• Member Since 28th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 31st


Worldbuilding is my passion, and if those worlds involve small pastel equines, all the better. Updates and new chapters posted on the 15th of the month.


Note on Introduction, Note on Elder Age, and Prologue in description below. Please read before diving in.
[Warning: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own risk.]

In a time long before Equestria was discovered, the Alicorn Empire ruled the region known only as the Northlands. Life was good, until the Alicorn Empire broke apart, and pony turned against pony. In this volatile time, the unicorn Sapphire must learn to survive in the territory of Horizon and beyond, and discover her true potential. For a storm is coming, carried by dragon wings, that threatens to wipe out ponykind’s way of life. The Equine Scrolls: SkyFiM, explores a long-forgotten land much like Tamriel from the Elder Scrolls in a time period similar to the time of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Only this time, in this world, the stakes are much greater.

Book 1
Act I: An Unfamiliar Land (Chapters 1-9)
Act II: A Hero's Call (Chapters 10-20)
Act III: Saving Steadfast (Chapters 21-26)
Act IV: The Search For Power (Chapters 27-32)
Act V: To End a Dragon (Chapters 33-45)
Book 2
Act VI: Elements of Legend (Chapters 46-54)
Act VII: War That Brings Peace (Chapters 55-69)
Act VIII: Child of Darkness (Chapters 70- 79)
Act IX: To Make an End (Chapters 80 - 87)

Map of the Northlands
Map of Northlands (with all markers)


Note on "pre-Chapters": The story itself begins in the Prologue, though reading it is not necessary to understand the story; it just provides the events immediately before the main storyline. The Introduction is a brief description of the world the story is set in and the main events that shaped it. For a more thorough description of the Northlands and its culture consult the Note on the Elder Age. It is not a required read to understand the story, but it explains the religion, governments, and cultures of the different pony factions at the time, as well as the differences in the acquisition of cutie-marks in more detail.

Chapters (93)
Comments ( 247 )

Sounds very intriguing. I will keep an eye on this one.

Awesome. I love this story. Write moar please.

Thanks so much! Actually, I'm working on Chapter 29 right now, just waiting for my proofreader to get through the backlog of chapters. But, never fear, I still intend to release at least one new chapter a week regardless.

4019027 chapter 29?!?!
(insert Fluttershy squee sound)

I shall wait patiently and with bated breath.

and much pent up excitement.
I like how you have included level ups and quests. Different, new, and quite refreshing.

Happy Writing!

will Sapphire get Meridia's (Mareidia??) Dawnbreaker sword daedra artifact?

will she get a house Carl or other follower (specifically a ponified Goldir)?

the minotaurs = dwemer (dwarves) right?

And are you a die hard Skyrim fan like me?

Wow, ok I'll try to answer the questions as best as possible while avoiding spoilers.

First: I didn't have any concrete plans regarding Dawnbreaker when I started, but after seeing that quest I was definitely looking for a way to incorporate something similar. Her primary weapon right now is of course Calcion's Cleaver, but it won't be around forever and it seems like a draconequus (daedric) weapon of some kind would be a perfect replacement. Thanks for the idea. And also good job at guessing Meridia's ponified name.

Second: I don't plan for her to have a housecarl of any sort, however she will gain a follower or two gradually from various places over time.

Third: Yes, the minotaurs are the dwarven equivalent, though they'll play a larger part in SkyFiM than in Skyrim.
**Insert evil laugh**

Fourth: Yes, I am definitely a diehard Skyrim fan as well. It is easily still my favorite game to this day. Nice to see someone else who shares my enthusiasm.

Skyrim is the ONLY console game I play, and the only computer games I play are in-browser games (Adventure Quest and MLP games on Equestria Gaming arcade) that are just time killers until I can get on my Xbox 360.

Okay, Skyrim questions:

What's your favorite race(s)?
mine are argonian, Breton and orc.

what's your preferred combat style?
mine is sneaky with bow (cuz its OP) and berserk tank dual wielding Dawn and Molag.

what's your favorite weapon(s)?
are Dawnbreaker and Mace of Molag Bal (found in Markarth by doing quest called "House of Horrors" or something like that)

favorite follower?
Mine is Goldir (find him in hilgrund's tomb on the way to greybeards)

have you done the dark brotherhood questline? And if so, do you agree that it has some of the most creepy things you can do in the game?

Also, I love how you're portraying Sapphire.
I hope you update soon.

Happy Writing!

(PS. Nice cover art. Good drawing. Maybe add color? I'd make a copy of the original and color the copy so that if you mess up you still have an unmarred original.)

