such a thing, but turned away, too afraid to see what would happen when he landed.

After a few seconds, she peeked again, and her surprise had doubled ten fold. Sora had stuck the landing, and was running over to them like it was nothing. He had jumped off a two-story building, landed, and simply walked it off. To say that she, or everyone who had seen the stunt, were shocked would be an understatement.


After sticking the landing, like he always did, Sora headed straight for Fluttershy, ignoring the stares he had earned. As he neared her, he tried to think of what exactly to say to her, but was coming up with nothing. He hoped she would accept a simple apology, because that was all he had. Rainbow and the purple-haired girl were gawking at him the entire time, until he had stopped a ways away from them, uncertain if they would want him near them.

Looking over to Fluttershy, he saw her hide her face from him using her hair. He rubbed the back of his head as he waited for the words to pop in his head like he hoped they would. Knowing he had to say something, he opened his mouth to at least say hello, but didn’t have the chance.

“How did you do that?” Rainbow questioned, her eyes wide in disbelief.

Distracted from his objective, Sora turned to her with a raised eyebrow and tilted head. “Uh, do what?” he asked back, not understanding what she meant.

“Jump off the school,” the purple-haired girl explained pointing to the building, which Sora faced to fully comprehend their meaning.

He shrugged, “I always do that.”

“Huh!?” the two exclaimed simultaneously.

Shaking his head at their behavior, Sora turned his focus back to Fluttershy, who still hadn’t looked at him since he had arrived. “Fluttershy,” Sora started with a guilty frown, making Fluttershy take a quick glance at him before hiding again.

Rainbow and the purple-haired girl were quickly knocked out of their stunned demeanor and furrowed their brows at him. They stood between Sora and Fluttershy like a wall, as they bore down on him like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. “How dare you come see Fluttershy again, you ruffian!” the purple-haired girl shouted, making Sora jump back. He didn’t think he scared her that bad, but maybe he had frightened her more than he had thought.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” he tried to explain, waving his arms in front of himself.

“Right,” Rainbow drawled with a roll of her eyes, crossing her arms. Sora sighed, his shoulders slumping. He didn’t think apologizing would be this hard.

“You… want to say you're sorry?” Fluttershy said quietly, earning a look from Rainbow and Rarity.

Sora gave a friendly smile, “Yeah. I mean, I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“I guess not,” Fluttershy admitted, blushing slightly at Sora’s kindness. It’s like he cared about everyone he met, even if he hadn’t truly met them yet. “Thank you, Sora.”

Sora sighed, glad to have that off his chest, and nodded at her. Rainbow looked between the two as Rarity looked Sora over, studying his outfit.

“What exactly did he do to scare you anyway?” Rainbow asked at last, making Sora suddenly nervous. He didn’t want to force Fluttershy to lie to her friends, but he didn’t want too many people knowing about everything that had happened. Fluttershy was evidently indecisive herself, as she backed away from the tension.

“Um, he… he just…” she said weakly, trying to stall for whatever it was worth, but knew deep down that there would be no way out of an explanation.

It was at that moment, that the three heard someone yell, “Get out of my way!”

When they looked over, they saw Sunset Shimmer shove her way past the other students, and a few jumped out of the way in freight. Rarity scoffed at her attitude and looked the other way, obviously unhappy with the way Sunset treated others. As Sora watched her move away from them towards the entrance of the school, he found himself asking, “What’s her problem?”

“The question is,” Rainbow corrected with a huff, “What isn’t her problem.”

“She was always so mean before Twilight Sparkle came,” the purple-haired girl elaborated, “Practically ruling the school, come to think of it.”

“So, what exactly did Twilight do?” Sora asked, becoming interested in the tale.

“She brought everyone together,” Rainbow said, a huge grin on her face. “It was awesome! Especially when she used magic to take down Sunset when she became a monster!”

That got Sora’s attention, as he leaned forward with a concerning face. “Monster!?” he blurted, before crossing his arms while facing the ground, thinking over what he had learned. Cadence had told him that a monster had appeared during a dance. Perhaps they were one and the same. Facing forward, Sora was startled to see the purple haired girl right next to him, examining his clothes critically.

“What are you doing?” Sora asked with a chuckle, finding it a bit amusing to find her so attentive to his outfit.

The purple-haired girl jerked up slightly from being addressed, and slowly looked up towards Sora’s bemused expression. With a slight blush, she jumped back with an embarrassed smile. “N-Nothing at all, darling,” she laughed nervously, facing away from him.

“What’s your name anyway?” Sora asked, suddenly feeling rude for not asking earlier.

The purple-haired girl turned back to him with a gasp, “We haven’t been properly introduced! Oh, please excuse me for that, but I am Rarity.”