Oh lolz. I'm sorry. I'm probably overwhelming you with gushing fan interrogative inquiries into your Skyrimming. Let me know if I'm coming off as... Idk... Overbearing (???). That's nit exactly what i was looking for, but its 8:45pm and I work graveyard shift at UPS and got three hours of sleep last night, and I go to work at midnight tomorrow *yawn*... I'm gonna call it a nifht furrr nyooowwbg...nrhh...hbdcxbjc. Fcfj ,fnvcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

huh. Oh sjit I fell asleep.....nyfdhccccccbvxxcbnnnnnnnnnnn

That's perfectly understandable, but it's the weekend, so I've really got nothing better to be doing right now. And I don't mind answering any questions you have, in fact I was kind of hoping someone would comment (as you may have picked up from my author's notes).

So, first off I'd like to say that Skyrim by far gets the most use on my Xbox. I finally broke down a few weeks ago and bought the Legendary Edition so that's been keeping me pretty busy. Other than that, I really enjoy Fallout (Bethesda, what can I say) as well as Bioshock Infinite and Portal 2. On the computer most of my time playing games is also just in-browser stuff to pass the time. Probably the only big game I play on my computer is Civilization V, and I haven't done that it . . . we'll just say a long time.

For Skyrim, my favorite races are Argonians, then Khajiits. I dunno, the beast races appeal to me somewhat, maybe because they have a unique look, also the Argonians' Histskin ability has saved my life more than once and with my Khajiit a brawl is over after about 2 hits.

My combat style varies somewhat among my different characters, though I definitely had the most fun dual-wielding. I also tend to sneak around with my bow and try to take out enemies before it comes to a straight-up fight so archery's pretty important to me too.

I don't really have a favorite weapon, per se, usually I just use whatever I find that's the best. Even with some of the daedric artifacts, somehow I'd have managed to find and improve something to a better condition before I found it. I just recently started the House of Horrors and I'm really looking forward to getting that mace, if just for show. Unfortunately, my current character is mostly based around two-handed, but it's not too late to change specification at level 32, right? Also Wabbajack, because . . . Wabbajack.

My favorite follower was probably Esbern for the brief time I had him during the Main Questline, simply because he'd always summon an atronach to help and I could never find a tome that would allow me to do that. With Dawnguard now, I'm liking Serana alot, though I haven't had a whole lot of time with her. Also, I always lose Lydia, especially after I give her the (second) best set of armor I can find and then have her carry a couple dozen dragon bones. Right now I've got Uthgerd the Unbroken and she's lasted surprisingly long, so we'll see how much longer it lasts.

The cover art. Yeah, it's just a pencil sketch now, but I've been working on modifying the original (on my computer) and hope to have a color version out by the end of the week (depending on classwork). Also, I think I may have mentioned in a blog post that I intend to release updated cover art periodically to match the current state of the story (As in, expect to see sketches of new companions as they are introduced). I already have the final art nearly finished, but I'll hold off on posting it until the entire mane cast is introduced. And thanks, I'm glad you liked my work. If you haven't already, check out the map of the Northlands here. Fun Fact: I actually drew the map before I had any solid ideas for the story, I just knew there was so much I could do with the material.

Well, it seems like I'm rambling now. It's 11:30 here so I better sign off. Catch you later!

P.S. Most likely I'll be able to have Chapter 10 out on Friday, though I may give my proofreader a nudge to get it done a little sooner. No promises, though.

5am right now (hey, Working at UPS means I get paid to be an early bird. During the winter holiday season, I'd have to go to work at 10pm and work until 8 or 9am. Normally I work from 2am to 8am).
Have you heard of Panzer Dragoon Orta, or Crimson Dragon?

4022931 also, what is the cutie mark on your profile picture?
also also, I am attempting (emphasis on attempting) to color in the story cover art using windows paint on my windows surface rt tablet. So far, its looking pretty dawn awe-

(you thought I was gonna say awesome. Right? But seriously, it's very difficult to color in a jpeg of a pencil drawing.but the funny thing is, I actually started doing the coloring BETTER when I stopped trying. Wierd, huh?)
[fluttershy and Luna are best pony in my not-so-humble opinion]

I think I want try doing a reading of your story and post it on YouTube. Would you mind it if I did?
Also, if you added Cicero, I would definitely attempt to do a good voice acting. I can do a pretty good impersonation of Cicero. (speaking to myself "you know why that is, right Waffle? Its because you're completely out of you mind!")

What? Huh? I'm not crazy (or am I?) hehehe...mwehaha. Muwahahahahaaaa!!
Ahem. Sorry about that. I may be up for three hours, but it's still only 5:30 and only 4 hours of sleep. I'm good though.
Lolz. I think I'm funnier than I really am.

I just realized that I am spamming this comment section with comments. Let me know if I should just edit one comment, so that .... I kinda forgot where I was going with that. Hm. Oh well.

Alright, question answering time!
First, yes I've heard of Panzer Dragoon and Crimson Dragon, though never actually played them.
The cutie-mark in my profile picture? It's a Windows cursor with the spinning wheel of death. I'm sure it'll make much more sense when it's colored in.
I'm also working on coloring the cover art using Windows paint, and so far it's going "alright", though I did the same thing for my old profile picture and it ended up looking a little low quality. If you know anyone who can make digital art in the same style as the show, it'd be great if you could point me their way.
Flutters and Luna are definitely also my favorites, though Discord is best pony. :facehoof:
Also, yeah it'd be fine with me if you wanted to do a reading of my story on youtube. If you're willing to put in the time I won't stop you.
A question I guess I never answered last night was, yes I've played through the Dark Brotherhood questline, and that was just creepy. What's best, the game froze while trapped in the Night Mother's coffin. Two glowing eyes in a corpse starting at you through your TV at midnight is creepy enough to drive anyone insane. I understand Cicero now.
Speaking of Cicero, I don't currently have plans for him, his role(s) have been somewhat replaced by Shadowmere . . .
That's right, Shadowmere's a character. So, that's a thing. Don't be discouraged though, I plan on working plenty of interesting (and insane) characters into the story so you'll have plenty to work with.
Also, I guess we are kind of spamming the comments, so if you want to send me anything in the future that isn't a comment on the story, feel free to private message me and I'll get back to you as quick as I can.
P.S. The Dark Brotherhood was easily the creepiest quest I'd done until I got the Legendary edition. Molag Bol is basically Cthulhu, so I'll leave things up to your imagination.

Out of all the places I’d been to in my brief stint in Horizon, this was the only one that really felt I could call home.

Should be ... this was the only one that I really felt I could call home.

I definitely like Whiterun too. The first time I visited it I was just completely in awe. However, though it does have the feel of a place I would like to live, I'd have to say Solitude is probably my favorite city. Also, I get really frustrated with some of the NPC's in Whiterun and usually end up killing off most of the town. :pinkiecrazy:

Running around it, I found her much closer than I expected him to be.

The bandit leader had a Scroll of the Transgender? Lol.

Out of all the places I’d been to in my brief stint in Horizon, this was the only one that really felt I could call home

Should be:
... this was the only one that I really felt I could call home.

Also, the level up/quest update at the end was a bit too fine print. I'd almost be afraid to sign this for fear of selling my soul. Luckily, I don't need to worry about that. (I already won a fiddle duel with the devil and gave him my soul).

Those are the only mistakes I saw. Keep up the good exquisite work.
Happy Writing!
~Wubs and Waffles

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Nice catch there, I appreciate the help.
Also, scroll of transgender :rainbowlaugh: Good one!

On the footnotes, I admit they are kind of tiny. They seem much easier to read in Word. I bumped the size up from 10 to 11. How's that?

Ok, looks like the default size for Fimfiction isn't 12 like I thought, so I bumped up the footnote size again to 12.

Also, if you won the fiddle duel didn't you get the golden fiddle and get to keep your soul?:rainbowderp:

4050255 No, I wanted to change things up, you know? Go my own way, take the road less taken. (reference to Robert Frost's "Road Not Taken")

4050227 You're welcome for the spell check/continuity check and the lolz.

4049981 I had a vampire assassin thief arch-mage companion Imperial named Catharsis. She also happened to be a psychopath.
I was in Whiterun once, and one of the Jarl's kids insulted Catharsis. She snapped and went on a killing spree. The only NPCs left alive were quest NPC's.
So much red. Red makes the buzzing stop.

Lol, ( not insane. I was just role playing, in case you were starting to worry).

The Jarl's kids are the worst! Too bad you're unable to kill children . . . :pinkiecrazy:
That . . . sounded better in my head.
Anyway, I've gone on plenty of rampages in Whiterun, but being the hub of Skyrim, you're forced to go back there an awful lot. With my current character I took the stealthy approach. I must've killed off half the town and I have 0 bounty. Basically, anyone who annoys me, I hide, shoot an arrow into their head, and then stay hidden while my follower finishes them off if they're not dead already. It's not a crime if you're not caught!