“It’s alright,” Sora waved off, “We can call it even for chewing me out. Oh, and I’m Sora.”

Rarity giggled, “Splendid.”

“Anyway,” Sora chuckled, before turning serious, “Someone told me that a monster attacked the dance. Was Sunset that monster?”

“Yep,” Rainbow answered with a sigh, “She nearly destroyed us too, if it wasn’t for those-”

The bell suddenly rang, alarming everyone that classes were to begin soon. As the students in the front yard began to file into the building, the four blinked in surprise. Time had passed faster than they had thought.

“Oh, man, I can’t be late for Algebra again!” Rainbow shouted, sprinting for the school as the other three watched. “I’ll catch you guys later!”

Rarity brushed her skirt, “I guess Fluttershy and I should be off for Chemistry.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, quickly collecting the pieces of paper that had fallen. Sora remembered he had his own class to get to, but for the life of him, couldn’t recall where it was.

“Will we see you soon, Sora?” Fluttershy asked sweetly, smiling. Sora had made a good impression on her, even though he had made messed up.

“Yeah, of course,” Sora answered with a firm nod, knowing he would keep his promise. “But… do you know where Miss Cheerilee’s room is?”

“Oh, that was where Rainbow was headed off to,” Rarity said, already heading out herself. “You should ask her before it’s too late.”

“Thanks,” Sora said, running for the school. Fluttershy and Rarity walked with each other towards the entrance, catching the last glimpse of Sora as he swung open the doors and went inside.


As Fluttershy and Rarity entered, they both talked briefly about the exchange with Sora.

“He certainly is different from everyone else I met,” Rarity commented, looking over to Fluttershy, who simply nodded. “So childish, yet responsible! How did you two meet?”

“He helped me with my detention,” Fluttershy answered, playing with the flyers in her hands.

“Really?” Rarity said in mild disbelief, gazing out in a daydream. “How noble! And his clothing is so elegant and stylish; It fits him perfectly!”

As Rarity continued saying remarkable things about Sora, Fluttershy thought back to how Sora had apologized to her. He had seeked her out, even jumping off a building, just to say he was sorry. How he went through such lengths to help out someone he had barely known was truly fantastic. With a small smile, she hoped she would run into him again soon.


Sunset Shimmer was aggravated to no end. It wasn’t really from something that happened to her that morning, as she was actually having a normal day, but it was the gossip she heard when she got to school. Gossip about a certain spiky-haired boy.

As she stormed through the hallways, Sunset let her mind wonder how that boy was getting so well-known so fast. After the incident at the Fall Formal, she had to lie to get Twilight Sparkle off her back, pretending like she wanted to make friends. She still couldn’t believe how oblivious Twilight and her friends were that she had ‘reformed’ so quickly. And when Twilight left back to Equestria, the pony world, she instantly went back to her old habits, wanting to rebuild her status that the princess had destroyed in only three days.

It was a slow process, as the students hadn’t forgotten what Sunset had done at the dance. But over the last few weeks, she had reminded them why she was in charge of the school to begin with. Blackmail worked wonders. Even though the Twilight of this world enrolled in this school, Sunset knew she was no threat, and she was basically unopposed. However, with the arrival of that boy, everything she had been working on was crumbling as the students only talked about him. Sure, it may just start off with a small rumor of him jumping off a building, one that she doubted happened, but eventually he would become more famous, and knock her off her pedestal.

As she stopped at her locker to collect her things for her next class, she heard someone running down the hallway. Turning her head, she saw the same boy run past her without a glance at her, intent on going where he needed to get to. Just seeing him go by made Sunset grow even angrier. She would have to put that boy in his place, show him who the real talk of the school was.

“You are going to wish you never came to this school,” Sunset sneered, a grin appearing on her face as she slammed her locker shut. She was already coming up with a plan, and in time, she would implement it.


Gasping for breath, Lea put his hands on his knees as he desperately tried to regain his breath. He never imagined being a keyblader would be so much work. Of course, it was much harder for him than Kairi, as he was so used to wielding his Chakrams. Using a keyblade was so different: the fighting style, the magic, everything. It had taken its toll on him.

“Come on, Lea,” Kairi called out from the other side of the yard in front of an abandoned mansion, holding her keyblade, Destiny’s Embrace. “You can’t be tired already!”

Lea couldn’t help but chuckle at her behaviour. She had been so dedicated to her training that she probably ignored the fatigue over all. She wanted to be at her friends’ sides in battle by the time she was done.

Taking a deep breath, Lea said back, “Why don’t we take a break. I could use one after all the beating I’ve been taking.”