I tried killing off Markarth and Windhelm (my two least favorite cities) but I must not have done enough quests in them because it seems like every NPC is a quest NPC. (sigh) :ajsleepy:

I think it would be pretty hilarious if someone (preferably you) did a follow up on that Ivarsteed guard's statement that the town couldn't defend itself from bunnies unless every haurd was present and ready.
Have the town attacked by a ravenous horde of Discord's "daddy long leg" rabbits, and have Sapphire help defend the town from certain doom.

Happy Writing!

Glad you enjoy it. This past week's been a bit busy, but I hope to have another chapter out by this coming weekend, just FYI.

Good Chapter cant wait for more

More killing:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks. This was really a "building chapter" to introduce the Greymanes and set things up for the next chapter with Hoovestengrav, where you can be assured many Draugr will be slain.

If only there were quests like the one to save Serendipity in the game, it would make the game so much better than it already is! Great story so far, I'm really loving it!

This was amazing! Loved the fight against the Draugr Overlord. Your story makes me want to play Skyrim and hope that the fights are half as epic as this was! Keep it up!

Another amazing fight, this time against a dragon! Maybe I should have you write all my fights in my stories! Why aren't the fights in Skyrim like that!?

Thanks! I try to make the fights in this story as epic and descriptive as possible because (to be honest) some of the fights in Skyrim can be a bit lacking. Who wants to read something like: swing, block, swing, block, swing, block, heal, repeat?

Anyway, I see you're making your way through the chapters and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story just as much! Also, thanks for the encouragement!


A wonderful story! I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of this. You take the main storyline and add so much more to it! You flesh it out in a way that makes it make sense and flow smoothly. Had I not played the game and beaten the main questline I would not even be able to tell that you've changed anything. This deserves more than the fav and like I can give it!

Thanks so much! :yay:
Your support really means a lot. I've really worked a lot into this story and planned out the whole thing from start to finish, and it looks like at my current pace it's going to end up being around 75 chapters. (Yikes!) So yeah, there's still a long way to go and a lot of places I intend to go with it. Be prepared to be surprised. :facehoof:
I also try to get out a chapter every week so look forward to one (hopefully) on Monday.
Happy reading!

Comment posted by Wolf Wytch deleted Apr 14th, 2014

Yay! Now Sapphire can send her enemies through walls, instead of just into them.
And I'm happy you're back, too.

I found these typos, I hope you don't mind my tendency to be a Spelling Nazi (I swear to Luna, if I ever find who started that meme...)

And if you ever with to join the Guild, we would be more than happy to accept you.”

with should be wish, unless Vesper has a slight lisp.

And my quest with have to start with the Companions.

with should be will, I think.

Thanks. It's great to be back. And, you won't have to wait long for another chapter. Another one should be out by the end of the day tomorrow at the latest.

I'm glad you didn't make Sapphire's follower as counterproductive as they are in the game.

Happy Writing!

When Sapphire was falling, she found herself wrapped in the golden glow of her magic. Doesn't she have cyan magic? :rainbowhuh:

True, in my cover art she does. When coloring it in, I must've decided to change the color of her magic and forgot to change where it was mentioned in the story. Thanks for the catch.

Good chapter, cant wait for more.

i have a question, what build are you using for Sapphire? as of this point, you have two upgrades in Health and one in Stamina...and you seem to be focusing on the One Handed and possibly Light Armour Skill Constellation...

I have no specific "build" in mind, though the way she's turning out so far is a specialty in light weapons (equivalent to one-handed because, no hands). There's also a minor focus in magic, due to her race's advantage (unicorn). For armor, there's a bit of a split between light and heavy, depending on the situation, more on that when she gets a few new sets. Really so far I'm just putting focus in the skills I think suit her best. I guess if anything she'd be considered a spellsword as an archetype, with a pretty even distribution in health, stamina, and magicka.
Hope this helps!

good chapter, glade to see some blackwings get there flanks kicked.

Just a head's up, I plan to give the Blackwings a larger part in this than the Thalmor had in Skyrim. With only a few quests to go on to thwart them, I was left wanting more. I mean, they're supposed to be agents of an evil empire, I expected them to have a bigger part.
Hopefully when the next (single-player) Elder Scrolls comes out, they'll get more into the whole Aldmeri Dominion/Empire struggle.


I agree, I wanted to kill some more of those Elves.

Anyway cant wait to for more, this is the best Elder
Scrolls cross over that I have read.

An interesting chapter, I had totally forgot about the Dawnstar incident, good to know that Sapphire's past will come back and haunt her.

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