Kairi giggled and nodded, making Lea instantly fall into a sitting position with a sigh of relief, resting against his hands as he leaned back. Walking over to him, Kairi sat beside him as Lea observed his surroundings. He was still a bit surprised that the King would hold their training in Twilight Town. It felt so long ago when he was last here. It reminded him so much of his best friend, Roxas, and the times they had shared together.

“Hey, Lea,” Kairi said, gaining his attention as he turned to her, “You never told me why you're still wearing that black coat. Couldn’t you get something else to wear?”

Looking at himself, Lea certainly did have the same black coat he had been wearing for the longest time. “Well, yeah, I could if I wanted to,” Lea answered, with a smile, looking back at the sky. “But I make this look good. And it’s quite comfortable.” He faced Kairi, tapping the side of his head, “Got it memorized?”

Kairi nodded, her smile growing at Lea’s catchphrase. She herself looked up at the sky with Lea, her mind drifting off to other things. “I wonder how Sora’s doing,” she commented out of nowhere, making Lea look at her strangely.

“Why suddenly bring that up?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just thinking out loud,” she replied, and Lea rubbed his chin in thought.

“Well,” he started, sticking a finger in air matter-of-factly. “He’s probably making more friends. Knowing him, he’ll probably have twice as many as he had before.”

“But he won’t forget us,” Kairi said her smile never wavering, “Right?”

“Yeah,” Lea said, punching the palm of his hand, “Or else he’s going to have to answer to me.”

Kairi laughed at his joke, just as King Mickey came through the woods over to them, holding something behind his back. Seeing his return, Kairi stood up and met him halfway, while Lea remained where he sat, looking over nonchalantly.

“I see ya two are taking a break, huh?” King Mickey said, looking over to Lea, who gave an idle wave to him.

Kairi put her hands on her hips as she turned towards Lea, “Only because Lea begged for one.”

“Hey!” Lea exclaimed with a smile, pointing a finger at her. “If I wasn’t so new to this keyblade, I wouldn’t be half as tired.”

Kairi rolled her eyes as King Mickey smiled warmly. “Well,” he started, standing on his toes, “It’s a good thing I brought these then.”

As Lea and Kairi gave him confused expressions, King Mickey showed them what he was hiding behind his back: three bars of sea-salt ice cream. The sight made Lea give a bark of excitement as he jumped to his feet and walked over to him. King Mickey handed one to Kairi and Lea, keeping one for himself, and the three simultaneously licked the ice cream.

“It’s salty…” Kairi said, giving the ice cream an odd look.

“But sweet,” Lea finished, licking it again before realizing something. “Oh, this is the first time you’ve eaten sea-salt ice cream, isn’t it?”

When Kairi nodded, Lea gave a quick chuckle, “Well, just don’t eat it too fast, and enjoy it while it lasts.”

As the three ate their ice cream contently, they each gave the same thought of how delicious it was. As Kairi glanced up, she caught sight of a cluster of gold dust heading straight for them. “Hey, what’s that?” she asked the group, pointing directly towards it.

Though Lea had no clue, King Mickey knew exactly what it was. “That’s Master Yen Sid’s magic!” he said as the gold dust neared the ground a few meters away from where they stood. The dust swirled amongst each other and two figures fell out of it, one landing right on top of the other

“Donald! Goofy!” King Mickey exclaimed happily.

It truly was Sora’s companions, Donald and Goofy, though they didn’t look nearly as heroic while Goofy was sitting on Donald. Goofy looked up from his position and smiled broadly. “Hello, your majesty!” he said, and looked over to Lea and Kairi, “Oh, and hello to you too, Lea and Kairi.”

Lea and Kairi held back their laughter as they waved at him, and Goofy returned the wave. Donald, on the other hand, was still on the ground with Goofy right on top of him, drumming his fingers on the ground irritably.

“Get off me, you big palooka!” Donald shouted, making Goofy look down on where he landed. As soon as he noticed Donald, he instantly got off, though a bit sluggishly.

“Oh, Sorry Donald,” Goofy apologized, scratching the back of his head, “I didn’t know you were there!”

Donald grumbled to himself as he pushed himself to his feet, wiping the dirt off of his sleeves. Lea had missed these two considerably, as they were not only courageous, but also funny to be around. “What brings you guys here?” he asked, causing the Donald and Goofy to face him, with a look of worry, as Donald crossed his arms and Goofy played with his hands. That made Lea a bit nervous, seeing as they were hardly ever like that.

“Master Yen Sid sent us,” Goofy explained, “He has an important mission for you guys.”

“A mission, huh?” Lea said with a shake of his head and a grin, crossing his arms, “Where would you guys be without us?”

Author's Note:

Here's a question: what would you guys want to see in this story? I'm searching for some good things to implement, since I'm starting to draw a few blanks.